Rhino C++ API  8.17
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NRhRdkForward declaration for CRhinoDisplayPipeline::RealtimeDisplayMode
 C__POSITIONAbstract iteration position
 CCArgsRhinoGetCircleInput to the RhinoGetCircle()
 CCArgsRhinoGetPlaneInput to the RhinoGetPlane() and RhinoGetRectangle() functions
 CCArgsRhinoGetPolygonSDK header stuff
 CCArgsRhinoMatchCArgsRhinoMatch is obsolete
 CCLinesDescriptorLines helper class used to describe and draw large chunks of lines
 CCRhinoAnnotationSettingsCRhinoAnnotationSettings class Note: Dimscale is now part of the DimStyles class and this class property is obsolete. Also, much of the CRhinoAnnotationSettings class has been replaced with CRhinoAnnotationSettingsEx
 CCRhinoCommandEvery command is Rhino is defined by a class derived from CRhinoCommand
 CCRhinoDimStyleCRhinoDimStyle class
 CCRhinoDimStyleComboBoxCRhinoDimStyleComboBox window
 CCRhinoDrawCommonAttributesLocation for new V6 public SDK display
 CCRhinoFileUtilitiesFile IO helpers
 CCRhinoGetDimAngularClass to interactively get user input for angular dimensions
 CCRhinoGetDimLinearClass to interactively get user input for linear dimensions
 CCRhinoGetDimOrdinateClass to interactively get user input for radial dimensions
 CCRhinoGetDimRadialClass to interactively get user input for radial dimensions
 CCRhinoHatchPatternCRhinoHatchPattern class
 CCRhinoHatchPatternTableCRhinoHatchPatternTable class - A list of Hatch Pattern definitions
 CCRhinoInferredCurve9-17-03 LW added in conjunction with inferred curve osnap testing
 CCRhinoInstanceObjectIteratorCRhinoInstanceObjectIterator is used to iterate all instance definition geometry referenced by a CRhinoInstanceObject. Any nested instance definition geometry that is referenced multiple times is returned only once. It safely iterates nested instance definitions in a way that protects against infinite looping when damaged models contain circular nested references. It iterates in a way so that it will not crash if the document is modified or deleted between calls to NextObject()
 CCRhinoLayerComboBoxCRhinoLayerComboBox window
 CCRhinoMeshBooleanOptionsContains additional information about mesh booleans. This class can have more methods added
 CCRhinoObjectBase class for all runtime Rhino objects
 CCRhinoObjectColorComboBoxCRhinoObjectColorComboBox window
 CCRhinoPlotColorComboBoxCRhinoPlotColorComboBox window
 CCRhinoSporphSpaceMorphFlow along surface morph
 CCRhinoSurfaceFilletNew interactive attempt at FilletSrf
 CCRhinoTaperSpaceMorphTaper morph
 CCRhinoTwistSpaceMorphTwist morph
 CCRhinoUiDialogCRhinoUiDialog dialog
 CCRhinoUiDirDialogCRhinoUiDirDialog dialog
 CCRhinoUiDockBarDialogCRhinoUiDockBarDialog dialog
 CCRhinoUiPaintColorSettingsColors for the general windows user interface elements
 CCRhinoUiTabCtrlPageCRhinoUiTabCtrlPage dialog
 CCRhinoUndoEventHandlerUse CRhinoUndoEventHandlerEx instead
 CIDockBarEventWatcherInterface class for forwarding dockbar events
 CIRhinoMeshExtruderInterface to preview and perform mesh extrusions
 CIRhinoSdkRenderFrameEx2Alpha support added when saving rendered image
 CIRhinoSdkRenderFrameEx3Added support for picking
 CITabbedDockBarEventWatcherExtension interface for forwarding tabbed dockbar events
 CONOpenNurbs enums
 CON_3dSimplexA Simplex in 3d
 CON_4dexQuadruplet of integer indices
 CON_Big5CodePointON_Big5CodePoint is a tool to use when working with BIG5 encoded strings
 CON_BinaryArchive< use for generic serialization of binary data
 CON_CIXEventCurve/ImplicitFunction intersection event
 CON_ClassIdUsed for runtime class identification
 CON_CurvePairParametric/space curve pair used in surface intersections
 CON_FontAn ON_Font is a face in a font family. It corresponds to a Windows LOGFONT, a .NET System.Drawing.Font or a FreeType FT_Face
 CON_LeaderON_Leader class
 CON_LinetypeClass ON_Linetype
 CON_LinetypeSegmentClass ON_LinetypeSegment
 CON_LocalZero1Find a local zero of a 1 parameter function
 CON_MeshIntersectionCacheProvides a mechanism for lazily evaluating mesh data. The implementation is private and subject to change
 CON_MeshIntersectionOptionsProvides a mechanism for lazily evaluating mesh data
 CON_ModelComponentReferenceON_ModelComponentReference is a persistent reference to a model component. ON_ModelComponentReference and ON_ModelComponentWeakReference are based on like std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr
