Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for ON_Font, including all inherited members.
AnnotationFontApplePointSize enum value | ON_Font | |
AnnotationFontCellHeight enum value | ON_Font | |
AppleFontName() const | ON_Font | |
AppleFontNameAsPointer() const | ON_Font | |
AppleFontWeightTrait() const | ON_Font | |
AppleFontWeightTraitEx() const | ON_Font | |
AppleFontWeightTraitFromWeight(ON_Font::Weight font_weight) | ON_Font | static |
AppleFontWidthTrait() const | ON_Font | |
AppleWeightOfFont() const | ON_Font | |
AppleWeightOfFontFromWeight(ON_Font::Weight font_weight) | ON_Font | static |
BestMatch(const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Font * > &font_list) const | ON_Font | |
BestMatch(ON_Font const *const *font_list, size_t font_count) const | ON_Font | |
CleanFontName(const wchar_t *dirty_font_name, ON_StringMapOrdinalType map) | ON_Font | static |
CodePointGlyph(ON__UINT32 unicode_code_point) const | ON_Font | |
CompareFontCharacteristics(const ON_Font &lhs, const ON_Font &rhs) | ON_Font | static |
CompareFontCharacteristicsForExperts(bool bComparePlatformSpecificCharacteristics, bool bIgnoreUnsetCharacteristics, const ON_Font &lhs, const ON_Font &rhs) | ON_Font | static |
CompareFontName(const ON_wString &lhs, const ON_wString &rhs) | ON_Font | static |
CompareFontNamePointer(const ON_wString *lhs, const ON_wString *rhs) | ON_Font | static |
CompareFontNameToHyphen(const ON_wString &lhs, const ON_wString &rhs) | ON_Font | static |
CompareFontNameToHyphenPointer(const ON_wString *lhs, const ON_wString *rhs) | ON_Font | static |
CompareFontNameToHyphenWideChar(const wchar_t *lhs, const wchar_t *rhs) | ON_Font | static |
CompareFontNameWideChar(const wchar_t *lhs, const wchar_t *rhs) | ON_Font | static |
CompareWeight(ON_Font::Weight weight_a, ON_Font::Weight weight_b) | ON_Font | static |
Constants enum name | ON_Font | |
CRC32(bool bIgnoreNameOrdinalCase) const | ON_Font | |
Default | ON_Font | static |
DefaultEngravingFont() | ON_Font | static |
DefaultFaceName() | ON_Font | static |
DefaultFamilyName() | ON_Font | static |
DefaultPostScriptName() | ON_Font | static |
DefaultWindowsLogfontName() | ON_Font | static |
Description() const | ON_Font | |
Description(ON_Font::NameLocale name_local, wchar_t family_separator, wchar_t weight_width_slope_separator, bool bIncludeUndelinedAndStrikethrough) const | ON_Font | |
Description(ON_Font::NameLocale name_local, wchar_t family_separator, wchar_t weight_width_slope_separator, bool bIncludeUndelinedAndStrikethrough, bool bIncludeNotOnDevice) const | ON_Font | |
Dump(ON_TextLog &) const | ON_Font | |
EqualFontCharacteristics(const ON_Font &lhs, const ON_Font &rhs) | ON_Font | static |
EqualFontFamily(const ON_Font *lhs, const ON_Font *rhs) | ON_Font | static |
EqualFontFamilyAndFace(const ON_Font *lhs, const ON_Font *rhs) | ON_Font | static |
EqualStretch(const ON_Font *lhs, const ON_Font *rhs, bool bUnsetIsEqual) | ON_Font | static |
EqualStyle(const ON_Font *lhs, const ON_Font *rhs, bool bUnsetIsEqual) | ON_Font | static |
EqualWeight(const ON_Font *lhs, const ON_Font *rhs, bool bUnsetIsEqual) | ON_Font | static |
EqualWeightStretchStyle(const ON_Font *lhs, const ON_Font *rhs, bool bUnsetIsEqual) | ON_Font | static |
FaceName(ON_Font::NameLocale name_locale) const | ON_Font | |
FaceName() const | ON_Font | |
FakeWindowsLogfontNameFromFamilyAndPostScriptNames(ON_wString family_name, ON_wString postscript_name) | ON_Font | static |
FamilyName(ON_Font::NameLocale name_locale) const | ON_Font | |
FamilyName() const | ON_Font | |
FamilyNameFromDirtyName(const wchar_t *dirty_name) | ON_Font | static |
FontCharacteristicsAsUnsigned() const | ON_Font | |
FontCharacteristicsHash() const | ON_Font | |
