►NRhRdk | Forward declaration for CRhinoDisplayPipeline::RealtimeDisplayMode |
►NCustomRenderMeshes | The CustomRenderMeshes namespace includes everything needed to use the new custom render primitives subsystem starting with Rhino 8. This replaces the deprecated code in IRhRdkCustomRenderMeshManager.h |
►CIManager | The interface to the RDK's custom render mesh manager. Do not derive from this class - you can access this functionality using RhRdkCustomRenderMeshManager2 Call the functions on this class to access the custom render meshes to be supplied for any given ObjectId (see ObjectId above). You should call HasCustomMeshes before CustomMeshes to ensure the most efficient access - if HasCustomMeshes returns false, you can assume there are no custom render meshes. This class provides low level access to the custom render meshes - to just get the complete render meshes for an object, prefer IRhRdkSdkRenderMeshIterator / CRhRdkSdkRender::NewRenderMeshIterator, or RhRdk::Realtime2::ChangeQueue. Use these functions if you are a renderer developer who wants to access the custom render meshes provided by IMeshProvider. Note that this will include the built - in displacement edge softening, thickening, shut-lining and curve piping tools, as well as Grasshopper's CustomPreview component (which uses the NonObjectIds method of providing meshes associated with entities that are not actual objects in the document) |
CFlags | Flags to be passed into and returned from RenderMeshes and HasCustomRenderMeshes.
►CIRenderMeshes | IRenderMeshes is a collection of geometry instances for a given ObjectId typically returned by the Custom Render Mesh system. It provides STL compatible iterators. As each set of primitives is returned by the PrimitiveProviders in turn, the running hash is updated with new information about the mesh modifications that have been made along the way |
CConstantIterator | STL style constant iterator for iterating over the render primitives collection |
►CIInstance | The core of the custom render mesh delivery system - and instance defines a single mesh or other primitive (sphere, plane, box or cone). Each instance has a shared mesh/primitive and a transform, along with a material, mapping channels (at the mesh and instance level) |
CIGeometry | The IGeometry is class that collects all of the pure geometry information together for an instance. Essentially - the mesh/primitive along with the caching information for the display and an Id to differentiate meshes from each other without having to check their CRC |
CIMappingChannel | Replacement for ON_MappingChannel that actually carries the ON_TextureMapping around with it instead of storing it in a document table - meaning that it can be passed off to non-document threads and still access the data correctly |
CIterator | STL style iterator for iterating over the render primitives collection |
►CProviderTracking | A handy helper class for implementing caching in MeshProviders. The ProviderTracking class is a collection of per-document ITracker objects. Embed a ProviderTracking object in your MeshProvider to implement a simple cache |
►CITracker | The per-document primitive cache for MeshProviders. ITracker is basically a hash map of shared_ptr<const IRenderMeshes> with the key being the ObjectId |
CIRecord | Each tracker record is basically the entry in the map - so it's an IRenderMeshes object |
CIRecord2 | |
►CIRenderMeshProvider | An IMeshProvider delivers custom render meshes (in the form of IRenderMeshes). Typically the class will also derive from CRhRdkExtension and be registered with the RDK using RhRdkAddExtension, forming a collection of providers which the IManager will cycle through to produce the final render mesh. Each IMeshProvider::HasCustomMeshes will be called and if it returns true, a call to CustomMeshes will be made. It is up to the provider to cache its own primitives - the IRenderMeshes::ProviderTracking class is provided for that. A provider may optionally return a collection of non-object Ids that it will provide custom render meshes for. An example of this is Grasshopper, which which will typically return a collection of the Ids of each CustomPreview component. Override this class if you are a plug-in developer intending to supply a custom set of meshes for a given object, or objectId. Examples of IMeshProviders are CurvePiping, EdgeSoftening, Displacement, Shutlining, Grasshopper's CustomPreview component |
CIProgress | |
►NRealtime | |
►CChangeQueue | |
CClippingPlane | |
CDynamicObject | |
CGroundPlane | |
CLight | |
CMappingChannel | |
CMappingChannels | |
CMaterial | |
CMesh | |
CMeshInstance | |
CSkylight | |
►CDisplayMode | |
CFactories | |
CFactory | |
CIHUDCallbacks | |
CIHUDCallbacks3 | |
CIHUDFunctionality | |
CDisplayModes | |
CISignalUpdate | |
►NRealtime2 | |
►CChangeQueue | |
CClippingPlane | |
CDynamicObject | |
CGroundPlane | |
CLight | |
CMappingChannel | |
CMappingChannels | |
CMaterial | |
CMesh | |
►CMeshInstance | |
CAncestryRecord | |
CSkylight | |
►Nstd | |
Cunique_ptr< CRhRdkContent > | |
Cunique_ptr< CRhRdkEnvironment > | |
Cunique_ptr< CRhRdkMaterial > | |
Cunique_ptr< CRhRdkTexture > | |
C__POSITION | Abstract iteration position |
C_charrange | |
CA | |
CCArgsRhinoAnnotationLeader | |
CCArgsRhinoFair | |
CCArgsRhinoGetArc | |
CCArgsRhinoGetBox | |
CCArgsRhinoGetCircle | Input to the RhinoGetCircle() |
CCArgsRhinoGetCone | |
CCArgsRhinoGetConeExtra | |
CCArgsRhinoGetCurve | |
CCArgsRhinoGetCylinder | |
CCArgsRhinoGetCylinderEx | |
CCArgsRhinoGetCylinderExtra | |
CCArgsRhinoGetEllipse | |
CCArgsRhinoGetFrame | |
CCArgsRhinoGetLine | |
CCArgsRhinoGetParabola | |
CCArgsRhinoGetPicture | |
CCArgsRhinoGetPlane | Input to the RhinoGetPlane() and RhinoGetRectangle() functions |
CCArgsRhinoGetPolygon | SDK header stuff |
CCArgsRhinoGetPolyline | |
CCArgsRhinoGetSphere | |
CCArgsRhinoGetSphereEx | |
CCArgsRhinoGetSpiral | |
CCArgsRhinoGetSubCurve | |
CCArgsRhinoGetThickBox | |
CCArgsRhinoGetTorus | |
CCArgsRhinoGetTube | |
CCArgsRhinoGetTubeExtra | |
CCArgsRhinoHatch | |
CCArgsRhinoLoft | |
CCArgsRhinoMatch | CArgsRhinoMatch is obsolete |
CCArgsRhinoPrintExportDlg | |
CCArgsRhinoRailRevolve | |
CCArgsRhinoRevolve | |
CCArgsRhinoSweep1 | |
CCArgsRhinoSweep2 | |
CCArgsRhinoText | |
CCChannelAttributes | |
CCColorVec | |
CCDisplayAttributeMaterial | |
►CCDisplayPipelineAttributes | |
CFactory | |
CLinearWorkflow | Copy of IRhRdkLinearWorkflow - eventually these classes need to be combined |
CCDisplayPipelineMaterial | |
CCGetRhinoProfileContextIterator | |
CChangeQueue | |
CCLinesDescriptor | Lines helper class used to describe and draw large chunks of lines |
CClippingInfo | |
CClippingPlane | |
CCollection | |
