Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for ON_DimOrdinate, including all inherited members.
AdjustFromPoints(const ON_Plane &plane, MeasuredDirection direction, const ON_3dPoint &basept, const ON_3dPoint &defpt, const ON_3dPoint &ldrpt, double kinkoffset1, double kinkoffset2) | ON_DimOrdinate | |
AggregateComponentStatus() const | ON_Object | virtual |
AllowTextScaling() const | ON_Annotation | |
Alternate(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AlternateBelow(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AlternateDimensionLengthDisplay(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AlternateDimensionLengthDisplayUnit(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, unsigned int model_sn) const | ON_Annotation | |
AlternateLengthFactor(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AlternateLengthResolution(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AlternatePrefix(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AlternateRoundOff(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AlternateSuffix(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AlternateToleranceResolution(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AlternateZeroSuppress(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AngleFormat(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AngleResolution(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AngleRoundOff(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AngleZeroSuppress(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ArcLengthSymbol(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ArrowBlockId1(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ArrowBlockId2(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ArrowFit(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Dimension | |
ArrowIsFlipped(int i) const | ON_Dimension | |
ArrowSize(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ArrowType1(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ArrowType2(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
AttachUserData(class ON_UserData *pUserData) | ON_Object | |
BaselineSpacing(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
BoundingBox() const | ON_Geometry | |
BrepForm(class ON_Brep *brep=nullptr) const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
CalcKinkPoints(ON_2dPoint defpt, ON_2dPoint ldrpt, MeasuredDirection direction, double default_kink_offset, ON_2dPoint &kinkpt1_out, ON_2dPoint &kinkpt2_out) const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
CalcTextFlip(const ON_3dVector &text_xdir, const ON_3dVector &text_ydir, const ON_3dVector &text_zdir, const ON_3dVector &view_xdir, const ON_3dVector &view_ydir, const ON_3dVector &view_zdir, const ON_Xform *model_xform, const double flip_tol, bool &flip_x, bool &flip_y) | ON_Annotation | static |
CenterMarkSize(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
CenterMarkStyle(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ClearAllComponentStates() const | ON_Object | |
ClearBoundingBox() | ON_Geometry | virtual |
ClearComponentStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const | ON_Object | virtual |
ClearComponentStates(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const | ON_Object | virtual |
ClearFieldOverride(ON_DimStyle::field field) | ON_Annotation | |
ClearOverrideDimensionStyle() | ON_Annotation | |
ClearRtfFmt(const wchar_t *fmt_str_on, const wchar_t *fmt_str_off, ON_wString &rtf_in) | ON_Annotation | static |
ClearText() const | ON_Annotation | |
ComponentIndex() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution) | ON_Object | |
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object) | ON_Object | |
Create(const ON_UUID style_id, const ON_Plane &plane, MeasuredDirection direction, const ON_3dPoint &basept, const ON_3dPoint &defpt, const ON_3dPoint &ldrpt, double kinkoffset1, double kinkoffset2) | ON_DimOrdinate | |
CreateFromV2Annotation(const class ON_OBSOLETE_V2_Annotation &V2_annotation, const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext *annotation_context) | ON_Annotation | static |
CreateFromV5Annotation(const class ON_OBSOLETE_V5_Annotation &V5_annotation, const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext *annotation_context) | ON_Annotation | static |
CreateFromV5DimOrdinate(const class ON_OBSOLETE_V5_DimOrdinate &V5_dim_ordinate, const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext *annotation_context, ON_DimOrdinate *destination) | ON_DimOrdinate | static |
DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const | ON_Object | virtual |
DecimalSeparator(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DefaultTextPoint() const | ON_Dimension | virtual |
DefPt() const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
DeleteComponents(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count) | ON_Object | virtual |
DestroyRuntimeCache(bool bDelete=true) | ON_Object | virtual |
DetachUserData(class ON_UserData *pUserData) | ON_Object | |
DetailMeasured() const | ON_Dimension | |
Dimension() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
DimensionLengthDisplay(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimensionLengthDisplayUnit(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, unsigned int model_sn) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimensionStyle(const ON_DimStyle &parent_dimstyle) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimensionStyle(const ON_DimStyle &parent_dimstyle, bool bForceOverrideUpdate) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimensionStyleId() const | ON_Annotation | |
DimExtension(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimRadialTextAngleStyle(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimRadialTextLocation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimRadialTextOrientation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimScale(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimStyleTextPositionPropertiesHash() const | ON_Annotation | |
