Rhino C++ API  8.16
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables


class  Internal_SubDToNurbsExtraordinaryPoint
class  ON
 OpenNurbs enums. More...
class  ON_2dex
class  ON_2dexMap
class  ON_2dPoint
class  ON_2dPointArray
class  ON_2dSize
class  ON_2dVector
class  ON_2dVectorArray
class  ON_2fPoint
class  ON_2fPointArray
class  ON_2fVector
class  ON_2fVectorArray
class  ON_2iBoundingBox
class  ON_2iPoint
class  ON_2iSize
class  ON_2iVector
class  ON_2udex
class  ON_3dex
struct  ON_3DM_CHUNK
class  ON_3dmAnimationProperties
class  ON_3dmAnnotationContext
class  ON_3dmAnnotationSettings
class  ON_3dmApplication
class  ON_3dmArchiveTableStatus
class  ON_3dmConstructionPlane
class  ON_3dmConstructionPlaneGridDefaults
class  ON_3dmGoo
class  ON_3dmIOSettings
class  ON_3dmNotes
class  ON_3dmObjectAttributes
class  ON_3dmPageSettings
class  ON_3dmProperties
class  ON_3dmRenderSettings
class  ON_3dmRevisionHistory
class  ON_3dmSettings
class  ON_3dmUnitsAndTolerances
class  ON_3dmView
class  ON_3dmViewPosition
class  ON_3dmViewTraceImage
class  ON_3dmWallpaperImage
class  ON_3dPoint
class  ON_3dPointArray
class  ON_3dPointListRef
class  ON_3dRay
class  ON_3dSimplex
 A Simplex in 3d. More...
class  ON_3dVector
class  ON_3dVectorArray
class  ON_3fPoint
class  ON_3fPointArray
class  ON_3fVector
class  ON_3fVectorArray
class  ON_3udex
class  ON_4dex
 quadruplet of integer indices. More...
class  ON_4dPoint
class  ON_4dPointArray
class  ON_4dRect
class  ON_4fColor
class  ON_4fPoint
class  ON_4fPointArray
class  ON_4iRect
class  ON_4udex
class  ON_AerialPhotoCameraPosition
class  ON_AerialPhotoImage
class  ON_AerialPhotoImageFrustum
class  ON_AggregateComponentStatus
class  ON_AggregateComponentStatusEx
class  ON_AngleUnitName
class  ON_AngleValue
class  ON_Annotation
class  ON_Arc
class  ON_ArcCurve
class  ON_ArchivableDictionary
class  ON_ArithmeticCalculator
class  ON_Arrowhead
class  ON_Base64
class  ON_Base64EncodeStream
class  ON_BendFaceConstraint
class  ON_BezierCage
class  ON_BezierCageMorph
class  ON_BezierCurve
class  ON_BezierSurface
class  ON_Big5CodePoint
 ON_Big5CodePoint is a tool to use when working with BIG5 encoded strings. More...
class  ON_Big5UnicodePair
class  ON_BinaryArchive
 < use for generic serialization of binary data More...
class  ON_BinaryArchiveBuffer
class  ON_BinaryFile
class  ON_Bitmap
class  ON_BoundingBox
class  ON_BoundingBoxAndHash
class  ON_BoundingBoxCache
class  ON_Box
class  ON_Brep
class  ON_BrepEdge
class  ON_BrepEdgeArray
class  ON_BrepFace
class  ON_BrepFaceArray
struct  ON_BrepFaceIsoInterval
class  ON_BrepFaceSide
class  ON_BrepFaceSideArray
class  ON_BrepLoop
class  ON_BrepLoopArray
class  ON_BrepQuadFacePack
class  ON_BrepQuadFacePackSide
class  ON_BrepRegion
class  ON_BrepRegionArray
class  ON_BrepRegionTopology
class  ON_BrepStarFacePack
class  ON_BrepTrim
class  ON_BrepTrimArray
struct  ON_BrepTrimParameter
struct  ON_BrepTrimPoint
class  ON_BrepVertex
class  ON_BrepVertexArray
class  ON_Buffer
class  ON_BumpFunction
class  ON_CageMorph
class  ON_Centermark
class  ON_CheckSum
class  ON_Circle
class  ON_CIXEvent
 Curve/ImplicitFunction intersection event. More...
class  ON_ClashEvent
class  ON_ClassArray< T >
class  ON_ClassId
 used for runtime class identification More...
class  ON_ClippingPlane
class  ON_ClippingPlaneDataStore
class  ON_ClippingPlaneInfo
class  ON_ClippingPlaneSurface
class  ON_ClippingRegion
class  ON_ClippingRegionPoints
class  ON_Color
class  ON_ColorStop
class  ON_ComponentAttributes
class  ON_ComponentIndexAndNumber
class  ON_ComponentManifest
class  ON_ComponentManifestItem
class  ON_ComponentStatus
class  ON_CompressedBuffer
class  ON_CompressStream
class  ON_Cone
class  ON_ContentHash
class  ON_ConvexHullPoint2
class  ON_ConvexHullRef
class  ON_ConvexHullRefEx
class  ON_ConvexPoly
class  ON_Curve
class  ON_CurveArray
class  ON_CurveLeafBox
class  ON_CurveOnSurface
class  ON_CurvePair
 a parametric/space curve pair used in surface intersections More...
class  ON_CurvePiping
class  ON_CurvePipingUserData
class  ON_CurveProxy
class  ON_CurveProxyHistory
class  ON_CurveRegionBoundaryElement
class  ON_CurveSetOverlapCheck
class  ON_CurveTree
class  ON_CurveTreeBezier
class  ON_CurveTreeNode
class  ON_Cylinder
class  ON_DBL
class  ON_DebugWriteArchive
class  ON_Decal
class  ON_DecodeBase64
class  ON_DepthImage
class  ON_DepthImageDefaultShaderContext
class  ON_DepthImagePixel
class  ON_DepthImagePointShader
class  ON_DepthImageTriangle
class  ON_DepthImageTriangleMesh
class  ON_DepthImageTriangleShader
class  ON_DetailView
class  ON_DimAngular
class  ON_Dimension
class  ON_DimLinear
class  ON_DimOrdinate
class  ON_DimRadial
class  ON_DimStyle
class  ON_DimStyleContext
class  ON_Displacement
class  ON_DisplacementUserData
class  ON_DisplayMaterialRef
class  ON_Dithering
class  ON_DocumentUserStringList
class  ON_EarthAnchorPoint
class  ON_EdgeSoftening
class  ON_EdgeSofteningUserData
class  ON_Ellipse
class  ON_EmbeddedBitmap
class  ON_EmbeddedFile
class  ON_Environment
 ON_Environment. More...
class  ON_ErrorEvent
class  ON_ErrorLog
class  ON_Evaluator
class  ON_Extrusion
class  ON_FaceNameKey
class  ON_FileIterator
class  ON_FileReference
class  ON_FileStream
class  ON_FileSystem
class  ON_FileSystemPath
class  ON_FixedSizePool
class  ON_FixedSizePoolElement
class  ON_FixedSizePoolIterator
class  ON_Font
 An ON_Font is a face in a font family. It corresponds to a Windows LOGFONT, a .NET System.Drawing.Font or a FreeType FT_Face. More...
class  ON_FontFaceQuartet
class  ON_FontGlyph
class  ON_FontList
class  ON_FontMetrics
class  ON_FunctionList
class  ON_Geometry
class  ON_GeometryFingerprint
class  ON_GlyphMap
class  ON_GroundPlane
class  ON_Group
class  ON_Hash32Table
class  ON_Hash32TableItem
class  ON_Hatch
class  ON_HatchLine
class  ON_HatchLoop
class  ON_HatchPattern
class  ON_HermiteSurface
class  ON_HiddenLineDrawing
class  ON_HistoryRecord
class  ON_HLD_Object
class  ON_HLDCurve
class  ON_HLDFullCurve
class  ON_HLDPoint
class  ON_InstanceDefinition
class  ON_InstanceRef
class  ON_Internal_FontGlyphPool
class  ON_Interval
class  ON_Layer
class  ON_Leader
 ON_Leader class. More...
class  ON_LengthUnitName
class  ON_LengthValue
class  ON_Light
class  ON_Line
class  ON_LinearWorkflow
class  ON_LineCurve
class  ON_Linetype
 class ON_Linetype More...
class  ON_LinetypeSegment
 class ON_LinetypeSegment More...
class  ON_Locale
class  ON_Localizer
class  ON_LocalZero1
 find a local zero of a 1 parameter function More...
class  ON_Lock
class  ON_ManagedFonts
class  ON_ManifestMap
class  ON_ManifestMapItem
class  ON_MappingChannel
class  ON_MappingMeshInfo
class  ON_MappingRef
class  ON_MappingTag
class  ON_MassProperties
class  ON_Material
class  ON_MaterialRef
class  ON_Matrix
class  ON_MD5
class  ON_MD5_Hash
class  ON_Mesh
class  ON_MeshCache
class  ON_MeshComponentRef
class  ON_MeshCurvatureStats
class  ON_MeshCurveParameters
class  ON_MeshFace
class  ON_MeshFaceList
class  ON_MeshFaceSide
class  ON_MeshIntersectionCache
 Provides a mechanism for lazily evaluating mesh data. The implementation is private and subject to change. More...
