Rhino C++ API
This is the complete list of members for CRhinoDib, including all inherited members.
BitBlt(const ON_4iRect &destRect, const CRhinoDib &srcDib, const ON_2iPoint &srcPoint) | CRhinoDib | |
BitBlt(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, const CRhinoDib *srcDC, int srcLeft, int srcTop, int mode) | CRhinoDib | |
Bitmap() const | CRhinoDib | |
Bitmap() const | CRhinoDib | |
bitmap_file_type enum name | CRhinoDib | |
bitmap_file_type enum name | CRhinoDib | |
BitmapInfo() const | CRhinoDib | |
BlendDibsUsingAlphaChannel(long xDest, long yDest, long cx, long cy, CRhinoDib &src, long xSrc, long ySrc) | CRhinoDib | |
BltToDib(CRhinoDib &destination, long x_dest, long y_dest, long cx, long cy, long x_src, long y_src) | CRhinoDib | |
BltToDib(BITMAPINFO &destination, long x_dest, long y_dest, long cx, long cy, long x_src, long y_src) | CRhinoDib | |
bmp_file_type enum value | CRhinoDib | |
Cache() const | CRhinoDib | |
Cache() const | CRhinoDib | |
Clear(COLORREF) | CRhinoDib | |
Clear(COLORREF) | CRhinoDib | |
ColorDepth() const | CRhinoDib | |
ColorDepth() const | CRhinoDib | |
ComponentOrder(void) const | CRhinoDib | |
ComponentOrder(void) const | CRhinoDib | |
ComponentOrders enum name | CRhinoDib | |
ComponentOrders enum name | CRhinoDib | |
construct() | CRhinoDib | protected |
ConvertToGrayScale(bool bSetAlpha=false) | CRhinoDib | |
ConvertToGrayScale(bool bSetAlpha=false) | CRhinoDib | |
ConvertToNormalMap(bool bLossyCompressionSource, bool &bPositiveZComponent) | CRhinoDib | |
ConvertToNormalMap(bool bLossyCompressionSource, bool &bPositiveZComponent) | CRhinoDib | |
CopyDib() const | CRhinoDib | |
CopyDib(const BITMAPINFO &bmi) | CRhinoDib | |
CopyHBitmap() const | CRhinoDib | |
CopyHBitmap() | CRhinoDib | |
CopyToClipboard(HWND hwnd=nullptr) const | CRhinoDib | |
CopyToClipboard(HWND hwnd) const | CRhinoDib | |
CreateDib(long width, long height, int color_depth, bool select_into_mem_dc=false, HPALETTE=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
CreateDib(int width, int height, int color_depth, bool select_into_mem_dc=false, CPalette *=NULL) | CRhinoDib | |
CreateGlAlphaTexture(const CRhinoDib &, bool, unsigned int) | CRhinoDib | friend |
CreateHBitmap(HPALETTE hpal=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
CreatePalette(LPBITMAPINFO) | CRhinoDib | |
CRhCmnDisplayBitmap class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhEngine_GL11 class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhEngine_PEP_GL33 class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhinoDib() | CRhinoDib | |
CRhinoDib(long width, long height, int color_depth, bool select_into_mem_dc=false, HPALETTE=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
CRhinoDib(const CRhinoDib &) | CRhinoDib | |
CRhinoDib(LPBITMAPINFO, bool free_lpbmi=true) | CRhinoDib | |
CRhinoDib(HBITMAP) | CRhinoDib | |
CRhinoDib() | CRhinoDib | |
CRhinoDib(int width, int height, int color_depth, bool select_into_mem_dc=false, CPalette *=NULL) | CRhinoDib | |
CRhinoDib(const CRhinoDib &) | CRhinoDib | |
CRhinoDib(HBITMAP) | CRhinoDib | |
CRhinoDib(CGImageRef) | CRhinoDib | |
CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhinoDisplayEngine_OGL class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhinoDisplayPipeline class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhOpenGLRenderer class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhOpenGLTexture2D class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhOpenGLTextureCube class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhRdkPostEffectImage class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhRegionSelectHelper class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CRhResourceManagerMetal class | CRhinoDib | friend |
CXXXXRender class | CRhinoDib | friend |
DCSelectBitmap(bool) | CRhinoDib | |
dds_file_type enum value | CRhinoDib | |
DestroyDib() | CRhinoDib | |
DestroyDib() | CRhinoDib | |
DPI() const | CRhinoDib | |
DPI() const | CRhinoDib | |
Draw(CDC *pDC, int x=0, int y=0, int cx=0, int cy=0, int xSrc=0, int ySrc=0) | CRhinoDib | |
Draw(CDC *pDC, CRect rect, int xSrc=0, int ySrc=0) | CRhinoDib | |
DrawFilledCircle(const ON_2iPoint ¢er, int radius, ON_Color) | CRhinoDib | |
DrawFilledPolygon(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &points, ON_Color cr) | CRhinoDib | |
DrawFilledTriangle(const ON_2iPoint &p1, const ON_2iPoint &p2, const ON_2iPoint &p3, ON_Color) | CRhinoDib | |
