Rhino C++ API  8.16
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CRhinoDib Class Reference

#include <RhinoSdkUiDibMac.h>


class  CFastPixelAccess
class  Pixel

Public Types

enum  bitmap_file_type {
  bmp_file_type = 0, jpg_file_type, pcx_file_type, png_file_type,
  tga_file_type, tif_file_type, dds_file_type, unsupported_file_type = 0xFFFFFFFF,
  bmp_file_type = 0, jpg_file_type, pcx_file_type, png_file_type,
  tga_file_type, tif_file_type, dds_file_type, unsupported_file_type = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  bitmap_file_type {
  bmp_file_type = 0, jpg_file_type, pcx_file_type, png_file_type,
  tga_file_type, tif_file_type, dds_file_type, unsupported_file_type = 0xFFFFFFFF,
  bmp_file_type = 0, jpg_file_type, pcx_file_type, png_file_type,
  tga_file_type, tif_file_type, dds_file_type, unsupported_file_type = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  ComponentOrders : int {
  ComponentOrders::None = 0, ComponentOrders::L = 1, ComponentOrders::BGR = 2, ComponentOrders::RGB = 3,
  ComponentOrders::BGRA = 4, ComponentOrders::RGBA = 5, ComponentOrders::ABGR = 6, ComponentOrders::ARGB = 7,
  ComponentOrders::RUNTIME_24BIT = 2, ComponentOrders::RUNTIME_32BIT = 4, ComponentOrders::None = 0, ComponentOrders::L = 1,
  ComponentOrders::BGR = 2, ComponentOrders::RGB = 3, ComponentOrders::BGRA = 4, ComponentOrders::RGBA = 5,
  ComponentOrders::ABGR = 6, ComponentOrders::ARGB = 7, ComponentOrders::FLOAT = 8, ComponentOrders::RUNTIME_24BIT = 3,
  ComponentOrders::RUNTIME_32BIT = 5
enum  ComponentOrders : int {
  ComponentOrders::None = 0, ComponentOrders::L = 1, ComponentOrders::BGR = 2, ComponentOrders::RGB = 3,
  ComponentOrders::BGRA = 4, ComponentOrders::RGBA = 5, ComponentOrders::ABGR = 6, ComponentOrders::ARGB = 7,
  ComponentOrders::RUNTIME_24BIT = 2, ComponentOrders::RUNTIME_32BIT = 4, ComponentOrders::None = 0, ComponentOrders::L = 1,
  ComponentOrders::BGR = 2, ComponentOrders::RGB = 3, ComponentOrders::BGRA = 4, ComponentOrders::RGBA = 5,
  ComponentOrders::ABGR = 6, ComponentOrders::ARGB = 7, ComponentOrders::FLOAT = 8, ComponentOrders::RUNTIME_24BIT = 3,
  ComponentOrders::RUNTIME_32BIT = 5
enum  Quality : int {
  Quality::kHigh, Quality::kMedium, Quality::kLow, Quality::kHigh,
  Quality::kMedium, Quality::kLow
enum  Quality : int {
  Quality::kHigh, Quality::kMedium, Quality::kLow, Quality::kHigh,
  Quality::kMedium, Quality::kLow
enum  ResampleAlgorithm { ResampleAlgorithm::Nearest, ResampleAlgorithm::Bilinear, ResampleAlgorithm::Box }