CCollection | |
CCRhCurveAttributes | |
CCRhGetSubCurvePoint | |
►CCRhinoAfterTransformObject | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoAnnotation | |
CTextFieldUpdater | |
CCRhinoAnnotationSettings | CRhinoAnnotationSettings class Note: Dimscale is now part of the DimStyles class and this class property is obsolete. Also, much of the CRhinoAnnotationSettings class has been replaced with CRhinoAnnotationSettingsEx |
CCRhinoAnnotationSettingsEx | |
►CCRhinoApp | CRhinoApp: |
CCRhMruCommandRecord | |
CCRhinoAppAliasList | |
CCRhinoAppAppearanceSettings | |
CCRhinoAppChooseOneObjectSettings | |
CCRhinoAppContextMenuSettings | |
CCRhinoAppCursorToolTipSettings | |
CCRhinoAppDontRepeatCommandSettings | |
CCRhinoAppFileSettings | |
CCRhinoAppFonts | |
CCRhinoAppGeneralSettings | |
CCRhinoAppGridSettings | |
CCRhinoAppModelAidSettings | |
CCRhinoAppMouseSettings | |
CCRhinoAppSelectionFilterSettings | |
CCRhinoAppSettings | |
CCRhinoAppShortcutKeys | |
CCRhinoAppSmartTrackSettings | |
CCRhinoAppSpaceBallSettings | |
CCRhinoAppUiDockBarManager | |
CCRhinoAppUiManager | |
CCRhinoAppUiResourceManager | |
CCRhinoAppViewSettings | |
CCRhinoBendSpaceMorph | |
CCRhinoBitmap | |
CCRhinoBitmapTable | |
CCRhinoBrepEdgeFilletDistance | |
CCRhinoBrepObject | |
CCRhinoCacheHandle | |
CCRhinoCageObject | |
CCRhinoCCXEvent | |
CCRhinoCentermark | |
CCRhinoClippingPlaneObject | |
CCRhinoColorButton | |
CCRhinoCommand | Every command is Rhino is defined by a class derived from CRhinoCommand |
CCRhinoCommandAlias | |
CCRhinoCommandContext | |
CCRhinoCommandManager | |
CCRhinoCommandOption | |
CCRhinoCommandOptionName | |
CCRhinoCommandOptionValue | |
CCRhinoComponentNameConflictUI | |
CCRhinoContextMenu | |
CCRhinoContextMenuContext | |
CCRhinoContextMenuExtension | |
CCRhinoContourInput | |
CCRhinoCopyGripsHelper | |
CCRhinoCoreAppActivity | |
CCRhinoCreateDocumentOptions | |
CCRhinoCSXEvent | |
CCRhinoCurvatureAnalysisSettings | |
CCRhinoCurvatureGraphSettings | |
CCRhinoCurveObject | |
CCRhinoDetailViewIterator | |
CCRhinoDetailViewObject | |
CCRhinoDialog | |
►CCRhinoDib | |
CCFastPixelAccess | |
CPixel | |
CCRhinoDigitizerInfo | |
CCRhinoDigitizerManager | |
CCRhinoDigitizerPlugIn | |
CCRhinoDimAngular | |
CCRhinoDimension | |
CCRhinoDimensionHistoryEnabler | |
CCRhinoDimLinear | |
CCRhinoDimOrdinate | |
CCRhinoDimRadial | |
CCRhinoDimStyle | CRhinoDimStyle class |
CCRhinoDimStyleComboBox | CRhinoDimStyleComboBox window |
CCRhinoDimStyleContext | |
CCRhinoDimStyleTable | |
CCRhinoDirectionAnalysisSettings | |
CCRhinoDirectoryManager | |
CCRhinoDisplayAttrsMgr | |
CCRhinoDisplayConduit | |
CCRhinoDisplayEngine | |
CCRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI | |
CCRhinoDisplayEngine_OGL | |
CCRhinoDisplayErrorMessage | |
►CCRhinoDisplayModeChanged | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoDisplayModeSettingsChanged | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoDisplayPipeline | |
CDrawInterruptItem | |
CCRhinoDisplayPipeline_GDI | |
CCRhinoDisplayPipeline_OGL | |
CCRhinoDisplaySettings | |
CCRhinoDoc | |
CCRhinoDocIterator | |
CCRhinoDocProperties | |
CCRhinoDocTableReference | |
CCRhinoDocumentPropertiesTabs | |
CCRhinoDoubleClickContext | |
CCRhinoDpi | |
CCRhinoDraftAngleAnalysisSettings | |
CCRhinoDrawAttributes | |
CCRhinoDrawCallback | |
CCRhinoDrawCommonAttributes | Location for new V6 public SDK display |
CCRhinoDrawFancyAttributes | |
CCRhinoDrawGripsSettings | |
CCRhinoDropTarget | |
CCRhinoDump | |
CCRhinoEdgeAnalysisSettings | |
CCRhinoEdgeContinuitySettings | |
CCRhinoEmapAnalysisSettings | |
CCRhinoEndAnalysisSettings | |
CCRhinoEventWatcher | |
CCRhinoEventWatcherEx | |
CCRhinoExtend | |
CCRhinoExtrusionObject | |
CCRhinoFileExportPlugIn | |
CCRhinoFileImportPlugIn | |
CCRhinoFileMenu | |
CCRhinoFileReadOptions | |
CCRhinoFileType | |
CCRhinoFileUtilities | File IO helpers |
CCRhinoFileWriteOptions | |
CCRhinoFilletEdge | |
CCRhinoFitPatch | |
CCRhinoFlowSpaceMorph | |
CCRhinoGet | |
CCRhinoGetAngle | CRhinoGetAngle |
►CCRhinoGetCancel | |
CTask | |
CCRhinoGetColor | |
CCRhinoGetDimAngular | Class to interactively get user input for angular dimensions |
►CCRhinoGetDimLinear | Class to interactively get user input for linear dimensions |
CRhDocDimension | Undo record for GetDimLinear baseline and continue modes |
CCRhinoGetDimOrdinate | Class to interactively get user input for radial dimensions |
CCRhinoGetDimRadial | Class to interactively get user input for radial dimensions |
CCRhinoGetDirection | |
CCRhinoGetDistance | CRhinoGetDistance |
CCRhinoGetFileDialog | |
CCRhinoGetFrameOnObject | |
CCRhinoGetInteger | |
CCRhinoGetMeshes | |
CCRhinoGetNumber | |
CCRhinoGetObject | |
CCRhinoGetOption | |
CCRhinoGetPoint | |
CCRhinoGetRectangle | |
CCRhinoGetRectangle3Point | |
CCRhinoGetRectangleRounded | |
CCRhinoGetString | |
CCRhinoGetView | |
CCRhinoGetXform | |
CCRhinoGripDirections | |
CCRhinoGripObject | |
CCRhinoGripObjectEx | |
CCRhinoGripsEnabler | |
CCRhinoGripStatus | |
CCRhinoGroup | |
CCRhinoGroupGeometry | |
CCRhinoGroupObject | |
CCRhinoGroupTable | |
CCRhinoGumball | |
CCRhinoGumballAppearance | |
CCRhinoGumballColors | |
CCRhinoGumballDisplayConduit | |
CCRhinoGumballDragger | |
CCRhinoGumballDragSettings | |
CCRhinoGumballFrame | |
CCRhinoGumballPickResult | |
CCRhinoGumballPopUpMenu | |
CCRhinoGumballSizes | |
CCRhinoHatch | |
CCRhinoHatchPattern | CRhinoHatchPattern class |
CCRhinoHatchPatternTable | CRhinoHatchPatternTable class - A list of Hatch Pattern definitions |
CCRhinoHiddenCommand | |
CCRhinoHistory | |
CCRhinoHistoryManager | |
CCRhinoHistoryRecord | |
CCRhinoHistoryRecordTable | |
CCRhinoInferredCurve | 9-17-03 LW added in conjunction with inferred curve osnap testing |
CCRhinoInferredCurveArray | |
CCRhinoIniProfileContext | |
CCRhinoIniProfileContextIterator | |
CCRhinoInstanceDefinition | |
CCRhinoInstanceDefinitionTable | |
CCRhinoInstanceObject | |
CCRhinoInstanceObjectIterator | CRhinoInstanceObjectIterator is used to iterate all instance definition geometry referenced by a CRhinoInstanceObject. Any nested instance definition geometry that is referenced multiple times is returned only once. It safely iterates nested instance definitions in a way that protects against infinite looping when damaged models contain circular nested references. It iterates in a way so that it will not crash if the document is modified or deleted between calls to NextObject() |
CCRhinoInstanceObjectPiece | |
CCRhinoIntSnapCandidate | |
►CCRhinoIsIdle | |
CCParameters | |
CCRhinoKeepKinkySurfaces | |
CCRhinoKeyboardShortcut | |
CCRhinoLayer | |
CCRhinoLayerComboBox | CRhinoLayerComboBox window |
CCRhinoLayerNode | |
CCRhinoLayerState | |
CCRhinoLayerTable | |
