Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for ON_Viewport, including all inherited members.
AggregateComponentStatus() const | ON_Object | virtual |
AttachUserData(class ON_UserData *pUserData) | ON_Object | |
BoundingBox() const | ON_Geometry | |
BrepForm(class ON_Brep *brep=nullptr) const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
CameraDirection() const | ON_Viewport | |
CameraDirectionIsLocked() const | ON_Viewport | |
CameraLocation() const | ON_Viewport | |
CameraLocationIsLocked() const | ON_Viewport | |
CameraUp() const | ON_Viewport | |
CameraUpIsLocked() const | ON_Viewport | |
CameraX() const | ON_Viewport | |
CameraY() const | ON_Viewport | |
CameraZ() const | ON_Viewport | |
ChangeToParallelProjection(bool bSymmetricFrustum) | ON_Viewport | |
ChangeToParallelReflectedProjection() | ON_Viewport | |
ChangeToPerspectiveProjection(double target_distance, bool bSymmetricFrustum, double lens_length) | ON_Viewport | |
ChangeToSymmetricFrustum(bool bLeftRightSymmetric, bool bTopBottomSymmetric, double target_distance) | ON_Viewport | |
ChangeToTwoPointPerspectiveProjection(double target_distance, ON_3dVector up, double lens_length) | ON_Viewport | |
ChangeViewportId(const ON_UUID &viewport_id) | ON_Viewport | |
ClearAllComponentStates() const | ON_Object | |
ClearBoundingBox() | ON_Geometry | virtual |
ClearComponentStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const | ON_Object | virtual |
ClearComponentStates(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const | ON_Object | virtual |
ClipCoordDepthBias(double relative_depth_bias, double clip_z, double clip_w) const | ON_Viewport | |
ClipModInverseXform() const | ON_Viewport | |
ClipModXform() const | ON_Viewport | |
ClipModXformIsIdentity() const | ON_Viewport | |
ComponentIndex() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution) | ON_Object | |
CopyUserData(const ON_Object &source_object) | ON_Object | |
DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const | ON_Object | virtual |
Default3dCameraDirection | ON_Viewport | static |
DefaultCameraLocation | ON_Viewport | static |
DefaultFarDist | ON_Viewport | static |
DefaultMinNearDist | ON_Viewport | static |
DefaultMinNearOverFar | ON_Viewport | static |
DefaultNearDist | ON_Viewport | static |
DefaultPerspectiveViewZUp | ON_Viewport | static |
DefaultTopViewYUp | ON_Viewport | static |
DeleteComponents(const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count) | ON_Object | virtual |
DestroyRuntimeCache(bool bDelete=true) | ON_Object | virtual |
DetachUserData(class ON_UserData *pUserData) | ON_Object | |
Dimension() const override | ON_Viewport | virtual |
DollyCamera(const ON_3dVector &dolly_vector) | ON_Viewport | |
DollyFrustum(double dolly_distance) | ON_Viewport | |
Dump(ON_TextLog &) const override | ON_Viewport | virtual |
EmergencyDestroy() | ON_Object | |
EvaluatePoint(const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
Extents(double half_view_angle, const ON_BoundingBox &world_bbox) | ON_Viewport | |
Extents(double half_view_angle, const ON_3dPoint ¢er, double radius) | ON_Viewport | |
FirstUserData() const | ON_Object | |
FrustumBottom() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumCenterPoint(double target_distance) const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumFar() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumHeight() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumLeft() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumMaximumDiameter() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumMinimumDiameter() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumNear() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumRight() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumTop() const | ON_Viewport | |
FrustumWidth() const | ON_Viewport | |
GetBBox(double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrowBox=false) const override | ON_Viewport | virtual |
GetBoundingBox(ON_BoundingBox &bbox, bool bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Geometry | |
GetBoundingBox(ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, bool bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Geometry | |