DimTextAngleStyle(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimTextLocation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DimTextOrientation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DistanceScale() const | ON_Dimension | |
DrawForward(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
DrawTextMask(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
Dump(ON_TextLog &) const | ON_Object | virtual |
EmergencyDestroy() | ON_Object | |
Empty | ON_DimOrdinate | static |
EqualTextPositionProperties(const class ON_DimStyle *dimstyle) const | ON_Annotation | |
EvaluatePoint(const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
ExtensionLineExtension(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ExtensionLineOffset(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
FieldIsOverridden(ON_DimStyle::field field) const | ON_Annotation | |
FindRtfTable(ON_wString rtf_in, int startidx, const wchar_t *tablename) | ON_Annotation | static |
FirstCharFont() const | ON_Annotation | |
FirstCharTextProperties(const wchar_t *rtf_in, bool &bold, bool &italic, bool &underline, ON_wString &facename) | ON_Annotation | static |
FirstUserData() const | ON_Object | |
FixedExtensionLength(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
FixedExtensionLengthOn(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
FlipArrow(int i, bool flip) const | ON_Dimension | |
Font(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
FontCharacteristics(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
FontSubstituted(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ForceArrow enum name | ON_Dimension | |
ForceArrowFromUnsigned(unsigned int force_arrow_as_unsigned) | ON_Dimension | static |
ForceArrowPosition() const | ON_Dimension | |
ForceDimLine(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Dimension | |
ForceText enum name | ON_Dimension | |
ForceTextFromUnsigned(unsigned int force_text_as_unsigned) | ON_Dimension | static |
ForceTextPosition() const | ON_Dimension | |
FormattingRectangleWidth() const | ON_Annotation | |
Get3dBasePoint() const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
Get3dDefPt() const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
Get3dKinkPt1(double default_kink_offset=1.0) const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
Get3dKinkPt2(double default_kink_offset=1.0) const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
Get3dLeaderPt() const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
Get3dPoints(ON_3dPoint *base_pt, ON_3dPoint *def_pt, ON_3dPoint *ldr_pt, ON_3dPoint *kink_pt1, ON_3dPoint *kink_pt2, double default_kink_offset=1.0) const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
GetAlignment(ON::TextHorizontalAlignment &horz, ON::TextVerticalAlignment &vert) const | ON_Annotation | |
GetAnnotationBoundingBox(const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrow=false) const override | ON_DimOrdinate | virtual |
GetBBox(double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrowBox=false) const override | ON_DimOrdinate | virtual |
GetBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox &bbox, bool bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Geometry | |
GetBoundingBox(ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, bool bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Geometry | |
GetCentermarkDisplay(const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_2dPoint center, double marksize, double radius, ON_DimStyle::centermark_style style, ON_Line lines[6], bool isline[6], int maxlines) | ON_Dimension | static |
GetCentermarkSnapPoints(const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_2dPoint center, double marksize, double radius, ON_DimStyle::centermark_style style, ON_3dPoint points[13], bool ispoint[13]) | ON_Dimension | static |
GetComponentsWithSetStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const | ON_Object | virtual |
GetDefaultHorizontal(const ON_Plane &plane) | ON_Annotation | static |
GetDisplayLines(const ON_DimStyle *style, double dimscale, ON_3dPoint text_rect[4], ON_Line lines[3], bool isline[3], int maxlines) const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
GetDistanceDisplayText(ON::LengthUnitSystem units_in, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, ON_wString &displaytext) const | ON_Dimension | virtual |
GetMeasuredDirection() const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
GetText3dCorners(ON_3dPoint corners[4]) const | ON_Annotation | |
GetTextGlyphContours(const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, bool bApplyDimStyleDimScale, bool bSingleStrokeFont, ON_ClassArray< ON_ClassArray< ON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * > > > &text_contours) const | ON_Annotation | |
GetTextRect(ON_3dPoint text_rect[4]) const | ON_Dimension | virtual |
GetTextXform(const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, ON_Xform &text_xform_out) const override | ON_DimOrdinate | virtual |
GetTextXform(const ON_Xform *model_xform, const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, ON_Xform &text_xform_out) const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
GetTightBoundingBox(class ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, bool bGrowBox=false, const class ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
GetUserData(const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserString(const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserStringKeys(ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserStrings(ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const | ON_Object | |
HasBrepForm() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
HasDimensionStyleOverrides() const | ON_Annotation | |
HorizontalDirection() const | ON_Annotation | |
ImpliedDirection(ON_2dPoint defpt, ON_2dPoint ldrpt) const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
Internal_GetBBox_Begin(const ON_SHA1_Hash &hash, double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrow) const | ON_Annotation | protected |
