Rhino C++ API  8.14
Public Member Functions | List of all members
CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox Class Reference

#include <RhinoSdkUiOptionsListCtrlItem.h>

Inheritance diagram for CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox:
CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox CRhinoUiComboBox CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem

Public Member Functions

 CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox (LPCTSTR lpsLabel=NULL, LPCTSTR lpsText=NULL, int iIndentLevel=0)
virtual ~CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox ()
bool GetLogfont (LOGFONT &lf) const
void OnDrawItem (CDC &dc, const CRect &rItem, const CRect &rDeflate) const
void OnItemComboBoxSelChanged ()
bool PopulateComboBox ()
bool SetLogfont (const LOGFONT &lf)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox
 CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox (LPCTSTR lpsLabel=NULL, LPCTSTR lpsText=NULL, int iIndentLevel=0, CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type ct=CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::ct_strings)
virtual ~CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox ()
virtual bool BeginEditItem (CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrl &list_ctrl, const CRect rEdit, begin_edit_item_reason eir)
bool DrawDownArrow () const
virtual void MeasureItem (LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)
void MoveItemWindow (CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrl &list_ctrl, const CRect rEdit)
virtual bool OnComboBoxPopulated ()
virtual void OnDrawDownArrow (CDC &dc, CRect &rItem, const CRect &rDeflate) const
afx_msg BOOL32 OnMouseWheel (UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)
virtual BOOL32 PreTranslateMessage (MSG *pMsg)
 virtual overrides More...
bool SetDrawDownArrow (bool b)
bool SetShowDropDownOnBeginEdit (bool b)
void SetText (LPCTSTR lps)
bool ShowDropDownOnBeginEdit () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiComboBox
 CRhinoUiComboBox ()
virtual ~CRhinoUiComboBox ()
int AddColorItem (LPCTSTR lpsColorName, COLORREF color, bool link_to_color_dialog=false)
int AddFontItem (const LOGFONT &lf)
int AddLayer (const CRhinoLayer &layer)
int AddLinetype (const ON_Linetype &linetype)
int AddPrintWidthItem (double cx)
COLORREF ColorFromListIndex (int iIndex, COLORREF crError=CRhinoUiPaintManager::error_color) const
bool ColorIsByLayer (COLORREF cr) const
bool ColorIsByParent (COLORREF cr) const
ON_wString ColorNameFromColorRef (COLORREF cr)
color_swatch_draw_style ColorSwatchDrawStyle () const
virtual int CompareItem (LPCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT)
bool CreateAsOwnerDraw () const
virtual void DeleteItem (LPDELETEITEMSTRUCT)
virtual void DrawItem (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)
int FillLayerList (CRhinoDoc *doc, bool bUseSortedList, int(*compare)(const CRhinoLayer *, const CRhinoLayer *, void *)=NULL, int(*cull)(const CRhinoLayer *, void *)=NULL, void *p=0)
int FillLinetypeList (CRhinoDoc *doc, bool bUseSortedList, bool bIncludeByLayer, bool bIncludeByParent, bool bReadDefaultLinetypeFile, int(*compare)(const CRhinoLinetype *, const CRhinoLinetype *, void *)=NULL, int(*cull)(const CRhinoLinetype *, void *)=NULL, void *p=NULL)
int FillUsingInstalledFonts (bool bIncludeTrueType=true, bool bIncludeNonTrueType=true)
int FillUsingStandardColorList (bool bIncludeByLayerColor=true, bool bIncludeCustomColor=true, bool bIncludeByParentColor=true, bool bIncludeByDisplayColor=false)
int FillUsingStandardPrintWidths (bool bIncludeByLayer, bool bIncludeDefault, bool bIncludeByParent, bool bIncludeNoPrint, bool bIncludeHairline)
CRhinoUiComboBoxItemDataGetComboBoxItemData (int iIndex) const
COLORREF GetCurColor () const
int GetCurColor (COLORREF &color) const
int GetCurFont (LOGFONT &lf_out)
const RhinoUiLayerComboBoxItemDataGetCurLayer () const
const RhinoUiLinetypeComboBoxItemDataGetCurLinetype () const
const RhinoUiPrintWidthComboBoxItemDataGetCurPrintWidth () const
int GetFontIndex (const LOGFONT &lf)
int GetFontIndex (LPCTSTR lpsFontFace)
bool GetTextFromListIndex (int iIndex, CString &sResult) const
class CRhinoUiPopDownLayerWndLayerPopDownWindow () const
UUID LayerUUIDFromListIndex (int iIndex) const
RhinoUiLinetypeComboBoxItemDataLinetypeDataFromListIndex (int iIndex) const
const ON_LinetypeLinetypeReadFromFile (const UUID &uuiid) const
UUID LinetypeUUIDFromListIndex (int iIndex) const
int ListIndexFromLayerUUID (const UUID &uuid) const
int ListIndexFromLinetypeUUID (const UUID &uuid) const
int ListIndexFromPrintWidth (double cx) const
virtual CRhinoUiComboBoxItemDataNewCRhinoUiComboBoxItemData (CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type ct) const
afx_msg void OnCbnDropDown ()
afx_msg void OnCbnSelchange ()
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
virtual void OnCustomColorChanged (COLORREF cr, int iItemIndex)
afx_msg void OnDestroy ()
afx_msg void OnEditKillFocus ()
afx_msg void OnEditUpdate ()
afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
void OnPrintWidthEditKillFocus ()
void OnPrintWidthEditUpdate ()
RhinoUiPrintWidthComboBoxItemDataPrintWidthDataFromListIndex (int iIndex) const
double PrintWidthFromString ()
color_swatch_draw_style SetColorSwatchDrawStyle (color_swatch_draw_style style)
bool SetCreateAsOwnerDraw (bool b)
int SetCurFont (const LOGFONT &lf)
int SetCurFont (LPCTSTR lpsFontFace)
UUID SetCurLayer (UUID uuid, COLORREF cr)
UUID SetCurLinetype (UUID uuid)
double SetCurPrintWidth (double cx)
bool SetCustomColor (COLORREF cr)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem
 CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem (const CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem &)
 CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem (control_type ct=ct_invalid, LPCTSTR lpsLabel=NULL, LPCTSTR lpsText=NULL, int iIndentLevel=0)
virtual ~CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem ()
bool AutoDelete () const
control_type ControlType () const
void DrawItemText (CDC &dc, const CString &s, const CRect &rItem, const CRect &rDeflate) const
bool GetItemProperty (item_property iprop) const
bool GetItemState (item_state istate) const
CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlGetListCtrl () const
int IndentLevel () const
bool IsEnabled () const
bool IsFullRowItem () const
bool IsItemExpandable () const
bool IsItemHidden () const
bool IsReadOnly () const
virtual int ItemHeight () const
unsigned int ItemID () const
LPCTSTR Label () const
COLORREF LabelBackGroundColor () const
COLORREF LabelTextColor () const
const CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItemoperator= (const CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem &)
int ParentIndex () const
bool SetAutoDelete (bool b)
int SetIndentLevel (int iIndentLevel)
bool SetIsEnabled (bool b)
bool SetIsFullRowItem (bool b)
bool SetIsReadOnly (bool b)
bool SetItemProperty (item_property iprop, bool bEnabled)
bool SetItemState (item_state istate, bool bEnabled)
bool SetLabel (LPCTSTR lpsLabel)
COLORREF SetLabelBackGroundColor (COLORREF cr)
COLORREF SetLabelTextColor (COLORREF cr)
bool SetParentIndex (int iItem)
bool SetUseLabelColors (bool b)
virtual LPCTSTR Text () const
bool UseLabelColors () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CRhinoUiComboBox
enum  color_swatch_draw_style { square_swatch = 0, diamond_swatch, circle_swatch, force_32bit_image_list = 0xFFFFFFFF }
enum  print_width_options {
  default_width = 0, no_print_width = - 1, by_layer_width = -10, by_parent_width = -15,
  list_box_error_width = -100, force_32bit_plot_width_option = 0xFFFFFFFF
- Public Types inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem
enum  control_type {
  ct_static_text = 0, ct_edit_box, ct_check_box, ct_combo_box,
  ct_push_button, ct_ip_address, ct_radio_buttons, ct_color_combo_box,
  ct_color_button, ct_file, ct_font_combo, ct_layer_combo_box,
  ct_linetype_combo_box, ct_print_width_combo_box, ct_separator, ct_folder,
  ct_hyperlink, ct_custom_control, ct_invalid, force_32bit_control_type = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  item_property {
  full_row_item_property = 1, use_label_colors_property = 2, is_group_combo_item_property = 4, property0 = 8,
  property1 = 0x10, property2 = 0x20, property3 = 0x40, property4 = 0x80,
  property5 = 0x100, property6 = 0x200, property7 = 0x400, property8 = 0x800,
  property9 = 0x1000, force_32bit_item_property = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  item_state {
  expanded_state = 1, hidden_state = 2, enabled_state = 4, readonly_state = 8,
  hidden_group_state = 0x10, state0 = 0x20, state1 = 0x40, state2 = 0x80,
  state3 = 0x100, state4 = 0x200, state5 = 0x400, state6 = 0x800,
  state7 = 0x1000, state8 = 0x2000, state9 = 0x4000, force_32bit_item_state = 0xFFFFFFFF
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiComboBox
static UUID ByLayerLinetypeID ()
static UUID ByParentLinetypeID ()
static UUID ContinuousLinetypeID ()
static bool GetPrintWidthDisplayString (double cx, ON_wString &result)
static UUID ListBoxErrorUUID ()
static bool ReadPrintWidthFile (const wchar_t *lpsFileName, ON_SimpleArray< double > &widths, bool bQuietly)
- Protected Types inherited from CRhinoUiComboBox
enum  change_mode { cm_selchange = 0, cm_editupdate, cm_nochange, force_32bit_change_mode = 0xFFFFFFFF }
- Protected Types inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem
enum  begin_edit_item_reason {
  eir_label_left_clicked = 0, eir_value_left_clicked, eir_f2_pressed, eir_navigation_key,
  force_32bit_begin_edit_item_reason = 0xFFFFFFFF
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox
afx_msg void OnCbnSelchange ()
afx_msg void OnEditKillFocus ()
afx_msg void OnKillFocus (CWnd *pNewWnd)
void ShowLayerPopDownWnd (HWND hWnd, bool bShow)
 CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiComboBox
virtual LRESULT DefWindowProc (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
void DestroyLayerPopDownWnd ()
virtual BOOL32 OnChildNotify (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pResult)
virtual BOOL32 OnWndMsg (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pResult)
virtual void PostNcDestroy ()
virtual void PreSubclassWindow ()
virtual LRESULT WindowProc (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem
bool ForwardOnMouseWheel (CWnd &wnd, UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)
bool SetControlType (control_type ct)
- Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox
bool m_bDrawDownArrow
bool m_bIncludeEditCtrl
bool m_bOwnerDraw
bool m_bShowDropDownOnBeginEdit
bool m_bShowingDropDown
bool m_bSort
- Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiComboBox
bool m_bIncludeNonTrueType
bool m_bIncludeTrueType
bool m_bInOnPrintWidthEditKillFocus
bool m_bShowReferenceLayers
change_mode m_change_mode
COLORREF m_crCustom
RhinoUiColorComboBoxItemData m_current_color
 CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData m_current;. More...
RhinoUiFontComboBoxItemData m_current_font
RhinoUiLayerComboBoxItemData m_current_layer
RhinoUiLinetypeComboBoxItemData m_current_linetype
RhinoUiPrintWidthComboBoxItemData m_current_print_width
CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type m_fill_class_type
ON_ObjectArray< ON_Linetypem_from_file_linetypes
class CRhinoUiPopDownLayerWndm_pWndLayerPopDown
color_swatch_draw_style m_swatch_style
- Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem
CPoint m_ptEndTrackSelect