CCRhinoLeader | |
CCRhinoLeaseChangedEventArgs | |
CCRhinoLicenseLease | |
CCRhinoLicenseValidator | |
CCRhinoLight | |
CCRhinoLightTable | |
CCRhinoLinetype | |
CCRhinoLinetypeTable | |
CCRhinoLoftCurve | |
CCRhinoMaelstromSpaceMorph | |
CCRhinoMaterial | |
CCRhinoMaterialTable | |
CCRhinoMeshBooleanOptions | Contains additional information about mesh booleans. This class can have more methods added |
CCRhinoMeshDensity | |
CCRhinoMeshObject | |
CCRhinoMeshObjectsUI | |
CCRhinoMeshRef | |
CCRhinoMeshStlUI | |
►CCRhinoModelessUserInterfaceDocChanged | |
CCParameters | |
CCRhinoModelViewIterator | |
CCRhinoMorphControl | |
CCRhinoMouseCallback | |
CCRhinoNamedColor | |
CCRhinoNamedViewCameraIcon | |
CCRhinoObject | Base class for all runtime Rhino objects |
CCRhinoObjectAttributes | |
CCRhinoObjectColorComboBox | CRhinoObjectColorComboBox window |
CCRhinoObjectDrawContext | |
CCRhinoObjectDrawIterator | |
CCRhinoObjectGrips | |
CCRhinoObjectIterator | |
CCRhinoObjectMesh | |
CCRhinoObjectPair | |
CCRhinoObjectPropertiesModelessDockingDialog | CRhinoObjectPropertiesModelessDockingDialog |
CCRhinoObjectVisualAnalysisMode | |
►CCRhinoObjRef | |
CCNestedIRef | |
CCRhinoObjRefArray | |
►CCRhinoOnAfterPostReadViewUpdate | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoOnBeforePostReadViewUpdate | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoOnChangeObjectSelectState | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoOnDocUserStringChanged | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoOnMainLoopEvent | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoOnPageViewPropertiesChanged | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoOnSetActiveDetailObject | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoOnTransformObject | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoOnViewEnableDrawingChanged | |
CCParameters | |
►CCRhinoOnViewModifiedEvent | |
CCParameters | |
CCRhinoOpenDocumentOptions | |
CCRhinoOpenGLSettings | |
CCRhinoOptionsPageCollection | |
CCRhinoOptionsPageCollectionItem | |
CCRhinoOptionsPageEventArgs | |
CCRhinoPageView | |
CCRhinoPageViewIterator | |
CCRhinoPageViewObjectIterator | |
CCRhinoPhantomObject | |
CCRhinoPickContext | |
CCRhinoPickContext_MeshEdgeInfo | |
CCRhinoPickFilter | |
CCRhinoPlotColorComboBox | CRhinoPlotColorComboBox window |
CCRhinoPlugIn | |
CCRhinoPlugInCommandRecord | |
CCRhinoPlugInInfo | |
CCRhinoPlugInRecord | |
►CCRhinoPlugInSettingsChanged | |
CCParameters | |
CCRhinoPointCloudObject | |
CCRhinoPointObject | |
CCRhinoPolyEdge | |
CCRhinoPolyEdgeSegment | |
CCRhinoPolylineOnMeshUserData | |
CCRhinoPopupMenu | |
CCRhinoPrintControlsBase | |
CCRhinoPrintInfo | |
CCRhinoProfileContext | |
CCRhinoProfileContextIterator | |
CCRhinoPropertiesPanelPageCollection | |
CCRhinoPropListFileProfileContext | |
CCRhinoPropListProfileContext | |
CCRhinoPropListProfileContextIterator | |
CCRhinoProxyObject | |
CCRhinoRecordHistoryCommandOptionHelper | |
CCRhinoRegProfileContext | |
CCRhinoRegProfileContextIterator | |
CCRhinoRenderOverlays | |
CCRhinoRenderPlugIn | |
CCRhinoReplaceColorDialog | |
CCRhinoSaveAndRestoreAppFileReadOptions | |
CCRhinoScriptCommand | |
CCRhinoScriptContext | |
CCRhinoSdkRender | |
CCRhinoSdkRenderEx | |
CCRhinoSdkRenderEx2 | |
CCRhinoSdkRenderEx3 | |
CCRhinoSelCommand | |
CCRhinoSelSubObjectCommand | |
CCRhinoSettings | |
CCRhinoSkinDLL | |
CCRhinoSkinDLLEx | |
CCRhinoSnapContext | |
CCRhinoSnapEvent | |
CCRhinoSpaceMorph | |
CCRhinoSplopSpaceMorph | |
CCRhinoSporphSpaceMorph | Flow along surface morph |
CCRhinoStereoDisplayConduit | |
CCRhinoStretchSpaceMorph | |
CCRhinoStringDictionary | |
CCRhinoSubDDisplay | |
CCRhinoSubDDisplayAttributes | |
CCRhinoSubDObject | |
CCRhinoSubDPickSettings | |
CCRhinoSurfaceFillet | New interactive attempt at FilletSrf |
CCRhinoSurfaceObject | |
CCRhinoTabbedDockBarDialog | |
CCRhinoTaperSpaceMorph | Taper morph |
►CCRhinoTargetDocChanged | |
CCParameters | |
CCRhinoTempAttachCMenu | |
CCRhinoTestCommand | |
CCRhinoText | |
CCRhinoTextDot | |
CCRhinoTextDump | |
CCRhinoTextOut | |
CCRhinoTextOutTextLog | |
CCRhinoTextureMapping | |
CCRhinoTextureMappingTable | |
CCRhinoThicknessAnalysisSettings | |
CCRhinoTransformCommand | |
CCRhinoTwistSpaceMorph | Twist morph |
CCRhinoUiAutocompleteEdit | |
CCRhinoUiBitmapButton | CRhinoUiBitmapButton |
CCRhinoUiBlockPreview | |
CCRhinoUiButton | CRhinoUiButton |
CCRhinoUiCheckBox | CRhinoUiCheckBox |
CCRhinoUiColorButton | |
CCRhinoUiColorComboBox | CRhinoUiColorComboBox |
CCRhinoUiColorComboBoxItem | CRhinoUiColorComboBoxItem |
CCRhinoUiColorListBox | CRhinoUiColorListBox |
CCRhinoUiComboBox | |
CCRhinoUiComboBoxItemData | |
CCRhinoUiDialog | CRhinoUiDialog dialog |
CCRhinoUiDialogItemResizer | |
CCRhinoUiDialogScrollHelper | |
CCRhinoUiDialogSub | CRhinoUiDialogSub |
CCRhinoUiDirDialog | CRhinoUiDirDialog dialog |
CCRhinoUiDockBar | |
CCRhinoUiDockBarCaptionButton | |
CCRhinoUiDockBarClientExpandableTabCtrl | |
CCRhinoUiDockBarClientExpandableTabPage | CRhinoUiDockBarClientExpandableTabPage |
CCRhinoUiDockBarClientWnd | CRhinoUiDockBarClientWnd |
CCRhinoUiDockBarDialog | CRhinoUiDockBarDialog dialog |
CCRhinoUiDockBarExpandableTabCtrl | CRhinoUiDockBarExpandableTabCtrl |
►CCRhinoUiDockBarManager | |
CCSortDockBarsByName | |
CCRhinoUiDockBarTab | |
CCRhinoUiDragBitmapWnd | CRhinoUiDragBitmapWnd |
CCRhinoUiEdit | |
CCRhinoUiEditInt | CRhinoUiEditInt |
CCRhinoUiEditReal | CRhinoUiEditReal |
CCRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar | CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar |
CCRhinoUiExpandableTabCtrl | |
CCRhinoUiExpandableTabCtrl_New | |
CCRhinoUiExpandableTabCtrlItem | |
CCRhinoUiExpandableTabCtrlItem_New | |
CCRhinoUiExpandableTabPage | CRhinoUiExpandableTabPage |
CCRhinoUiExpandableTabPage_New | |
CCRhinoUiFile | |
►CCRhinoUiFileEvent | |
CCParameters | |
CCRhinoUiFontComboBox | CRhinoUiFontComboBox |
CCRhinoUiGradientSliderCtrl | CRhinoUiGradientSliderCtrl |
CCRhinoUiGridListCombo | |
CCRhinoUiGridListCtrl | CRhinoUiGridListCtrl |
CCRhinoUiGridListEdit | CRhinoUiGridListEdit |
CCRhinoUiGridListHeaderCtrl | CRhinoUiGridListHeaderCtrl |
CCRhinoUiHyperlink | CRhinoUiHyperlink |
CCRhinoUiImageList | |
CCRhinoUiInPlaceButton | |
CCRhinoUiInPlaceEdit | |
CCRhinoUiLayerComboBox | CRhinoUiLayerComboBox |
CCRhinoUiLayerListCtrl | CRhinoUiLayerListCtrl |
CCRhinoUiLayerListCtrlItem | CRhinoUiLayerListCtrlItem |
CCRhinoUiLinetypeListCtrl | CRhinoUiLinetypeListCtrl |
CCRhinoUiLinetypeListCtrlInfo | CRhinoUiLinetypeListCtrlInfo |
CCRhinoUiListBoxEx | |
CCRhinoUiListBoxExBuddy | |
CCRhinoUiLocalizeDialog | |
CCRhinoUiManager | |
CCRhinoUiMemDC | |
CCRhinoUiMessagePump | |
CCRhinoUiModelessDockingDialog | |