FontDescription() const | ON_Font | |
FontDescriptionAsPointer() const | ON_Font | |
FontFaceName() const | ON_Font | |
FontFromRichTextProperties(ON_wString rich_text_font_name, bool bBoldQuartetMember, bool bItalicQuartetMember, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough) | ON_Font | static |
FontMetrics() const | ON_Font | |
FontNameHash(const wchar_t *font_name, bool bStopAtHyphen) | ON_Font | static |
FontOrigin() const | ON_Font | |
FontOriginFromUnsigned(unsigned int unsigned_font_origin) | ON_Font | static |
FontQuartet() const | ON_Font | |
FontStretch() const | ON_Font | |
FontStretchFromUnsigned(unsigned int unsigned_font_stretch) | ON_Font | static |
FontStyle() const | ON_Font | |
FontStyleFromUnsigned(unsigned int unsigned_font_style) | ON_Font | static |
FontType enum name | ON_Font | |
FontUnitFontMetrics() const | ON_Font | |
FontUnitToNormalizedScale() const | ON_Font | |
FontWeight() const | ON_Font | |
FontWeightFromUnsigned(unsigned int unsigned_font_weight) | ON_Font | static |
GetInstalledFontFamily(const wchar_t *font_family_name, ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Font * > &installed_fonts) | ON_Font | static |
GetInstalledFontList(ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Font * > &installed_fonts) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(const wchar_t *face_name) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(double point_size, const wchar_t *face_name) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(const wchar_t *face_name, bool bBold) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(double point_size, const wchar_t *face_name, bool bBold) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(const wchar_t *face_name, bool bBold, bool bItalic) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(double point_size, const wchar_t *face_name, bool bBold, bool bItalic) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(const wchar_t *face_name, ON_Font::Weight font_weight, ON_Font::Style font_style) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(double point_size, const wchar_t *face_name, ON_Font::Weight font_weight, ON_Font::Style font_style) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(const wchar_t *face_name, ON_Font::Weight font_weight, ON_Font::Style font_style, ON_Font::Stretch font_stretch, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough, double linefeed_ratio, unsigned int logfont_charset) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(double point_size, const wchar_t *face_name, ON_Font::Weight font_weight, ON_Font::Style font_style, ON_Font::Stretch font_stretch, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough, double linefeed_ratio, unsigned int logfont_charset) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFont(const ON_Font &font_characteristics, bool bCreateIfNotFound) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFontFromAppleFontName(const char *postscript_name) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFontFromAppleFontName(const wchar_t *postscript_name) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFontFromFontDescription(const wchar_t *font_description) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFontFromPostScriptName(const char *postscript_name) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFontFromPostScriptName(const wchar_t *postscript_name) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFontFromSerialNumber(unsigned int managed_font_runtime_serial_number) | ON_Font | static |
GetManagedFontList(ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Font * > &managed_fonts) | ON_Font | static |