GetBoundingBoxDepth(ON_BoundingBox bbox, double *near_dist, double *far_dist, bool bGrowNearFar=false) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetBoundingBoxDepth(ON_BoundingBox bbox, const ON_Xform *bbox_xform, double *near_dist, double *far_dist, bool bGrowNearFar) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetBoundingBoxProjectionExtents(ON_BoundingBox bbox, ON_Interval &x_extents, ON_Interval &y_extents) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetCamera35mmLenseLength(double *lens_length) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetCamera35mmLensLength(double *lens_length) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetCameraAngle(double *half_diagonal_angle, double *half_vertical_angle, double *half_horizontal_angle) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetCameraAngle(double *half_smallest_angle) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetCameraExtents(int, int, const double *, ON_BoundingBox &cambbox, int bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetCameraExtents(const ON_BoundingBox &, ON_BoundingBox &cambbox, int bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetCameraExtents(ON_3dPoint &, double, ON_BoundingBox &cambox, int bGrowBox=false) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetCameraFrame(double *, double *, double *, double *) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetCameraFrame(class ON_Plane &camera_frame) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetClipCoordDepthBiasXform(double relative_depth_bias, ON_Xform &clip_bias) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetComponentsWithSetStates(ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const | ON_Object | virtual |
GetCoordinateSprite(int, int, int, int[3], double[3][2]) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetDollyCameraVector(int screen_x0, int screen_y0, int screen_x1, int screen_y1, double proj_plane_dist, ON_3dVector &dolly_vector) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFarPlane(ON_Plane &far_plane) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFarPlaneEquation(ON_PlaneEquation &far_plane_equation) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFarRect(ON_3dPoint &left_bottom, ON_3dPoint &right_bottom, ON_3dPoint &left_top, ON_3dPoint &right_top) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustum(double *left, double *right, double *bottom, double *top, double *near_dist=nullptr, double *far_dist=nullptr) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumAspect(double &) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumBottomPlane(ON_Plane &bottom_plane) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumBottomPlaneEquation(ON_PlaneEquation &bottom_plane_equation) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumCenter(double *) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumLeftPlane(ON_Plane &left_plane) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumLeftPlaneEquation(ON_PlaneEquation &left_plane_equation) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumLine(double screenx, double screeny, ON_Line &world_line) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumRightPlane(ON_Plane &right_plane) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumRightPlaneEquation(ON_PlaneEquation &right_plane_equation) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumTopPlane(ON_Plane &top_plane) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetFrustumTopPlaneEquation(ON_PlaneEquation &top_plane_equation) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetNearPlane(ON_Plane &near_plane) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetNearPlaneEquation(ON_PlaneEquation &near_plane_equation) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetNearRect(ON_3dPoint &left_bottom, ON_3dPoint &right_bottom, ON_3dPoint &left_top, ON_3dPoint &right_top) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints(ON_3dPoint camera_location, unsigned int depth_buffer_bit_depth, double *min_near_dist, double *min_near_over_far) | ON_Viewport | static |
GetPointDepth(ON_3dPoint point, double *near_dist, double *far_dist, bool bGrowNearFar=false) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetPointDepth(ON_3dPoint point, double *view_plane_depth) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetScreenPort(int *left, int *right, int *port_bottom, int *port_top, int *port_near=nullptr, int *port_far=nullptr) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetScreenPortAspect(double &) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetSphereDepth(ON_Sphere sphere, double *near_dist, double *far_dist, bool bGrowNearFar=false) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetTightBoundingBox(class ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, bool bGrowBox=false, const class ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
GetUserData(const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserString(const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserStringKeys(ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const | ON_Object | |
GetUserStrings(ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const | ON_Object | |