CCRhinoUiModlessDockingDialogManager | |
CCRhinoUiModlessDockingDialogRecord | |
CCRhinoUiMultiMonitor | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrl | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlCheckBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlColorButton | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlColorComboBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlGroupComboBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlIPAddress | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlLayerComboBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlLinetypeComboBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlPointEditBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlPrintWidthComboBox | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlPushButton | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlRadioButtonColumn | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlRadioButtonColumnBtn | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlSeparator | |
CCRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlStaticText | |
CCRhinoUiPageDockBar | |
CCRhinoUiPageDockBarManager | |
CCRhinoUiPaintColorSettings | Colors for the general windows user interface elements |
CCRhinoUiPaintManager | |
CCRhinoUiPanel | |
CCRhinoUiPanelFactory | |
CCRhinoUiPointEdit | CRhinoUiPointEdit |
CCRhinoUiPopDownLayerListCtrl | CRhinoUiPopDownLayerListCtrl |
CCRhinoUiPopDownLayerWnd | CRhinoUiPopDownLayerWnd |
CCRhinoUiPopUpListWnd | |
CCRhinoUiPopupMenu | |
CCRhinoUiPopuUpListBox | CRhinoUiPopuUpListBox |
CCRhinoUiPrintWidthListCtrl | CRhinoUiPrintWidthListCtrl |
CCRhinoUiProgressBar | CRhinoUiProgressBar |
CCRhinoUiProgressCtrl | CRhinoUiProgressCtrl |
CCRhinoUiRegisterPreTranslateMessage | |
CCRhinoUiRegistry | |
CCRhinoUiRegistryEnumValue | |
CCRhinoUiResourceManager | |
CCRhinoUiRichEditCtrl | CRhinoUiRichEditCtrl |
CCRhinoUiRichTextEditCtrl | |
CCRhinoUiSeparator | CRhinoUiSeparator |
CCRhinoUiSliderCtrl | |
CCRhinoUiStatic | CRhinoUiStatic |
CCRhinoUiStaticEx | |
CCRhinoUiTabbedSheetCtrl | |
CCRhinoUiTabbedSheetCtrlGDI | |
CCRhinoUiTabbedSheetCtrlItem | |
►CCRhinoUiTabbedSheetCtrlMsg | |
CCRhinoUiTabCtrl | CRhinoUiTabCtrl |
CCRhinoUiTabCtrlPage | CRhinoUiTabCtrlPage dialog |
CCRhinoUiTabPageCtrl | CRhinoUiTabPageCtrl |
CCRhinoUiToolTip | CRhinoUiToolTip |
CCRhinoUiUnitSystemComboBox | |
CCRhinoUndoEventHandler | Use CRhinoUndoEventHandlerEx instead |
CCRhinoUndoEventHandlerEx | |
CCRhinoUnroll | |
CCRhinoUtilityPlugIn | |
CCRhinoUuidCollection | |
CCRhinoView | |
CCRhinoViewIterator | |
CCRhinoViewport | |
CCRhinoViewportIterator | |
CCRhinoVisualAnalysisMode | |
CCRhinoWaitCursor | |
CCRhinoWidget | |
CCRhinoWidgetColorSettings | |
►CCRhinoWidgetGeometry | |
►CCSweep | < Sweep info for ellipsoid and cylindrical drawing |
CCAngles | < In radians |
CCRhinoWidgetGrip | |
CCRhinoWindow | |
CCRhinoWindowCreateOptions | |
CCRhinoWireframeObject | |
CCRhinoWorkerThread | |
CCRhinoWorkSession | |
CCRhinoXformObjectList | |
CCRhinoZBuffer | |
CCRhinoZebraAnalysisSettings | |
CCRhMeshBooleanOptionsPrivate | |
CCRhRdkAction | |
CCRhRdkAutomaticUIRow | |
CCRhRdkAutoUIContext | |
CCRhRdkBasicEnvironmentCCI | |
►CCRhRdkBasicMaterial | |
CCTextureSlot | |
CCRhRdkBasicMaterialBase | |
CCRhRdkBasicMaterialCCI | |
CCRhRdkBasicOneColorTextureBase | |
CCRhRdkBasicOneColorTextureBaseCSI | |
CCRhRdkBasicTwoColorTextureBase | |
CCRhRdkBasicTwoColorTextureBaseCSI | |
CCRhRdkBreadcrumbTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkColor | |
CCRhRdkColorButtonTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkCompoundContentImplementor | |
►CCRhRdkContent | |
CCChildIterator | |
CCChildSlotIterator | |
CCCustomUserDataFactory | |
CChange | |
CCRenderCRCFlags | |
CDumpContext | |
CICustomUserData | |
CTextureChannelInfo | |
Cunique_ptr | |
CCRhRdkContentAdded | |
CCRhRdkContentAddedByUser | |
CCRhRdkContentArray | |
CCRhRdkContentArrayNC | |
CCRhRdkContentCreator | |
CCRhRdkContentCreatorExisting | |
CCRhRdkContentCreatorExistingCopy | |
CCRhRdkContentCreatorExistingInstance | |
CCRhRdkContentCreatorLoad | |
CCRhRdkContentCreatorNew | |
CCRhRdkContentCreatorNewFileTexture | |
CCRhRdkContentEditorCustomButtonProvider | |
CCRhRdkContentFactory | |
►CCRhRdkContentField | |
CCChangeInfo | |
CCRhRdkContentFields | |
CCRhRdkContentFileWatcher | |
CCRhRdkContentFilterInfo | |
CCRhRdkContentInstanceBrowserTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkContentIOPlugIn | |
CCRhRdkContentIOPlugInEx | |
CCRhRdkContentKindList | |
CCRhRdkContentMoved | |
CCRhRdkContentMultipleSelection | |
CCRhRdkContentTask | |
CCRhRdkContentTreeSelTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkContentTreeTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkContentTypeBrowserTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkContentTypeBrowserTaskOrigin_Existing | |
CCRhRdkContentTypeBrowserTaskOrigin_New | |
CCRhRdkContentUndo | |
CCRhRdkContentUndoBlocker | |
CCRhRdkContextTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkContextTaskOriginWithCEC | |
CCRhRdkCoreContent | |
CCRhRdkCreateNew | |
CCRhRdkCurveGraphEvaluator | |
CCRhRdkCustomContentUI | |
CCRhRdkCustomRenderFrameMenu | |
CCRhRdkCustomRenderFrameToolBar | |
CCRhRdkCustomRenderMeshes | |
CCRhRdkCustomRenderMeshProvider | |
CCRhRdkCustomRenderSaveInfo | |
CCRhRdkCustomTask | |
CCRhRdkDecalIterator | |
CCRhRdkDisableFileFinder | |
CCRhRdkDisplayUpdate | |
CCRhRdkDocRenderedImageAdjust | |
CCRhRdkDocSun | |
►CCRhRdkDocument | |
CCTypeBrowserParams | |
CCRhRdkDynamicContentField | |
CCRhRdkEarlyPostEffect | |
CCRhRdkEditableContentArray | |
CCRhRdkEditorPreviewTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkEnterCommandLineMode | |
CCRhRdkEnterGUIMode | |
CCRhRdkEnterMode | |
CCRhRdkEnterModeBase | |
CCRhRdkEnterQuietMode | |
CCRhRdkEnvironment | |
CCRhRdkEnvironmentArray | |
CCRhRdkEnvironmentFactory | |
CCRhRdkEnvironmentKindList | |
CCRhRdkEventSink | |
CCRhRdkEventSinkBase | |
CCRhRdkEventWatcher | |
CCRhRdkExcludeListAutoUIContext | |
CCRhRdkEXRFileDialogFilter | |
CCRhRdkExtension | |
CCRhRdkExtraRequirements | |
CCRhRdkFileDialogFilter | |
CCRhRdkFilenameContentField | |
CCRhRdkFileType | |
CCRhRdkFloatingPreviewTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkHDRFileDialogFilter | |
CCRhRdkImageAdjust | |
CCRhRdkImageFileDialogFilter | |
CCRhRdkImportAllowAutoInstanceName | |
CCRhRdkImportFromFile | |
CCRhRdkInstanceIdArray | |
CCRhRdkInternalCurveGraphEvaluatorData | |
CCRhRdkInternalSnapshotWorkaround | |
CCRhRdkIORContextMenu | |
CCRhRdkLatePostEffect | |
CCRhRdkLightManagerSupport | |
CCRhRdkLightManagerSupport_BuiltIn | |
CCRhRdkLinearWorkflow | |
CCRhRdkLinearWorkflowEx | |
CCRhRdkMarkedObjects | |
