| CRhinoGripObject () |
| ~CRhinoGripObject () |
virtual bool | AddDragConstraints (class CRhinoGetPoint &gp) const |
const CRhinoObjectAttributes & | Attributes () const override |
virtual void | DragGrip (CRhinoViewport &vp, ON_Line worldLine, ON_3dVector delta) |
void | EnableGetGripPointXform (bool enable) |
virtual bool | EvaluateGripDirections (class CRhinoGripDirections &gd) const |
virtual int | GetCageCVIndices (ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dex > &cvndex) const |
virtual bool | GetCageParameters (double *u, double *v, double *w) const |
virtual int | GetCurveCVIndices (ON_SimpleArray< int > &cvindex) const |
virtual bool | GetCurveParameters (double *t) const |
bool | GetGripDirections (ON_3dVector &x, ON_3dVector &y, ON_3dVector &z) const |
bool | GetGripPointXform (ON_Xform &xform) const |
int | GetNeighborGrips (ON_SimpleArray< CRhinoGripObject * > &neighborGrips, bool wrap=false) const |
virtual int | GetSurfaceCVIndices (ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dex > &cvindex) const |
virtual bool | GetSurfaceParameters (double *u, double *v) const |
ON_3dPoint | GripBasePoint () const |
ON_3dPoint | GripLocation () const |
virtual bool | GripMoved () const |
ON_UUID | GripsId () const |
GRIP_TYPE | GripType () const |
virtual bool | HideGrip (bool hide) const |
bool | IsDeletable () const override |
virtual unsigned int | MeshVertexIndex () const |
bool | ModifyAttributes (const ON_3dmObjectAttributes &newAttributes, bool enableUndo=true, bool quiet=false) override |
void | MoveGrip (const CRhinoSpaceMorph &morph) |
void | MoveGrip (const ON_Xform &xform) |
void | MoveGrip (ON_3dPoint newLocation) |
void | MoveGrip (ON_3dVector delta) |
CRhinoGripObject * | NeighborGrip (int dr, int ds, int dt, bool wrap=false) const |
virtual void | NewLocation () |
CRhinoGripObject * | Next () const |
| next in CRhinoDoc::m_grip_list list More...
ON::object_type | ObjectType () const override |
| Returns ON::grip_object. More...
| operator const ON_3dPoint & () const |
| operator ON_3dPoint () const |
CRhinoGripObject & | operator= (ON_3dPoint newLocation) |
CRhinoObject * | Owner () const |
bool | PickFilter (const CRhinoGetObject &, bool) const override |
CRhinoGripObject * | Prev () const |
| prev in CRhinoDoc::m_grip_list list More...
void | SetGripDirections (CRhinoGripDirections gd) |
virtual bool | SetWeight (double weight) |
const wchar_t * | ShortDescription (bool bPlural) const override |
| Returns "grip" or "grips". More...
bool | SnapTo (const CRhinoSnapContext &snapContext, CRhinoSnapEvent &snapEvent) const override |
virtual unsigned int | SubDComponentId () const |
virtual ON_SubDComponentPtr | SubDComponentPtr () const |
virtual void | UndoMoveGrip () |
virtual double | Weight () const |
| CRhinoPointObject () |
| assigns a new object UUID More...
| CRhinoPointObject (const CRhinoPointObject &) |
| copies source object UUID More...
| CRhinoPointObject (const ON_3dmObjectAttributes &) |
| assigns a new object UUID More...
| ~CRhinoPointObject () |
void | Draw (CRhinoDisplayPipeline &) const override |
| Draws object based on pipeline display attributes... More...
void | DrawV6 (class CRhinoObjectDrawContext *draw_context) const RHINO_NOEXCEPT override |
| virtual CRhinoObject::DrawV6 override More...
bool | GetFrame (ON_Plane &plane) const override |
bool | GetTightBoundingBox (ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, bool bGrowBox=false, const ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const override |
virtual bool | IsVisibleInViewport (const CRhinoViewport &vp) const |
void | MemoryRelocate () override |
| virtual ON_Object override More...
CRhinoPointObject & | operator= (const CRhinoPointObject &) |
| copies source object UUID More...