class  ON_MeshMarker
class  ON_MeshModifier
class  ON_MeshModifiers
class  ON_MeshNgon
class  ON_MeshNgonAllocator
class  ON_MeshNgonBuffer
class  ON_MeshNgonIterator
class  ON_MeshParameters
struct  ON_MeshPart
class  ON_MeshPartition
class  ON_MeshRef
class  ON_MeshThicknessAnalysis
class  ON_MeshThicknessAnalysisPoint
class  ON_MeshThicknessAnalysisVertexIterator
class  ON_MeshTopology
struct  ON_MeshTopologyEdge
struct  ON_MeshTopologyFace
struct  ON_MeshTopologyVertex
class  ON_MeshTree
class  ON_MeshTreeNode
class  ON_MeshTriangle
class  ON_MeshVertexFaceMap
class  ON_MeshX
class  ON_MeshXLine
class  ON_MeshXPlane
class  ON_MeshXPoint
class  ON_MeshXPointPair
class  ON_MeshXPointPool
class  ON_MeshXPointPoolIterator
class  ON_MMX_Polyline
class  ON_ModelComponent
class  ON_ModelComponentContentMark
class  ON_ModelComponentReference
 ON_ModelComponentReference is a persistent reference to a model component. ON_ModelComponentReference and ON_ModelComponentWeakReference are based on like std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr. More...
class  ON_ModelComponentTypeIterator
class  ON_ModelComponentWeakReference
 ON_ModelComponentWeakReference is a weak shared reference to a model component. ON_ModelComponentReference and ON_ModelComponentWeakReference are based on like std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr. More...
class  ON_ModelGeometryComponent
class  ON_MorphControl
class  ON_NameHash
class  ON_NumberFormatter
 ON_Table class. More...
class  ON_NurbsCage
class  ON_NurbsCurve
class  ON_NurbsSurface
class  ON_Object
class  ON_ObjectArray< T >
class  ON_ObjectRenderingAttributes
class  ON_ObjRef
class  ON_ObjRef_IRefID
class  ON_ObjRefEvaluationParameter
class  ON_ObsoleteUserData
class  ON_OffsetCurveSDF
class  ON_OffsetSurface
class  ON_OffsetSurfaceFunction
class  ON_OffsetSurfaceValue
class  ON_Outline
class  ON_OutlineAccumulator
class  ON_OutlineFigure
class  ON_OutlineFigurePoint
class  ON_PackedTextureRectangle
class  ON_PackTextureRectanglesParameters
class  ON_PANOSE1
 https://monotype.github.io/panose/pan1.htm More...
class  ON_ParseSettings
class  ON_ParticleSystem
class  ON_PeriodicDomain
class  ON_PhysicallyBasedMaterial
class  ON_PickPoint
class  ON_PlanarSection
class  ON_PlanarSections
class  ON_Plane
class  ON_PlaneEquation
class  ON_PlaneSDF
class  ON_PlaneSurface
class  ON_PlugInRef
class  ON_PlusFunction
class  ON_Point
class  ON_PointCloud
class  ON_PointerSleepLock
class  ON_PointGrid
class  ON_PolyCurve
class  ON_PolyEdgeCurve
class  ON_PolyEdgeHistory
class  ON_PolyEdgeSegment
class  ON_Polyline
class  ON_PolylineCurve
class  ON_PolynomialCurve
class  ON_PolynomialSurface
class  ON_PostEffect
 Class ON_PostEffect represents a single post effect. More...
class  ON_PostEffectParams
 Class ON_PostEffectParams represents a collection of arbitrary post effect parameters. More...
class  ON_PostEffects
 Class ON_PostEffects represents a collection of post effects. More...
class  ON_ProgressReporter
class  ON_ProgressStepCounter
class  ON_Quaternion
class  ON_RandomNumberGenerator
class  ON_RayShooter
class  ON_RdkDocumentDefaults
 This class is for internal RDK use only. More...
class  ON_RdkMaterialInstanceIdObsoleteUserData
class  ON_RdkUserData
class  ON_Read3dmBufferArchive
class  ON_ReferencedComponentSettings
class  ON_RegKey
class  ON_RenderChannels
class  ON_RenderContent
class  ON_RenderEnvironment
class  ON_RenderingAttributes
class  ON_RenderMaterial
class  ON_RenderMeshInfo
class  ON_RenderTexture
class  ON_RevSurface
 surface of revolution More...
class  ON_RtfFirstChar
class  ON_RtfParser
class  ON_RtfStringBuilder
class  ON_RTree
struct  ON_RTreeBBox
struct  ON_RTreeBranch
struct  ON_RTreeCapsule
class  ON_RTreeIterator
struct  ON_RTreeLeaf
class  ON_RTreeMemPool
struct  ON_RTreeNode
struct  ON_RTreePolylineContext
 Passes data about the polyline being intersected. More...
struct  ON_RTreeSearchResult
struct  ON_RTreeSphere
class  ON_SafeFrame
class  ON_ScaleValue
class  ON_SectionAnalysisAppearance
class  ON_SectionAnalysisPlane
class  ON_SectionStyle
 class ON_SectionStyle More...
class  ON_SerialNumberMap
class  ON_SHA1
class  ON_SHA1_Hash
class  ON_ShutLining
class  ON_ShutLiningUserData
class  ON_SignedDistanceFunction
class  ON_SilhouetteParameters
class  ON_SimpleArray< T >
class  ON_SimpleFixedSizePool< T >
class  ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator< T >
class  ON_SimpleMinimizer
class  ON_SIXEvent
 Surface/ImplicitFunction Intersection event. More...
class  ON_Skylight
class  ON_SleepLock
class  ON_SleepLockGuard
class  ON_SpaceMorph
class  ON_Sphere
class  ON_SphereSDF
class  ON_SquishConstraint
class  ON_SquishConstraints
class  ON_Squisher
class  ON_SquisherImpl
class  ON_SquishParameters
class  ON_StackedText
class  ON_StandardDisplayModeId
class  ON_StopWatch
class  ON_String
 A char string. Any multibyte encoding can be used. If the encoding is unknown, assume it is UTF-8. More...
class  ON_StringBuffer
class  ON_SubD
class  ON_SubD_ComponentIdTypeAndTag
 Simple arrays of ON_SubD_ComponentIdTypeAndTag elements are used to save original tag values so the can be retrieved after complex editing operations. More...
class  ON_SubD_FixedSizeHeap
class  ON_SubDComponentAndNumber
class  ON_SubDComponentAndPoint
class  ON_SubDComponentBase
class  ON_SubDComponentFilter
class  ON_SubDComponentId
class  ON_SubDComponentIdList
class  ON_SubDComponentIterator
class  ON_SubDComponentList
class  ON_SubDComponentMarksClearAndRestore
class  ON_SubDComponentParameter
class  ON_SubDComponentPoint
class  ON_SubDComponentPtr
class  ON_SubDComponentPtrPair
class  ON_SubDComponentPtrPairHashTable
class  ON_SubDComponentRef
class  ON_SubDComponentRefList
class  ON_SubDComponentRegion
class  ON_SubDComponentRegionIndex
class  ON_SubDComponentTest
class  ON_SubDDisplayParameters
class  ON_SubDEdge
class  ON_SubDEdgeArray
class  ON_SubDEdgeChain
class  ON_SubDEdgeChainCurve
class  ON_SubDEdgeIdIterator
class  ON_SubDEdgeIterator
class  ON_SubDEdgePtr
class  ON_SubDEdgeSharpness
 ON_SubDHash provides a simple way to save a SubD's vertex, edge, and face SHA1 hashes. Typically it is used when a calculation needs to know if the current SubD has is geometrically identical to a previous SubD. When speed is not important, comparing the current value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() to a previously save value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() is functionally identical but typically much slower when the SubDs are different. More...
class  ON_SubDExpandEdgesParameters
class  ON_SubDFace
class  ON_SubDFaceArray
class  ON_SubDFaceCornerDex
 A ON_SubDFaceCornerDex is a value that identifies a subd face corner. More...
class  ON_SubDFaceEdgeIterator
class  ON_SubDFaceIdIterator
class  ON_SubDFaceIterator
class  ON_SubDFaceNeighborhood
class  ON_SubDFaceParameter
class  ON_SubDFacePtr
class  ON_SubDFaceRegion
class  ON_SubDFaceRegionAndNurbs
class  ON_SubDFromMeshParameters
class  ON_SubDFromSurfaceParameters
class  ON_SubDHash
 ON_SubDHash provides a simple way to save a SubD's vertex, edge, and face SHA1 hashes. Typically it is used when a calculation needs to know if the current SubD has is geometrically identical to a previous SubD. When speed is not important, comparing the current value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() to a previously save value of ON_SubD::GeometryHash() is functionally identical but typically much slower when the SubDs are different. More...
class  ON_SubDManagedMeshFragment
 ON_SubDManagedMeshFragment is a legacy class that should not be used. More...
class  ON_SubDMatrix
class  ON_SubDMesh
 ON_SubDMesh is used to store a high density traditional quad mesh of a SubD surface or a mesh of a SubD control net. In general, is is better to use an ON_SubDMeshFragmentIterator(subd) that iterates the ON_MeshFragments cached on the ON_SubD. More...
class  ON_SubDMeshFragment
class  ON_SubDMeshFragmentGrid
class  ON_SubDMeshFragmentIterator
class  ON_SubDQuadFacePack
class  ON_SubDQuadFacePackSide
class  ON_SubDQuadNeighborhood
class  ON_SubDRef
class  ON_SubDRTree
class  ON_SubDRTreeVertexFinder
class  ON_SubDSectorId
class  ON_SubDSectorIterator
class  ON_SubDSectorSurfacePoint
class  ON_SubDSectorType
class  ON_SubDSurfaceInterpolator
class  ON_SubDSurfaceNurbsFragment
class  ON_SubDToBrepParameters
class  ON_SubDVertex
class  ON_SubDVertexArray
class  ON_SubDVertexEdgeProperties
class  ON_SubDVertexIdIterator
class  ON_SubDVertexIterator
class  ON_SubDVertexPtr
class  ON_SubDVertexSharpnessCalculator
class  ON_SubDVertexSurfacePointCoefficient
class  ON_Sum
class  ON_SumSurface
 surface of revolution More...