GetViewPlane(double view_plane_depth, ON_Plane &view_plane) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetViewPlaneEquation(double view_plane_depth, ON_PlaneEquation &view_plane_equation) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetViewPlaneRect(double view_plane_depth, ON_3dPoint &left_bottom, ON_3dPoint &right_bottom, ON_3dPoint &left_top, ON_3dPoint &right_top) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetViewScale(double *x, double *y) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetViewScale(double *x, double *y, double *z) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetWorldToScreenScale(ON_3dPoint world_point, double *pixels_per_unit) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetWorldToScreenScale(double frustum_depth, double *pixels_per_unit) const | ON_Viewport | |
GetXform(ON::coordinate_system srcCS, ON::coordinate_system destCS, ON_Xform &matrix) const | ON_Viewport | |
HasBrepForm() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
Initialize() | ON_Viewport | |
InViewFrustum(ON_3dPoint P) const | ON_Viewport | |
InViewFrustum(const ON_BoundingBox &bbox) const | ON_Viewport | |
InViewFrustum(int count, const ON_3fPoint *p) const | ON_Viewport | |
InViewFrustum(int count, const ON_3dPoint *p) const | ON_Viewport | |
InViewFrustum(int count, const ON_4dPoint *p) const | ON_Viewport | |
InViewFrustum(bool bInfiniteFrustum, const ON_BoundingBox &bbox, const ON_Xform *bbox_xform) const | ON_Viewport | |
IsCameraFrameWorldPlan(int *, int *, int *) | ON_Viewport | |
IsCorrupt(bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const | ON_Object | |
IsDeformable() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
IsKindOf(const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const | ON_Object | |
IsMorphable() const | ON_Geometry | virtual |
IsParallelProjection() const | ON_Viewport | |
IsPerspectiveProjection() const | ON_Viewport | |
IsTwoPointPerspectiveProjection() const | ON_Viewport | |
IsValid(class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override | ON_Viewport | virtual |
IsValidCamera() const | ON_Viewport | |
IsValidCameraFrame() const | ON_Viewport | |
IsValidCameraLocation(ON_3dPoint candidate_point) | ON_Viewport | static |
IsValidCameraUpOrDirection(ON_3dVector candidate_vector) | ON_Viewport | static |
IsValidFrustum() const | ON_Viewport | |
m_bLockCamDir | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_bLockCamLoc | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_bLockCamUp | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_bValidCamera | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_bValidCameraFrame | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_bValidFrustum | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_bValidPort | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_CamDir | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_CamLoc | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_CamUp | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_CamX | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_CamY | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_CamZ | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_frus_bottom | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_frus_far | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_frus_left | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_frus_near | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_frus_right | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_frus_top | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_frustum_symmetry_flags | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_port_bottom | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_port_far | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_port_left | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_port_near | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_port_right | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_port_top | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_projection | ON_Viewport | protected |
m_target_point | ON_Viewport | protected |
MakeDeformable() | ON_Geometry | virtual |
MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent() const | ON_Object | virtual |
MemoryRelocate() | ON_Object | virtual |
ModelObjectId() const | ON_Object | virtual |
Morph(const class ON_SpaceMorph &morph) | ON_Geometry | virtual |
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems) | ON_Object | |
MoveUserData(ON_Object &source_object) | ON_Object | |
ObjectType() const | ON_Object | virtual |
ON_Geometry()=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Geometry(const ON_Geometry &)=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Object() ON_NOEXCEPT | ON_Object | |
