| CArgsRhinoGetTube () |
| CArgsRhinoGetTube (const CArgsRhinoGetTube &) |
| ~CArgsRhinoGetTube () |
CArgsRhinoGetTube & | operator= (const CArgsRhinoGetTube &) |
void | SetTConeDefaultPrompts () |
| CArgsRhinoGetCylinder () |
| CArgsRhinoGetCylinder (const CArgsRhinoGetCylinder &) |
| ~CArgsRhinoGetCylinder () |
const wchar_t * | HeightPrompt () const |
CArgsRhinoGetCylinder & | operator= (const CArgsRhinoGetCylinder &) |
void | SetHeightPrompt (const wchar_t *prompt) |
| CArgsRhinoGetCircle () |
| CArgsRhinoGetCircle (const CArgsRhinoGetCircle &) |
| ~CArgsRhinoGetCircle () |
BOOL32 | AllowDeformable () const |
int | ArgsType () const |
| return type of args class circle, cone, cylinder, sphere More...
int | AroundDirectionCount () const |
| number of faces in the around direction More...
int | AroundDirectionMinCount () const |
const CRhinoCommandOptionName & | AroundMeshDensityDirectionPrompt () const |
| prompt for number of faces in the around direction More...
int | ConeCylConstraint () const |
bool | ConeCylOptionAvailable () const |
double | DefaultSize () const |
BOOL32 | Deformable () const |
int | Degree () const |
const ON_wString & | DiameterPrompt () const |
std::function< void(const ON_Circle &)> | DynamicCircleCallback () const |
BOOL32 | DynamicDrawSphere () const |
void | EnableConeCylOption (bool bAvailable=true) |
void | EnableDynamicDrawSphere (BOOL32 bDrawSphere=TRUE) |
void | EnableVerticalCircleOption (BOOL32 bAvailable=TRUE) |
bool | GetCap () const |
eCircleResult | GetCircleType () |
CArgsRhinoGetCircle & | operator= (const CArgsRhinoGetCircle &) |
const ON_Plane & | Plane () const |
const ON_3dPoint & | Point0 () const |
const ON_3dPoint & | Point1 () const |
const ON_3dPoint & | Point2 () const |
int | PointCount () const |
const ON_wString & | Prompt0 () const |
const ON_wString & | Prompt1 () const |
const ON_wString & | Prompt2 () const |
bool | PromptForMeshDensity () const |
const ON_wString & | RadiusPrompt () const |
void | SetAllowDeformable (BOOL32 b=TRUE) |
void | SetAroundDirectionCount (int count) |
void | SetAroundDirectionMinCount (int count) |
void | SetAroundMeshDensityDirectionPrompt (const CRhinoCommandOptionName &prompt) |
void | SetCap (bool bCap=true) |
void | SetCircleType (eCircleResult mode) |
void | SetConeCylConstraint (int i=0) |
void | SetDefaultSize (double) |
| Set the default size to use - diameter or radius depending on m_bUseDiameter. More...
void | SetDeformable (BOOL32 bDeformable=TRUE) |
void | SetDegree (int degree) |
void | SetDiameterPrompt (const wchar_t *) |
| Set a custom prompt to use for getting the diameter. More...
void | SetDynamicCircleCallback (std::function< void(const ON_Circle &)> callback) |
void | SetPlane (const ON_Plane &) |
| Set a plane. More...
void | SetPoint0 (const ON_3dPoint &) |
| Set the first point to use instead of asking for one. More...
void | SetPoint1 (const ON_3dPoint &) |
| Set the second point to use instead of asking for one. More...
void | SetPoint2 (const ON_3dPoint &point) |
| Set the third point to use instead of asking for one. More...
void | SetPointCount (int count) |
void | SetPrompt0 (const wchar_t *) |
| Set a custom prompt to use for getting the first (center) point. More...
void | SetPrompt1 (const wchar_t *) |
| Set a custom prompt to use for getting the second point. More...
void | SetPrompt2 (const wchar_t *) |
| Set a custom prompt to use for getting third point. More...
void | SetPromptForMeshDensity (bool bMeshDensity=true) |
void | SetRadiusPrompt (const wchar_t *) |
| Set a custom prompt to use for getting the radius. More...
void | SetUseActiveLayerLinetype (bool on) |
| When true the linetype of the active layer is used for dynamic drawing. More...
void | SetUseDefaultSize (BOOL32=TRUE) |
| Use the default size when getting diameter/radius. More...
void | SetUseDiameterMode (BOOL32=TRUE) |
void | SetUsePlane (BOOL32=TRUE) |
| Constrain the circle to a plane - Center/radius, 2point, 3point only. More...
void | SetUsePoint0 (BOOL32=TRUE) |
| Use the first point and don't ask for one. More...
void | SetUsePoint1 (BOOL32=TRUE) |
| Use the second point and don't ask for one. More...
void | SetVerticalCircle (BOOL32 bSelected=TRUE) |
void | SetVerticalDirectionCount (int count) |
void | SetVerticalDirectionMinCount (int count) |
void | SetVerticalMeshDensityDirectionPrompt (const CRhinoCommandOptionName &prompt) |
bool | UseActiveLayerLinetype () const |
BOOL32 | UseDefaultSize () const |
BOOL32 | UseDiameterMode () const |
BOOL32 | UsePlane () const |
BOOL32 | UsePoint0 () const |
BOOL32 | UsePoint1 () const |
BOOL32 | VerticalCircle () const |
BOOL32 | VerticalCircleOptionAvailable () const |
int | VerticalDirectionCount () const |
| number of faces in the vertical direction More...
int | VerticalDirectionMinCount () const |
const CRhinoCommandOptionName & | VerticalMeshDensityDirectionPrompt () const |
| prompt for number of faces in the vertical direction More...