class  ON_Sun
class  ON_SunEngine
 Class ON_SunEngine is a sun astronomical calculation engine. More...
class  ON_Surface
class  ON_SurfaceArray
class  ON_SurfaceCurvature
class  ON_SurfaceCurvatureColorMapping
class  ON_SurfaceDraftAngleColorMapping
class  ON_SurfaceLeafBox
class  ON_SurfaceProperties
class  ON_SurfaceProxy
class  ON_SurfaceTree
class  ON_SurfaceTreeBezier
class  ON_SurfaceTreeNode
class  ON_SurfaceValues
 ON_SurfaceValues stores surface evaluation values (point, normal, curvatures, derivatives) in a single class More...
class  ON_Symmetry
class  ON_TensorProduct
class  ON_Terminator
class  ON_TestClass
class  ON_Text
 ON_Table class. More...
class  ON_TextBox
class  ON_TextBuilder
class  ON_TextContent
class  ON_TextContext
class  ON_TextDot
class  ON_TextHash
class  ON_TextIterator
 Converts wchar_t characters to Unicode codepoints. More...
class  ON_TextLog
class  ON_TextLogIndent
class  ON_TextLogLevelOfDetail
class  ON_TextMask
class  ON_TextRun
 A range of text with all the same attributes. More...
class  ON_TextRunArray
class  ON_TextRunBuilder
class  ON_TextStyle
class  ON_Texture
class  ON_TextureCoordinates
class  ON_TextureMapping
class  ON_Thickening
class  ON_ThickeningUserData
class  ON_Torus
class  ON_Triangle
class  ON_TriangleMesh
struct  ON_TriangleMeshPoint
class  ON_TrianglePlane
union  ON_U
class  ON_UncompressStream
struct  ON_UnicodeErrorParameters
class  ON_UnicodeShortCodePoint
 ON_UnicodeShortCodePoint is a tool to use when working with Unicode code points with values &lt=0xFFFF. Note that valid Unicode code point values can be as large as 0x10FFFD. (0x10FFFE and 0x10FFFF are specified as &ltnot a character&gt by the Unicode Standard code chart https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U10FF80.pdf) This class is used when converting between Unicode and BIG5 encodings and in other settings where Unicode code points &gt 0xFFFF are not encountered and the 2 byte size of ON_UnicodeShortCodePoint appreciably more efficient that a 4 byte size of an unsigned int. More...
class  ON_UnicodeTextFile
class  ON_UniqueTester
class  ON_UnitSystem
class  ON_UnknownUserData
class  ON_UserData
class  ON_UserDataHolder
class  ON_UserDataItemFilter
class  ON_UserString
class  ON_UserStringList
struct  ON_UUID_struct
 ON_UUID is a 16 byte universally unique identifier. More...
class  ON_UuidIndex
class  ON_UuidIndexList
class  ON_UuidIndexList2
class  ON_UuidList
class  ON_UuidPair
class  ON_UuidPairList
class  ON_UuidPairList2
class  ON_UuidPtr
class  ON_UuidPtrList
class  ON_UuidPtrList2
class  ON_Viewport
struct  ON_Vtable
class  ON_WeightedAverageHash
class  ON_WindingNumber
class  ON_WindowsBitmap
class  ON_WindowsBitmapEx
 Windows packs BITMAPFILEHEADER. More...
struct  ON_WindowsBITMAPINFO
struct  ON_WindowsRGBQUAD
 Windows sizeof(ON_WindowsRGBQUAD) = 4. More...
class  ON_Workspace
class  ON_Write3dmBufferArchive
class  ON_wString
 A wide character string. The default encoding is the encoding the compiler uses for wchar_t* s = L"..."; strings. This is typically 2 byte wchar_t UTF-16 on Windows and 4 byte wchar_t UTF-32 on MacOS. However, some MacOS SDK functions return 4 byte wchar_t UTF-16 strings. More...
class  ON_wStringBuffer
class  ON_X_EVENT
class  ON_Xform
class  ON_XMesh
class  ON_XMeshComponent
class  ON_XMeshEdge
class  ON_XMeshEdgeIterator
class  ON_XMeshEdgePool
class  ON_XMeshEvent
class  ON_XMeshEventIterator
class  ON_XMeshEventList
class  ON_XMeshEventPool
class  ON_XMeshFace
class  ON_XMeshFaceIterator
class  ON_XMeshFacePool
class  ON_XMeshFaceXData
class  ON_XMeshFF
class  ON_XMeshFFIterator
class  ON_XMeshFFPool
class  ON_XMeshIntersector
class  ON_XMeshPlaneEquation
class  ON_XMeshPolyline
class  ON_XMeshVertex
class  ON_XMeshVertexIterator
class  ON_XMeshVertexPool
class  ON_XMLNode
class  ON_XMLParamBlock
 Class ON_XMLParamBlock is ON_XMLParameters with a built-in XML node. More...
class  ON_XMLParameters
class  ON_XMLParametersV8
class  ON_XMLProperty
class  ON_XMLRootNode
class  ON_XMLSegmentedStream
class  ON_XMLUserData
class  ON_XMLVariant
class  ONX_ErrorCounter
class  ONX_Model
class  ONX_Model_UserData
class  ONX_ModelComponentIterator
class  ONX_ModelTest
class  RtfComposer
struct  tagFontKey


#define _GNU_SOURCE
#define BASETYPE   void *
 ON_SORT_TEMPLATE_TYPE -> double, int, .... More...
#define DATATYPE   unsigned char
#define DATAWIDTH   m_width
#define GreaterThan(A, B)   m_compare(A,B) > 0
 use a compare function without context parameter More...
#define MY_ZCALLOC
#define ON_1_OVER_SQRT2   0.7071067811865475244008445
#define ON_2PI   (2.0*ON_PI)
#define ON__SET__THIS__PTR(ptr)   if (ptr) *((void**)this) = ptr
#define ON_ArrayCount(a)   (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))
#define ON_ASSERT(cond)   ON_REMOVE_ASAP_AssertEx(cond,__FILE__,__LINE__,OPENNURBS__FUNCTION__, #cond " is false")
#define ON_ASSERT_OR_RETURN(cond, returncode)   do{if (!(cond)) {ON_ErrorEx(__FILE__,__LINE__,OPENNURBS__FUNCTION__, #cond " is false");return(returncode);}}while(0)
#define ON_ASSERT_OR_RETURNVOID(cond)   do{if (!(cond)) {ON_ErrorEx(__FILE__,__LINE__,OPENNURBS__FUNCTION__, #cond " is false");return;}}while(0)
#define ON_BEGIN_EXTERNC   extern "C" {
#define ON_CLASS
#define ON_CLASS_ID(cls)   ON_CLASS_RTTI( cls ).Uuid()
#define ON_CLASS_RTTI(cls)   cls::m_##cls##_class_rtti
#define ON_COS_PI_OVER_12   0.9659258262890682867497433
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_ACCURACY   L"accuracy"
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_BOX   L"box"
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_CAP_TYPE   L"cap-type"
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_DOME   L"dome"
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_FLAT   L"flat"
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_NONE   L"none"
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_ON   L"on"
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_RADIUS   L"radius"
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_ROOT   L"curve-piping-object-data"
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_SEGMENTS   L"segments"
#define ON_CURVE_PIPING_WELD   L"weld"
 'Weld' is a legacy name. The real name is 'Faceted' but this is the INVERSE of weld. More...
#define ON_CV_COORDINATE_IS_VALID(x)   (-1.0e307 < x && x < 1.0e307)
#define ON_DBL_MAX   1.7976931348623158e+308
#define ON_DBL_MIN   2.22507385850720200e-308
#define ON_DECL
#define ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE   0.99984769515639123915701155881391
#define ON_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS   (ON_PI/180.0)
 ON_DEPRECATED is used to mark deprecated functions. More...