ON_Object(const ON_Object &) | ON_Object | |
ON_Viewport()=default | ON_Viewport | |
ON_Viewport(const ON_Viewport &)=default | ON_Viewport | |
operator=(const ON_Viewport &)=default | ON_Viewport | |
ON_Geometry::operator=(const ON_Geometry &)=default | ON_Geometry | |
ON_Object::operator=(const ON_Object &) | ON_Object | |
PerspectiveMinNearDist() const | ON_Viewport | |
PerspectiveMinNearOverFar() const | ON_Viewport | |
Projection() const | ON_Viewport | |
PurgeUserData() | ON_Object | |
Read(ON_BinaryArchive &) override | ON_Viewport | virtual |
Rotate(double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center) | ON_Geometry | |
Rotate(double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center) | ON_Geometry | |
Scale(double scale_factor) | ON_Geometry | |
ScreenPortHeight() const | ON_Viewport | |
ScreenPortSize() const | ON_Viewport | |
ScreenPortWidth() const | ON_Viewport | |
SetCamera(const ON_Viewport &source_viewport, bool bBreakLocks) | ON_Viewport | |
SetCamera35mmLenseLength(double lens_length) | ON_Viewport | |
SetCamera35mmLensLength(double lens_length) | ON_Viewport | |
SetCameraAngle(double half_smallest_angle) | ON_Viewport | |
SetCameraDirection(const ON_3dVector &) | ON_Viewport | |
SetCameraDirectionLock(bool bLockCameraDirection) | ON_Viewport | |
SetCameraLocation(const ON_3dPoint &) | ON_Viewport | |
SetCameraLocationLock(bool bLockCameraLocation) | ON_Viewport | |
SetCameraUp(const ON_3dVector &) | ON_Viewport | |
SetCameraUpLock(bool bLockCameraUp) | ON_Viewport | |
SetComponentStates(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const | ON_Object | virtual |
SetComponentStatus(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const | ON_Object | virtual |
SetFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near_dist, double far_dist) | ON_Viewport | |
SetFrustum(const ON_Viewport &source_viewport, bool bBreakLocks) | ON_Viewport | |
SetFrustumAspect(double) | ON_Viewport | |
SetFrustumLeftRightSymmetry(bool bForceLeftRightSymmetry) | ON_Viewport | |
SetFrustumNearFar(const double *bboxmin, const double *bboxmax) | ON_Viewport | |
SetFrustumNearFar(const double *center, double radius) | ON_Viewport | |
SetFrustumNearFar(double near_dist, double far_dist) | ON_Viewport | |
SetFrustumNearFar(double near_dist, double far_dist, double min_near_dist, double min_near_over_far, double target_dist) | ON_Viewport | |
SetFrustumNearFar(double near_dist, double far_dist, double min_near_dist, double min_near_over_far, double target_dist, double relative_depth_bias) | ON_Viewport | |
SetFrustumTopBottomSymmetry(bool bForceTopBottomSymmetry) | ON_Viewport | |
SetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints(unsigned int depth_buffer_bit_depth) | ON_Viewport | |
SetPerspectiveMinNearDist(double min_near_dist) | ON_Viewport | |
SetPerspectiveMinNearOverFar(double min_near_over_far) | ON_Viewport | |
SetProjection(ON::view_projection projection) | ON_Viewport | |
SetScreenPort(int port_left, int port_right, int port_bottom, int port_top, int port_near=0, int port_far=0) | ON_Viewport | |
SetTargetPoint(ON_3dPoint target_point) | ON_Viewport | |
SetUserString(const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value) | ON_Object | |
SetUserStrings(int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace) | ON_Object | |
SetViewportId(const ON_UUID &viewport_id) | ON_Viewport | |
SetViewScale(double x, double y) | ON_Viewport | |
SetViewScale(double x, double y, double z) | ON_Viewport | |
ShallowCopy(ON_Viewport *destination) const | ON_Viewport | |
SizeOf() const | ON_Object | virtual |
SwapCoordinates(int i, int j) | ON_Geometry | virtual |
TargetDistance(bool bUseFrustumCenterFallback) const | ON_Viewport | |
TargetPoint() const | ON_Viewport | |
ThisIsNullptr(bool bSilentError) const | ON_Object | |
TightBoundingBox() const | ON_Geometry | |
Transform(const ON_Xform &) override | ON_Viewport | virtual |
TransformUserData(const class ON_Xform &xform) | ON_Object | |
Translate(const ON_3dVector &translation_vector) | ON_Geometry | |
UnlockCamera() | ON_Viewport | |
UnlockFrustumSymmetry() | ON_Viewport | |
Unset | ON_Geometry | static |
UpdateReferencedComponents(const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map) | ON_Object | virtual |
UserDataConflictResolution enum name | ON_Object | |
UserStringCount() const | ON_Object | |
ViewportId(void) const | ON_Viewport | |
ViewProjectionContentHash() const | ON_Viewport | |
Write(ON_BinaryArchive &) const override | ON_Viewport | virtual |
ZoomToScreenRect(int screen_x0, int screen_y0, int screen_x1, int screen_y1) | ON_Viewport | |
~ON_Geometry()=default | ON_Geometry | |
~ON_Object() | ON_Object | virtual |
~ON_Viewport()=default | ON_Viewport |