►CCRhRdkMaterial | |
►CPhysicallyBased | |
CChildSlotNames | |
CParameterNames | |
CCRhRdkMaterialArray | |
CCRhRdkMaterialFactory | |
CCRhRdkMaterialKindList | |
CCRhRdkModalizer | |
CCRhRdkMultipleContentTask | |
CCRhRdkMultipleTopLevelContentTask | |
CCRhRdkNewContentCtrl | |
CCRhRdkNewUndoableEvent | |
CCRhRdkObject | |
CCRhRdkObjectAncestry | |
CCRhRdkObjectDataAccess | |
CCRhRdkOneColorEvaluator | |
CCRhRdkOneColorTextureBase | |
CCRhRdkOneColorTextureBaseCSI | |
CCRhRdkParamTransport | |
CCRhRdkPlugIn | |
CCRhRdkPostEffect | |
CCRhRdkPostEffectFactory | |
CCRhRdkPostEffectPlugIn | |
CCRhRdkPostEffectPlugInEx | |
CCRhRdkPostEffectPlugInFactory | |
CCRhRdkPostEffectPlugInManager | |
CCRhRdkPreviewBackground | |
CCRhRdkPreviewGeometry | |
CCRhRdkPreviewLighting | |
CCRhRdkPreviewSceneElement | |
CCRhRdkRendererSupportOptions | |
CCRhRdkRenderFrameTabFactory | |
CCRhRdkRenderFrameTabFactoryEx | |
CCRhRdkRenderingFileInfo | |
CCRhRdkRenderingSettings | |
CCRhRdkRenderMesh | |
►CCRhRdkRenderPlugIn | |
CCRhRdkRenderOutputType | |
►CCRhRdkRenderPlugInIterator | |
CInfo | |
CCRhRdkRenderWindowClonedInfo | |
CCRhRdkRenderWindowCustomDlg | |
CCRhRdkRenderWindowEventSink | |
CCRhRdkRenderWindowMainSidePaneTabFactory | |
CCRhRdkRenderWindowMouseEventWatcher | |
CCRhRdkRequestTask | |
CCRhRdkResizingDialog | |
CCRhRdkSdkContentSelector | |
CCRhRdkSdkIntegerNumberEdit | |
CCRhRdkSdkNumberEdit | |
CCRhRdkSdkRealNumberEdit | |
►CCRhRdkSdkRender | |
CCRenderingSourcesView | |
CCRhRdkSimpleTask | |
CCRhRdkSimulatedEnvironment | |
CCRhRdkSimulatedTexture | |
CCRhRdkSingleContentTask | |
CCRhRdkSingleSelectionTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkSingleTopLevelContentTask | |
CCRhRdkSolarContentField | |
CCRhRdkSSData | |
CCRhRdkSubNodeTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkSun | |
CCRhRdkSunDialog | |
CCRhRdkSunStorage | |
CCRhRdkTask | |
CCRhRdkTaskOrigin | |
►CCRhRdkTexture | |
CIColorAdjuster | |
CCRhRdkTextureArray | |
►CCRhRdkTextureCache | |
CLocation | |
CCRhRdkTexturedContentField | |
►CCRhRdkTextureEvaluator | |
CCRhRdkTextureFactory | |
CCRhRdkTextureKindList | |
CCRhRdkThumbnailSelTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkThumbnailTaskOrigin | |
CCRhRdkToneMappingPostEffect | |
CCRhRdkTwoColorEvaluator | |
CCRhRdkTwoColorTextureBase | |
CCRhRdkTwoColorTextureBaseCSI | |
CCRhRdkUndoableEvent | |
CCRhRdkUuid | |
CCRhRdkUuidCollection | |
CCRhRdkVariant | |
CCRhWidgetDrawAttr | |
CCRhWidgetThickerDottedDrawAttr | |
CCRuiOnUpdateMenuItem | |
CCRuiOnUpdateMenuItems | |
CCRuiUpdateUi | |
CCSupportChannels | |
CCUD_source_index | |
CDisplayAttrsMgrList | |
CDisplayAttrsMgrListDesc | |
CGroundPlane | |
CHolds | |
CHolds | |
CIAutoUIExtraRequirements | |
CIDockBarEventWatcher | Interface class for forwarding dockbar events |
CInternal_SubDToNurbsExtraordinaryPoint | |
CIRhinoAddPropertiesPages | |
CIRhinoMeshExtruder | Interface to preview and perform mesh extrusions |
CIRhinoOptionsPage | |
CIRhinoOptionsPageHost | |
CIRhinoPage | |
CIRhinoPageHost | |
CIRhinoPropertiesPanelPage | |
CIRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventArgs | |
CIRhinoPropertiesPanelPageEventWatcher | |
CIRhinoPropertiesPanelPageHost | |
CIRhinoSdkRenderFrame | |
CIRhinoSdkRenderFrameEx | |
CIRhinoSdkRenderFrameEx2 | Alpha support added when saving rendered image |
CIRhinoSdkRenderFrameEx3 | Added support for picking |
CIRhinoSnapshotsClient | |
CIRhinoSnapshotsClientEx | |
CIRhinoUiController | |
CIRhinoUiControllerEventWatcher | |
CIRhinoUiDataSource | |
CIRhinoUiDataSourceEventWatcher | |
CIRhinoUiDataSourceHost | |
CIRhinoUiEventInfo | |
►CIRhinoUiHolder | |
CIIterator | |
CIRhinoUiSection | |
CIRhinoUiWindow | |
CIRhinoUiWithController | |
CIRhinoWindow | |
CIRhinoWindowOnTab | |
►CIRhRdk_XMLSection | |
CIExtraRequirements | |
CIterator | |
CIRhRdk_XMLSection2 | |
CIRhRdkActions | |
CIRhRdkAngleDialDecorator | |
CIRhRdkAsyncRenderContext | |
CIRhRdkAutomaticUI | |
CIRhRdkColorButton | |
CIRhRdkColorPicker | |
CIRhRdkCommandUpdate | |
CIRhRdkCompoundContentImplementor | |
CIRhRdkCompoundContentImplementors | |
CIRhRdkContentChoosingInfo | |
CIRhRdkContentEditor | |
CIRhRdkContentEditorCustomButtonInterface | |
CIRhRdkContentFactories | |
CIRhRdkContentFactoriesEx | |
CIRhRdkContentFactory | |
CIRhRdkContentIOPlugIn | |
CIRhRdkContentIOPlugIns | |
CIRhRdkContentIterator | |
►CIRhRdkContentList | |
CIterator | |
CIRhRdkContents | |
CIRhRdkContentUI | |
CIRhRdkContentUISection | |
CIRhRdkContentUndo | |
CIRhRdkCurrentEnvironment | |
►CIRhRdkCustomCurveCtrl | |
CIPoint | |
CIRhRdkCustomCurveGraphSectionCallback | |
CIRhRdkCustomCurveGraphSectionSharedCallback | |
CIRhRdkCustomPlugIn | |
CIRhRdkCustomRenderFrameMenu | |
CIRhRdkCustomRenderFrameToolBar | |
CIRhRdkCustomRenderMeshes | |
CIRhRdkCustomRenderMeshes2 | |
CIRhRdkCustomRenderMeshes3 | |
CIRhRdkCustomRenderMeshManager | |
CIRhRdkCustomRenderMeshProvider | |
CIRhRdkCustomRenderMeshProvider2 | |
CIRhRdkDecal | |
CIRhRdkDecal2 | |
CIRhRdkDecalSupport | |
CIRhRdkDecalSupportEx | |
CIRhRdkDithering | |
CIRhRdkEditor | |
CIRhRdkExpandableContentUI | |
CIRhRdkFileBasedContent | |
CIRhRdkGroundPlane | |
CIRhRdkHeaderButtonHandler | |
CIRhRdkImageAdjust | |
CIRhRdkLinearWorkflow | |
CIRhRdkListablePostEffect | |
CIRhRdkMenu | |
►CIRhRdkNewContentCtrl | |
CIAssignBy | |
CIRhRdkNotificationHandler | |
►CIRhRdkParamBlock | |
CIIterator | |
CIParam | |
CIRhRdkParamTransport | |
CIRhRdkParamTransportEx | |
CIRhRdkPlugInUsedContentNotifier | |
►CIRhRdkPostEffect | |
CIState | |
CIRhRdkPostEffectCollection | |
CIRhRdkPostEffectImage | |
CIRhRdkPostEffectImageEx | |
►CIRhRdkPostEffectPipeline | |
CIChannel | |
CIRhRdkPostEffectPlugInFactories | |
CIRhRdkPostEffectPlugInFactory | |
CIRhRdkPostEffects | |
CIRhRdkPostEffectSection | |
►CIRhRdkPostEffectThreadEngine | |
►CIJob | |
CIChannels | |
CIRhRdkPostEffectUI | |
►CIRhRdkPreviewCallbacks | |
CICancel | |
►CIRhRdkPreviewSceneServer | |
CICancellation | |
CIGeometry | |
CIObject | |
►CIRhRdkPreviewSceneServerEx | |
CIObjectEx | |
CIRhRdkRenderChannels | |
CIRhRdkRenderFrameTabFactory | |
CIRhRdkRenderingFileInfo | |
CIRhRdkRenderSession | |
CIRhRdkRenderSettingsSection | |
►CIRhRdkRenderWindow | |
CIChannel | |
CIChannelEx | |
CIEventWatcher | |
CIGPUChannel | |
CIOpenGLChannel | |
CIPostEffectExecutionControl | |
CIRhRdkRenderWindowCustomDlg | |
CIRhRdkRenderWindowEventSink | |
CIRhRdkSafeFrame | |
CIRhRdkSdkRenderMeshIterator | |
CIRhRdkSelChange | |
CIRhRdkSkylight | |
CIRhRdkSun | |
CIRhRdkSunRO | |
CIRhRdkSunSection | |
►CIRhRdkTaskOrigin | |
CIRequestHandler | |
CIRhRdkTaskUpdate | |
►CIRhRdkTextureEvaluator | |
CCEvalFlags | |
CIChildCallback | |
►CIRhRdkThumbnails | |