DrawLine(const ON_2iPoint &p1, const ON_2iPoint &p2, ON_Color color, int thickness=0, bool circle_caps=false) | CRhinoDib | |
DrawMasked(CDC *pDC, COLORREF crMask, int x=0, int y=0, int cx=0, int cy=0, int xSrc=0, int ySrc=0) | CRhinoDib | |
DrawMasked(CDC *pDC, COLORREF crMask, CRect rect, int xSrc=0, int ySrc=0) | CRhinoDib | |
DrawPolyline(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &points, ON_Color color, int thickness=0, bool circle_caps=false, bool close=false) | CRhinoDib | |
FastPixelAccess(void) const | CRhinoDib | |
FastPixelAccess(void) | CRhinoDib | |
FastPixelAccess(void) const | CRhinoDib | |
FastPixelAccess(void) | CRhinoDib | |
FileTypeFromFileName(const wchar_t *lpsFileName) | CRhinoDib | static |
FileTypeFromFileName(const wchar_t *lpsFileName) | CRhinoDib | static |
FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel(bitmap_file_type fileType) | CRhinoDib | static |
FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel(const wchar_t *fileName) | CRhinoDib | static |
FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel(bitmap_file_type fileType) | CRhinoDib | static |
FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel(const wchar_t *fileName) | CRhinoDib | static |
FillSolid(COLORREF) | CRhinoDib | |
FillSolid(ON_Color color) | CRhinoDib | |
FillSolidRect(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, ON_Color color) | CRhinoDib | |
FillSolidRect(CRect &rect, ON_Color color) | CRhinoDib | |
FindDIBBits() const | CRhinoDib | |
FindDIBBits(ComponentOrders) const | CRhinoDib | |
FlippedPoint(const ON_2iPoint &) const | CRhinoDib | |
FlippedPoints(const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &) const | CRhinoDib | |
FlipPoint(ON_2iPoint &) const | CRhinoDib | |
FlipPoints(ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &) const | CRhinoDib | |
FlipVertical(void) | CRhinoDib | |
FlipVertical() | CRhinoDib | |
FloodFill(long x, long y, COLORREF cr, int traget_alpha=-1) | CRhinoDib | |
GaussianBlurWithRadius(double radius) | CRhinoDib | |
GetBitmapType(const wchar_t *lpsFileName) | CRhinoDib | protectedstatic |
GetBitmapType(const wchar_t *lpsFileName) | CRhinoDib | protectedstatic |
GetDepth() const | CRhinoDib | |
GetDepth() const | CRhinoDib | |
GetGlTextureForDib(class CRhinoDisplayEngine_OGL &, const CRhinoDib &) | CRhinoDib | friend |
GetPixel(unsigned char *base, long x, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, COLORREF &cr) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, COLORREF &cr, int &alpha) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b, int &alpha) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b, float &alpha) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(const LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, COLORREF &cr, int &alpha) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(const LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(const LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b, int &alpha) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(const LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(const LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b, float &alpha) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(unsigned char *base, int x, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b) | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, COLORREF &cr) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, COLORREF &cr, int &alpha) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b, int &alpha) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetPixel(long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b, float &alpha) const | CRhinoDib | |
GetStorageSize() const | CRhinoDib | |
GetStorageSize() const | CRhinoDib | inline |
GetStorageWidth() const | CRhinoDib | |
GetStorageWidth() const | CRhinoDib | |
GLDataType() const | CRhinoDib | |
GLFormatToComponentOrder(unsigned int) | CRhinoDib | static |
GLFormatToComponentOrder(GLenum) | CRhinoDib | static |
GLPixelFormat() const | CRhinoDib | |
GradientFill(COLORREF topLeft, COLORREF topRight, COLORREF bottomLeft, COLORREF bottomRight) | CRhinoDib | |
Height() const | CRhinoDib | |
Height() const | CRhinoDib | |
IncreaseColorDepth(int nNewColorDepth) | CRhinoDib | |
IncreaseColorDepth(int nNewColorDepth) | CRhinoDib | |
IsAllocated() const | CRhinoDib | |
IsAllocated() const | CRhinoDib | |
IsNormalMap(void) const | CRhinoDib | |