Public Member Functions

 CRhinoDib ()
 Construction. More...
 CRhinoDib ()
 Construction. More...
 CRhinoDib (CGImageRef)
 CRhinoDib (const CRhinoDib &)
 copy constructor, create bitmap that matches another More...
 CRhinoDib (const CRhinoDib &)
 copy constructor, create bitmap that matches another More...
 CRhinoDib (HBITMAP)
 create Dib from hbitmap More...
 CRhinoDib (HBITMAP)
 create Dib from hbitmap More...
 CRhinoDib (int width, int height, int color_depth, bool select_into_mem_dc=false, CPalette *=NULL)
 create bitmap with specified width, height and color depth More...
 CRhinoDib (long width, long height, int color_depth, bool select_into_mem_dc=false, HPALETTE=nullptr)
 create bitmap with specified width, height and color depth More...
 CRhinoDib (LPBITMAPINFO, bool free_lpbmi=true)
 set Dib to specified BITMAPINFO pointer More...
virtual ~CRhinoDib ()
 Destruction. More...
virtual ~CRhinoDib ()
 Destruction. More...
bool BitBlt (const ON_4iRect &destRect, const CRhinoDib &srcDib, const ON_2iPoint &srcPoint)
BOOL32 BitBlt (int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, const CRhinoDib *srcDC, int srcLeft, int srcTop, int mode)
 returns this, which is not very useful More...
HBITMAP Bitmap () const
const BITMAPINFOBitmapInfo () const
bool BlendDibsUsingAlphaChannel (long xDest, long yDest, long cx, long cy, CRhinoDib &src, long xSrc, long ySrc)
bool BltToDib (BITMAPINFO &destination, long x_dest, long y_dest, long cx, long cy, long x_src, long y_src)
bool BltToDib (CRhinoDib &destination, long x_dest, long y_dest, long cx, long cy, long x_src, long y_src)
 Copy dib bits from Dib to destination. More...
CRhinoCacheHandleCache () const
CRhinoCacheHandleCache () const
void Clear (COLORREF)
 Clears (fills) the entire dib with the passed in color... More...
void Clear (COLORREF)
 Clears (fills) the entire dib with the passed in color... More...
int ColorDepth () const
int ColorDepth () const
ComponentOrders ComponentOrder (void) const
ComponentOrders ComponentOrder (void) const
bool ConvertToGrayScale (bool bSetAlpha=false)
bool ConvertToGrayScale (bool bSetAlpha=false)
void ConvertToNormalMap (bool bLossyCompressionSource, bool &bPositiveZComponent)
void ConvertToNormalMap (bool bLossyCompressionSource, bool &bPositiveZComponent)
LPBITMAPINFO CopyDib () const
 Return copy of existing dib, you are responsible for destroying this object. More...
bool CopyDib (const BITMAPINFO &bmi)
 Copy bmi to m_bitmapinfo. More...
HBITMAP CopyHBitmap ()
HBITMAP CopyHBitmap () const
BOOL32 CopyToClipboard (HWND hwnd) const
 Clipboard operations. More...
bool CopyToClipboard (HWND hwnd=nullptr) const
 Clipboard operations. More...
bool CreateDib (int width, int height, int color_depth, bool select_into_mem_dc=false, CPalette *=NULL)
 DIB or HBITMAP creation functions. More...
LPBITMAPINFO CreateDib (long width, long height, int color_depth, bool select_into_mem_dc=false, HPALETTE=nullptr)
 DIB or HBITMAP creation functions. More...
HBITMAP CreateHBitmap (HPALETTE hpal=nullptr)
 Create HBITMAP and set m_hBitmap. More...
bool CreatePalette (LPBITMAPINFO)
BOOL32 DCSelectBitmap (bool)
 don't know what this might do More...
void DestroyDib ()
 Destroy dib && hbitmap and zero out pointers. More...
void DestroyDib ()
 Destroy dib && hbitmap and zero out pointers. More...
double DPI () const
double DPI () const
BOOL32 Draw (CDC *pDC, CRect rect, int xSrc=0, int ySrc=0)
BOOL32 Draw (CDC *pDC, int x=0, int y=0, int cx=0, int cy=0, int xSrc=0, int ySrc=0)
 Blit functions functions. More...
bool DrawFilledCircle (const ON_2iPoint &center, int radius, ON_Color)
bool DrawFilledPolygon (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &points, ON_Color cr)
 Points are in DIB space - ie, the same coordinate system as GetPixel. Use FlipPoint/Flipped points to switch. More...
bool DrawFilledTriangle (const ON_2iPoint &p1, const ON_2iPoint &p2, const ON_2iPoint &p3, ON_Color)
bool DrawLine (const ON_2iPoint &p1, const ON_2iPoint &p2, ON_Color color, int thickness=0, bool circle_caps=false)
BOOL32 DrawMasked (CDC *pDC, COLORREF crMask, CRect rect, int xSrc=0, int ySrc=0)
BOOL32 DrawMasked (CDC *pDC, COLORREF crMask, int x=0, int y=0, int cx=0, int cy=0, int xSrc=0, int ySrc=0)
bool DrawPolyline (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &points, ON_Color color, int thickness=0, bool circle_caps=false, bool close=false)
CFastPixelAccessFastPixelAccess (void)
CFastPixelAccessFastPixelAccess (void)
const CFastPixelAccessFastPixelAccess (void) const
const CFastPixelAccessFastPixelAccess (void) const
bool FillSolid (COLORREF)
BOOL32 FillSolid (ON_Color color)
BOOL32 FillSolidRect (CRect &rect, ON_Color color)
BOOL32 FillSolidRect (int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, ON_Color color)
LPBYTE FindDIBBits () const
LPBYTE FindDIBBits (ComponentOrders) const
ON_2iPoint FlippedPoint (const ON_2iPoint &) const
ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPointFlippedPoints (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &) const
void FlipPoint (ON_2iPoint &) const
 Use these functions to transform points and arrays of points between DIB space (bottom up) and CDC space (top down) More...
void FlipPoints (ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &) const
void FlipVertical ()
void FlipVertical (void)
bool FloodFill (long x, long y, COLORREF cr, int traget_alpha=-1)
 Goofy edit functions. More...
void GaussianBlurWithRadius (double radius)
UINT GetDepth () const
UINT GetDepth () const
bool GetPixel (const LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, COLORREF &cr, int &alpha) const
 Gets the RGB color of a pixel at an x,y location. More...
bool GetPixel (const LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b) const
 Gets the fractional RGB color components (between 0.0 and 1.0) of a pixel at an x,y location. More...
bool GetPixel (const LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b, float &alpha) const
bool GetPixel (const LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b) const
 Gets the RGB color components (between 0 and 255) of a pixel at an x,y location. More...
bool GetPixel (const LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b, int &alpha) const
BOOL32 GetPixel (long x, long y, COLORREF &cr) const
bool GetPixel (long x, long y, COLORREF &cr) const
 Gets the RGB color of a pixel at an x,y location. More...
BOOL32 GetPixel (long x, long y, COLORREF &cr, int &alpha) const
bool GetPixel (long x, long y, COLORREF &cr, int &alpha) const
BOOL32 GetPixel (long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b) const
bool GetPixel (long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b) const
 Gets the fractional RGB color components (between 0.0 and 1.0) of a pixel at an x,y location. More...
BOOL32 GetPixel (long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b, float &alpha) const
bool GetPixel (long x, long y, float &r, float &g, float &b, float &alpha) const
BOOL32 GetPixel (long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b) const
bool GetPixel (long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b) const
 Gets the RGB color components (between 0 and 255) of a pixel at an x,y location. More...
BOOL32 GetPixel (long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b, int &alpha) const
bool GetPixel (long x, long y, int &r, int &g, int &b, int &alpha) const
bool GetPixel (unsigned char *base, int x, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b)
bool GetPixel (unsigned char *base, long x, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b) const
UINT GetStorageSize () const
DWORD GetStorageSize () const
UINT GetStorageWidth () const
DWORD GetStorageWidth () const
UINT GLDataType () const
 e.g. GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE More...
UINT GLPixelFormat () const
 OpenGL attributes for this image. More...
bool GradientFill (COLORREF topLeft, COLORREF topRight, COLORREF bottomLeft, COLORREF bottomRight)
int Height () const
long Height () const
bool IncreaseColorDepth (int nNewColorDepth)
bool IncreaseColorDepth (int nNewColorDepth)
bool IsAllocated () const
 Call this to ensure there is memory allocated. Replace calls to check FindDIBBits() for nullptr with this. More...
bool IsAllocated () const
bool IsNormalMap (bool bLossyCompressionSource, bool &bPositiveZComponent) const
bool IsNormalMap (bool bLossyCompressionSource, bool &bPositiveZComponent) const
bool IsNormalMap (void) const
bool IsNormalMap (void) const
const wchar_t * LastSaveName () const
const wchar_t * LastSaveName () const
void MakeOpaque ()
 convert all partially transparent pixels to fully opaque More...
void MakeOpaque (void)
long NumColors () const
int NumColors () const
 operator CDC * ()
 operator CDC * () const
 operator HBITMAP ()
 operator HBITMAP () const
CRhinoDiboperator= (const CRhinoDib &src)
CRhinoDiboperator= (const CRhinoDib &src)
CRhinoDiboperator= (HBITMAP hBitmap)
CPalette * Palette () const
HPALETTE Palette () const
long PaletteSize () const
long PaletteSize () const
bool PasteFromClipboard (HWND hwnd, bool bMustBeSameSize=true, bool bMustHaveSameColorDepth=true) const
UINT PelsPerMeter () const
UINT PelsPerMeter () const
bool Print (HWND hWnd=0, bool bFitToPage=true)
ON_DEPRECATED bool Print (HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bFitToPage=true)
class CRhDibPrivate & Private (void)
const class CRhDibPrivate & Private (void) const
bool ProcessPixels (bool(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const
bool ProcessPixels (bool(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const
bool ProcessPixels (bool(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr)
bool ProcessPixels (bool(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr)
void ProcessPixels (void(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const
void ProcessPixels (void(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const
void ProcessPixels (void(*f)(Pixel &, const void *pvData), const void *pvData=nullptr)
void ProcessPixels (void(*f)(Pixel &, const void *pvData), const void *pvData=nullptr)
void ProcessPixels (void(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr)
void ProcessPixels (void(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr)
void ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded (void(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const
void ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded (void(*f)(const Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr) const
void ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded (void(*f)(Pixel &, const void *pvData), const void *pvData=nullptr)
void ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded (void(*f)(Pixel &, const void *pvData), const void *pvData=nullptr)
void ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded (void(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr)
void ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded (void(*f)(Pixel &, void *pvData), void *pvData=nullptr)
CRhinoCommand::result ReadFile (HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true)
CRhinoCommand::result ReadFile (unsigned int doc_serial_number, HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true)
bool ReadFromFile (const wchar_t *lpsFileName)
bool ReadFromFile (const wchar_t *lpsFileName)
bool ReadFromFile (HWND hWnd=0, bool bUseDialogs=true)
bool ReadFromFile (HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true)
bool ReadFromFile (unsigned int doc_serial_number, const wchar_t *lpsFileName)
bool ReadFromFile (unsigned int doc_serial_number, const wchar_t *lpsFileName)
bool ReadFromFile (unsigned int doc_serial_number, HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true)
bool ReadFromMemory (const void *buffer, int sizeof_buffer)
bool ReadFromMemory (const void *buffer, size_t sizeof_buffer)
bool ReadFromSvgData (const ON_wString &svg, int width, int height, bool convert_to_darkmode=false)
bool Resize (const ON_2iSize &newSize)
 Legacy resize method; uses Bilinear resampling. More...
bool Resize (const ON_2iSize &newSize, ResampleAlgorithm alg)
 New resize method; uses chosen resampling algorithm. More...
void Resize (int newWidth, int newHeight)
bool Resized (const CRhinoDib &input, const ON_2iSize &newSize)
 Legacy resized method; uses Bilinear resampling. More...
bool Resized (const CRhinoDib &input, const ON_2iSize &newSize, ResampleAlgorithm alg)
 New resized method; uses chosen resampling algorithm. More...
bool ReuseDib (int width, int height, int depth, bool select_into_mem_dc)
bool ReuseDib (long width, long height, int color_depth, bool select_into_mem_dc)
unsigned int RuntimeSerialNumber () const
unsigned int RuntimeSerialNumber () const
long ScanWidth () const
DWORD ScanWidth () const
void SetBitmap (CGImageRef)
bool SetBitmap (HBITMAP hBitmap)
void SetBitmap (HBITMAP)
BOOL32 SetDib (LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi, bool free_lpbmi=true)
bool SetDib (LPBITMAPINFO lpbmi, bool free_lpbmi=true)
void SetDPI (double)
void SetDPI (double)
void SetLastSaveName (const wchar_t *)
void SetLastSaveName (const wchar_t *)
void SetPelsPerMeter (UINT)
void SetPelsPerMeter (UINT)
BOOL32 SetPixel (long x, long y, COLORREF cr, int alpha=-1)
bool SetPixel (long x, long y, COLORREF cr, int alpha=-1)
 Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given an RGB color. More...
BOOL32 SetPixel (long x, long y, float r, float g, float b, float alpha=-1.0)
 Functions call FindDIBBits and validate x and y. More...
bool SetPixel (long x, long y, float r, float g, float b, float alpha=-1.0)
 Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given a fractional RGB color components (between 0.0 and 1.0) More...
BOOL32 SetPixel (long x, long y, int r, int g, int b, int alpha=-1)
bool SetPixel (long x, long y, int r, int g, int b, int alpha=-1)
 Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given an RGB color components (between 0 and 255) More...
bool SetPixel (LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, COLORREF cr, int alpha=-1)
 Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given an RGB color. More...
bool SetPixel (LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, float r, float g, float b, float alpha=-1.0)
 Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given a fractional RGB color components (between 0.0 and 1.0) More...
bool SetPixel (LPBYTE dib_bits, int color_depth, long x, long y, int r, int g, int b, int alpha=-1)
 Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given an RGB color components (between 0 and 255) More...
CRhinoDibShiftDown ()
CRhinoDibShiftLeft ()
CRhinoDibShiftRight ()
CRhinoDibShiftUp ()
long Size () const
 Bitmap information. More...
DWORD Size () const
 Bitmap information. More...
long SizeBits () const
DWORD SizeBits () const
long SizeHeader () const
long SizeHeader () const
BOOL32 StretchBlt (int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, const CRhinoDib *srcDC, int xSrc, int ySrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight, int mode)
void SwapRedAndBlueSamples ()
 exchange the red and blue color bytes in the NSBitmapImageRep More...
ON_WindowsBitmap ToON_WindowsBitmap (void) const
ON_WindowsBitmapToOnWindowsBitmap () const
int Width () const
long Width () const
long WidthInBytes () const
DWORD WidthInBytes () const
long WindowYtoDibY (long y) const
 Convert Y value from window display Y to bitmap Y. More...
CRhinoCommand::result WriteFile (HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true, Quality q=Quality::kHigh) const
bool WriteToFile (const wchar_t *lpsFileName, Quality q=Quality::kHigh) const
bool WriteToFile (const wchar_t *lpsFileName, Quality q=Quality::kHigh) const
bool WriteToFile (HWND hWnd=0, bool bUseDialogs=true, Quality q=Quality::kHigh) const
bool WriteToFile (HWND hWnd=nullptr, bool bUseDialogs=true, Quality q=Quality::kHigh) const