GetRunBounds(const ON_Font &font, const wchar_t *text, double fontSizePixels, ON::TextHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, ON::TextVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, ON_2dPoint &boundsMin, ON_2dPoint &boundsMax, int &lineCount) | ON_Font | static |
GetStrikeoutPosition() const | ON_Font | |
GetStrikeoutSize() const | ON_Font | |
GetUnderscorePosition() const | ON_Font | |
GetUnderscoreSize() const | ON_Font | |
HasUnsetProperties(bool bCheckFamilyName, bool bCheckPostScriptName) const | ON_Font | |
HeightOfI() const | ON_Font | |
HeightOfLinefeed() const | ON_Font | |
HeightScale(double text_height) const | ON_Font | |
InstalledFamilyMemberWithWeightStretchStyle(ON_Font::Weight desired_weight, ON_Font::Stretch desired_stretch, ON_Font::Style desired_style) const | ON_Font | |
InstalledFont(bool bAllowBestMatch) const | ON_Font | |
InstalledFontFromRichTextProperties(const wchar_t *rtf_font_name, bool bRtfBold, bool bRtfItalic) | ON_Font | static |
InstalledFontList() | ON_Font | static |
InstalledFontQuartet() const | ON_Font | |
IsBold() const | ON_Font | |
IsBoldInQuartet() const | ON_Font | |
IsBoldWeight(ON_Font::Weight weight) | ON_Font | static |
IsDoubleStrokeFont() const | ON_Font | |
IsEngravingFont() const | ON_Font | |
IsInstalledFont() const | ON_Font | |
IsItalic() const | ON_Font | |
IsItalicInQuartet() const | ON_Font | |
IsItalicOrOblique() const | ON_Font | |
IsLight() const | ON_Font | |
IsManagedFont() const | ON_Font | |
IsManagedInstalledFont() const | ON_Font | |
IsManagedSubstitutedFont() const | ON_Font | |
IsNormalWeight() const | ON_Font | |
IsNotAppleFontName(const wchar_t *font_description) | ON_Font | static |
IsOblique() | ON_Font | |
IsSimulated() const | ON_Font | |
IsSingleStrokeFont() const | ON_Font | |
IsSingleStrokeOrDoubleStrokeFont() const | ON_Font | |
IsStrikethrough() const | ON_Font | |
IsSymbolFont() const | ON_Font | |
IsUnderlined() const | ON_Font | |
IsUpright() const | ON_Font | |
IsValid(ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const | ON_Font | |
IsValidFaceName(const wchar_t *face_name) | ON_Font | static |
IsValidPointSize(double point_size) | ON_Font | static |
LinefeedRatio() const | ON_Font | |
Locale() const | ON_Font | |
logfont_ansi_charset enum value | ON_Font | |
logfont_default_charset enum value | ON_Font | |
logfont_out_precis enum value | ON_Font | |
logfont_pitch_and_family enum value | ON_Font | |
logfont_quality enum value | ON_Font | |
logfont_symbol_charset enum value | ON_Font | |
LogfontCharSet() const | ON_Font | |
ManagedFamilyMemberWithRichTextProperties(bool bBold, bool bItalic, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough) const | ON_Font | |
ManagedFamilyMemberWithWeightStretchStyle(ON_Font::Weight desired_weight, ON_Font::Stretch desired_stretch, ON_Font::Style desired_style, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough) const | ON_Font | |
ManagedFont() const | ON_Font | |
ManagedFontFromRichTextProperties(const wchar_t *rtf_font_name, bool bRtfBold, bool bRtfItalic, bool bRftUnderlined, bool bRftStrikethrough) | ON_Font | static |
ManagedFontList() | ON_Font | static |
ManagedFontSerialNumber() const | ON_Font | |
MetricsGlyphCodePoint enum value | ON_Font | |
NameLocale enum name | ON_Font | |
NormalizedToFontUnitScale() const | ON_Font | |
ON_Font() | ON_Font | |
ON_Font(const ON_Font &src) | ON_Font | |
ON_FontGlyph class | ON_Font | friend |
ON_FontList class | ON_Font | friend |
ON_GetFontMetricsFuncType typedef | ON_Font | |
ON_GetGlyphMetricsFuncType typedef | ON_Font | |
ON_GetGlyphOutlineFuncType typedef | ON_Font | |
ON_ManagedFonts class | ON_Font | friend |
operator=(const ON_Font &src) | ON_Font | |
Origin enum name | ON_Font | |
OutlineFigureType() const | ON_Font | |