 CON_ModelComponentWeakReferenceON_ModelComponentWeakReference is a weak shared reference to a model component. ON_ModelComponentReference and ON_ModelComponentWeakReference are based on like std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr
 CON_NumberFormatterON_Table class
 CON_PostEffectClass ON_PostEffect represents a single post effect
 CON_PostEffectParamsClass ON_PostEffectParams represents a collection of arbitrary post effect parameters
 CON_PostEffectsClass ON_PostEffects represents a collection of post effects
 CON_RdkDocumentDefaultsThis class is for internal RDK use only
 CON_RevSurfaceSurface of revolution
 CON_RTreePolylineContextPasses data about the polyline being intersected
 CON_SectionStyleClass ON_SectionStyle
 CON_SIXEventSurface/ImplicitFunction Intersection event
 CON_StringA char string. Any multibyte encoding can be used. If the encoding is unknown, assume it is UTF-8
 CON_SubD_ComponentIdTypeAndTagSimple arrays of ON_SubD_ComponentIdTypeAndTag elements are used to save original tag values so the can be retrieved after complex editing operations
 CON_SubDEdgeSharpnessON_SubDHash provides a simple way to save a SubD's vertex, edge, and face SHA1 hashes. Typically it is used when a calculation needs to know if the current SubD has is geometrically identical to a previous SubD. When speed is not important, comparing the current value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() to a previously save value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() is functionally identical but typically much slower when the SubDs are different
 CON_SubDFaceCornerDexA ON_SubDFaceCornerDex is a value that identifies a subd face corner
 CON_SubDHashON_SubDHash provides a simple way to save a SubD's vertex, edge, and face SHA1 hashes. Typically it is used when a calculation needs to know if the current SubD has is geometrically identical to a previous SubD. When speed is not important, comparing the current value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() to a previously save value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() is functionally identical but typically much slower when the SubDs are different
 CON_SubDManagedMeshFragmentON_SubDManagedMeshFragment is a legacy class that should not be used
 CON_SubDMeshON_SubDMesh is used to store a high density traditional quad mesh of a SubD surface or a mesh of a SubD control net. In general, is is better to use an ON_SubDMeshFragmentIterator(subd) that iterates the ON_MeshFragments cached on the ON_SubD
 CON_SumSurfaceSurface of revolution
 CON_SunEngineClass ON_SunEngine is a sun astronomical calculation engine
 CON_SurfaceValuesON_SurfaceValues stores surface evaluation values (point, normal, curvatures, derivatives) in a single class
 CON_TextON_Table class
 CON_TextIteratorConverts wchar_t characters to Unicode codepoints
 CON_TextRunA range of text with all the same attributes
 CON_UnicodeShortCodePointON_UnicodeShortCodePoint is a tool to use when working with Unicode code points with values &lt=0xFFFF. Note that valid Unicode code point values can be as large as 0x10FFFD. (0x10FFFE and 0x10FFFF are specified as &ltnot a character&gt by the Unicode Standard code chart https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U10FF80.pdf) This class is used when converting between Unicode and BIG5 encodings and in other settings where Unicode code points &gt 0xFFFF are not encountered and the 2 byte size of ON_UnicodeShortCodePoint appreciably more efficient that a 4 byte size of an unsigned int
 CON_UUID_structON_UUID is a 16 byte universally unique identifier
 CON_WindowsRGBQUADWindows sizeof(ON_WindowsRGBQUAD) = 4
 CON_wStringA wide character string. The default encoding is the encoding the compiler uses for wchar_t* s = L"..."; strings. This is typically 2 byte wchar_t UTF-16 on Windows and 4 byte wchar_t UTF-32 on MacOS. However, some MacOS SDK functions return 4 byte wchar_t UTF-16 strings
 CON_XMLParamBlockClass ON_XMLParamBlock is ON_XMLParameters with a built-in XML node
 CRhDisplacementRepresents surface displacement on an object
 CRhDisplacementArgsA class containing all displacement options
 CRhinoMeshEdgeSliderClass for sliding edges of a mesh
 CRhinoSubDEdgeSliderClass for sliding edges of a SubD
 CRhShutLiningArgsShut-lining arguments
 CRhShutLiningCurveArgsShut-lining curve arguments
 CtagRH_LINEUsed by CRhinoGet::Line2d() to return 2d screen line