#define ON_DepthImage_DEPTH_TYPE   double
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_BLACK_POINT   L"black-point"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_CHANNEL   L"channel"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_FACE_COUNT_LIMIT   L"face-count-limit"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_FACE_COUNT_LIMIT_ENABLED   L"face-count-limit-enabled"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_FAIRING_AMOUNT   L"fairing-amount"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_FAIRING_ENABLED   L"fairing-enabled"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_MESH_MEMORY_LIMIT   L"mesh-memory-limit"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_ON   L"on"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_POST_WELD_ANGLE   L"post-weld-angle"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_REFINE_SENSITIVITY   L"refine-sensitivity"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_REFINE_STEPS   L"refine-steps"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_ROOT   L"new-displacement-object-data"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_SUB   L"sub"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_SUB_BLACK_POINT   L"sub-black-point"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_SUB_CHANNEL   L"sub-channel"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_SUB_INDEX   L"sub-index"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_SUB_OBJECT_COUNT   L"sub-object-count"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_SUB_ON   L"sub-on"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_SUB_TEXTURE   L"sub-texture"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_SUB_WHITE_POINT   L"sub-white-point"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_SWEEP_PITCH   L"sweep-pitch"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_SWEEP_RES_FORMULA   L"sweep-res-formula"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_TEXTURE   L"texture"
#define ON_DISPLACEMENT_WHITE_POINT   L"white-point"
#define ON_EDGE_SOFTENING_CHAMFER   L"chamfer"
#define ON_EDGE_SOFTENING_EDGE_THRESHOLD   L"edge-threshold"
#define ON_EDGE_SOFTENING_FORCE_SOFTENING   L"force-softening"
#define ON_EDGE_SOFTENING_ON   L"on"
#define ON_EDGE_SOFTENING_ROOT   L"edge-softening-object-data"
#define ON_EDGE_SOFTENING_SOFTENING   L"softening"
#define ON_EDGE_SOFTENING_UNWELD   L"unweld"
#define ON_END_EXTERNC   }
#define ON_ENUM_FROM_UNSIGNED_CASE(e)   case (unsigned int)e: return(e); break
#define ON_ENUM_TO_STRING_CASE(e)   case e: return( ON_String(#e) ); break
#define ON_ENUM_TO_STRING_CASE_SET(e, s)   case e: (s)=ON_String(#e); break
#define ON_ENUM_TO_WIDE_STRING_CASE(e)   case e: return( ON_wString(#e) ); break
#define ON_ENUM_TO_WIDE_STRING_CASE_SET(e, s)   case e: (s)=ON_wString(#e); break
 Environment projections. More...
#define ON_ENVIRONMENT_PROJECTION_CUBE_MAP_HORZ   L"horizontal-cross-cubemap"
#define ON_ENVIRONMENT_PROJECTION_CUBE_MAP_VERT   L"vertical-cross-cubemap"
 Environment simulation. More...
#define ON_EPSILON   2.2204460492503131e-16
 ON_EPSILON = 2^-52. More...
#define ON_ERROR(msg)   ON_ErrorEx(__FILE__,__LINE__,OPENNURBS__FUNCTION__,msg)
#define ON_EXTERNC   extern "C"
 C++ extern "C" declaration for C linkage. More...
#define ON_FLOAT_EPSILON   1.192092896e-07
#define ON_FLT_MAX   3.402823466e+38F
#define ON_forigin   ON_3fPoint::Origin
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3fPoint::Origin. More...
#define ON_FPU_CW_EX_MASK   0x0008001f
#define ON_FPU_CW_PC_MASK   0x00030000
#define ON_FPU_CW_RC_MASK   0x00000300
 Use ON_FPU_EX_ALL to mask all FPU exceptions. More...
#define ON_FPU_EX_DENORMAL   0x00080000
 denormal exception mask More...
#define ON_FPU_EX_INEXACT   0x00000001
 inexact (precision) More...
#define ON_FPU_EX_INVALID   0x00000010
 invalid More...
#define ON_FPU_EX_OVERFLOW   0x00000004
 overflow More...
#define ON_FPU_EX_UNDERFLOW   0x00000002
 underflow More...
#define ON_FPU_EX_ZERODIVIDE   0x00000008
 zero divide More...
#define ON_FPU_PC_24   0x00020000
 24 bits More...
#define ON_FPU_PC_53   0x00010000
 53 bits More...
#define ON_FPU_PC_64   0x00000000
 64 bits More...
#define ON_FPU_RC_CHOP   0x00000300
 chop More...
#define ON_FPU_RC_DOWN   0x00000100
 down More...
#define ON_FPU_RC_NEAR   0x00000000
 near More...
#define ON_FPU_RC_UP   0x00000200
 up More...
 "Bad" FPU status - results of calculation are suspect More...
#define ON_FPU_SW_DENORMAL   0x00080000
 denormal status bit - ok - happens on occasion More...
#define ON_FPU_SW_INEXACT   0x00000001
 inexact (precision) - ok - happens frequently More...
#define ON_FPU_SW_INVALID   0x00000010
 invalid - bad More...
#define ON_FPU_SW_OVERFLOW   0x00000004
 overflow - bad More...
#define ON_FPU_SW_UNDERFLOW   0x00000002
 underflow - ok - happens on occasion More...
#define ON_FPU_SW_ZERODIVIDE   0x00000008
 zero divide - bad More...
#define ON_fxaxis   ON_3fVector::XAxis
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3fVector::XAxis. More...
#define ON_fyaxis   ON_3fVector::YAxis
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3fVector::YAxis. More...
#define ON_fzaxis   ON_3fVector::ZAxis
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3fVector::ZAxis. More...
#define ON_HALFPI   (0.5*ON_PI)
#define ON_HSORT_COPY(dst, src)   *dst = *src
#define ON_HSORT_FROM_TMP(A)   *A = tmp
#define ON_HSORT_GT(A, B)   *A > *B
 ON_SORT_TEMPLATE_TYPE -> double, int, .... More...
#define ON_HSORT_GT_TMP(A)   *A > tmp
#define ON_HSORT_TO_TMP(A)   tmp = *A
#define ON_INT_FROM_ENUM(e)   ((int)static_cast<unsigned int>(e))
#define ON_IntSleepLock_Set(lock, lock_value)   lock=lock_value
#define ON_IntSleepLock_Test(lock, test_value, sleep_value)   lock;
 if (test_value==lock) lock=sleep_value More...
#define ON_IS_FINITE(x)   (_finite(x)?true:false)
#define ON_IS_FINITE_FLOAT(x)   ((x) <= 3.402823466e+38F && (x) >= -3.402823466e+38F)
#define ON_IS_INFINITE_FLOAT(x)   ((x) > 3.402823466e+38F || (x) < -3.402823466e+38F)
#define ON_IS_NAN(x)   (!((x)==(x)))
#define ON_KIND_ENVIRONMENT   L"environment"
#define ON_KIND_MATERIAL   L"material"
 Strings returned by ON_RenderContent::Kind(). More...
#define ON_KIND_TEXTURE   L"texture"
#define ON_LOG10   2.302585092994045684017991
#define ON_LOG2   0.6931471805599453094172321
#define ON_MATERIAL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENCY   L"alpha-transparency"
 General parameters used by materials that simulate ON_Material. More...
#define ON_MATERIAL_AMBIENT   L"ambient"
#define ON_MATERIAL_CLARITY_AMOUNT   L"clarity-amount"
#define ON_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE   L"diffuse"
#define ON_MATERIAL_DISABLE_LIGHTING   L"disable-lighting"
#define ON_MATERIAL_EMISSION   L"emission"
#define ON_MATERIAL_FLAMINGO_LIBRARY   L"flamingo-library"
#define ON_MATERIAL_FRESNEL_ENABLED   L"fresnel-enabled"
#define ON_MATERIAL_IOR   L"ior"
#define ON_MATERIAL_IS_PHYSICALLY_BASED   L"is-physically-based"
#define ON_MATERIAL_POLISH_AMOUNT   L"polish-amount"
#define ON_MATERIAL_REFLECTIVITY_COLOR   L"reflectivity-color"
#define ON_MATERIAL_SHINE   L"shine"
 Value is 0.0..1.0, NOT ON_Material::MaxShine. More...
 Used by simulation, not by Custom Material field. More...
 Used by simulation, not by Custom Material field. More...
#define ON_MATERIAL_SPECULAR   L"specular"
#define ON_MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY_COLOR   L"transparency-color"
 ON_MAXIMUM_VALUE = 2^27. More...
 #error Need to fill in the following defines or comment out this error for single threaded applications More...
#define ON_NOEXCEPT   noexcept
#define ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(cls)
 Every other use of ON_OBJECT_DECLARE() is in derived class. More...
 Every other use of ON_OBJECT_DECLARE() is in derived class. More...
 Every other use of ON_OBJECT_DECLARE() is in derived class. More...
#define ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT(cls, basecls, uuid)
#define ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT_NO_COPY(cls, basecls, uuid)
#define ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT_NO_COPYCTOR(cls, basecls, uuid)
#define ON_origin   ON_3dPoint::Origin
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3dPoint::Origin. More...
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_ALPHA   L"pbr-alpha"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_ANISOTROPIC   L"pbr-anisotropic"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_ANISOTROPIC_ROTATION   L"pbr-anisotropic-rotation"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_BASE_COLOR   L"pbr-base-color"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_BRDF   L"pbr-brdf"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_CLEARCOAT   L"pbr-clearcoat"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_CLEARCOAT_BUMP   L"pbr-clearcoat-bump"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS   L"pbr-clearcoat-roughness"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_EMISSION_COLOR   L"pbr-emission"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_EMISSION_MULTIPLIER   L"emission-multiplier"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_METALLIC   L"pbr-metallic"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_OPACITY   L"pbr-opacity"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_OPACITY_IOR   L"pbr-opacity-ior"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_OPACITY_ROUGHNESS   L"pbr-opacity-roughness"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_ROUGHNESS   L"pbr-roughness"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_SHEEN   L"pbr-sheen"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_SHEEN_TINT   L"pbr-sheen-tint"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_SPECULAR   L"pbr-specular"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_SPECULAR_TINT   L"pbr-specular-tint"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_SUBSURFACE   L"pbr-subsurface"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING_COLOR   L"pbr-subsurface-scattering-color"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING_RADIUS   L"pbr-subsurface-scattering-radius"
#define ON_PBR_MATERIAL_USE_BASE_COLOR_TEXTURE_ALPHA   L"pbr-use-base-color-texture-alpha"
#define ON_PI   3.141592653589793238462643
#define ON_PointerSleepLock_Set(ptr_type, ptr, ptr_value)   (ptr_type*)(ptr); ((ptr)=(ptr_value));
#define ON_PointerSleepLock_SuspendThisThread(n)   usleep(n)
 Sleeps the THREAD not the PROCESS. More...