PANOSE1() const | ON_Font | |
PointSize() const | ON_Font | |
PostScriptName(ON_Font::NameLocale name_locale) const | ON_Font | |
PostScriptName() const | ON_Font | |
PostScriptNameAsPointer() const | ON_Font | |
QuartetDescription() const | ON_Font | |
QuartetFaceMember() const | ON_Font | |
QuartetName(ON_Font::NameLocale name_locale) const | ON_Font | |
QuartetName() const | ON_Font | |
Read(ON_BinaryArchive &) | ON_Font | |
ReadV5(ON_BinaryArchive &, int *V5_font_index, ON_UUID *V5_font_id) | ON_Font | |
RichTextFontName(const ON_Font *font, bool bDefaultIfEmpty) | ON_Font | static |
RichTextFontName() const | ON_Font | |
RichTextPropertiesToString(bool bRtfBold, bool bRtfItalic, bool bRtfUnderlined, bool bRtfStrikethrough) | ON_Font | static |
RichTextPropertiesToString(ON_Font::Weight rtf_weight, ON_Font::Style rtf_style, bool bRtfUnderlined, bool bRtfStrikethrough) | ON_Font | static |
RichTextPropertiesToString(const ON_Font *font) | ON_Font | static |
RichTextPropertyDeviation(bool bPreferedRtfBold, bool bPreferedItalic, bool bPreferedUnderline, bool bPreferedStrikethrough, bool bAvailableRtfBold, bool bAvailableItalic, bool bAvailableUnderline, bool bAvailableStrikethrough) | ON_Font | static |
RichTextPropertyDeviation(bool bPreferedRtfBold, bool bPreferedItalic, bool bPreferedUnderline, bool bPreferedStrikethrough, const ON_Font *available_font) | ON_Font | static |
RuntimeSerialNumber() const | ON_Font | |
SetAppleFontWeightTrait(double apple_font_weight_trait) | ON_Font | |
SetAppleWeightOfFont(int apple_weight_of_font) | ON_Font | |
SetCustomMeasurementFunctions(ON_GetGlyphMetricsFuncType measureGlyphFunc, ON_GetFontMetricsFuncType metricsFunction) | ON_Font | static |
SetFamilyName(const wchar_t *family_name) | ON_Font | |
SetFontCharacteristics(const wchar_t *gdi_logfont_name, bool bBold, bool bItalic, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough) | ON_Font | |
SetFontCharacteristics(double point_size, const wchar_t *gdi_logfont_name, bool bBold, bool bItalic, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough) | ON_Font | |
SetFontCharacteristics(const wchar_t *gdi_logfont_name, ON_Font::Weight font_weight, ON_Font::Style font_style, ON_Font::Stretch font_stretch, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough) | ON_Font | |
SetFontCharacteristics(double point_size, const wchar_t *gdi_logfont_name, ON_Font::Weight font_weight, ON_Font::Style font_style, ON_Font::Stretch font_stretch, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough) | ON_Font | |
SetFontCharacteristics(const wchar_t *gdi_logfont_name, ON_Font::Weight font_weight, ON_Font::Style font_style, ON_Font::Stretch font_stretch, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough, double linefeed_ratio, unsigned int logfont_charset) | ON_Font | |
SetFontCharacteristics(double point_size, const wchar_t *gdi_logfont_name, ON_Font::Weight font_weight, ON_Font::Style font_style, ON_Font::Stretch font_stretch, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough, double linefeed_ratio, unsigned int logfont_charset) | ON_Font | |
SetFontCharacteristicsForExperts(double point_size, const ON_wString postscript_name, const ON_wString quartet_name, ON_FontFaceQuartet::Member quartet_member, const ON_wString family_name, const ON_wString face_name, ON_Font::Weight font_weight, ON_Font::Style font_style, ON_Font::Stretch font_stretch, bool bUnderlined, bool bStrikethrough, unsigned char logfont_charset, int windows_logfont_weight, double apple_font_weight_trait, ON_PANOSE1 panose1) | ON_Font | |
SetFontDescriptionForExperts(const wchar_t *ignored_parameter) | ON_Font | |
SetFontFaceName(const wchar_t *windows_logfont_name) | ON_Font | |