Static Public Member Functions

static bitmap_file_type FileTypeFromFileName (const wchar_t *lpsFileName)
static bitmap_file_type FileTypeFromFileName (const wchar_t *lpsFileName)
static bool FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel (bitmap_file_type fileType)
static bool FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel (bitmap_file_type fileType)
static bool FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel (const wchar_t *fileName)
static bool FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel (const wchar_t *fileName)
static ComponentOrders GLFormatToComponentOrder (GLenum)
static ComponentOrders GLFormatToComponentOrder (unsigned int)
static bool ReadFromFileImageSize (const wchar_t *file_name, unsigned int *image_width_pixels, unsigned int *image_height_pixels, unsigned int *image_width_dpi, unsigned int *image_height_dpi, unsigned int *image_depth_bits)
static bool ReadFromFileImageSize (const wchar_t *lpsFileName, unsigned int *image_width_pixels, unsigned int *image_height_pixels, unsigned int *image_width_dpi, unsigned int *image_height_dpi)
static bool ReadFromFileImageSize (const wchar_t *lpsFileName, unsigned int *image_width_pixels, unsigned int *image_height_pixels, unsigned int *image_width_dpi, unsigned int *image_height_dpi)

Protected Member Functions

void construct ()
void MakeNSImage ()
virtual void NonConstOperation ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static int GetBitmapType (const wchar_t *lpsFileName)
static int GetBitmapType (const wchar_t *lpsFileName)

Protected Attributes

unsigned int m_color_depth
CDC m_dc
class CRhDibPrivate * m_dib_section = nullptr
double m_dpi
int m_height
bool m_is_gray_scale
int m_width
ON_wString m_wLastSaveName


unsigned int CreateGlAlphaTexture (const CRhinoDib &, bool, unsigned int)
class CRhCmnDisplayBitmap
class CRhEngine_GL11
class CRhEngine_PEP_GL33
 friend void Combine(const CRhinoDib&, CRhinoDib&, const float*, float*); More...
class CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI
class CRhinoDisplayEngine_OGL
class CRhinoDisplayPipeline
class CRhOpenGLRenderer
class CRhOpenGLTexture2D
class CRhOpenGLTextureCube
class CRhRdkPostEffectImage
 This is a list of the badly behaved. More...
class CRhRegionSelectHelper
class CRhResourceManagerMetal
class CXXXXRender
GLuint GetGlTextureForDib (class CRhinoDisplayEngine_OGL &, const CRhinoDib &)
bool RhinoUpdateCachedTextureFromDib (unsigned int, const CRhinoDib &)
class TestDavidEBitmapFlip

Detailed Description

Class to manage DIB's. This class will create a DIB, a HBITMAP and associated memory DC. The HBITMAP and CRhinoDib::FindBits() point to the same memory. You can modify the bits directly or use GDI with the associated memory DC to modify the bitmap. The HBITMAP does not get selected by the memory devidce context due to the fact that the DIB can only be selected in one device context at a time. To select or remove the Bitmap() from its memory DC call DCSelectBitmap( bool). If you call DCSelectBitmap( true) you may cast a CRhinoDib as a CDC* or HDC and use it directly.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ bitmap_file_type [1/2]
















Do NOT change this value, this allows adding additional values without breaking the SDK in the future
















Do NOT change this value, this allows adding additional values without breaking the SDK in the future

◆ bitmap_file_type [2/2]
















Do NOT change this value, this allows adding additional values without breaking the SDK in the future
















Do NOT change this value, this allows adding additional values without breaking the SDK in the future

◆ ComponentOrders [1/2]

enum CRhinoDib::ComponentOrders : int

◆ ComponentOrders [2/2]

enum CRhinoDib::ComponentOrders : int

◆ Quality [1/2]

enum CRhinoDib::Quality : int

From RhinoSdkDib.h


◆ Quality [2/2]

enum CRhinoDib::Quality : int

◆ ResampleAlgorithm


Samples a single pixel in the source. Fastest.


Bilinear interpolation of 4 neighboring pixels.


Accurate brute-force resample of source area to pixels. Slowest.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRhinoDib() [1/10]

CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib ( )


◆ CRhinoDib() [2/10]

CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib ( long  width,
long  height,
int  color_depth,
bool  select_into_mem_dc = false,
HPALETTE  = nullptr 

create bitmap with specified width, height and color depth

◆ CRhinoDib() [3/10]

CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib ( const CRhinoDib )

copy constructor, create bitmap that matches another

◆ CRhinoDib() [4/10]

CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib ( LPBITMAPINFO  ,
bool  free_lpbmi = true 

set Dib to specified BITMAPINFO pointer

◆ CRhinoDib() [5/10]

CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib ( HBITMAP  )

create Dib from hbitmap

◆ ~CRhinoDib() [1/2]

virtual CRhinoDib::~CRhinoDib ( )


◆ CRhinoDib() [6/10]

CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib ( )


◆ CRhinoDib() [7/10]

CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib ( int  width,
int  height,
int  color_depth,
bool  select_into_mem_dc = false,
CPalette *  = NULL 

create bitmap with specified width, height and color depth

◆ CRhinoDib() [8/10]

CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib ( const CRhinoDib )

copy constructor, create bitmap that matches another

◆ CRhinoDib() [9/10]

CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib ( HBITMAP  )

create Dib from hbitmap

◆ CRhinoDib() [10/10]

CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib ( CGImageRef  )

◆ ~CRhinoDib() [2/2]

virtual CRhinoDib::~CRhinoDib ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ BitBlt() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::BitBlt ( const ON_4iRect destRect,
const CRhinoDib srcDib,
const ON_2iPoint srcPoint 

Work-alike for CDC::BitBlt or ::BitBlt where both drawing surfaces are actually CRhinoDib. Note that the coordinate system is the same as Windows DC - 0,0 is at the top left. (For CRhinoDib itself, 0,0 is bottom left) Copys the pixels from srcDib to this.

◆ BitBlt() [2/2]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::BitBlt ( int  x,
int  y,
int  nWidth,
int  nHeight,
const CRhinoDib srcDC,
int  srcLeft,
int  srcTop,
int  mode 

◆ Bitmap() [1/2]

MAC_DEPRECATED HBITMAP CRhinoDib::Bitmap ( ) const

returns this, which is not very useful

◆ Bitmap() [2/2]

HBITMAP CRhinoDib::Bitmap ( ) const

◆ BitmapInfo()

const BITMAPINFO* CRhinoDib::BitmapInfo ( ) const

Description: Get Windows bitmap info. Remarks: NOTE WELL: The bitmap bits are generally NOT located after BITMAPINFO and bmiColors[] array. Returns: A pointer to the bitmap info. Look but do not change. See Also: CRhinoDib::CRhinoDib::FindDIBBits

◆ BlendDibsUsingAlphaChannel()

bool CRhinoDib::BlendDibsUsingAlphaChannel ( long  xDest,
long  yDest,
long  cx,
long  cy,
CRhinoDib src,
long  xSrc,
long  ySrc 

◆ BltToDib() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::BltToDib ( BITMAPINFO destination,
long  x_dest,
long  y_dest,
long  cx,
long  cy,
long  x_src,
long  y_src 

◆ BltToDib() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDib::BltToDib ( CRhinoDib destination,
long  x_dest,
long  y_dest,
long  cx,
long  cy,
long  x_src,
long  y_src 

Copy dib bits from Dib to destination.

◆ Cache() [1/2]

CRhinoCacheHandle* CRhinoDib::Cache ( ) const

◆ Cache() [2/2]

CRhinoCacheHandle* CRhinoDib::Cache ( ) const

◆ Clear() [1/2]

void CRhinoDib::Clear ( COLORREF  )

Clears (fills) the entire dib with the passed in color...