CCThumbnailMetrics | |
CIRhRdkToneMapping | |
CIRhRdkToolbar | |
CIRhRdkUndoRecord | |
CIRhWidgetDrawCache | |
CIRhWidgetDrawCacheEx | |
CITabbedDockBarEventWatcher | Extension interface for forwarding tabbed dockbar events |
CLight | |
CMappingChannel | |
CMaterial | |
CMesh | |
CMeshInstance | |
CMRhinoApp | |
CON | OpenNurbs enums |
CON_2dex | |
CON_2dexMap | |
CON_2dPoint | |
CON_2dPointArray | |
CON_2dSize | |
CON_2dVector | |
CON_2dVectorArray | |
CON_2fPoint | |
CON_2fPointArray | |
CON_2fVector | |
CON_2fVectorArray | |
CON_2iBoundingBox | |
CON_2iPoint | |
CON_2iSize | |
CON_2iVector | |
CON_2udex | |
CON_3dex | |
CON_3dmAnimationProperties | |
CON_3dmAnnotationContext | |
CON_3dmAnnotationSettings | |
CON_3dmApplication | |
CON_3dmArchiveTableStatus | |
CON_3dmConstructionPlane | |
CON_3dmConstructionPlaneGridDefaults | |
CON_3dmGoo | |
CON_3dmIOSettings | |
CON_3dmNotes | |
CON_3dmObjectAttributes | |
CON_3dmPageSettings | |
CON_3dmProperties | |
CON_3dmRenderSettings | |
CON_3dmRevisionHistory | |
CON_3dmSettings | |
CON_3dmUnitsAndTolerances | |
CON_3dmView | |
CON_3dmViewPosition | |
CON_3dmViewTraceImage | |
CON_3dmWallpaperImage | |
CON_3dPoint | |
CON_3dPointArray | |
CON_3dPointListRef | |
CON_3dRay | |
CON_3dSimplex | A Simplex in 3d |
CON_3dVector | |
CON_3dVectorArray | |
CON_3fPoint | |
CON_3fPointArray | |
CON_3fVector | |
CON_3fVectorArray | |
CON_3udex | |
CON_4dex | Quadruplet of integer indices |
CON_4dPoint | |
CON_4dPointArray | |
CON_4dRect | |
CON_4fColor | |
CON_4fPoint | |
CON_4fPointArray | |
CON_4iRect | |
CON_4udex | |
CON_AerialPhotoCameraPosition | |
CON_AerialPhotoImage | |
CON_AerialPhotoImageFrustum | |
CON_AggregateComponentStatus | |
CON_AggregateComponentStatusEx | |
CON_AngleUnitName | |
CON_AngleValue | |
CON_Annotation | |
CON_Arc | |
CON_ArcCurve | |
CON_ArchivableDictionary | |
CON_ArithmeticCalculator | |
CON_Arrowhead | |
CON_Base64 | |
CON_Base64EncodeStream | |
CON_BendFaceConstraint | |
CON_BezierCage | |
CON_BezierCageMorph | |
CON_BezierCurve | |
CON_BezierSurface | |
CON_Big5CodePoint | ON_Big5CodePoint is a tool to use when working with BIG5 encoded strings |
CON_Big5UnicodePair | |
CON_BinaryArchive | < use for generic serialization of binary data |
CON_BinaryArchiveBuffer | |
CON_BinaryFile | |
CON_Bitmap | |
CON_BoundingBox | |
CON_BoundingBoxAndHash | |
CON_BoundingBoxCache | |
CON_Box | |
CON_Brep | |
CON_BrepEdge | |
CON_BrepEdgeArray | |
CON_BrepFace | |
CON_BrepFaceArray | |
CON_BrepFaceIsoInterval | |
CON_BrepFaceSide | |
CON_BrepFaceSideArray | |
CON_BrepLoop | |
CON_BrepLoopArray | |
CON_BrepQuadFacePack | |
CON_BrepQuadFacePackSide | |
CON_BrepRegion | |
CON_BrepRegionArray | |
CON_BrepRegionTopology | |
CON_BrepStarFacePack | |
CON_BrepTrim | |
CON_BrepTrimArray | |
CON_BrepTrimParameter | |
CON_BrepTrimPoint | |
CON_BrepVertex | |
CON_BrepVertexArray | |
CON_Buffer | |
CON_BumpFunction | |
CON_CageMorph | |
CON_Centermark | |
CON_CheckSum | |
CON_Circle | |
CON_CIXEvent | Curve/ImplicitFunction intersection event |
CON_ClashEvent | |
CON_ClassArray | |
CON_ClassId | Used for runtime class identification |
CON_ClippingPlane | |
CON_ClippingPlaneDataStore | |
CON_ClippingPlaneInfo | |
CON_ClippingPlaneSurface | |
CON_ClippingRegion | |
CON_ClippingRegionPoints | |
CON_Color | |
CON_ColorStop | |
CON_ComponentAttributes | |
CON_ComponentIndexAndNumber | |
CON_ComponentManifest | |
CON_ComponentManifestItem | |
CON_ComponentStatus | |
CON_CompressedBuffer | |
CON_CompressStream | |
CON_Cone | |
►CON_ContentHash | |
CCache | |
CON_ConvexHullPoint2 | |
CON_ConvexHullRef | |
CON_ConvexHullRefEx | |
CON_ConvexPoly | |
CON_Curve | |
CON_CurveArray | |
CON_CurveLeafBox | |
CON_CurveOnSurface | |
CON_CurvePair | Parametric/space curve pair used in surface intersections |
►CON_CurvePiping | |
CDefaults | |
CON_CurvePipingUserData | |
CON_CurveProxy | |
CON_CurveProxyHistory | |
CON_CurveRegionBoundaryElement | |
CON_CurveSetOverlapCheck | |
CON_CurveTree | |
CON_CurveTreeBezier | |
CON_CurveTreeNode | |
CON_Cylinder | |
CON_DebugWriteArchive | |
CON_Decal | |
CON_DecodeBase64 | |
CON_DepthImage | |
CON_DepthImageDefaultShaderContext | |
CON_DepthImagePixel | |
CON_DepthImagePointShader | |
CON_DepthImageTriangle | |
CON_DepthImageTriangleMesh | |
CON_DepthImageTriangleShader | |
CON_DetailView | |
CON_DimAngular | |
CON_Dimension | |
CON_DimLinear | |
CON_DimOrdinate | |
CON_DimRadial | |
►CON_DimStyle | |
CDimstyleField | |
CON_DimStyleContext | |
►CON_Displacement | |
CDefaults | |
CSubItem | Sub-items can exist to override the top-level parameters for polysurface/SubD faces |
CSubItemIterator | |
CON_DisplacementUserData | |
CON_DisplayMaterialRef | |
CON_Dithering | |
CON_DocumentUserStringList | |
CON_EarthAnchorPoint | |
►CON_EdgeSoftening | |
CDefaults | |
CON_EdgeSofteningUserData | |
CON_Ellipse | |
CON_EmbeddedBitmap | |
CON_EmbeddedFile | |
CON_Environment | ON_Environment |
CON_ErrorEvent | |
CON_ErrorLog | |
CON_Evaluator | |
CON_Extrusion | |
CON_FaceNameKey | |
CON_FileIterator | |
CON_FileReference | |
CON_FileStream | |
CON_FileSystem | |
CON_FileSystemPath | |
CON_FixedSizePool | |
CON_FixedSizePoolElement | |
CON_FixedSizePoolIterator | |
CON_Font | An ON_Font is a face in a font family. It corresponds to a Windows LOGFONT, a .NET System.Drawing.Font or a FreeType FT_Face |
CON_FontFaceQuartet | |
CON_FontGlyph | |
CON_FontList | |
CON_FontMetrics | |
CON_FunctionList | |
CON_Geometry | |
CON_GeometryFingerprint | |
CON_GlyphMap | |
CON_GroundPlane | |
CON_Group | |
CON_Hash32Table | |
CON_Hash32TableItem | |
CON_Hatch | |
CON_HatchLine | |
CON_HatchLoop | |
CON_HatchPattern | |
CON_HermiteSurface | |
CON_HiddenLineDrawing | |
CON_HistoryRecord | |
CON_HLD_Object | |
CON_HLDCurve | |
CON_HLDFullCurve | |
CON_HLDPoint | |
CON_InstanceDefinition | |
CON_InstanceRef | |
CON_Internal_FontGlyphPool | |
CON_Interval | |
CON_Layer | |
CON_Leader | ON_Leader class |
CON_LengthUnitName | |
CON_LengthValue | |
CON_Light | |
CON_Line | |
CON_LinearWorkflow | |
CON_LineCurve | |
CON_Linetype | Class ON_Linetype |
CON_LinetypeSegment | Class ON_LinetypeSegment |
CON_Locale | |
CON_Localizer | |
CON_LocalZero1 | Find a local zero of a 1 parameter function |
CON_Lock | |
CON_ManagedFonts | |
CON_ManifestMap | |
CON_ManifestMapItem | |
CON_MappingChannel | |
CON_MappingMeshInfo | |
CON_MappingRef | |
CON_MappingTag | |
CON_MassProperties | |
CON_Material | |
CON_MaterialRef | |
CON_Matrix | |
CON_MD5 | |
CON_MD5_Hash | |
CON_Mesh | |
CON_MeshCache | |
CON_MeshComponentRef | |
CON_MeshCurvatureStats | |
CON_MeshCurveParameters | |
CON_MeshFace | |
CON_MeshFaceList | |
CON_MeshFaceSide | |