CRhinoPointObject & | operator= (const ON_3dPoint &) |
| leave attributes unchanged. More...
int | Pick (const CRhinoPickContext &, CRhinoObjRefArray &) const override |
bool | PickFilter (const CRhinoGetObject &, bool) const override |
const ON_Point & | Point () const |
void | SetPoint (const ON_3dPoint &point) |
void | SetPoint (ON_Point &point) |
| copies point and moves user data from argument to m_point. More...
| CRhinoObject () |
| assigns a new object UUID More...
| CRhinoObject (const CRhinoObject &) |
| copies source object UUID More...
| CRhinoObject (const ON_3dmObjectAttributes &) |
virtual | ~CRhinoObject () |
virtual void | AddToDocNotification () |
BOOL32 | AttachAttributeUserData (ON_UserData *pUserData) |
bool | AttachGeometryUserData (ON_UserData *pUserData) |
CRhinoObjectAttributes & | Attributes () |
virtual void | BeginTransform (CRhinoDoc &doc, bool bDeleteOriginal, bool bAddNewObjectToDoc, bool bAddTransformHistory) |
virtual ON_BoundingBox | BoundingBox () const |
virtual ON_BoundingBox | BoundingBox (const class CRhinoViewport *pViewport) const |
unsigned int | BrepReferenceCount () const |
class CRhObjectReferenceCounter * | BrepReferenceCounter (void) const |
void | BrepReferenceCounter_DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete) const |
bool | BrepReferenceCounterExists () const |
bool | CopyHistoryOnReplace () const |
virtual int | CreateMeshes (ON::mesh_type mesh_type, const ON_MeshParameters &mp, bool bIgnoreCustom=false) |
BOOL32 | DeleteAttributeUserData (ON_UUID userdata_uuid) |
void | DeleteDynamicTransform () |
virtual void | DeleteFromDocNotification () |
bool | DeleteGeometryUserData (ON_UUID userdata_uuid) |
void | DestroyMeshes (ON::mesh_type mesh_type) |
virtual void | DestroyMeshes (ON::mesh_type mesh_type, bool bDeleteMeshes) |
void | DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true) override |
| virtual ON_Object override More...
class CRhinoDoc * | Document () const |
unsigned int | DocumentRuntimeSerialNumber () const |
void | Draw (CRhinoViewport &) const |
virtual void | DrawGrips (class CRhinoDisplayPipeline &) const |
virtual void | DrawHighlightedSubObjects (class CRhinoDisplayPipeline &) const |
virtual void | DrawSubObject (class CRhinoDisplayPipeline &, ON_COMPONENT_INDEX) const |
| Draws wireframe representation of a sub object. More...
virtual CRhinoObject * | DuplicateRhinoObject () const |
*enum ANALYSIS_MODE **bool | EnableAnalysisMode (ON_UUID am_id, bool bEnable=true) const |
| new way (not virtual) More...
virtual bool | EnableCustomGrips (class CRhinoObjectGrips *custom_grips) |
virtual void | EnableGrips (bool bGripsOn) |
virtual void | EndTransform (CRhinoDoc &doc, bool bDeleteOriginal, bool bAddNewObjectToDoc, bool bAddTransformHistory) |
const ON_Geometry * | Geometry () const |
| returns a pointer to the object's geometry More...
ON_UserData * | GetAttributeUserData (ON_UUID userdata_uuid) const |
bool | GetDynamicTransform (ON_Xform &dynamic_xform) const |
ON_UserData * | GetGeometryUserData (ON_UUID userdata_uuid) const |
virtual int | GetGrips (ON_SimpleArray< class CRhinoGripObject * > &grip_list) const |
virtual int | GetHighlightedSubObjects (ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &component_indices) const |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const ON_Mesh > > | GetMeshes (ON::mesh_type mesh_type) const |
virtual int | GetMeshes (ON::mesh_type mesh_type, ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Mesh * > &meshes) const |
void | GetRenderMeshParameters (ON_MeshParameters &mp) const |
virtual int | GetSelectedSubObjects (ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &component_indices) const |
virtual int | GetSubobjectMaterialComponents (ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components_with_subobject_materials) const |
virtual int | GetSubObjects (ON_SimpleArray< CRhinoObject * > &subObjects, const class CRhinoViewport *pViewport=NULL) const |
virtual int | GetWireframeCurves (ON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * > &curve_list) const |
const class CRhinoGripsEnabler * | GripsEnabler () const |
int | GripsOn () const |
bool | GripsSelected () const |
bool | HasCustomRenderMeshes (ON::mesh_type mt, const ON_Viewport *vp=nullptr, ON__UINT32 *flags=nullptr, const class CRhinoPlugIn *requestingPlugIn=nullptr, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *pAttributes=nullptr) const |
| Determine if custom render meshes will be supplied for a particular object. More...
bool | HasDynamicTransform () const |
virtual bool | HasSubobjectMaterials (void) const |
bool | Highlight (bool bHighlight=true) const |
virtual bool | HighlightRequiresRedraw () const |
virtual bool | HighlightSubObject (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, bool bHighlight=true) const |
const CRhinoHistoryRecord * | HistoryRecord () const |
const ON_UUID | Id () const |
bool | InAnalysisMode () const |
bool | InAnalysisMode (const ON_UUID &am_id) const |
| bool AnalysisMode( ANALYSIS_MODE am ) const; ///< old way More...