◆ Clear() [2/2]

void CRhinoDib::Clear ( COLORREF  )

Clears (fills) the entire dib with the passed in color...

◆ ColorDepth() [1/2]

int CRhinoDib::ColorDepth ( ) const

◆ ColorDepth() [2/2]

int CRhinoDib::ColorDepth ( ) const

◆ ComponentOrder() [1/2]

ComponentOrders CRhinoDib::ComponentOrder ( void  ) const

◆ ComponentOrder() [2/2]

ComponentOrders CRhinoDib::ComponentOrder ( void  ) const

◆ construct()

void CRhinoDib::construct ( )

◆ ConvertToGrayScale() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::ConvertToGrayScale ( bool  bSetAlpha = false)

Converts the dib into a grayscale image...and promotes it to a 24 bit dib if need be... If bSetAlpha is true, and the bitmap is a 32-bit image, the alpha byte is set to the same as the other three components otherwise, the alpha byte is preserved from the original image.

◆ ConvertToGrayScale() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDib::ConvertToGrayScale ( bool  bSetAlpha = false)

Converts the dib into a grayscale image...and promotes it to a 24 bit dib if need be... If bSetAlpha is true, and the bitmap is a 32-bit image, the alpha byte is set to the same as the other three components otherwise, the alpha byte is preserved from the original image.

◆ ConvertToNormalMap() [1/2]

void CRhinoDib::ConvertToNormalMap ( bool  bLossyCompressionSource,
bool &  bPositiveZComponent 

◆ ConvertToNormalMap() [2/2]

void CRhinoDib::ConvertToNormalMap ( bool  bLossyCompressionSource,
bool &  bPositiveZComponent 

◆ CopyDib() [1/2]

LPBITMAPINFO CRhinoDib::CopyDib ( ) const

Return copy of existing dib, you are responsible for destroying this object.

◆ CopyDib() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDib::CopyDib ( const BITMAPINFO bmi)

Copy bmi to m_bitmapinfo.

◆ CopyHBitmap() [1/2]

HBITMAP CRhinoDib::CopyHBitmap ( )

Return copy of the current Dib(). If Bitmap() is NULL then one is created from Dib() and returned. m_hBitmap is not set if Bitmap was NULL. You are responsible for destroying this object.

◆ CopyHBitmap() [2/2]

HBITMAP CRhinoDib::CopyHBitmap ( ) const

Return copy of the current Dib(). If Bitmap() is NULL then one is created from Dib() and returned. m_hBitmap is not set if Bitmap was NULL. You are responsible for destroying this object.

◆ CopyToClipboard() [1/2]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::CopyToClipboard ( HWND  hwnd) const

Clipboard operations.

◆ CopyToClipboard() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDib::CopyToClipboard ( HWND  hwnd = nullptr) const

Clipboard operations.

◆ CreateDib() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::CreateDib ( int  width,
int  height,
int  color_depth,
bool  select_into_mem_dc = false,
CPalette *  = NULL 

DIB or HBITMAP creation functions.

◆ CreateDib() [2/2]

LPBITMAPINFO CRhinoDib::CreateDib ( long  width,
long  height,
int  color_depth,
bool  select_into_mem_dc = false,
HPALETTE  = nullptr 

DIB or HBITMAP creation functions.

◆ CreateHBitmap()

HBITMAP CRhinoDib::CreateHBitmap ( HPALETTE  hpal = nullptr)

Create HBITMAP and set m_hBitmap.

◆ CreatePalette()

bool CRhinoDib::CreatePalette ( LPBITMAPINFO  )

◆ DCSelectBitmap()

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::DCSelectBitmap ( bool  )

don't know what this might do

◆ DestroyDib() [1/2]

void CRhinoDib::DestroyDib ( )

Destroy dib && hbitmap and zero out pointers.

◆ DestroyDib() [2/2]

void CRhinoDib::DestroyDib ( )

Destroy dib && hbitmap and zero out pointers.

◆ DPI() [1/2]

double CRhinoDib::DPI ( ) const

◆ DPI() [2/2]

double CRhinoDib::DPI ( ) const

◆ Draw() [1/2]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::Draw ( CDC *  pDC,
CRect  rect,
int  xSrc = 0,
int  ySrc = 0 

◆ Draw() [2/2]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::Draw ( CDC *  pDC,
int  x = 0,
int  y = 0,
int  cx = 0,
int  cy = 0,
int  xSrc = 0,
int  ySrc = 0 

Blit functions functions.

◆ DrawFilledCircle()

bool CRhinoDib::DrawFilledCircle ( const ON_2iPoint center,
int  radius,

◆ DrawFilledPolygon()

bool CRhinoDib::DrawFilledPolygon ( const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &  points,
ON_Color  cr 

Points are in DIB space - ie, the same coordinate system as GetPixel. Use FlipPoint/Flipped points to switch.

◆ DrawFilledTriangle()

bool CRhinoDib::DrawFilledTriangle ( const ON_2iPoint p1,
const ON_2iPoint p2,
const ON_2iPoint p3,

◆ DrawLine()

bool CRhinoDib::DrawLine ( const ON_2iPoint p1,
const ON_2iPoint p2,
ON_Color  color,
int  thickness = 0,
bool  circle_caps = false 

◆ DrawMasked() [1/2]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::DrawMasked ( CDC *  pDC,
CRect  rect,
int  xSrc = 0,
int  ySrc = 0 

◆ DrawMasked() [2/2]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::DrawMasked ( CDC *  pDC,
int  x = 0,
int  y = 0,
int  cx = 0,
int  cy = 0,
int  xSrc = 0,
int  ySrc = 0 

◆ DrawPolyline()

bool CRhinoDib::DrawPolyline ( const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &  points,
ON_Color  color,
int  thickness = 0,
bool  circle_caps = false,
bool  close = false 

◆ FastPixelAccess() [1/4]

CFastPixelAccess* CRhinoDib::FastPixelAccess ( void  )

◆ FastPixelAccess() [2/4]

CFastPixelAccess* CRhinoDib::FastPixelAccess ( void  )

◆ FastPixelAccess() [3/4]

const CFastPixelAccess* CRhinoDib::FastPixelAccess ( void  ) const

◆ FastPixelAccess() [4/4]

const CFastPixelAccess* CRhinoDib::FastPixelAccess ( void  ) const

◆ FileTypeFromFileName() [1/2]

static bitmap_file_type CRhinoDib::FileTypeFromFileName ( const wchar_t *  lpsFileName)

Description: Call this method to get supported file type from file name. Parameters: lpsFileName - [in] File name, extension will be extracted from the end of this string and compared to supported bitmap file types. Returns: Returns a valid bitmap_file_type on success or unsupported_file_type if the file type is not supported.

◆ FileTypeFromFileName() [2/2]

static bitmap_file_type CRhinoDib::FileTypeFromFileName ( const wchar_t *  lpsFileName)

Description: Call this method to get supported file type from file name. Parameters: lpsFileName - [in] File name, extension will be extracted from the end of this string and compared to supported bitmap file types. Returns: Returns a valid bitmap_file_type on success or unsupported_file_type if the file type is not supported.

◆ FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel() [1/4]

static bool CRhinoDib::FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel ( bitmap_file_type  fileType)

Description: Call this method to see if a specified file type supports 32 bit bitmaps with alpha channel. Parameters: fileType - [in] Bitmap file type to check Returns: Returns a true if the bitmap can be saved as a 32 bit DIB with alpha channel.

◆ FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel() [2/4]

static bool CRhinoDib::FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel ( bitmap_file_type  fileType)

Description: Call this method to see if a specified file type supports 32 bit bitmaps with alpha channel. Parameters: fileType - [in] Bitmap file type to check Returns: Returns a true if the bitmap can be saved as a 32 bit DIB with alpha channel.

◆ FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel() [3/4]

static bool CRhinoDib::FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel ( const wchar_t *  fileName)

Description: Call this method to see if a specified file (gets the type from the file extension) supports 32 bit bitmaps with alpha channel. Parameters: fileName - [in] Name of the file to extract the extension from. Returns: Returns a true if the bitmap can be saved as a 32 bit DIB with alpha channel.

◆ FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel() [4/4]

static bool CRhinoDib::FileTypeSupportsAlphaChannel ( const wchar_t *  fileName)

Description: Call this method to see if a specified file (gets the type from the file extension) supports 32 bit bitmaps with alpha channel. Parameters: fileName - [in] Name of the file to extract the extension from. Returns: Returns a true if the bitmap can be saved as a 32 bit DIB with alpha channel.

◆ FillSolid() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::FillSolid ( COLORREF  )

Fills the entire dib with the specified color...Note: if it's a 32 bit dib, then the high-order byte of the passed in color is considered to be an alpha value, and thus will also be included in the fill operation (normal GDI operations will strip this out).