Internal_GetBBox_End(const ON_BoundingBox &bbox, const ON_SHA1_Hash &hash, double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrow) const | ON_Annotation | protected |
Internal_GetBBox_InputHash(const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, const ON_2dPoint &text_point, unsigned int point_count, const ON_2dPoint *points) const | ON_Annotation | protected |
Internal_GetBBox_TextGlyphBox(const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, ON_BoundingBox &text_glyph_box) const | ON_Annotation | protected |
Internal_IsOverrideDimStyleCandidate(const ON_DimStyle *override_style_candidate, ON_UUID parent_id, bool bRequireSetOverrides, bool bIssueErrorsAndWarnings) | ON_Annotation | protectedstatic |
Internal_ReadAnnotation(ON_BinaryArchive &archive) | ON_Annotation | protected |
Internal_ReadDimension(ON_BinaryArchive &) | ON_Dimension | protected |
Internal_SetDimStyleFromV5Annotation(const class ON_OBSOLETE_V5_Annotation &V5_annotation, const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext *annotation_context) | ON_Annotation | protected |
Internal_WriteAnnotation(ON_BinaryArchive &archive) const | ON_Annotation | protected |
Internal_WriteDimension(ON_BinaryArchive &) const | ON_Dimension | protected |
IsAllBold() const | ON_Annotation | |
IsAllItalic() const | ON_Annotation | |
IsAllUnderlined() const | ON_Annotation | |
IsCorrupt(bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Object | |
IsDeformable() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
IsKindOf(const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const | ON_Object | |
IsMorphable() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
IsOverrideDimStyleCandidate(const ON_DimStyle *override_style_candidate, bool bRequireSetOverrides) const | ON_Annotation | |
IsOverrideStylePointer(const ON_DimStyle *ptr) const | ON_Annotation | |
IsValid(class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override | ON_Dimension | virtual |
KinkOffset1() const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
KinkOffset2() const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
KinkPt1() const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
KinkPt2() const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
LeaderArrowBlockId(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderArrowSize(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderArrowType(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderContentAngleDegrees(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderContentAngleRadians(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderContentAngleStyle(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderCurveType(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderHasLanding(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderLandingLength(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderPt() const | ON_DimOrdinate | |
LeaderTextHorizontalAlignment(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderTextOrientation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LeaderTextVerticalAlignment(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LengthFactor(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
LengthResolution(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
m_allow_text_scaling | ON_Annotation | protected |
m_annotation_type | ON_Annotation | protected |
m_def_pt | ON_DimOrdinate | protected |
m_detail_measured | ON_Dimension | protected |
m_dimstyle_id | ON_Annotation | protected |
m_direction | ON_DimOrdinate | protected |
m_distance_scale | ON_Dimension | mutableprotected |
m_flip_arrow_1 | ON_Dimension | mutableprotected |
m_flip_arrow_2 | ON_Dimension | mutableprotected |
m_horizontal_direction | ON_Annotation | protected |
m_kink_offset_1 | ON_DimOrdinate | protected |
m_kink_offset_2 | ON_DimOrdinate | protected |
m_ldr_pt | ON_DimOrdinate | protected |
m_plain_user_text | ON_Dimension | mutableprotected |
m_plane | ON_Annotation | protected |
m_reserved | ON_Dimension | protected |
m_reserved2 | ON_Annotation | protected |
m_reserved3 | ON_Annotation | protected |
m_reserved4 | ON_Annotation | protected |
m_reserved98 | ON_Dimension | protected |
m_reserved99 | ON_Dimension | protected |
m_text | ON_Annotation | mutableprotected |
m_text_outside | ON_Dimension | mutableprotected |
m_use_default_text_point | ON_Dimension | protected |
m_user_text | ON_Dimension | protected |
m_user_text_point | ON_Dimension | protected |
MakeDeformable() | ON_Geometry | virtual |
MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent() const | ON_Object | virtual |
MaskBorder(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
MaskColor(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
MaskFillType(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
MaskFrameType(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
MeasuredDirection enum name | ON_DimOrdinate | |
MeasuredDirectionFromUnsigned(unsigned int measured_direction_as_unsigned) | ON_DimOrdinate | static |
Measurement() const override | ON_DimOrdinate | virtual |
MemoryRelocate() | ON_Object | virtual |
ModelObjectId() const | ON_Object | virtual |
Morph(const class ON_SpaceMorph &morph) | ON_Geometry | virtual |
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems) | ON_Object | |
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object) | ON_Object | |
ObjectType() const override | ON_Annotation | virtual |
ON_Annotation(ON::AnnotationType annotation_type) | ON_Annotation | protected |
ON_Annotation(const ON_Annotation &src) | ON_Annotation | protected |
ON_Dimension(ON::AnnotationType annotation_type) | ON_Dimension | protected |
ON_Dimension(const ON_Dimension &src) | ON_Dimension | protected |
ON_DimOrdinate() | ON_DimOrdinate | |
ON_DimOrdinate(const ON_DimOrdinate &src)=default | ON_DimOrdinate | |
ON_Geometry()=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Geometry(const ON_Geometry &)=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Object() ON_NOEXCEPT | ON_Object | |