#define ON_PointerSleepLock_Test(ptr_type, ptr)   (ptr_type*)(ON_Internal_CompareExchangePointer((void* volatile*)(&(ptr)),(void*)1,(void*)0))
 Apple CLang warning disable. More...
#define ON_PRAGMA_WARNING_POP   GCC diagnostic pop
 Gnu gcc warning state pop. More...
#define ON_PRAGMA_WARNING_PUSH   GCC diagnostic push
 Gnu gcc warning state push. More...
#define ON_PTR_SEMAPHORE2   ((ON__UINT_PTR)16)
#define ON_PTR_SEMAPHORE3   ((ON__UINT_PTR)24)
#define ON_PTR_SEMAPHORE4   ((ON__UINT_PTR)32)
#define ON_QSORT_CUTOFF   8 /* testing shows that this is good value */
#define ON_QSORT_EQ(A, B)   *A == *B
#define ON_QSORT_GT(A, B)   *A > *B
 ON_SORT_TEMPLATE_TYPE -> double, int, .... More...
#define ON_QSORT_LE(A, B)   *A <= *B
#define ON_QSORT_SHORT_SORT_FNAME   ON__shortsort
 The default name for the short sort helper function is ON__shortsort. More...
#define ON_QSORT_STKSIZ   (8*sizeof(void*) - 2)
#define ON_QSORT_SWAP(A, B)   tmp = *A; *A = *B; *B = tmp
#define ON_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES   (180.0/ON_PI)
#define ON_RDK_BACKGROUND_ENVIRONMENT   L"environment"
#define ON_RDK_CURRENT_CONTENT   L"content"
#define ON_RDK_CURRENT_RENDER_PRESET   L"current-preset"
#define ON_RDK_CUSTOM_IMAGE_SIZE_IS_PRESET   L"custom-image-size-is-preset"
#define ON_RDK_CUSTOM_REFLECTIVE_ENVIRONMENT   L"custom-env-for-refl-and-refr"
#define ON_RDK_CUSTOM_REFLECTIVE_ENVIRONMENT_ON   L"custom-env-for-refl-and-refr-on"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL   L"decal"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_CUSTOM   L"custom"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_CUSTOM_PARAMS   L"parameters"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_CUSTOM_RENDERER   L"renderer"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_HEIGHT   L"height"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_HORZ_SWEEP_END   L"latitude-stop"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_HORZ_SWEEP_STA   L"latitude-start"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_INSTANCE_ID   L"instance-id"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_IS_TEMPORARY   L"is-temporary"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_IS_VISIBLE   L"is-visible"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_MAP_TO_INSIDE_ON   L"map-to-inside-on"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_MAPPING   L"mapping"
 --— +++++++++++++++++++ More...
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_MAX_U   L"max-u"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_MAX_V   L"max-v"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_MIN_U   L"min-u"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_MIN_V   L"min-v"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_ORIGIN   L"origin"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_PROJECTION   L"projection"
 --— ++++++++++++++++++++++ More...
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_RADIUS   L"radius"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_TEXTURE_INSTANCE   L"texture-instance"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_TRANSPARENCY   L"transparency"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_VECTOR_ACROSS   L"vector-across"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_VECTOR_UP   L"vector-up"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_VERT_SWEEP_END   L"longitude-stop"
#define ON_RDK_DECAL_VERT_SWEEP_STA   L"longitude-start"
#define ON_RDK_DECALS   L"decals"
 Decals (stored in object attributes user data). More...
#define ON_RDK_DEFAULT_CONTENT_SECTION   L"default-content-section"
#define ON_RDK_DITHERING_ENABLED   L"use-dithering"
#define ON_RDK_DITHERING_METHOD   L"dithering"
#define ON_RDK_DOCUMENT   L"render-content-manager-document"
 This is the structure of the RDK document XML. More...
#define ON_RDK_EMBED_SUPPORT_FILES_ON   L"embed-support-files-on"
#define ON_RDK_EXCLUDED_RENDER_ENGINES   L"excluded-render-engines"
#define ON_RDK_FILTERS   L"filters"
#define ON_RDK_GP_ALTITUDE   L"altitude"
#define ON_RDK_GP_AUTO_ALTITUDE   L"auto-altitude"
#define ON_RDK_GP_ENABLED   L"on"
#define ON_RDK_GP_MATERIAL_ID   L"material"
#define ON_RDK_GP_SHADOW_ONLY   L"shadow-only"
#define ON_RDK_GP_SHOW_UNDERSIDE   L"show-underside"
#define ON_RDK_GP_TEXTURE_OFFSET   L"texture-offset"
#define ON_RDK_GP_TEXTURE_OFFSET_LOCKED   L"offset-lock"
 Keep old string. More...
#define ON_RDK_GP_TEXTURE_ROTATION   L"texture-rotation"
#define ON_RDK_GP_TEXTURE_SIZE   L"texture-size"
#define ON_RDK_GP_TEXTURE_SIZE_LOCKED   L"repeat-lock"
 Keep old string. More...
#define ON_RDK_GROUND_PLANE   L"ground-plane"
#define ON_RDK_IMPORT   L"import"
#define ON_RDK_MISCELLANEOUS   L"miscellaneous"
#define ON_RDK_NAME_COLLISION_SUPPRESS   L"smart-merge-name-collision-suppress"
#define ON_RDK_NAME_FILTER   L"name-filter"
#define ON_RDK_NAME_FILTER_INVERT   L"name-filter-invert"
#define ON_RDK_NAMED_CPLANES   L"named-cplanes"
#define ON_RDK_NAMED_POSITIONS   L"named-positions"
#define ON_RDK_NAMED_SNAPSHOTS   L"named-snapshots"
#define ON_RDK_NAMED_VIEWS   L"named-views"
#define ON_RDK_PASTE   L"paste"
#define ON_RDK_PEP_ID   L"id"
#define ON_RDK_PEP_LOCAL_NAME   L"name"
#define ON_RDK_PEP_ON   L"on"
#define ON_RDK_PEP_PARAMS   L"state"
 This should really be 'params'. More...
#define ON_RDK_PEP_PLUG_IN   L"plug-in"
#define ON_RDK_PEP_SELECTION   L"selection"
#define ON_RDK_PEP_SHOWN   L"shown"
#define ON_RDK_PEP_TYPE_EARLY   L"early"
#define ON_RDK_PEP_TYPE_LATE   L"late"
#define ON_RDK_PEP_TYPE_TONE_MAPPING   L"tone-mapping"
#define ON_RDK_POST_EFFECTS   L"post-effects-new"
#define ON_RDK_POST_PROCESS_GAMMA   L"gamma"
 Keep original XML tag. More...
#define ON_RDK_POST_PROCESS_GAMMA_ON   L"use-post-process-gamma"
#define ON_RDK_POSTFIX_SECTION   L"-section"
#define ON_RDK_PRE_PROCESS_GAMMA_ON   L"use-linear-workflow"
#define ON_RDK_RCH_LIST   L"list"
#define ON_RDK_RCH_MODE   L"mode"
#define ON_RDK_RCH_MODE_AUTOMATIC   L"automatic"
#define ON_RDK_RCH_MODE_CUSTOM   L"custom"
#define ON_RDK_RENDER_CHANNELS   L"render-channels"
#define ON_RDK_RENDERING   L"rendering"
#define ON_RDK_SAFE_FRAME   L"safe-frame"
#define ON_RDK_SETTINGS   L"settings"
#define ON_RDK_SF_4x3_FIELD_GRID_ON   L"field-display-on"
#define ON_RDK_SF_ACTION_FRAME   L"action-frame"
#define ON_RDK_SF_ENABLED   L"on"
#define ON_RDK_SF_LIVE_FRAME   L"live-frame"
#define ON_RDK_SF_PERSPECTIVE_ONLY   L"perspective-only"
#define ON_RDK_SF_TITLE_FRAME   L"title-frame"
#define ON_RDK_SFF_LINK   L"link"
#define ON_RDK_SFF_ON   L"on"
#define ON_RDK_SFF_XSCALE   L"x-scale"
#define ON_RDK_SFF_YSCALE   L"y-scale"
#define ON_RDK_SHOW_HIDDEN   L"show-hidden-materials"
#define ON_RDK_SHOW_REFERENCE   L"show-reference-materials"
#define ON_RDK_SHOW_UNASSIGNED   L"show-unassigned-materials"
#define ON_RDK_SHOW_V4   L"show-v4-materials"
#define ON_RDK_SORT_MODE   L"sort-mode"
#define ON_RDK_SORT_MODE_ASCENDING   L"ascending"
#define ON_RDK_SORT_MODE_CUSTOM   L"custom"
#define ON_RDK_SORT_MODE_DESCENDING   L"descending"
#define ON_RDK_SUN   L"sun"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_ALTITUDE   L"sun-altitude"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_AZIMUTH   L"sun-azimuth"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_DATE_DAY   L"day"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_DATE_MONTH   L"month"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_DATE_YEAR   L"year"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_DAYLIGHT_SAVING_MINUTES   L"daylight-saving-minutes"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_DAYLIGHT_SAVING_ON   L"daylight-saving-on"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_ENABLE_ALLOWED   L"enable-allowed"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_ENABLE_ON   L"enable-on"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_INTENSITY   L"intensity"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_MANUAL_CONTROL_ALLOWED   L"manual-control-allowed"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_MANUAL_CONTROL_ON   L"manual-control-on"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_NORTH   L"north"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_OBSERVER_LATITUDE   L"observer-latitude"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_OBSERVER_LONGITUDE   L"observer-longitude"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_OBSERVER_TIMEZONE   L"observer-timezone"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_SHADOW_INTENSITY   L"shadow-intensity"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_SKYLIGHT_ENABLED   L"skylight-on"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_SKYLIGHT_ENVIRONMENT_ID   L"skylight-custom-environment"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_SKYLIGHT_ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDE   L"skylight-custom-environment-on"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_SKYLIGHT_SHADOW_INTENSITY   L"skylight-shadow-intensity"
#define ON_RDK_SUN_TIME_HOURS   L"time"
#define ON_RDK_UUIDS   L"uuids"
#define ON_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE   2.27373675443232059478759765625e-13
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_AUTO_DELETE   L"auto-delete"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_CHILD_SLOT_NAME   L"child-slot-name"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_GROUP_ID   L"group-id"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_HIDDEN   L"hidden"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_INSTANCE_ID   L"instance-id"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_INSTANCE_NAME   L"instance-name"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_NOTES   L"notes"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_PARAMETERS   L"parameters"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_PARAMETERS_V8   L"parameters-v8"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_PLUG_IN_ID   L"plug-in-id"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_REFERENCE   L"reference"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_RENDER_ENGINE_ID   L"render-engine-id"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_SIMULATION   L"simulation"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_TAGS   L"tags"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_TYPE_ID   L"type-id"
#define ON_RENDER_CONTENT_TYPE_NAME   L"type-name"
 Render Content. More...