ON_Plane | InitialObjectFrame (const CRhinoDoc &) const |
const class CRhinoVisualAnalysisMode * | InShadedAnalysisMode () const |
unsigned int | IsActiveInDocument () const |
virtual bool | IsActiveInViewport (const class CRhinoViewport &) const |
bool | IsDeleted () const |
virtual bool | IsGroupObject () const |
bool | IsHidden () const |
int | IsHighlighted (BOOL32 bCheckSubObjects=false) const |
| highlighted state (almost always = IsSelected() except in one or two commands) More...
bool | IsInstanceDefinitionGeometry () const |
int | IsInstanceDefinitionGeometryEx () const |
bool | IsLocked () const |
int | IsMarked () const |
virtual bool | IsMeshable (ON::mesh_type) const |
| Returns true if the object is capable of having a mesh of the specified type. More...
bool | IsModelObject () const |
bool | IsNormal () const |
bool | IsPageObject () const |
int | IsProxy () const |
bool | IsReference () const |
bool | IsSelectable (bool bIgnoreSelectionState, bool bIgnoreGripsState, bool bIgnoreLocking, bool bIgnoreVisibility) const |
bool | IsSelectable (bool bIgnoreSelectionState=false, bool bIgnoreGripsState=false) const |
int | IsSelected (bool bCheckSubObjects=false) const |
virtual bool | IsSolid () const |
virtual bool | IsSubObjectHighlighted (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index) const |
| true if specified component is highlighted More...
bool | IsSubObjectSelectable (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, bool bIgnoreSelectionState=false) const |
virtual bool | IsSubObjectSelected (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index) const |
bool | IsValid (ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override |
bool | IsVisible () const |
unsigned int | LinkedInstanceDefinitionSerialNumber () const |
void | Mark (int) |
virtual int | MeshCount (ON::mesh_type mesh_type, const ON_MeshParameters *mp=0) const |
virtual const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes * | MeshDisplayAttributes (int mesh_index, const ON_Mesh &mesh, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes &display_attrs) const |
const ON_ModelComponent & | ModelComponent () const |
ON_UUID | ModelObjectId () const override |
const ON_wString | Name () const |
ON_Color | ObjectDrawColor (bool bIgnoreObjectState=false) const |
ON_Color | ObjectDrawColor (const CRhinoObjectAttributes &attributes, bool bIgnoreObjectState=false) const |
ON_Color | ObjectDrawColor (const CRhinoObjectAttributes &attributes, const ON_UUID &viewport_id, bool bIgnoreObjectState) const |
ON_Plane | ObjectFrame (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX &ci, unsigned int objectframe_flags) const |
const class CRhinoLayer & | ObjectLayer () const |
const class CRhinoLayer * | ObjectLayerPtr () const |
const CRhinoLinetype & | ObjectLinetype () const |
const CRhinoLinetype * | ObjectLinetypePtr () const |
virtual const CRhinoMaterial & | ObjectMaterial () const |
virtual const CRhinoMaterial & | ObjectMaterial (const ON_3dmObjectAttributes &attrs) const |
virtual const CRhinoMaterial & | ObjectMaterial (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX &ci, const ON_UUID &plugin_id=RhinoDefaultRendererId(), const ON_3dmObjectAttributes *attrs=NULL) const |
| This is now the preferred version of the function. This should be used to get materials component-wise in all cases. More...
virtual const CRhinoMaterial & | ObjectMaterial (const ON_UUID &plugin_id) const |
virtual const CRhRdkMaterial * | ObjectRdkMaterial (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX &ci, const ON_UUID &plugin_id=RhinoDefaultRendererId(), const ON_3dmObjectAttributes *attrs=NULL) const |
virtual ON_wString | OnDoubleClick (const CRhinoDoubleClickContext &double_click_context) const |
CRhinoObject & | operator= (const CRhinoObject &) |
| copies source object UUID More...
bool | PerViewportIsVisible (ON_UUID viewport_id) const |
virtual bool | PickFilter (const class CRhinoGetObject &, bool) const |
virtual void | PreDrawUpdate (CRhinoDisplayPipeline &dp) const |
virtual bool | PrepareToWrite (int archive_3dm_version) |
virtual bool | PromotePreviewMeshes (ON::mesh_type) |
std::shared_ptr< const RhRdk::CustomRenderMeshes::IRenderMeshes > | RenderMeshes (ON::mesh_type mt, bool recursive, const ON_Viewport *vp=nullptr, const class CRhRdkObjectAncestry *ancestry_only_for_by_parent_attributes=nullptr, const CRhinoPlugIn *requestingPlugIn=nullptr, const CDisplayPipelineAttributes *pAttributes=nullptr, std::shared_ptr< const RhRdk::CustomRenderMeshes::IRenderMeshes > optional_initial_primitives=nullptr) const |
| Returns a complete set of custom render meshes (primitives) for the object. Simple version with no need for flags. More...