IsNormalMap(bool bLossyCompressionSource, bool &bPositiveZComponent) const | CRhinoDib | |
IsNormalMap(void) const | CRhinoDib | |
IsNormalMap(bool bLossyCompressionSource, bool &bPositiveZComponent) const | CRhinoDib | |
jpg_file_type enum value | CRhinoDib | |
LastSaveName() const | CRhinoDib | |
LastSaveName() const | CRhinoDib | |
m_color_depth | CRhinoDib | protected |
m_dc | CRhinoDib | protected |
m_dib_section | CRhinoDib | protected |
m_dpi | CRhinoDib | protected |
m_height | CRhinoDib | protected |
m_is_gray_scale | CRhinoDib | protected |
m_width | CRhinoDib | protected |
m_wLastSaveName | CRhinoDib | mutableprotected |
MakeNSImage() | CRhinoDib | protected |
MakeOpaque(void) | CRhinoDib | |
MakeOpaque() | CRhinoDib | |
NonConstOperation() | CRhinoDib | protectedvirtual |
NumColors() const | CRhinoDib | |
NumColors() const | CRhinoDib | |
operator CDC *() | CRhinoDib | |
operator CDC *() const | CRhinoDib | |
operator HBITMAP() | CRhinoDib | |
operator HBITMAP() const | CRhinoDib | |
operator=(const CRhinoDib &src) | CRhinoDib | |
operator=(HBITMAP hBitmap) | CRhinoDib | |
operator=(const CRhinoDib &src) | CRhinoDib | |
Palette() const | CRhinoDib | |
Palette() const | CRhinoDib | |
PaletteSize() const | CRhinoDib | |
PaletteSize() const | CRhinoDib | |
PasteFromClipboard(HWND hwnd, bool bMustBeSameSize=true, bool bMustHaveSameColorDepth=true) const | CRhinoDib | |
pcx_file_type enum value | CRhinoDib | |
PelsPerMeter() const | CRhinoDib | |
PelsPerMeter() const | CRhinoDib | |
png_file_type enum value | CRhinoDib | |
Print(HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bFitToPage=true) | CRhinoDib | |
Print(HWND hWnd=0, bool bFitToPage=true) | CRhinoDib | |
Private(void) const | CRhinoDib | |
Private(void) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels(void(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels(void(*f)(Pixel &, const void *pvData), const void *pvData=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels(void(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels(bool(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels(bool(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels(void(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels(void(*f)(Pixel &, const void *pvData), const void *pvData=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels(void(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels(bool(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels(bool(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded(void(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded(void(*f)(Pixel &, const void *pvData), const void *pvData=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded(void(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded(void(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded(void(*f)(Pixel &, const void *pvData), const void *pvData=nullptr) | CRhinoDib | |
ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded(void(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const | CRhinoDib | |
Quality enum name | CRhinoDib | |
Quality enum name | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFile(HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFile(unsigned int doc_serial_number, HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFromFile(HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFromFile(unsigned int doc_serial_number, HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFromFile(const wchar_t *lpsFileName) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFromFile(unsigned int doc_serial_number, const wchar_t *lpsFileName) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFromFile(HWND hWnd=0, bool bUseDialogs=true) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFromFile(const wchar_t *lpsFileName) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFromFile(unsigned int doc_serial_number, const wchar_t *lpsFileName) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFromFileImageSize(const wchar_t *lpsFileName, unsigned int *image_width_pixels, unsigned int *image_height_pixels, unsigned int *image_width_dpi, unsigned int *image_height_dpi) | CRhinoDib | static |
ReadFromFileImageSize(const wchar_t *file_name, unsigned int *image_width_pixels, unsigned int *image_height_pixels, unsigned int *image_width_dpi, unsigned int *image_height_dpi, unsigned int *image_depth_bits) | CRhinoDib | static |