ON_Object(const ON_Object &) | ON_Object | |
operator=(const ON_DimOrdinate &src)=default | ON_DimOrdinate | |
ON_Dimension::operator=(const ON_Dimension &src) | ON_Dimension | protected |
ON_Annotation::operator=(const ON_Annotation &src) | ON_Annotation | protected |
ON_Geometry::operator=(const ON_Geometry &)=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Object::operator=(const ON_Object &) | ON_Object | |
PlainText() const | ON_Annotation | |
PlainTextWithFields() const | ON_Annotation | |
PlainTextWithFields(ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dex > *runmap) const | ON_Annotation | |
PlainUserText() const | ON_Dimension | |
Plane() const | ON_Annotation | |
Prefix(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
PurgeUserData() | ON_Object | |
Read(ON_BinaryArchive &archive) override | ON_DimOrdinate | virtual |
RebuildDimensionText(ON::LengthUnitSystem units_in, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, bool expandanglebrackets) const | ON_Dimension | |
ReplaceTextString(const wchar_t *RtfString, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle) | ON_Annotation | |
RichText() const | ON_Annotation | |
Rotate(double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center) | ON_Geometry | |
Rotate(double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center) | ON_Geometry | |
RoundOff(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
RtfText() const | ON_Annotation | |
RunReplaceString(const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, const wchar_t *str, int start_run_idx, int start_run_pos, int end_run_idx, int end_run_pos) | ON_Annotation | |
Scale(double scale_factor) | ON_Geometry | |
ScaleOverrideDimstyle(const ON_DimStyle *parent_dimstyle, double scale) | ON_Annotation | |
Set2dDefPt(ON_2dPoint pt) | ON_DimOrdinate | |
Set2dLeaderPt(ON_2dPoint pt) | ON_DimOrdinate | |
Set2dTextPoint(const ON_2dPoint &textpoint) | ON_Dimension | |
Set3dBasePoint(ON_3dPoint pt) | ON_DimOrdinate | |
Set3dDefPt(ON_3dPoint pt) | ON_DimOrdinate | |
Set3dLeaderPt(ON_3dPoint pt) | ON_DimOrdinate | |
SetAlignment(ON::TextHorizontalAlignment horz, ON::TextVerticalAlignment vert) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAllowTextScaling(bool scale) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAlternate(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAlternateBelow(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool below) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAlternateDimensionLengthDisplay(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay length_display) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAlternateLengthFactor(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAlternateLengthResolution(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAlternatePrefix(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const wchar_t *) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAlternateRoundOff(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double r) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAlternateSuffix(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const wchar_t *) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAlternateToleranceResolution(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int r) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAlternateZeroSuppress(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero s) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAngleFormat(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::angle_format format) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAngleResolution(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int r) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAngleRoundOff(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double r) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAngleZeroSuppress(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero s) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAnnotationBold(bool bold, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAnnotationFacename(bool set_or_clear, const wchar_t *facename, const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAnnotationFont(const ON_Font *font, const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAnnotationItalic(bool italic, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle) | ON_Annotation | |
SetAnnotationTextFormat(ON_wString &rtf_in, const wchar_t *fmt_str_on, const wchar_t *fmt_str_off, bool set_on) | ON_Annotation | static |
SetAnnotationUnderline(bool underline, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle) | ON_Annotation | |
SetArcLengthSymbol(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int m) | ON_Annotation | |
SetArrowBlockId1(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_UUID id) | ON_Annotation | |
SetArrowBlockId2(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_UUID id) | ON_Annotation | |
SetArrowFit(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::arrow_fit arrowfit) | ON_Dimension | |
SetArrowSize(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double d) | ON_Annotation | |
SetArrowType1(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type) | ON_Annotation | |
SetArrowType1And2(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type) | ON_Annotation | |
SetArrowType2(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type) | ON_Annotation | |
SetBaselineSpacing(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double spacing) | ON_Annotation | |
SetCenterMarkSize(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double d) | ON_Annotation | |
SetCenterMarkStyle(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::centermark_style style) | ON_Annotation | |
SetComponentStates(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const | ON_Object | virtual |
SetComponentStatus(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const | ON_Object | virtual |
SetDecimalSeparator(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, wchar_t separator) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDetailMeasured(ON_UUID uuid) | ON_Dimension | |