◆ FillSolid() [2/2]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::FillSolid ( ON_Color  color)

◆ FillSolidRect() [1/2]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::FillSolidRect ( CRect &  rect,
ON_Color  color 

◆ FillSolidRect() [2/2]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::FillSolidRect ( int  x,
int  y,
int  nWidth,
int  nHeight,
ON_Color  color 

From RhinoSdkDib.h Fills the entire dib with the specified color...Note: if it's a 32 bit dib, then the high-order byte of the passed in color is considered to be an alpha value, and thus will also be included in the fill operation (normal GDI operations will strip this out).

◆ FindDIBBits() [1/2]

LPBYTE CRhinoDib::FindDIBBits ( ) const

Description: Get Windows bitmap bits. Returns: A pointer to the bits. Look but do not change. See Also: CRhinoDib::BitmapInfo

◆ FindDIBBits() [2/2]

LPBYTE CRhinoDib::FindDIBBits ( ComponentOrders  ) const

◆ FlippedPoint()

ON_2iPoint CRhinoDib::FlippedPoint ( const ON_2iPoint ) const

◆ FlippedPoints()

ON_SimpleArray<ON_2iPoint> CRhinoDib::FlippedPoints ( const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &  ) const

◆ FlipPoint()

void CRhinoDib::FlipPoint ( ON_2iPoint ) const

Use these functions to transform points and arrays of points between DIB space (bottom up) and CDC space (top down)

◆ FlipPoints()

void CRhinoDib::FlipPoints ( ON_SimpleArray< ON_2iPoint > &  ) const

◆ FlipVertical() [1/2]

void CRhinoDib::FlipVertical ( )

◆ FlipVertical() [2/2]

void CRhinoDib::FlipVertical ( void  )

◆ FloodFill()

bool CRhinoDib::FloodFill ( long  x,
long  y,
int  traget_alpha = -1 

Goofy edit functions.

◆ GaussianBlurWithRadius()

void CRhinoDib::GaussianBlurWithRadius ( double  radius)

◆ GetBitmapType() [1/2]

static int CRhinoDib::GetBitmapType ( const wchar_t *  lpsFileName)

◆ GetBitmapType() [2/2]

static int CRhinoDib::GetBitmapType ( const wchar_t *  lpsFileName)

◆ GetDepth() [1/2]

UINT CRhinoDib::GetDepth ( ) const

◆ GetDepth() [2/2]

UINT CRhinoDib::GetDepth ( ) const

◆ GetPixel() [1/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( const LPBYTE  dib_bits,
int  color_depth,
long  x,
long  y,
int &  alpha 
) const

Gets the RGB color of a pixel at an x,y location.

◆ GetPixel() [2/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( const LPBYTE  dib_bits,
int  color_depth,
long  x,
long  y,
float &  r,
float &  g,
float &  b 
) const

Gets the fractional RGB color components (between 0.0 and 1.0) of a pixel at an x,y location.

◆ GetPixel() [3/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( const LPBYTE  dib_bits,
int  color_depth,
long  x,
long  y,
float &  r,
float &  g,
float &  b,
float &  alpha 
) const

◆ GetPixel() [4/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( const LPBYTE  dib_bits,
int  color_depth,
long  x,
long  y,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b 
) const

Gets the RGB color components (between 0 and 255) of a pixel at an x,y location.

◆ GetPixel() [5/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( const LPBYTE  dib_bits,
int  color_depth,
long  x,
long  y,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b,
int &  alpha 
) const

◆ GetPixel() [6/19]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
) const

◆ GetPixel() [7/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
) const

Gets the RGB color of a pixel at an x,y location.

◆ GetPixel() [8/19]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
int &  alpha 
) const

◆ GetPixel() [9/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
int &  alpha 
) const

◆ GetPixel() [10/19]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
float &  r,
float &  g,
float &  b 
) const

◆ GetPixel() [11/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
float &  r,
float &  g,
float &  b 
) const

Gets the fractional RGB color components (between 0.0 and 1.0) of a pixel at an x,y location.

◆ GetPixel() [12/19]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
float &  r,
float &  g,
float &  b,
float &  alpha 
) const

◆ GetPixel() [13/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
float &  r,
float &  g,
float &  b,
float &  alpha 
) const

◆ GetPixel() [14/19]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b 
) const

◆ GetPixel() [15/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b 
) const

Gets the RGB color components (between 0 and 255) of a pixel at an x,y location.

◆ GetPixel() [16/19]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b,
int &  alpha 
) const

◆ GetPixel() [17/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b,
int &  alpha 
) const

◆ GetPixel() [18/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( unsigned char *  base,
int  x,
unsigned char *  r,
unsigned char *  g,
unsigned char *  b 

◆ GetPixel() [19/19]

bool CRhinoDib::GetPixel ( unsigned char *  base,
long  x,
unsigned char *  r,
unsigned char *  g,
unsigned char *  b 
) const

◆ GetStorageSize() [1/2]

UINT CRhinoDib::GetStorageSize ( ) const

◆ GetStorageSize() [2/2]

DWORD CRhinoDib::GetStorageSize ( ) const

◆ GetStorageWidth() [1/2]

UINT CRhinoDib::GetStorageWidth ( ) const

◆ GetStorageWidth() [2/2]

DWORD CRhinoDib::GetStorageWidth ( ) const

◆ GLDataType()

UINT CRhinoDib::GLDataType ( ) const


◆ GLFormatToComponentOrder() [1/2]

static ComponentOrders CRhinoDib::GLFormatToComponentOrder ( GLenum  )

◆ GLFormatToComponentOrder() [2/2]

static ComponentOrders CRhinoDib::GLFormatToComponentOrder ( unsigned int  )

◆ GLPixelFormat()

UINT CRhinoDib::GLPixelFormat ( ) const

OpenGL attributes for this image.

e.g. GL_RGBA

◆ GradientFill()

bool CRhinoDib::GradientFill ( COLORREF  topLeft,
COLORREF  topRight,
COLORREF  bottomLeft,
COLORREF  bottomRight 

◆ Height() [1/2]

int CRhinoDib::Height ( ) const

◆ Height() [2/2]

long CRhinoDib::Height ( ) const

◆ IncreaseColorDepth() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::IncreaseColorDepth ( int  nNewColorDepth)

If color depth is less than the requested color depth create a new bitmap of the desired color depth and copy old bits to it

◆ IncreaseColorDepth() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDib::IncreaseColorDepth ( int  nNewColorDepth)

If color depth is less than the requested color depth create a new bitmap of the desired color depth and copy old bits to it Change of behavior in V6 - if the new color depth is 32, the alpha pixels will be filled with 255.

◆ IsAllocated() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::IsAllocated ( ) const

Call this to ensure there is memory allocated. Replace calls to check FindDIBBits() for nullptr with this.

◆ IsAllocated() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDib::IsAllocated ( ) const

◆ IsNormalMap() [1/4]

bool CRhinoDib::IsNormalMap ( bool  bLossyCompressionSource,
bool &  bPositiveZComponent 
) const

Description: Call this method to see if the DIB appears to be a normal map. Parameters: bLossyCompressionSource - [in] True if the source of the bitmap is an image with lossy compression (e.g. jpg). False otherwise. The check will be less strict if the image can contain errors due to lossy compression. bPositiveZComponent - [out] True if the image is a normal map with the z-component mapped to the range 0 .. +1. False if the image is a normal map with the z-component mapped to the range -1 .. +1. Returns: Returns true if the bitmap appears to be a normal map. False otherwise.

◆ IsNormalMap() [2/4]

bool CRhinoDib::IsNormalMap ( bool  bLossyCompressionSource,
bool &  bPositiveZComponent 
) const

Description: Call this method to see if the DIB appears to be a normal map. Parameters: bLossyCompressionSource - [in] True if the source of the bitmap is an image with lossy compression (e.g. jpg). False otherwise. The check will be less strict if the image can contain errors due to lossy compression. bPositiveZComponent - [out] True if the image is a normal map with the z-component mapped to the range 0 .. +1. False if the image is a normal map with the z-component mapped to the range -1 .. +1. Returns: Returns true if the bitmap appears to be a normal map. False otherwise.

◆ IsNormalMap() [3/4]

bool CRhinoDib::IsNormalMap ( void  ) const

Description: Call this method to see if the DIB appears to be a normal map. Returns: Returns true if the bitmap appears to be a normal map. False otherwise.

Use the version that takes parameters bLossyCompressionSource and bPositiveZComponent

◆ IsNormalMap() [4/4]

bool CRhinoDib::IsNormalMap ( void  ) const

Description: Call this method to see if the DIB appears to be a normal map. Returns: Returns true if the bitmap appears to be a normal map. False otherwise.