Detailed Description


Display a combo box containing a list of currently installed fonts. This list may be filtered to only display TrueType and/or non-TrueType fonts. See CRhinoUiComboBox for details.

See Also: class CRhinoUiComboBox() class CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox()

CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox ( LPCTSTR  lpsLabel = NULL,
LPCTSTR  lpsText = NULL,
int  iIndentLevel = 0 

Description: Constructor

Parameters: lpsLabel [in] Label for this item, appears in left column of options list lpsText [in] Text associated with this item, appears in right column of options list

See Also: class CRhinoUiComboBox() class CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox()

◆ ~CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox()

virtual CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::~CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox ( )

Description: Destructor

See Also: class CRhinoUiComboBox() class CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox()

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetLogfont()

bool CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::GetLogfont ( LOGFONT &  lf) const

Description: Get description of the last selected font.

Parameters: lf[out] LOGFONT structure to receive font information.

Returns: Returns true if lf is filled in.

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::SetLogFont() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::OnItemComboBoxSelChanged()

◆ OnDrawItem()

void CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::OnDrawItem ( CDC &  dc,
const CRect &  rItem,
const CRect &  rDeflate 
) const

Description: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox override to display font name and sample.

Parameters: See CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem::OnDrawItem()

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem::OnDrawItem()

Reimplemented from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox.

◆ OnItemComboBoxSelChanged()

void CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::OnItemComboBoxSelChanged ( )

Description: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox override, calls base class.

Overridden to save currently selected LOGFONT

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox::OnItemComboBoxSelChanged()

Reimplemented from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox.

◆ PopulateComboBox()

bool CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::PopulateComboBox ( )

Description: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox override

Overridden to fill combo box with list of fonts installed on this computer.

Returns: See CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox::PopulateComboBox()

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox::PopulateComboBox() CRhinoUiComboBox::FillUsingInstalledFonts()

Reimplemented from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlComboBox.

◆ SetLogfont()

bool CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::SetLogfont ( const LOGFONT &  lf)

Description: Set default font description. This will be displayed when the item is not selected and become the default value for the font combo box the first time is is displayed.

Parameters: lf[in] Description of default font

Returns: Returns true if font descriptions was successfully saved.

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::GetLogFont() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFontComboBox::OnItemComboBoxSelChanged()