 Material's texture simulation. More...
#define ON_RENDER_TEXTURE_FILENAME   L"filename"
#define ON_RTree_MAX_NODE_COUNT   6
#define ON_RTree_MIN_NODE_COUNT   2
#define ON_SHUTLINING_AUTO_UPDATE   L"auto-update"
#define ON_SHUTLINING_CURVE   L"curve"
#define ON_SHUTLINING_CURVE_IS_BUMP   L"is-bump"
#define ON_SHUTLINING_FACETED   L"faceted"
#define ON_SHUTLINING_FORCE_UPDATE   L"force-update"
#define ON_SHUTLINING_ON   L"on"
#define ON_SHUTLINING_ROOT   L"shut-lining-object-data"
#define ON_SIN_PI_OVER_12   0.2588190451025207623488990
#define ON_SleepLock_SuspendThisThread(n)   usleep(n)
 Sleeps the THREAD not the PROCESS. More...
 Use std::atomic_lock and std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(...)) More...
#define ON_SQRT2   1.414213562373095048801689
#define ON_SQRT3   1.732050807568877293527446
#define ON_SQRT3_OVER_2   0.8660254037844386467637230
#define ON_SQRT_EPSILON   1.490116119385000000e-8
#define ON_SQRT_FLOAT_EPSILON   3.452669830725202719e-4
#define ON_STATIC_ASSERT(expr)   typedef char on_static_assert_t[(expr) != 0]
 < C++17 More...
#define ON_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(expr, msg)   typedef char on_static_assert_t[(expr) != 0]
 Standard texture child slot names. More...
#define ON_TEXTURE_SIMULATION_BLEND_CONSTANT_A   L"blend-constant-a"
 Texture simulation. More...
#define ON_TEXTURE_SIMULATION_TRANSPARENCY_TEXTURE_ID   L"transparency-texture-id"
#define ON_TEXTURE_SIMULATION_TREAT_AS_LINEAR   L"treat-as-linear"
#define ON_THICKENING_BOTH_SIDES   L"both-sides"
#define ON_THICKENING_DISTANCE   L"distance"
#define ON_THICKENING_OFFSET_ONLY   L"offset-only"
#define ON_THICKENING_ON   L"on"
#define ON_THICKENING_ROOT   L"thickening-object-data"
#define ON_THICKENING_SOLID   L"solid"
#define ON_UINT_FROM_ENUM(e)   (static_cast<unsigned int>(e))
#define ON_UINT_MAX   (~(0U))
#define ON_UNSET_INT_INDEX   ((const int)-2147483647)
#define ON_unset_point   ON_3dPoint::UnsetPoint
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3dPoint::UnsetPoint. More...
#define ON_UNSET_POINT   ON_3dPoint::UnsetPoint
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3dPoint::UnsetPoint. More...
#define ON_UNSET_POSITIVE_FLOAT   1.234321e+38f
#define ON_UNSET_POSITIVE_VALUE   1.23432101234321e+308
#define ON_UNSET_VECTOR   ON_3dVector::UnsetVector
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3dPoint::UnsetVector. More...
 ON_UUID is a 16 byte universally unique identifier. More...
#define ON_VERSION_NUMBER_CTOR(major, minor, year, month, day_of_month, branch)
#define ON_VERSION_NUMBER_DAYOFYEAR(year, month, day_of_month)
#define ON_VERSION_NUMBER_PLATFORM_ID(branch)   (((branch) > 0x0U) ? (0x02U - ((branch) % 0x02U)) : 0x0U)
#define ON_VERSION_NUMBER_TIME(year, month, day_of_month)   ((((year)-2000)*367) + (ON_VERSION_NUMBER_DAYOFYEAR(year,month,day_of_month)))
#define ON_VIRTUAL_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT(cls, basecls, uuid)
#define ON_WARNING(msg)   ON_WarningEx(__FILE__,__LINE__,OPENNURBS__FUNCTION__,msg)
 #endif More...
#define ON_WIP_SDK
#define ON_xaxis   ON_3dVector::XAxis
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3dVector::XAxis. More...
#define ON_XML_SLASH   L"/"
#define ON_yaxis   ON_3dVector::YAxis
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3dVector::YAxis. More...
#define ON_zaxis   ON_3dVector::ZAxis
 OBSOLETE - use ON_3dVector::ZAxis. More...
#define ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE   2.3283064365386962890625e-10
#define OPENNURBS__FUNCTION__   ""
 For definition of PRIu64 to print 64-bit ints portably. More...
 < Open GL utilities (for GL NURBS stuff) More...
#define Swap(a, b)   m_swapfunc(a,b,m_width)
#define TCODE_ANNOTATION   0x00200000
#define TCODE_BITMAP_RECORD   (TCODE_TABLEREC | TCODE_CRC | 0x0090) /* bitmap table record derived from ON_Bitmap */
#define TCODE_BITMAP_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0016) /* embedded bitmaps */
#define TCODE_BUMPMAP   (TCODE_DISPLAY | 0x0003)
#define TCODE_COMMENTBLOCK   0x00000001
#define TCODE_CRC   0x8000
#define TCODE_DIMSTYLE_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0020) /* annotation dimension style table */
#define TCODE_DISPLAY   0x00400000
#define TCODE_ENDOFFILE   0x00007FFF
#define TCODE_FONT_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0019) /* annotation font table */
#define TCODE_GEOMETRY   0x00100000
#define TCODE_GROUP_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0018) /* group table */
#define TCODE_HATCHPATTERN_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0022) /* hatch pattern table */
#define TCODE_HISTORYRECORD_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0026) /* history records */
#define TCODE_INSTANCE_DEFINITION_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0021) /* instance definition table */
#define TCODE_INTERFACE   0x02000000
#define TCODE_LAYER   (TCODE_DISPLAY | 0x0010)
#define TCODE_LAYER_RECORD   (TCODE_TABLEREC | TCODE_CRC | 0x0050) /* layer table record derived from ON_Layer */
#define TCODE_LAYER_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0011) /* layers */
#define TCODE_LAYERTABLE   (TCODE_SHORT | TCODE_TABLE | 0x0001) /* obsolete - do not use */
#define TCODE_LEGACY_GEOMETRY   0x00010000
#define TCODE_LIGHT_RECORD   (TCODE_TABLEREC | TCODE_CRC | 0x0060) /* light table record derived from ON_Light */
#define TCODE_LIGHT_RECORD_ATTRIBUTES   (TCODE_INTERFACE | TCODE_CRC | 0x0061) /* ON_3dmObjectAttributes chunk */
#define TCODE_LIGHT_RECORD_ATTRIBUTES_USERDATA   (TCODE_INTERFACE | 0x0062) /* ON_3dmObjectAttributes userdata chunk */
#define TCODE_LIGHT_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0012) /* rendering lights */
#define TCODE_LINETYPE_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0023) /* linetype table */
#define TCODE_MATERIAL_RECORD   (TCODE_TABLEREC | TCODE_CRC | 0x0040) /* material table record derived from ON_Material */
#define TCODE_MATERIAL_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0010) /* rendering materials */
#define TCODE_NAME   (TCODE_INTERFACE | 0x0001)
#define TCODE_OBJECT_RECORD_ATTRIBUTES   (TCODE_INTERFACE | TCODE_CRC | 0x0072) /* ON_3dmObjectAttributes chunk */
#define TCODE_OBJECT_RECORD_ATTRIBUTES_USERDATA   (TCODE_INTERFACE | 0x0073) /* ON_3dmObjectAttributes userdata chunk */
#define TCODE_OBJECT_RECORD_HISTORY   (TCODE_INTERFACE | TCODE_CRC | 0x0074) /* construction history */
#define TCODE_OBJECT_RECORD_HISTORY_DATA   (TCODE_INTERFACE | TCODE_CRC | 0x0076) /* construction history data */
#define TCODE_OBJECT_RECORD_HISTORY_HEADER   (TCODE_INTERFACE | TCODE_CRC | 0x0075) /* construction history header*/
#define TCODE_OBJECT_RECORD_TYPE   (TCODE_INTERFACE | TCODE_SHORT | 0x0071) /* ON::object_type value */
#define TCODE_OBJECT_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0013) /* geometry and annotation */
#define TCODE_OBSOLETE_LAYERSET_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0024) /* obsolete layer set table */
#define TCODE_OPENNURBS_BUFFER   (TCODE_OPENNURBS_OBJECT | TCODE_CRC | 0x0100) /* chunk stores ON_Buffer classes */
#define TCODE_OPENNURBS_OBJECT   0x00020000
#define TCODE_RENDER   0x00800000
#define TCODE_RENDER_MATERIAL_ID   (TCODE_DISPLAY | 0x0007) /* id for render material */
#define TCODE_RENDERMESHPARAMS   (TCODE_DISPLAY | 0x0020) /* block of parameters for render meshes */
#define TCODE_RGBDISPLAY   (TCODE_SHORT | TCODE_DISPLAY | 0x0006) /* will be used for color by object */
#define TCODE_RH_POINT   (TCODE_GEOMETRY | 0x0001)
#define TCODE_SHORT   0x80000000
#define TCODE_STUFF   0x0100
#define TCODE_TABLE   0x10000000
#define TCODE_TABLEREC   0x20000000
#define TCODE_TEXTURE_MAPPING_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0025) /* texture mappings */
#define TCODE_TOLERANCE   0x08000000
#define TCODE_USER   0x40000000
#define TCODE_USER_TABLE   (TCODE_TABLE | 0x0017) /* user table */
#define TCODE_VIEW   (TCODE_INTERFACE | 0x0002)
#define TCODE_XDATA   (TCODE_USER | 0x0001)
#define Z_PREFIX


typedef int(* CRASHTEST__FUNCTION__POINTER__) (int)
typedef ON_TextureMapping(* GET_TEXMAP_FROM_DOCUMENT) (const class CRhinoDoc &, const ON_MappingChannel *)
typedef int16_t ON__INT16
typedef int32_t ON__INT32
typedef int64_t ON__INT64
typedef int8_t ON__INT8
typedef uint16_t ON__UINT16
typedef uint32_t ON__UINT32
typedef uint64_t ON__UINT64
typedef uint8_t ON__UINT8
typedef void(* ON_Buffer_ErrorHandler) (class ON_Buffer *)
typedef ON__UINT_PTR ON_CRT_locale_t
typedef ON_ClassArray< ON_CurveRegionBoundaryON_CurveRegion
typedef ON_ClassArray< ON_CurveRegionBoundaryElementON_CurveRegionBoundary
 A list of curve subdomains that form a closed boundary with active space on the left. More...
