Returns the names of all layer states in the document.
Rhino.LayerStateNames ([blnSort])
blnSort |
Optional. Boolean. If not specified or True, then the layer state names are sorted in ascending order. If False, then the layer state names are sorted in descending order. |
Array |
An array of layer state names if successful. |
Null |
If not successful, or on error. |
Sub TestLayerStateNames
Dim objPlugIn, arrStates, strState
On Error Resume Next
Set objPlugIn = Rhino.GetPluginObject("Rhino Bonus Tools")
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If
arrStates = objPlugIn.LayerStateNames
If IsArray(arrStates) Then
For Each strState In arrStates
Rhino.Print strState
End If
End Sub