SetDimensionLengthDisplay(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay length_display) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimensionStyleId(ON_UUID dimstyle_id) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimensionStyleId(const class ON_DimStyle &dim_style) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimensionStyleIdForExperts(ON_UUID dimstyle_id, bool bKeepOverrides) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimExtension(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const double e) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimRadialTextAngleStyle(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::ContentAngleStyle style) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimRadialTextLocation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::TextLocation dim_text_location) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimRadialTextOrientation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextOrientation orientation) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimScale(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double scale) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimTextAngleStyle(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::ContentAngleStyle style) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimTextLocation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::TextLocation dim_text_location) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDimTextOrientation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextOrientation orientation) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDistanceScale(double distance_scale) const | ON_Dimension | |
SetDrawForward(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool drawforward) | ON_Annotation | |
SetDrawTextMask(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool bDraw) | ON_Annotation | |
SetExtensionLineExtension(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double d) | ON_Annotation | |
SetExtensionLineOffset(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double d) | ON_Annotation | |
SetFixedExtensionLength(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double l) | ON_Annotation | |
SetFixedExtensionLengthOn(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool on) | ON_Annotation | |
SetFont(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const class ON_Font &font_characteristics) | ON_Annotation | |
SetForceArrowPosition(ForceArrow force) | ON_Dimension | |
SetForceDimLine(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool forcedimline) | ON_Dimension | |
SetForceTextPosition(ForceText force) | ON_Dimension | |
SetFormattingRectangleWidth(double width) | ON_Annotation | |
SetHorizontalDirection(ON_2dVector) | ON_Annotation | |
SetKinkOffset1(double d) | ON_DimOrdinate | |
SetKinkOffset2(double d) | ON_DimOrdinate | |
SetLeaderArrowBlockId(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_UUID id) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderArrowSize(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double d) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderArrowType(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderContentAngleDegrees(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double angle_degrees) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderContentAngleRadians(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double angle_radians) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderContentAngleStyle(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::ContentAngleStyle style) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderCurveType(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::leader_curve_type type) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderHasLanding(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool landing) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderLandingLength(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double length) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderTextHorizontalAlignment(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextHorizontalAlignment halign) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderTextOrientation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextOrientation orientation) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLeaderTextVerticalAlignment(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextVerticalAlignment style) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLengthFactor(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double) | ON_Annotation | |
SetLengthResolution(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int r) | ON_Annotation | |
SetMaskBorder(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double offset) | ON_Annotation | |
SetMaskColor(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_Color color) | ON_Annotation | |
SetMaskFillType(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_TextMask::MaskType source) | ON_Annotation | |
SetMaskFrameType(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_TextMask::MaskFrame source) | ON_Annotation | |
SetMeasuredDirection(MeasuredDirection direction) | ON_DimOrdinate | |
SetOverrideDimensionStyle(ON_DimStyle *&override_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
SetOverrideDimensionStyle(const ON_DimStyle *override_style_candidate, bool bRequireSetOverrides) | ON_Annotation | |
SetPlane(const ON_Plane &plane) | ON_Annotation | |
SetPrefix(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const wchar_t *) | ON_Annotation | |
SetRoundOff(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double r) | ON_Annotation | |
SetRtfFmt(ON_wString &rtf_in, const wchar_t *fmt_str) | ON_Annotation | static |
SetSignedOrdinate(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool allowsigned) | ON_Annotation | |
SetStackFractionFormat(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::stack_format f) | ON_Annotation | |