typedef struct tagFontKey ON_FontKey
typedef int(* ON_FontPtrCompareFunc) (ON_Font const *const *lhs, ON_Font const *const *rhs)
typedef int(* ON_memory_error_handler) (int)
typedef class ON_NurbsSurface *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_BendBrepFace) (const class ON_BrepFace *face0, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_BendFaceConstraint > *, double, double, class ON_NurbsSurface *, ON_TextLog *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_BezierCurve_GetLocalClosestPoint) (const class ON_BezierCurve *, ON_3dPoint, double, double *, const ON_Interval *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_BezierCurve_GetTightBoundingBox) (const class ON_BezierCurve *, ON_BoundingBox *, bool, const ON_Xform *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_BezierCurve_LocalIntersectCurve) (const class ON_BezierCurve *, const class ON_BezierCurve *, double *, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_BezierCurve_LocalIntersectSurface) (const class ON_BezierCurve *, const class ON_BezierSurface *, double *, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_BezierSurface_GetClosestPoint) (const class ON_BezierSurface *, ON_3dPoint, double, double, double *, double *, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Brep_GetEdgeOrTrimParameter) (const ON_Brep &, int, double, double *, bool)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Brep_IsPointInsideHelper) (const ON_Brep &, ON_3dPoint, double, bool)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Brep_MassProperties) (const ON_Brep &, void *, int, ON_3dPoint, ON_MassProperties &, bool, bool, bool, bool, double, double)
typedef ON_Brep *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Brep_MergeBrepsHelper) (const ON_Brep &, const ON_Brep &, double)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Brep_Mesh) (const ON_Brep &, const ON_MeshParameters &, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Mesh * > &)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Brep_RegionTopologyHelper) (const ON_Brep &, ON_BrepRegionTopology &)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Brep_Silhouette) (const ON_SilhouetteParameters, const ON_Brep &, const ON_PlaneEquation *, size_t, ON_ClassArray< ON_SIL_EVENT > &, ON_ProgressReporter *, ON_Terminator *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Brep_SplitFaces) (ON_Brep &, bool, int, const int *, const int *, const double *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_BrepCloseTrimGap) (class ON_Brep *, class ON_BrepTrim *, class ON_BrepTrim *)
typedef ON_Mesh *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_BrepFace_Mesh) (const ON_BrepFace &, const ON_MeshParameters &, ON_Mesh *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_BrepFace_Silhouette) (const ON_SilhouetteParameters, const ON_BrepFace &, const ON_PlaneEquation *, size_t, ON_ClassArray< ON_SIL_EVENT > &, ON_ProgressReporter *, ON_Terminator *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_BrepFaceGetIsoIntervals) (const class ON_BrepFace *, int, double, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Interval > *, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * > *, ON_SimpleArray< struct ON_BrepFaceIsoInterval > *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Check2dPatternHasMapBackInfo) (const ON_Geometry *geom)
typedef ON_SquisherImpl *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_CreateSquisherImpl) ()
typedef ON_NurbsCurve *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Curve_CreateCubicLoft) (int, int, int, const double *, double, int, ON::cubic_loft_end_condition, ON::cubic_loft_end_condition, ON_NurbsCurve *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Curve_MassProperties) (const ON_Curve &, void *, int, ON_3dPoint, ON_3dVector, ON_MassProperties &, bool, bool, bool, bool, double, double)
typedef class ON_PolylineCurve *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Curve_Mesh) (const ON_Curve *, const ON_MeshCurveParameters *, class ON_PolylineCurve *, bool, const ON_Interval *)
typedef const class ON_CurveTreeNode *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_CurveTreeNode_GetClosestPoint) (const class ON_CurveTreeNode *, ON_3dPoint, double *, ON_3dPoint *, double, const ON_Interval *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_CurveTreeNode_IntersectCurveTree) (const class ON_CurveTreeNode *, const class ON_CurveTreeNode *, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &, double, double, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_CurveTreeNode_IntersectPlane) (const class ON_CurveTreeNode *, const class ON_PlaneEquation &, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &, double, double, const ON_Interval *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_CurveTreeNode_IntersectSelf) (const class ON_CurveTreeNode *, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &, double, const ON_Interval *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_CurveTreeNode_IntersectSurfaceTree) (const class ON_CurveTreeNode *, const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode *, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &, double, double, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *)
typedef void(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_DumpSquishInfoText) (const ON_Geometry *geom, ON_TextLog &text_log, const wchar_t *objid_locale_str, const wchar_t *meshcount_locale_str)
typedef ON_Curve *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Extrusion_Pullback) (const ON_Extrusion &, const ON_Curve &, double, const ON_Interval *, ON_3dPoint, ON_3dPoint, ON_FitResult *)
typedef ON_Curve *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Extrusion_Pushup) (const ON_Extrusion &, const ON_Curve &, double, const ON_Interval *, ON_FitResult *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_GetMatrixSVD) (int, int, int, double const *const *, double **&, double *&, double **&)
typedef ON_HiddenLineDrawingImplBase *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_GetNew_HiddenLineDrawing) (ON_SimpleArray< class ON_HLDFullCurve * > &, ON_SimpleArray< class ON_HLDCurve * > &, ON_SimpleArray< const class ON_HLD_Object * > &)
typedef double(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Integrate1) (double(*f) (ON__UINT_PTR context, int limit_direction, double t), ON__UINT_PTR f_context, const ON_SimpleArray< double > &limits, double relative_tolerance, double absolute_tolerance, double *error_bound)
typedef double(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Integrate2) (double(*f) (ON__UINT_PTR context, int limit_direction, double s, double t), ON__UINT_PTR f_context, const ON_SimpleArray< double > &limits1, const ON_SimpleArray< double > &limits2, double relative_tolerance, double absolute_tolerance, double *error_bound)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_IsPointListPlanar) (bool, int, int, const double *, const double *, const double *, double, ON_PlaneEquation *)
typedef class ON_PolylineCurve *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_MapBackCurve) (const ON_Mesh &mesh0, double mesh0_edge_length, const ON_3fPoint *V1, const ON_Curve &curve0, ON_PolylineCurve *curve1)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_MapBackPoint) (const ON_Mesh &mesh0, const ON_3fPoint *V1, ON_3dPoint P0, ON_MESH_POINT &P1)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Mesh2dPolygon) (int, int, const double *, int, int *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Mesh2dRegion) (unsigned int, unsigned int, const double *, unsigned int, unsigned int, const unsigned int *, unsigned int, const unsigned char *, bool, bool, bool, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dex > &, ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Mesh_IsPointInside) (const ON_Mesh &, ON_3dPoint, double, bool)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Mesh_MassProperties) (const ON_Mesh &, void *, int, ON_3dPoint, ON_MassProperties &, bool, bool, bool, bool, double, double)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Mesh_Silhouette) (const ON_SilhouetteParameters, const ON_Mesh &, const ON_PlaneEquation *, size_t, ON_ClassArray< ON_SIL_EVENT > &, ON_ProgressReporter *, ON_Terminator *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Mesh_SolidOrientation) (const ON_Mesh &)
typedef void(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_MeshClashSearch) (int, const class ON_Mesh *const *, int, const class ON_Mesh *const *, const class ON_Mesh *, const class ON_RTree *, const class ON_Mesh *, const class ON_RTree *, double, bool, int, ON_SimpleArray< class ON_ClashEvent > &)
typedef double(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Minimize) (unsigned n, double(*f) (ON__UINT_PTR context, const double *t, double *grad), ON__UINT_PTR context, const ON_Interval search_domain[], const double t0[], double terminate_value, double relative_tolerance, double zero_tolerance, unsigned maximum_iterations, double t[], bool *bConverged)