Use the version that takes parameters bLossyCompressionSource and bPositiveZComponent

◆ LastSaveName() [1/2]

const wchar_t* CRhinoDib::LastSaveName ( ) const

◆ LastSaveName() [2/2]

const wchar_t* CRhinoDib::LastSaveName ( ) const

◆ MakeNSImage()

void CRhinoDib::MakeNSImage ( )

◆ MakeOpaque() [1/2]

void CRhinoDib::MakeOpaque ( )

convert all partially transparent pixels to fully opaque

◆ MakeOpaque() [2/2]

void CRhinoDib::MakeOpaque ( void  )

◆ NonConstOperation()

virtual void CRhinoDib::NonConstOperation ( )

◆ NumColors() [1/2]

long CRhinoDib::NumColors ( ) const

◆ NumColors() [2/2]

int CRhinoDib::NumColors ( ) const

◆ operator CDC *() [1/2]

CRhinoDib::operator CDC * ( )

◆ operator CDC *() [2/2]

CRhinoDib::operator CDC * ( ) const

◆ operator HBITMAP() [1/2]

CRhinoDib::operator HBITMAP ( )

◆ operator HBITMAP() [2/2]

CRhinoDib::operator HBITMAP ( ) const

◆ operator=() [1/3]

CRhinoDib& CRhinoDib::operator= ( const CRhinoDib src)

Copy source bitmap, if m_hBitmap is non NULL then create destroy current and create new hBitmap

◆ operator=() [2/3]

CRhinoDib& CRhinoDib::operator= ( const CRhinoDib src)

Copy source bitmap, if m_hBitmap is non NULL then create destroy current and create new hBitmap

◆ operator=() [3/3]

CRhinoDib& CRhinoDib::operator= ( HBITMAP  hBitmap)

◆ Palette() [1/2]

CPalette* CRhinoDib::Palette ( ) const

◆ Palette() [2/2]

HPALETTE CRhinoDib::Palette ( ) const

◆ PaletteSize() [1/2]

long CRhinoDib::PaletteSize ( ) const

◆ PaletteSize() [2/2]

long CRhinoDib::PaletteSize ( ) const

◆ PasteFromClipboard()

bool CRhinoDib::PasteFromClipboard ( HWND  hwnd,
bool  bMustBeSameSize = true,
bool  bMustHaveSameColorDepth = true 
) const

◆ PelsPerMeter() [1/2]

UINT CRhinoDib::PelsPerMeter ( ) const

◆ PelsPerMeter() [2/2]

UINT CRhinoDib::PelsPerMeter ( ) const

◆ Print() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::Print ( HWND  hWnd = 0,
bool  bFitToPage = true 

Description: Display print dialog Parameters: hWnd - [in] Parent window for print dialog. If NULL will use Rhino frame window. Returns: true - DIB sent to printer false - Print dialog canceled or error writing to printer.

◆ Print() [2/2]

ON_DEPRECATED bool CRhinoDib::Print ( HWND  hWnd = nullptr,
bool  bFitToPage = true 

Description: Display print dialog Parameters: hWnd - [in] Parent window for print dialog. If NULL will use Rhino frame window. Returns: true - DIB sent to printer false - Print dialog canceled or error writing to printer.

◆ Private() [1/2]

class CRhDibPrivate& CRhinoDib::Private ( void  )

◆ Private() [2/2]

const class CRhDibPrivate& CRhinoDib::Private ( void  ) const

◆ ProcessPixels() [1/10]

bool CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels ( bool(*)(const Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 
) const

◆ ProcessPixels() [2/10]

bool CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels ( bool(*)(const Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 
) const

◆ ProcessPixels() [3/10]

bool CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels ( bool(*)(Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 

Pixel iterators with an interrupt. Return false in the callback function to interrupt the loops. Current implementation is not multithreaded, but this may change.

◆ ProcessPixels() [4/10]

bool CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels ( bool(*)(Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 

Pixel iterators with an interrupt. Return false in the callback function to interrupt the loops.
Current implementation is not multithreaded, but this may change.

◆ ProcessPixels() [5/10]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels ( void(*)(const Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 
) const

◆ ProcessPixels() [6/10]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels ( void(*)(const Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 
) const

◆ ProcessPixels() [7/10]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels ( void(*)(Pixel &, const void *pvData)  f,
const void *  pvData = nullptr 

◆ ProcessPixels() [8/10]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels ( void(*)(Pixel &, const void *pvData)  f,
const void *  pvData = nullptr 

◆ ProcessPixels() [9/10]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels ( void(*)(Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 

Fast pixel iterators. Quick access to the image data for each pixel, multi-threaded. Use the pixel setter provided to quickly set pixel values.

◆ ProcessPixels() [10/10]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels ( void(*)(Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 

Fast pixel iterators. Quick access to the image data for each pixel, multi-threaded. Use the pixel setter provided to quickly set pixel values.

◆ ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded() [1/6]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded ( void(*)(const Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 
) const

◆ ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded() [2/6]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded ( void(*)(const Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 
) const

◆ ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded() [3/6]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded ( void(*)(Pixel &, const void *pvData)  f,
const void *  pvData = nullptr 

◆ ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded() [4/6]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded ( void(*)(Pixel &, const void *pvData)  f,
const void *  pvData = nullptr 

◆ ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded() [5/6]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded ( void(*)(Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 

◆ ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded() [6/6]

void CRhinoDib::ProcessPixels_SingleThreaded ( void(*)(Pixel &, void *pvData)  f,
void *  pvData = nullptr 

◆ ReadFile() [1/2]

CRhinoCommand::result CRhinoDib::ReadFile ( HWND  hWnd = nullptr,
bool  bUseDialogs = true 

Description: Display Rhino bitmap open dialog prompting for name then read bitmap from disk. Parameters: hWnd - [in] Parent window for file dialog. If NULL will use Rhino frame window. bUseDialogs - [in] If true then display file dialog otherwise prompt for name on command line. Returns: CRhinoCommand::result::cancel - The file dialog or script was canceled. CRhinoCommand::result::failure - Error reading the file. CRhinoCommand::result::success - The file was read successfully

Use the version that takes doc_serial_number

◆ ReadFile() [2/2]

CRhinoCommand::result CRhinoDib::ReadFile ( unsigned int  doc_serial_number,
HWND  hWnd = nullptr,
bool  bUseDialogs = true 

Description: Display Rhino bitmap open dialog prompting for name then read bitmap from disk. Parameters: doc_serial_number - [in] CRhinoDoc runtime serial number for searches. hWnd - [in] Parent window for file dialog. If NULL will use Rhino frame window. bUseDialogs - [in] If true then display file dialog otherwise prompt for name on command line. Returns: CRhinoCommand::result::cancel - The file dialog or script was canceled. CRhinoCommand::result::failure - Error reading the file. CRhinoCommand::result::success - The file was read successfully

◆ ReadFromFile() [1/7]

bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromFile ( const wchar_t *  lpsFileName)

Description: Read bitmap from disk. Parameters: lpsFileName - [in] Name of file to read. Uses CRhinoFileUtilities::FindFile(...) to validate file name. Returns: true - File was read from disk. false - Error reading file or invalid file type.

Use the version that takes doc_serial_number

◆ ReadFromFile() [2/7]

bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromFile ( const wchar_t *  lpsFileName)

Description: Read bitmap from disk. Parameters: lpsFileName - [in] Name of file to read. Uses CRhinoFileUtilities::FindFile(...) to validate file name. Returns: true - File was read from disk. false - Error reading file or invalid file type.

Use the version that takes doc_serial_number

◆ ReadFromFile() [3/7]

bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromFile ( HWND  hWnd = 0,
bool  bUseDialogs = true 

Description: Display Rhino bitmap open dialog prompting for name then read bitmap from disk. Parameters: hWnd - [in] Parent window for file dialog. If NULL will use Rhino frame window. bUseDialogs - [in] If true then display file dialog otherwise prompt for name on command line. Returns: true - File name specified and written to disk. false - File dialog canceled or error writing file.

◆ ReadFromFile() [4/7]

bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromFile ( HWND  hWnd = nullptr,
bool  bUseDialogs = true 

Description: Display Rhino bitmap open dialog prompting for name then read bitmap from disk. Parameters: hWnd - [in] Parent window for file dialog. If NULL will use Rhino frame window. bUseDialogs - [in] If true then display file dialog otherwise prompt for name on command line. Returns: true - File name specified and written to disk. false - File dialog canceled or error reading file.

Use the version that takes doc_serial_number

◆ ReadFromFile() [5/7]

bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromFile ( unsigned int  doc_serial_number,
const wchar_t *  lpsFileName 

Description: Read bitmap from disk. Parameters: lpsFileName - [in] Name of file to read. Uses CRhinoFileUtilities::FindFile(...) to validate file name. doc_serial_number - [in] Runtime serial number of the CRhinoDoc to be used for image searches Returns: true - File was read from disk. false - Error reading file or invalid file type.