ReadFromFileImageSize(const wchar_t *lpsFileName, unsigned int *image_width_pixels, unsigned int *image_height_pixels, unsigned int *image_width_dpi, unsigned int *image_height_dpi) | CRhinoDib | static |
ReadFromMemory(const void *buffer, size_t sizeof_buffer) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFromMemory(const void *buffer, int sizeof_buffer) | CRhinoDib | |
ReadFromSvgData(const ON_wString &svg, int width, int height, bool convert_to_darkmode=false) | CRhinoDib | |
ResampleAlgorithm enum name | CRhinoDib | |
Resize(const ON_2iSize &newSize) | CRhinoDib | |
Resize(const ON_2iSize &newSize, ResampleAlgorithm alg) | CRhinoDib | |
Resize(int newWidth, int newHeight) | CRhinoDib | |
Resized(const CRhinoDib &input, const ON_2iSize &newSize) | CRhinoDib | |
Resized(const CRhinoDib &input, const ON_2iSize &newSize, ResampleAlgorithm alg) | CRhinoDib | |
ReuseDib(long width, long height, int color_depth, bool select_into_mem_dc) | CRhinoDib | |
ReuseDib(int width, int height, int depth, bool select_into_mem_dc) | CRhinoDib | |
RhinoUpdateCachedTextureFromDib(unsigned int, const CRhinoDib &) | CRhinoDib | friend |
RuntimeSerialNumber() const | CRhinoDib | |
RuntimeSerialNumber() const | CRhinoDib | |
ScanWidth() const | CRhinoDib | |
ScanWidth() const | CRhinoDib | |
SetBitmap(HBITMAP hBitmap) | CRhinoDib | |
SetBitmap(CGImageRef) | CRhinoDib | |
SetBitmap(HBITMAP) | CRhinoDib | |
SetDib(LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi, bool free_lpbmi=true) | CRhinoDib | |
SetDib(LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi, bool free_lpbmi=true) | CRhinoDib | |
SetDPI(double) | CRhinoDib | |
SetDPI(double) | CRhinoDib | |
SetLastSaveName(const wchar_t *) | CRhinoDib | |
SetLastSaveName(const wchar_t *) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPelsPerMeter(UINT) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPelsPerMeter(UINT) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPixel(long x, long y, float r, float g, float b, float alpha=-1.0) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPixel(long x, long y, int r, int g, int b, int alpha=-1) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPixel(long x, long y, COLORREF cr, int alpha=-1) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPixel(LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, float r, float g, float b, float alpha=-1.0) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPixel(LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, int r, int g, int b, int alpha=-1) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPixel(LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, COLORREF cr, int alpha=-1) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPixel(long x, long y, float r, float g, float b, float alpha=-1.0) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPixel(long x, long y, int r, int g, int b, int alpha=-1) | CRhinoDib | |
SetPixel(long x, long y, COLORREF cr, int alpha=-1) | CRhinoDib | |
ShiftDown() | CRhinoDib | |
ShiftLeft() | CRhinoDib | |
ShiftRight() | CRhinoDib | |
ShiftUp() | CRhinoDib | |
Size() const | CRhinoDib | |
Size() const | CRhinoDib | |
SizeBits() const | CRhinoDib | |
SizeBits() const | CRhinoDib | |
SizeHeader() const | CRhinoDib | |
SizeHeader() const | CRhinoDib | |
StretchBlt(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, const CRhinoDib *srcDC, int xSrc, int ySrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight, int mode) | CRhinoDib | |
SwapRedAndBlueSamples() | CRhinoDib | |
TestDavidEBitmapFlip class | CRhinoDib | friend |
tga_file_type enum value | CRhinoDib | |
tif_file_type enum value | CRhinoDib | |
ToON_WindowsBitmap(void) const | CRhinoDib | |
ToOnWindowsBitmap() const | CRhinoDib | |
unsupported_file_type enum value | CRhinoDib | |
Width() const | CRhinoDib | |
Width() const | CRhinoDib | |
WidthInBytes() const | CRhinoDib | |
WidthInBytes() const | CRhinoDib | |
WindowYtoDibY(long y) const | CRhinoDib | |
WriteFile(HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true, Quality q=Quality::kHigh) const | CRhinoDib | |
WriteToFile(HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true, Quality q=Quality::kHigh) const | CRhinoDib | |
WriteToFile(const wchar_t *lpsFileName, Quality q=Quality::kHigh) const | CRhinoDib | |
WriteToFile(HWND hWnd=0, bool bUseDialogs=true, Quality q=Quality::kHigh) const | CRhinoDib | |
WriteToFile(const wchar_t *lpsFileName, Quality q=Quality::kHigh) const | CRhinoDib | |
~CRhinoDib() | CRhinoDib | virtual |
~CRhinoDib() | CRhinoDib | virtual |