std::shared_ptr< const RhRdk::CustomRenderMeshes::IRenderMeshes > | RenderMeshes (ON::mesh_type mt, const ON_Viewport *vp=nullptr, const class CRhRdkObjectAncestry *ancestry_only_for_by_parent_attributes=nullptr, ON__UINT32 *flags=nullptr, const CRhinoPlugIn *requestingPlugIn=nullptr, const CDisplayPipelineAttributes *pAttributes=nullptr, std::shared_ptr< const RhRdk::CustomRenderMeshes::IRenderMeshes > optional_initial_primitives=nullptr) const |
| Returns a complete set of custom render meshes (primitives) for the object. More...
unsigned int | RuntimeSerialNumber () const |
int | Select (bool bSelect, bool bSynchHighlight, bool bPersistentSelect, bool bIgnoreGripsState, bool bIgnoreLayerLocking, bool bIgnoreLayerVisibility) const |
int | Select (bool bSelect=true, bool bSynchHighlight=true, bool bPersistentSelect=true, bool bIgnoreGripsState=false) const |
virtual int | SelectSubObject (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, bool bSelect=true, bool bSynchHighlight=true, bool bPersistentSelect=false) const |
bool | SetCachedTextureCoordinates (const ON_TextureMapping &mapping, const ON_Xform *object_xform, bool bLazy=true) const |
bool | SetCachedTextureCoordinatesFromPlugIn (const ON_UUID &plugin_id) const |
bool | SetCachedTextureCoordinatesFromPlugIn (const ON_UUID &plugin_id, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_TextureMapping::TYPE > &mappings_to_cache) const |
void | SetCopyHistoryOnReplace (bool bCopy) const |
bool | SetDynamicTransform (const ON_Xform &dynamic_xform) |
bool | SetHistory (class CRhinoHistory &history) |
void | SetObjectFrame (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX &ci, const ON_Plane &plane) |
void | SetObjectFrame (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX &ci, const ON_Xform &wcs_to_ocs) |
virtual bool | SetRenderMeshParameters (const ON_MeshParameters &mp) |
virtual bool | SetTextureCoordinates (const ON_TextureMapping &mapping, const ON_Xform *object_xform, bool bLazy=true) const |
virtual bool | SetTextureCoordinatesFromPlugIn (const ON_UUID &plugin_id, int mapping_channel_id) const |
virtual unsigned int | SizeOf () const override |
| returns number of bytes used by this particular instance More...
ON::active_space | Space () const |
virtual ON_ComponentStatus | SubObjectStatus () const |
virtual bool | SupportsBrepProxyReferenceCounting () const |
bool | UndoModifyAttributes (unsigned int ur_sn=0) |
virtual int | UnhighlightAllSubObjects () |
| returns number of changed subobjects More...
virtual int | UnselectAllSubObjects () |
| returns number of unselected subobjects More...
void | UpdateBoundingBox () |
virtual bool | VetoTransformObject (CRhinoDoc &doc, bool bDeleteOriginal, bool bAddNewObjectToDoc, bool bAddTransformHistory) const |
unsigned int | WorksessionReferenceModelSerialNumber () const |
| ON_Object () ON_NOEXCEPT |
| ON_Object (const ON_Object &) |
virtual | ~ON_Object () |
virtual ON_AggregateComponentStatus | AggregateComponentStatus () const |
bool | AttachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData) |
unsigned int | ClearAllComponentStates () const |
virtual unsigned int | ClearComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const |
virtual unsigned int | ClearComponentStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const |
void | CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object) |
unsigned int | CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution) |
virtual ON__UINT32 | DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const |
virtual bool | DeleteComponents (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count) |
bool | DetachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData) |
virtual void | Dump (ON_TextLog &) const |
void | EmergencyDestroy () |
class ON_UserData * | FirstUserData () const |
virtual unsigned int | GetComponentsWithSetStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const |
class ON_UserData * | GetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const |
bool | GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const |
int | GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const |
int | GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const |
bool | IsCorrupt (bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const |
bool | IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const |
virtual void | MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent () const |
void | MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object) |
unsigned int | MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems) |
ON_Object & | operator= (const ON_Object &) |
void | PurgeUserData () |
virtual bool | Read (ON_BinaryArchive &binary_archive) |
virtual unsigned int | SetComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const |
virtual unsigned int | SetComponentStatus (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const |
bool | SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value) |
int | SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace) |
bool | ThisIsNullptr (bool bSilentError) const |
void | TransformUserData (const class ON_Xform &xform) |
virtual bool | UpdateReferencedComponents (const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map) |
int | UserStringCount () const |
virtual bool | Write (ON_BinaryArchive &binary_archive) const |