SetStackHeightScale(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double f) | ON_Annotation | |
SetSuffix(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const wchar_t *) | ON_Annotation | |
SetSuppressArrow1(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool s) | ON_Annotation | |
SetSuppressArrow2(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool s) | ON_Annotation | |
SetSuppressExtension1(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool b) | ON_Annotation | |
SetSuppressExtension2(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool b) | ON_Annotation | |
SetText(ON_TextContent *&text) const | ON_Annotation | |
SetTextFit(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::text_fit textfit) | ON_Dimension | |
SetTextGap(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double gap) | ON_Annotation | |
SetTextHeight(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double height) | ON_Annotation | |
SetTextHorizontalAlignment(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextHorizontalAlignment halign) | ON_Annotation | |
SetTextMask(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const ON_TextMask &mask) | ON_Annotation | |
SetTextMoveLeader(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int m) | ON_Annotation | |
SetTextOrientation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextOrientation orientation) | ON_Annotation | |
SetTextRotation(double rotation_radians) | ON_Dimension | |
SetTextRotationDegrees(double rotation) | ON_Annotation | virtual |
SetTextRotationRadians(double rotation) | ON_Annotation | virtual |
SetTextUnderlined(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool underlined) | ON_Annotation | |
SetTextVerticalAlignment(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextVerticalAlignment style) | ON_Annotation | |
SetToleranceFormat(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::tolerance_format format) | ON_Annotation | |
SetToleranceHeightScale(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double scale) | ON_Annotation | |
SetToleranceLowerValue(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double lower_value) | ON_Annotation | |
SetToleranceResolution(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int resolution) | ON_Annotation | |
SetToleranceUpperValue(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double upper_value) | ON_Annotation | |
SetToleranceZeroSuppress(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero s) | ON_Annotation | |
SetUseDefaultTextPoint(bool usedefault) | ON_Dimension | virtual |
SetUserString(const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value) | ON_Object | |
SetUserStrings(int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace) | ON_Object | |
SetUserText(const wchar_t *text) | ON_Dimension | |
SetZeroSuppress(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero s) | ON_Annotation | |
SignedOrdinate(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
SizeOf() const | ON_Object | virtual |
StackFractionFormat(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
StackHeightScale(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
Suffix(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
SuppressArrow1(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
SuppressArrow2(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
SuppressExtension1(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
SuppressExtension2(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
SwapCoordinates(int i, int j) | ON_Geometry | virtual |
Text() const | ON_Annotation | |
Text() | ON_Annotation | |
TextFit(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Dimension | |
TextGap(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
TextHeight(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
TextHorizontalAlignment(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
TextMoveLeader(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
TextOrientation(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
TextPoint() const | ON_Dimension | |
TextRotation() const | ON_Dimension | |
TextRotationDegrees() const | ON_Annotation | virtual |
TextRotationRadians() const | ON_Annotation | virtual |
TextUnderlined(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
TextVerticalAlignment(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ThisIsNullptr(bool bSilentError) const | ON_Object | |
TightBoundingBox() const | ON_Geometry | |
ToleranceFormat(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ToleranceHeightScale(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ToleranceLowerValue(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ToleranceResolution(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ToleranceUpperValue(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
ToleranceZeroSuppress(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
Transform(const ON_Xform &xform) override | ON_DimOrdinate | virtual |
TransformUserData(const class ON_Xform &xform) | ON_Object | |
Translate(const ON_3dVector &translation_vector) | ON_Geometry | |
Type() const | ON_Annotation | |
Unset | ON_Geometry | static |
UpdateDimensionText(ON::LengthUnitSystem units_in, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle) const | ON_Dimension | virtual |
UpdateReferencedComponents(const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map) | ON_Object | virtual |
UseDefaultTextPoint() const | ON_Dimension | virtual |
UserDataConflictResolution enum name | ON_Object | |
UserStringCount() const | ON_Object | |
UserText() const | ON_Dimension | |
Write(ON_BinaryArchive &archive) const override | ON_DimOrdinate | virtual |
ZeroSuppress(const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const | ON_Annotation | |
~ON_Annotation() | ON_Annotation | protected |
~ON_Dimension() | ON_Dimension | protected |
~ON_DimOrdinate()=default | ON_DimOrdinate | |
~ON_Geometry()=default | ON_Geometry | |
~ON_Object() | ON_Object | virtual |