◆ ReadFromFile() [6/7]

bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromFile ( unsigned int  doc_serial_number,
const wchar_t *  lpsFileName 

Description: Read bitmap from disk. Parameters: doc_serial_number - [in] Runtime serial number of the CRhinoDoc to be used for image searches. lpsFileName - [in] Name of file to read. Uses CRhinoFileUtilities::FindFile(...) to validate the file name. Returns: true - File was read from disk. false - Error reading file or invalid file type.

◆ ReadFromFile() [7/7]

bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromFile ( unsigned int  doc_serial_number,
HWND  hWnd = nullptr,
bool  bUseDialogs = true 

Description: Display Rhino bitmap open dialog prompting for name then read bitmap from disk. Parameters: doc_serial_number - [in] CRhinoDoc::RuntimeSerialNumber to use for searches. hWnd - [in] Parent window for file dialog. If NULL will use Rhino frame window. bUseDialogs - [in] If true then display file dialog otherwise prompt for name on command line. Returns: true - File name specified and written to disk. false - File dialog canceled or error reading file.

◆ ReadFromFileImageSize() [1/3]

static bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromFileImageSize ( const wchar_t *  file_name,
unsigned int *  image_width_pixels,
unsigned int *  image_height_pixels,
unsigned int *  image_width_dpi,
unsigned int *  image_height_dpi,
unsigned int *  image_depth_bits 

Description: Reads image size, dots per inch and bit depth from a file. Parameters: file_name - [in] Name of file to read. Uses CRhinoFileUtilities::FindFile(...) to validate file name.

image_width_pixels - [out] image_height_pixels - [out] The dimensions of the image are returned in the pixels parameters.

image_width_dpi - [out] image_height_dpi - [out] The dots per inch values saved in the image file are returned in the dpi parameters.

image_depth_bits - [out] The bit depth of the image is returned here (e.g., 24 for RGB, 32 for RGBA).

You can pass null for any [out] parameters that are not required. Returns: true - File was read from disk. false - Error reading file or invalid file type.

◆ ReadFromFileImageSize() [2/3]

static bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromFileImageSize ( const wchar_t *  lpsFileName,
unsigned int *  image_width_pixels,
unsigned int *  image_height_pixels,
unsigned int *  image_width_dpi,
unsigned int *  image_height_dpi 

Description: Read bitmap image size from disk. Parameters: lpsFileName - [in] Name of file to read. Uses CRhinoFileUtilities::FindFile(...) to validate file name.

image_width_pixels - [out] image_height_pixels - [out] The sizes of the image are returned in the pixels parameters.

image_width_dpi - [out] image_height_dpi - [out] The dots per inch values saved in the image file are returned in the dpi parameters. Returns: true - File was read from disk. false - Error reading file or invalid file type.

◆ ReadFromFileImageSize() [3/3]

static bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromFileImageSize ( const wchar_t *  lpsFileName,
unsigned int *  image_width_pixels,
unsigned int *  image_height_pixels,
unsigned int *  image_width_dpi,
unsigned int *  image_height_dpi 

Description: Read image size and dots per inch from disk. Parameters: lpsFileName - [in] Name of file to read. Uses CRhinoFileUtilities::FindFile(...) to validate file name.

image_width_pixels - [out] image_height_pixels - [out] The dimensions of the image are returned in the pixels parameters.

image_width_dpi - [out] image_height_dpi - [out] The dots per inch values saved in the image file are returned in the dpi parameters.

You can pass null for any [out] parameters that are not required. Returns: true - File was read from disk. false - Error reading file or invalid file type.

◆ ReadFromMemory() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromMemory ( const void *  buffer,
int  sizeof_buffer 

Description: Read bitmap from a memory buffer. Parameters: buffer - [in] sizeof_buffer - [in] number of bytes in the buffer Returns: true - Image was read from buffer false - Error reading buffer

◆ ReadFromMemory() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromMemory ( const void *  buffer,
size_t  sizeof_buffer 

Description: Read bitmap from a memory buffer. Parameters: buffer - [in] sizeof_buffer - [in] number of bytes in the buffer Returns: true - Image was read from buffer false - Error reading buffer

◆ ReadFromSvgData()

bool CRhinoDib::ReadFromSvgData ( const ON_wString svg,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  convert_to_darkmode = false 

Description: Converts an SVG definition to a bitmap.

Parameters: svg - [in] The textual definition of the SVG image. width - [in] The required width of the bitmap. height - [in] The required height of the bitmap. convert_to_darkmode - [in] If true, the image will be processed to make it suitable for display in dark mode.

Returns: True if successful, else false.

◆ Resize() [1/3]

bool CRhinoDib::Resize ( const ON_2iSize newSize)

Legacy resize method; uses Bilinear resampling.

◆ Resize() [2/3]

bool CRhinoDib::Resize ( const ON_2iSize newSize,
ResampleAlgorithm  alg 

New resize method; uses chosen resampling algorithm.

◆ Resize() [3/3]

void CRhinoDib::Resize ( int  newWidth,
int  newHeight 

◆ Resized() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::Resized ( const CRhinoDib input,
const ON_2iSize newSize 

Legacy resized method; uses Bilinear resampling.

◆ Resized() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDib::Resized ( const CRhinoDib input,
const ON_2iSize newSize,
ResampleAlgorithm  alg 

New resized method; uses chosen resampling algorithm.

◆ ReuseDib() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDib::ReuseDib ( int  width,
int  height,
int  depth,
bool  select_into_mem_dc 

◆ ReuseDib() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDib::ReuseDib ( long  width,
long  height,
int  color_depth,
bool  select_into_mem_dc 

◆ RuntimeSerialNumber() [1/2]

unsigned int CRhinoDib::RuntimeSerialNumber ( ) const

◆ RuntimeSerialNumber() [2/2]

unsigned int CRhinoDib::RuntimeSerialNumber ( ) const

◆ ScanWidth() [1/2]

long CRhinoDib::ScanWidth ( ) const

◆ ScanWidth() [2/2]

DWORD CRhinoDib::ScanWidth ( ) const

◆ SetBitmap() [1/3]

void CRhinoDib::SetBitmap ( CGImageRef  )

◆ SetBitmap() [2/3]

bool CRhinoDib::SetBitmap ( HBITMAP  hBitmap)

Create dib from hBitmap, if dib created successfully m_hBitmap is set to a new HBITMAP created from Dib()

◆ SetBitmap() [3/3]

void CRhinoDib::SetBitmap ( HBITMAP  )

◆ SetDib() [1/2]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::SetDib ( LPBITMAPINFO  lpbmi,
bool  free_lpbmi = true 

Destroy existing m_bitmapinfo and m_hBitmap, set them to specified dib. If Bitmap() was non NULL then a new HBITMAP is created from the new dib

◆ SetDib() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDib::SetDib ( LPBITMAPINFO  lpbmi,
bool  free_lpbmi = true 

Destroy existing m_bitmapinfo and m_hBitmap, set them to specified dib. If Bitmap() was non NULL then a new HBITMAP is created from the new dib

◆ SetDPI() [1/2]

void CRhinoDib::SetDPI ( double  )

◆ SetDPI() [2/2]

void CRhinoDib::SetDPI ( double  )

◆ SetLastSaveName() [1/2]

void CRhinoDib::SetLastSaveName ( const wchar_t *  )

◆ SetLastSaveName() [2/2]

void CRhinoDib::SetLastSaveName ( const wchar_t *  )

◆ SetPelsPerMeter() [1/2]

void CRhinoDib::SetPelsPerMeter ( UINT  )

◆ SetPelsPerMeter() [2/2]

void CRhinoDib::SetPelsPerMeter ( UINT  )

◆ SetPixel() [1/9]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::SetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
int  alpha = -1 

◆ SetPixel() [2/9]

bool CRhinoDib::SetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
int  alpha = -1 

Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given an RGB color.

◆ SetPixel() [3/9]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::SetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
float  r,
float  g,
float  b,
float  alpha = -1.0 

Functions call FindDIBBits and validate x and y.

◆ SetPixel() [4/9]

bool CRhinoDib::SetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
float  r,
float  g,
float  b,
float  alpha = -1.0 

Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given a fractional RGB color components (between 0.0 and 1.0)

These "safe" functions call CRhinoDib::FindDIBBits and validate x and y

◆ SetPixel() [5/9]

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::SetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
int  alpha = -1 

◆ SetPixel() [6/9]

bool CRhinoDib::SetPixel ( long  x,
long  y,
int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
int  alpha = -1 

Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given an RGB color components (between 0 and 255)

◆ SetPixel() [7/9]

bool CRhinoDib::SetPixel ( LPBYTE  dib_bits,
int  color_depth,
long  x,
long  y,
int  alpha = -1 

Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given an RGB color.