CON_MeshIntersectionCache | Provides a mechanism for lazily evaluating mesh data. The implementation is private and subject to change |
CON_MeshIntersectionOptions | Provides a mechanism for lazily evaluating mesh data |
CON_MeshMarker | |
CON_MeshModifier | |
CON_MeshModifiers | |
CON_MeshNgon | |
CON_MeshNgonAllocator | |
CON_MeshNgonBuffer | |
CON_MeshNgonIterator | |
CON_MeshParameters | |
CON_MeshPart | |
CON_MeshPartition | |
CON_MeshRef | |
CON_MeshThicknessAnalysis | |
CON_MeshThicknessAnalysisPoint | |
CON_MeshThicknessAnalysisVertexIterator | |
CON_MeshTopology | |
CON_MeshTopologyEdge | |
CON_MeshTopologyFace | |
CON_MeshTopologyVertex | |
CON_MeshTree | |
CON_MeshTreeNode | |
CON_MeshTriangle | |
CON_MeshVertexFaceMap | |
CON_MeshX | |
CON_MeshXLine | |
CON_MeshXPlane | |
CON_MeshXPoint | |
CON_MeshXPointPair | |
CON_MeshXPointPool | |
CON_MeshXPointPoolIterator | |
CON_MMX_Polyline | |
CON_ModelComponent | |
CON_ModelComponentContentMark | |
CON_ModelComponentReference | ON_ModelComponentReference is a persistent reference to a model component. ON_ModelComponentReference and ON_ModelComponentWeakReference are based on like std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr |
CON_ModelComponentTypeIterator | |
CON_ModelComponentWeakReference | ON_ModelComponentWeakReference is a weak shared reference to a model component. ON_ModelComponentReference and ON_ModelComponentWeakReference are based on like std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr |
CON_ModelGeometryComponent | |
CON_MorphControl | |
CON_NameHash | |
CON_NumberFormatter | ON_Table class |
CON_NurbsCage | |
CON_NurbsCurve | |
CON_NurbsSurface | |
CON_Object | |
CON_ObjectArray | |
CON_ObjectRenderingAttributes | |
CON_ObjRef | |
CON_ObjRef_IRefID | |
CON_ObjRefEvaluationParameter | |
CON_ObsoleteUserData | |
CON_OffsetCurveSDF | |
CON_OffsetSurface | |
CON_OffsetSurfaceFunction | |
CON_OffsetSurfaceValue | |
CON_Outline | |
CON_OutlineAccumulator | |
CON_OutlineFigure | |
CON_OutlineFigurePoint | |
CON_PackedTextureRectangle | |
CON_PackTextureRectanglesParameters | |
CON_PANOSE1 | https://monotype.github.io/panose/pan1.htm |
CON_ParseSettings | |
►CON_ParticleSystem | |
CON_Force | |
CON_IntegrateContext | |
CON_Particle | |
CON_ParticleIterator | |
CON_ParticleState | |
CON_PeriodicDomain | |
►CON_PhysicallyBasedMaterial | |
CParametersNames | |
CON_PickPoint | |
CON_PlanarSection | |
CON_PlanarSections | |
CON_Plane | |
CON_PlaneEquation | |
CON_PlaneSDF | |
CON_PlaneSurface | |
CON_PlugInRef | |
CON_PlusFunction | |
CON_Point | |
CON_PointCloud | |
CON_PointerSleepLock | |
CON_PointGrid | |
CON_PolyCurve | |
CON_PolyEdgeCurve | |
CON_PolyEdgeHistory | |
CON_PolyEdgeSegment | |
CON_Polyline | |
CON_PolylineCurve | |
CON_PolynomialCurve | |
CON_PolynomialSurface | |
CON_PostEffect | Class ON_PostEffect represents a single post effect |
CON_PostEffectParams | Class ON_PostEffectParams represents a collection of arbitrary post effect parameters |
CON_PostEffects | Class ON_PostEffects represents a collection of post effects |
CON_ProgressReporter | |
CON_ProgressStepCounter | |
CON_Quaternion | |
CON_RandomNumberGenerator | |
CON_RayShooter | |
CON_RdkDocumentDefaults | This class is for internal RDK use only |
CON_RdkMaterialInstanceIdObsoleteUserData | |
CON_RdkUserData | |
CON_Read3dmBufferArchive | |
CON_ReferencedComponentSettings | |
CON_RegKey | |
CON_RenderChannels | |
►CON_RenderContent | |
CChildIterator | |
CON_RenderEnvironment | |
CON_RenderingAttributes | |
CON_RenderMaterial | |
CON_RenderMeshInfo | |
CON_RenderTexture | |
CON_RevSurface | Surface of revolution |
►CON_RtfFirstChar | |
CTextRun | |
CON_RtfParser | |
►CON_RtfStringBuilder | |
CTextRun | |
CON_RTree | |
CON_RTreeBBox | |
CON_RTreeBranch | |
CON_RTreeCapsule | |
CON_RTreeIterator | |
CON_RTreeLeaf | |
CON_RTreeMemPool | |
CON_RTreeNode | |
CON_RTreePolylineContext | Passes data about the polyline being intersected |
CON_RTreeSearchResult | |
CON_RTreeSphere | |
CON_SafeFrame | |
CON_ScaleValue | |
CON_SectionAnalysisAppearance | |
CON_SectionAnalysisPlane | |
CON_SectionStyle | Class ON_SectionStyle |
►CON_SerialNumberMap | |
CON_SHA1 | |
CON_SHA1_Hash | |
►CON_ShutLining | |
►CCurve | |
CDefaults | |
CCurveIterator | |
CDefaults | |
CON_ShutLiningUserData | |
CON_SignedDistanceFunction | |
CON_SilhouetteParameters | |
CON_SimpleArray | |
CON_SimpleFixedSizePool | |
CON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator | |
CON_SimpleMinimizer | |
CON_SIXEvent | Surface/ImplicitFunction Intersection event |
CON_Skylight | |
CON_SleepLock | |
CON_SleepLockGuard | |
CON_SpaceMorph | |
CON_Sphere | |
CON_SphereSDF | |
CON_SquishConstraint | |
CON_SquishConstraints | |
CON_Squisher | |
CON_SquisherImpl | |
CON_SquishParameters | |
CON_StackedText | |
CON_StandardDisplayModeId | |
CON_StopWatch | |
CON_String | A char string. Any multibyte encoding can be used. If the encoding is unknown, assume it is UTF-8 |
CON_StringBuffer | |
CON_SubD | |
CON_SubD_ComponentIdTypeAndTag | Simple arrays of ON_SubD_ComponentIdTypeAndTag elements are used to save original tag values so the can be retrieved after complex editing operations |
CON_SubD_FixedSizeHeap | |
CON_SubDComponentAndNumber | |
CON_SubDComponentAndPoint | |
CON_SubDComponentBase | |
CON_SubDComponentFilter | |
CON_SubDComponentId | |
CON_SubDComponentIdList | |
CON_SubDComponentIterator | |
CON_SubDComponentList | |
CON_SubDComponentMarksClearAndRestore | |
CON_SubDComponentParameter | |
CON_SubDComponentPoint | |
CON_SubDComponentPtr | |
CON_SubDComponentPtrPair | |
CON_SubDComponentPtrPairHashTable | |
CON_SubDComponentRef | |
CON_SubDComponentRefList | |
CON_SubDComponentRegion | |
CON_SubDComponentRegionIndex | |
CON_SubDComponentTest | |
CON_SubDDisplayParameters | |
CON_SubDEdge | |
CON_SubDEdgeArray | |
CON_SubDEdgeChain | |
CON_SubDEdgeChainCurve | |
CON_SubDEdgeIdIterator | |
CON_SubDEdgeIterator | |
CON_SubDEdgePtr | |
CON_SubDEdgeSharpness | ON_SubDHash provides a simple way to save a SubD's vertex, edge, and face SHA1 hashes. Typically it is used when a calculation needs to know if the current SubD has is geometrically identical to a previous SubD. When speed is not important, comparing the current value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() to a previously save value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() is functionally identical but typically much slower when the SubDs are different |
CON_SubDExpandEdgesParameters | |
CON_SubDFace | |
CON_SubDFaceArray | |
CON_SubDFaceCornerDex | A ON_SubDFaceCornerDex is a value that identifies a subd face corner |
CON_SubDFaceEdgeIterator | |
CON_SubDFaceIdIterator | |
CON_SubDFaceIterator | |
CON_SubDFaceNeighborhood | |
CON_SubDFaceParameter | |
CON_SubDFacePtr | |