SetFontOrigin(ON_Font::Origin font_origin) | ON_Font | |
SetFontStretch(ON_Font::Stretch font_stretch) | ON_Font | |
SetFontStyle(ON_Font::Style font_style) | ON_Font | |
SetFontWeight(ON_Font::Weight font_weight) | ON_Font | |
SetFromAppleFontName(const wchar_t *postscript_name) | ON_Font | |
SetFromAppleFontName(const wchar_t *postscript_name, double point_size) | ON_Font | |
SetFromFontDescription(const wchar_t *font_description) | ON_Font | |
SetFromFontDescription(const wchar_t *font_description, const wchar_t *postscript_name) | ON_Font | |
SetFromPostScriptName(const wchar_t *postscript_name) | ON_Font | |
SetLogfontCharSet(unsigned char logfont_charset) | ON_Font | |
SetPANOSE1(ON_PANOSE1 panose1) | ON_Font | |
SetPointSize(double point_size) | ON_Font | |
SetSimulated(bool bSimulatedWeight, bool bSimulatedStretch, bool bSimulatedStyle, bool bSimulatedOther) | ON_Font | |
SetStrikethrough(bool bStrikethrough) | ON_Font | |
SetUnderlined(bool bUnderlined) | ON_Font | |
SetUnsetProperties(const ON_Font &source, bool bUpdateDescription) | ON_Font | |
SetWindowsLogfontName(const wchar_t *windows_logfont_name) | ON_Font | |
SetWindowsLogfontWeight(int windows_logfont_weight) | ON_Font | |
SimulatedStretch() const | ON_Font | |
SimulatedStyle() const | ON_Font | |
SimulatedWeight() const | ON_Font | |
Stretch enum name | ON_Font | |
StretchToWideString(ON_Font::Stretch font_stretch) | ON_Font | static |
Style enum name | ON_Font | |
StyleToWideString(ON_Font::Style font_style) | ON_Font | static |
SubstituteFont() const | ON_Font | |
TestInstalledFontList(class ON_TextLog &text_log) | ON_Font | static |
UnderlinedStrikethroughDeviation(bool bPreferedUnderline, bool bPreferedStrikethrough, bool bAvailableUnderline, bool bAvailableStrikethrough) | ON_Font | static |
UnderlinedStrikethroughDeviation(bool bPreferedUnderline, bool bPreferedStrikethrough, const ON_Font *available_font) | ON_Font | static |
UnderlinedStrikethroughDeviation(const ON_Font *prefered_underlined_strikethrough, const ON_Font *available_font) | ON_Font | static |
Unset | ON_Font | static |
Weight enum name | ON_Font | |
WeightFromAppleFontWeightTrait(double apple_font_weight_trait) | ON_Font | static |
WeightFromAppleWeightOfFont(int apple_weight_of_font) | ON_Font | static |
WeightFromWindowsLogfontWeight(int windows_logfont_weight) | ON_Font | static |
WeightStretchStyleDeviation(ON_Font::Weight prefered_weight, ON_Font::Stretch prefered_stretch, ON_Font::Style prefered_style, ON_Font::Weight available_weight, ON_Font::Stretch available_stretch, ON_Font::Style available_style) | ON_Font | static |
WeightStretchStyleDeviation(ON_Font::Weight prefered_weight, ON_Font::Stretch prefered_stretch, ON_Font::Style prefered_style, const ON_Font *available_font) | ON_Font | static |
WeightStretchStyleDeviation(const ON_Font *prefered_weight_stretch_style, const ON_Font *available_font) | ON_Font | static |
WeightToWideString(ON_Font::Weight font_weight) | ON_Font | static |
WidthWeightSlantDescription() const | ON_Font | |
WidthWeightSlantDescription(ON_Font::Stretch width, ON_Font::Weight weight, ON_Font::Style slant) | ON_Font | static |
WindowsConstants enum name | ON_Font | |
WindowsLogfontCharSetFromFaceName(const wchar_t *face_name) | ON_Font | static |
WindowsLogfontName(ON_Font::NameLocale name_locale) const | ON_Font | |
WindowsLogfontName() const | ON_Font | |
WindowsLogfontNameAsPointer() const | ON_Font | |
WindowsLogfontWeight() const | ON_Font | |
WindowsLogfontWeightFromWeight(ON_Font::Weight font_weight) | ON_Font | static |
Write(ON_BinaryArchive &) const | ON_Font | |
WriteV5(int V5_font_index, ON_UUID V5_font_id, ON_BinaryArchive &) const | ON_Font | |
~ON_Font()=default | ON_Font |