◆ SetPixel() [8/9]

bool CRhinoDib::SetPixel ( LPBYTE  dib_bits,
int  color_depth,
long  x,
long  y,
float  r,
float  g,
float  b,
float  alpha = -1.0 

Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given a fractional RGB color components (between 0.0 and 1.0)

These "unsafe" functions assume the DIB bits are valid and assume x and y are within range

◆ SetPixel() [9/9]

bool CRhinoDib::SetPixel ( LPBYTE  dib_bits,
int  color_depth,
long  x,
long  y,
int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
int  alpha = -1 

Sets the color of a pixel at an x,y location given an RGB color components (between 0 and 255)

◆ ShiftDown()

CRhinoDib* CRhinoDib::ShiftDown ( )

shift a dib down by one pixel - wraps other side around only works on a 24 and 32 bit dibs right now. note that since a DIB is flipped in y from what you'd expect, the guts of this does what you'd usually think to do to shift it up by one pixel

◆ ShiftLeft()

CRhinoDib* CRhinoDib::ShiftLeft ( )

shift a dib left by one pixel - wraps other side around only works on a 24 and 32 bit dibs right now.

◆ ShiftRight()

CRhinoDib* CRhinoDib::ShiftRight ( )

shift a dib right by one pixel - wraps other side around only works on a 24 and 32 bit dibs right now.f

◆ ShiftUp()

CRhinoDib* CRhinoDib::ShiftUp ( )

shift a dib up by one pixel - wraps other side around only works on a 24 and 32 bit dibs right now. note that since a DIB is flipped in y from what you'd expect, the guts of this does what you'd usually think to do to shift it down by one pixel

◆ Size() [1/2]

long CRhinoDib::Size ( ) const

Bitmap information.

◆ Size() [2/2]

DWORD CRhinoDib::Size ( ) const

Bitmap information.

◆ SizeBits() [1/2]

long CRhinoDib::SizeBits ( ) const

◆ SizeBits() [2/2]

DWORD CRhinoDib::SizeBits ( ) const

◆ SizeHeader() [1/2]

long CRhinoDib::SizeHeader ( ) const

◆ SizeHeader() [2/2]

long CRhinoDib::SizeHeader ( ) const

◆ StretchBlt()

BOOL32 CRhinoDib::StretchBlt ( int  x,
int  y,
int  nWidth,
int  nHeight,
const CRhinoDib srcDC,
int  xSrc,
int  ySrc,
int  nSrcWidth,
int  nSrcHeight,
int  mode 

◆ SwapRedAndBlueSamples()

void CRhinoDib::SwapRedAndBlueSamples ( )

exchange the red and blue color bytes in the NSBitmapImageRep

◆ ToON_WindowsBitmap()

ON_WindowsBitmap CRhinoDib::ToON_WindowsBitmap ( void  ) const

◆ ToOnWindowsBitmap()

ON_WindowsBitmap* CRhinoDib::ToOnWindowsBitmap ( ) const

Description: Call this method to convert this bitmap to a ON_WindowsBitmap pointer, you should NEVER call ON_WindowsBitmap(BitmapInfo()) as it assumes the BITMAPINFO is a contiguous block of memory for the bitmap and its color table. CRhinoDib will rarely represent a contiguous block of memory and will cause the ON_WindowsBitamp constructor to crash when attempting to copy the bitmap bits. Returns: A pointer to a new ON_WindowsBitmap, the caller is responsible for deleting the returned pointer.

◆ Width() [1/2]

int CRhinoDib::Width ( ) const

◆ Width() [2/2]

long CRhinoDib::Width ( ) const

◆ WidthInBytes() [1/2]

long CRhinoDib::WidthInBytes ( ) const

◆ WidthInBytes() [2/2]

DWORD CRhinoDib::WidthInBytes ( ) const

◆ WindowYtoDibY()

long CRhinoDib::WindowYtoDibY ( long  y) const

Convert Y value from window display Y to bitmap Y.

◆ WriteFile()

CRhinoCommand::result CRhinoDib::WriteFile ( HWND  hWnd = nullptr,
bool  bUseDialogs = true,
Quality  q = Quality::kHigh 
) const

Description: Prompt user for the name of the bitmap file to save then write the bitmap file. Parameters: hWnd - [in] Parent window of the file dialog. bUseDialogs - [in] If true then the file dialog is displayed otherwise; the user is prompted on the command line for a file name. q [in] Returns: CRhinoCommand::result::cancel - The file dialog or script was canceled. CRhinoCommand::result::failure - Error writing the bitmap file. CRhinoCommand::result::success - The file was written successfully.

◆ WriteToFile() [1/4]

bool CRhinoDib::WriteToFile ( const wchar_t *  lpsFileName,
Quality  q = Quality::kHigh 
) const

Description: Write bitmap to disk. Parameters: lpsFileName - [in] Name of file to write. Returns: true - Specified File name written to disk. false - Error writing file or invalid file type.

◆ WriteToFile() [2/4]

bool CRhinoDib::WriteToFile ( const wchar_t *  lpsFileName,
Quality  q = Quality::kHigh 
) const

Description: Write bitmap to disk. Parameters: lpsFileName - [in] Name of file to write. Returns: true - Specified File name written to disk. false - Error writing file or invalid file type.

◆ WriteToFile() [3/4]

bool CRhinoDib::WriteToFile ( HWND  hWnd = 0,
bool  bUseDialogs = true,
Quality  q = Quality::kHigh 
) const

◆ WriteToFile() [4/4]

bool CRhinoDib::WriteToFile ( HWND  hWnd = nullptr,
bool  bUseDialogs = true,
Quality  q = Quality::kHigh 
) const

Description: Prompt user for the name of the bitmap file to save then write the bitmap file. Parameters: hWnd - [in] Parent window of the file dialog. bUseDialogs - [in] If true then the file dialog is displayed otherwise; the user is prompted on the command line for a file name. q [in] Returns: Returns true if a file name was supplied and the file was written successfully.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CreateGlAlphaTexture

unsigned int CreateGlAlphaTexture ( const CRhinoDib ,
bool  ,
unsigned int   

◆ CRhCmnDisplayBitmap

friend class CRhCmnDisplayBitmap

◆ CRhEngine_GL11

friend class CRhEngine_GL11

◆ CRhEngine_PEP_GL33

friend class CRhEngine_PEP_GL33

friend void Combine(const CRhinoDib&, CRhinoDib&, const float*, float*);

◆ CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI

friend class CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI

◆ CRhinoDisplayEngine_OGL

friend class CRhinoDisplayEngine_OGL

◆ CRhinoDisplayPipeline

friend class CRhinoDisplayPipeline

◆ CRhOpenGLRenderer

friend class CRhOpenGLRenderer

friend class CRhinoZBuffer; friend class CRhinoRenderOverlays;

◆ CRhOpenGLTexture2D

friend class CRhOpenGLTexture2D

◆ CRhOpenGLTextureCube

friend class CRhOpenGLTextureCube

◆ CRhRdkPostEffectImage

friend class CRhRdkPostEffectImage

This is a list of the badly behaved.

◆ CRhRegionSelectHelper

friend class CRhRegionSelectHelper

◆ CRhResourceManagerMetal

friend class CRhResourceManagerMetal

◆ CXXXXRender

friend class CXXXXRender

◆ GetGlTextureForDib

GLuint GetGlTextureForDib ( class CRhinoDisplayEngine_OGL ,
const CRhinoDib  

friend CRhinoDib* RhinoCreateAnaglyph(const CRhinoDib&, const CRhinoDib&,const int); friend void ConvertDepthToImage(CRhinoDib&, bool);

◆ RhinoUpdateCachedTextureFromDib

bool RhinoUpdateCachedTextureFromDib ( unsigned int  ,
const CRhinoDib  

Description: Updates the given cached texture's contents with the contents of the passed in Dib. Note: If the resolution of the Dib is not the same as the cached texture's, then a new cached texture will be created in its place, re-using the same cached handle. For performance purposes, it is recommended that you try to manage using matching resolutions when updating cached textures.

Parameters: hTexture - handle to a valid cached texture (obtained by calling GetCachedTexture()) Dib - Image contents used to update the cached texture's contents.

Returns: True - if/when the updating of the cached texture succeeds. False - if/when something failed during the update process.

◆ TestDavidEBitmapFlip

friend class TestDavidEBitmapFlip

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_color_depth

unsigned int CRhinoDib::m_color_depth

◆ m_dc

CDC CRhinoDib::m_dc

This Mac-only CDC points at ourself. We deliberately use an instantiated CDC object rather than using the Windows m_pDC so the two very different CDC implementations (Mac and Windows) do not collide and the Mac CDC cannot be deleted independently of this DIB.

◆ m_dib_section

class CRhDibPrivate* CRhinoDib::m_dib_section = nullptr

◆ m_dpi

double CRhinoDib::m_dpi

◆ m_height

int CRhinoDib::m_height

◆ m_is_gray_scale

bool CRhinoDib::m_is_gray_scale

◆ m_width

int CRhinoDib::m_width

◆ m_wLastSaveName

ON_wString CRhinoDib::m_wLastSaveName