CON_SubDFaceRegion | |
CON_SubDFaceRegionAndNurbs | |
CON_SubDFromMeshParameters | |
CON_SubDFromSurfaceParameters | |
CON_SubDHash | ON_SubDHash provides a simple way to save a SubD's vertex, edge, and face SHA1 hashes. Typically it is used when a calculation needs to know if the current SubD has is geometrically identical to a previous SubD. When speed is not important, comparing the current value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() to a previously save value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() is functionally identical but typically much slower when the SubDs are different |
CON_SubDManagedMeshFragment | ON_SubDManagedMeshFragment is a legacy class that should not be used |
CON_SubDMatrix | |
CON_SubDMesh | ON_SubDMesh is used to store a high density traditional quad mesh of a SubD surface or a mesh of a SubD control net. In general, is is better to use an ON_SubDMeshFragmentIterator(subd) that iterates the ON_MeshFragments cached on the ON_SubD |
CON_SubDMeshFragment | |
CON_SubDMeshFragmentGrid | |
CON_SubDMeshFragmentIterator | |
CON_SubDQuadFacePack | |
CON_SubDQuadFacePackSide | |
CON_SubDQuadNeighborhood | |
CON_SubDRef | |
CON_SubDRTree | |
CON_SubDRTreeVertexFinder | |
CON_SubDSectorId | |
CON_SubDSectorIterator | |
CON_SubDSectorSurfacePoint | |
CON_SubDSectorType | |
CON_SubDSurfaceInterpolator | |
CON_SubDSurfaceNurbsFragment | |
CON_SubDToBrepParameters | |
CON_SubDVertex | |
CON_SubDVertexArray | |
CON_SubDVertexEdgeProperties | |
CON_SubDVertexIdIterator | |
CON_SubDVertexIterator | |
CON_SubDVertexPtr | |
CON_SubDVertexSharpnessCalculator | |
CON_SubDVertexSurfacePointCoefficient | |
CON_Sum | |
CON_SumSurface | Surface of revolution |
CON_Sun | |
CON_SunEngine | Class ON_SunEngine is a sun astronomical calculation engine |
CON_Surface | |
CON_SurfaceArray | |
CON_SurfaceCurvature | |
CON_SurfaceCurvatureColorMapping | |
CON_SurfaceDraftAngleColorMapping | |
CON_SurfaceLeafBox | |
CON_SurfaceProperties | |
CON_SurfaceProxy | |
CON_SurfaceTree | |
CON_SurfaceTreeBezier | |
CON_SurfaceTreeNode | |
CON_SurfaceValues | ON_SurfaceValues stores surface evaluation values (point, normal, curvatures, derivatives) in a single class |
CON_Symmetry | |
CON_TensorProduct | |
CON_Terminator | |
CON_TestClass | |
CON_Text | ON_Table class |
CON_TextBox | |
►CON_TextBuilder | |
CTextProps | |
CON_TextContent | |
CON_TextContext | |
CON_TextDot | |
CON_TextHash | |
CON_TextIterator | Converts wchar_t characters to Unicode codepoints |
CON_TextLog | |
CON_TextLogIndent | |
CON_TextLogLevelOfDetail | |
CON_TextMask | |
CON_TextRun | A range of text with all the same attributes |
CON_TextRunArray | |
CON_TextRunBuilder | |
CON_TextStyle | |
CON_Texture | |
CON_TextureCoordinates | |
CON_TextureMapping | |
►CON_Thickening | |
CDefaults | |
CON_ThickeningUserData | |
CON_Torus | |
CON_Triangle | |
CON_TriangleMesh | |
CON_TriangleMeshPoint | |
CON_TrianglePlane | |
CON_U | |
CON_UncompressStream | |
CON_UnicodeErrorParameters | |
CON_UnicodeShortCodePoint | ON_UnicodeShortCodePoint is a tool to use when working with Unicode code points with values <=0xFFFF. Note that valid Unicode code point values can be as large as 0x10FFFD. (0x10FFFE and 0x10FFFF are specified as <not a character> by the Unicode Standard code chart https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U10FF80.pdf) This class is used when converting between Unicode and BIG5 encodings and in other settings where Unicode code points > 0xFFFF are not encountered and the 2 byte size of ON_UnicodeShortCodePoint appreciably more efficient that a 4 byte size of an unsigned int |
CON_UnicodeTextFile | |
CON_UniqueTester | |
CON_UnitSystem | |
CON_UnknownUserData | |
CON_UserData | |
CON_UserDataHolder | |
CON_UserDataItemFilter | |
CON_UserString | |
CON_UserStringList | |
CON_UUID_struct | ON_UUID is a 16 byte universally unique identifier |
CON_UuidIndex | |
CON_UuidIndexList | |
CON_UuidIndexList2 | |
CON_UuidList | |
CON_UuidPair | |
CON_UuidPairList | |
CON_UuidPairList2 | |
CON_UuidPtr | |
CON_UuidPtrList | |
CON_UuidPtrList2 | |
CON_Viewport | |
CON_Vtable | |
CON_WeightedAverageHash | |
CON_WindingNumber | |
CON_WindowsBitmap | |
CON_WindowsBitmapEx | |
CON_WindowsRGBQUAD | Windows sizeof(ON_WindowsRGBQUAD) = 4 |
CON_Workspace | |
CON_Write3dmBufferArchive | |
CON_wString | A wide character string. The default encoding is the encoding the compiler uses for wchar_t* s = L"..."; strings. This is typically 2 byte wchar_t UTF-16 on Windows and 4 byte wchar_t UTF-32 on MacOS. However, some MacOS SDK functions return 4 byte wchar_t UTF-16 strings |
CON_wStringBuffer | |
CON_Xform | |
CON_XMesh | |
CON_XMeshComponent | |
CON_XMeshEdge | |
CON_XMeshEdgeIterator | |
CON_XMeshEdgePool | |
CON_XMeshEvent | |
CON_XMeshEventIterator | |
CON_XMeshEventList | |
CON_XMeshEventPool | |
CON_XMeshFace | |
CON_XMeshFaceIterator | |
CON_XMeshFacePool | |
CON_XMeshFaceXData | |
CON_XMeshFF | |
CON_XMeshFFIterator | |
CON_XMeshFFPool | |
CON_XMeshIntersector | |
CON_XMeshPlaneEquation | |
CON_XMeshPolyline | |
CON_XMeshVertex | |
CON_XMeshVertexIterator | |
CON_XMeshVertexPool | |
►CON_XMLNode | |
CCharacterCounts | |
CChildIterator | < Iteration |
CPropertyIterator | |
CON_XMLParamBlock | Class ON_XMLParamBlock is ON_XMLParameters with a built-in XML node |
►CON_XMLParameters | |
CCIterator | |
CON_XMLParametersV8 | |
CON_XMLProperty | |
CON_XMLRootNode | |
CON_XMLSegmentedStream | |
CON_XMLUserData | |
CON_XMLVariant | |
CONX_ErrorCounter | |
CONX_Model | |
CONX_Model_UserData | |
CONX_ModelComponentIterator | |
CONX_ModelTest | |
CRealtimeDisplayMode | |
CRegisteredPipeline | |
CRhDevelopableSurface | |
CRhDisplacement | Represents surface displacement on an object |
CRhDisplacementArgs | A class containing all displacement options |
CRhEdgeSofteningArgs | |
CRhinoCheckMeshOutput | |
CRhinoMeshEdgeSlider | Class for sliding edges of a mesh |
CRhinoMeshUnwrapper | |
CRhinoReduceMeshParameters | |
CRhinoSdkBlend | |
CRhinoSubDEdgeSlider | Class for sliding edges of a SubD |
CRhinoUiColorComboBoxItemData | |
CRhinoUiFontComboBoxItemData | |
CRhinoUiLayerComboBoxItemData | |
CRhinoUiLinetypeComboBoxItemData | |
CRhinoUiPrintWidthComboBoxItemData | |
CRhinoUiUuidComboBoxItemData | |
CRhinoVersion | |
CRhMeshPipeArgs | |
CRhShutLiningArgs | Shut-lining arguments |
CRhShutLiningCurveArgs | Shut-lining curve arguments |
CRhSimplifyCurveFlags | |
►CRtfComposer | |
CRunInfo | |
CSkylight | |
CtagFontKey | |
CtagMakeRadiusSplineData | |
CtagPOINT | |
CtagRECT | |
CtagRH_LINE | Used by CRhinoGet::Line2d() to return 2d screen line |
CtagRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlNM | |
CtagSIZE | |
CtagTCITEM | |