typedef ON_Mesh *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_NurbsSurface_Mesh) (const ON_NurbsSurface &, const ON_MeshParameters &, ON_Mesh *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_OldMeshBooleansPickTwoSides) (class ON_Mesh *, int, class ON_SimpleArray< int > *, class ON_Mesh *, bool)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_ON_NurbsCurve_RemoveKnots) (ON_NurbsCurve *, int, int, double)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_ON_NurbsGrevilleInterpolate) (int, int, int, int, double *, const double *, int, int, int, const double *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_ON_NurbsSurface_RemoveKnots) (ON_NurbsSurface *, int, int, int)
typedef unsigned int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Outline_GetOutlineMesh) (const class ON_Outline &, double, double, ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3udex > &, double *, double *, class ONX_ErrorCounter *)
typedef ON_Mesh *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_PlaneSurface_Mesh) (const ON_PlaneSurface &, const ON_MeshParameters &, ON_Mesh *)
typedef ON_Mesh *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_RevSurface_Mesh) (const ON_RevSurface &, const ON_MeshParameters &, ON_Mesh *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_SimpleCreate2dMesh) (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &points, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2udex > &edges, const ON_SimpleArray< unsigned char > &dirs, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dex > &triangulation, ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &new_pts, ON_TextLog *text_log)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_SquishBack2dMarks) (const ON_Geometry *squished_geometry, const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Geometry * > *marks, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Geometry * > *squishedback_marks)
typedef class ON_Mesh *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_SquishMesh) (const class ON_Mesh *, const class ON_SquishParameters *, const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Geometry * > *, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Geometry * > *, class ON_Mesh *)
typedef class ON_Brep *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_SquishSurface) (const class ON_Surface *, const class ON_SquishParameters *, const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Geometry * > *, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Geometry * > *, class ON_Brep *)
typedef ON_Mesh *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_SumSurface_Mesh) (const ON_SumSurface &, const ON_MeshParameters &, ON_Mesh *)
typedef ON_NurbsSurface *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Surface_CreateCubicLoft) (int, const ON_Curve *const *, double, int, ON::cubic_loft_end_condition, ON::cubic_loft_end_condition, ON_NurbsSurface *)
typedef ON_NurbsSurface *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Surface_CreateLinearLoft) (int, const ON_Curve *const *, double, int, ON_NurbsSurface *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Surface_MassProperties) (const ON_Surface &, void *, int, ON_3dPoint, ON_MassProperties &, bool, bool, bool, bool, double, double)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_Surface_Silhouette) (const ON_SilhouetteParameters, const ON_Surface &, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *, const ON_PlaneEquation *, size_t, ON_ClassArray< ON_SIL_EVENT > &, ON_ProgressReporter *, ON_Terminator *)
typedef const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode *(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_SurfaceTreeNode_GetClosestPoint) (const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode *, ON_3dPoint, double *, double *, ON_3dPoint *, double, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *)
typedef int(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_SurfaceTreeNode_IntersectSurfaceTree) (const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode *, const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode *, ON_ClassArray< ON_SSX_EVENT > &, double, double, double, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *, const ON_Interval *)
typedef bool(* ON_PLUS_FUNCTION_TransformBrepComponents) (ON_Brep *, int, const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *, ON_Xform, double, double, bool)
typedef void(* ON_SSLMTC_PROC) (int msg_type, const ON_wString *pClass, const ON_wString *pEventDesc, const ON_wString *pMessage)
typedef bool(* ON_StreamCallbackFunction) (void *context, ON__UINT32 size, const void *buffer)
typedef struct ON_UUID_struct ON_UUID
 ON_UUID is a 16 byte universally unique identifier. More...
typedef int(* ON_Vtable_func) (void)
typedef ON_wString ON_XMeshEventComponentString[2]
typedef bool(* ON_XMLRecurseChildrenCallback) (class ON_XMLNode *, void *)
typedef bool(* TEXMAP_BREP_FACE_CLOSEST_POINT) (const ON_BrepFace *, const ON_3dPoint *, ON_3dPoint &)
typedef int(* TEXMAP_INTERSECT_LINE_SURFACE) (const ON_Line *, const ON_BrepFace *, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &)


enum  eXMeshOverlapType : unsigned int {
  eXMeshOverlapType::unknown = 0, eXMeshOverlapType::not_overlap = 1, eXMeshOverlapType::same_normal = 2, eXMeshOverlapType::opposite_normal = 3,
  eXMeshOverlapType::overlap = 4
enum  eXMeshPoolStatus : unsigned int { eXMeshPoolStatus::unknown = 0, eXMeshPoolStatus::active = 1, eXMeshPoolStatus::returned = 2 }
enum  ON_3dmArchiveTableType : unsigned int {
  ON_3dmArchiveTableType::Unset = 0, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::start_section = 0x00000001U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::properties_table = 0x00000002U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::settings_table = 0x00000004U,
  ON_3dmArchiveTableType::bitmap_table = 0x00000008U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::texture_mapping_table = 0x00000010U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::material_table = 0x00000020U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::linetype_table = 0x00000040U,
  ON_3dmArchiveTableType::layer_table = 0x00000080U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::group_table = 0x00000100U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::text_style_table = 0x00000200U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::leader_style_table = 0x00000400U,
  ON_3dmArchiveTableType::dimension_style_table = 0x00000800U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::light_table = 0x00001000U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::hatchpattern_table = 0x00002000U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::instance_definition_table = 0x00004000U,
  ON_3dmArchiveTableType::object_table = 0x00008000U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::historyrecord_table = 0x00010000U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::user_table = 0x00020000U, ON_3dmArchiveTableType::end_mark = 0x40000000U
enum  ON_ChainDirection : unsigned char { ON_ChainDirection::Unset = 0, ON_ChainDirection::Previous = 1, ON_ChainDirection::Next = 2, ON_ChainDirection::Both = 3 }
enum  ON_ComponentState : unsigned char {
  ON_ComponentState::Unset = 0, ON_ComponentState::Clear = 1, ON_ComponentState::NotSelected = 2, ON_ComponentState::Selected = 3,
  ON_ComponentState::SelectedPersistent = 4, ON_ComponentState::NotHighlighted = 5, ON_ComponentState::Highlighted = 6, ON_ComponentState::NotHidden = 7,
  ON_ComponentState::Hidden = 8, ON_ComponentState::NotLocked = 9, ON_ComponentState::Locked = 10, ON_ComponentState::NotDamaged = 11,
  ON_ComponentState::Damaged = 12, ON_ComponentState::NotDeleted = 13, ON_ComponentState::Deleted = 14, ON_ComponentState::RuntimeMarkClear = 15,
  ON_ComponentState::RuntimeMarkSet = 16
enum  ON_DateFormat : int {
  ON_DateFormat::Unset = 0, ON_DateFormat::Omit = 1, ON_DateFormat::YearMonthDay = 2, ON_DateFormat::YearDayMonth = 3,
  ON_DateFormat::MonthDayYear = 4, ON_DateFormat::DayMonthYear = 5, ON_DateFormat::YearDayOfYear = 6
enum  ON_FitResult : unsigned int { ON_FitResult::unknown =0, ON_FitResult::in_tolerance =1, ON_FitResult::not_in_tolerance =2 }
enum  ON_FocalBlurModes : unsigned int { ON_FocalBlurModes::None, ON_FocalBlurModes::Automatic, ON_FocalBlurModes::Manual }
enum  ON_GradientType : int {
  ON_GradientType::None = 0, ON_GradientType::Linear = 1, ON_GradientType::Radial = 2, ON_GradientType::LinearDisabled = 3,
  ON_GradientType::RadialDisabled = 4
enum  ON_LogMessageType : int {
  ON_LogMessageType::unknown = 0, ON_LogMessageType::information = 1, ON_LogMessageType::warning = 2, ON_LogMessageType::error = 3,
  ON_LogMessageType::assert = 4
 #include "opennurbs_plus_validate.h" More...
enum  ON_PickType : unsigned char { ON_PickType::Unset = 0, ON_PickType::PointPick = 1, ON_PickType::WindowPick = 2, ON_PickType::CrossingPick = 3 }
 ON_PickType specifies what type of pick is occurring. More...
enum  ON_SDFQueryResult : int { ON_SDFQueryResult::Unknown = 0, ON_SDFQueryResult::Disjoint = 1, ON_SDFQueryResult::Intersects = 2 }
enum  ON_SquishDeformation : int {
  ON_SquishDeformation::Free = 0, ON_SquishDeformation::StretchMostly = 1, ON_SquishDeformation::StretchOnly = 2, ON_SquishDeformation::CompressMostly = 3,
  ON_SquishDeformation::CompressOnly = 4, ON_SquishDeformation::Custom =5
 The types of deformation allowed in the squish process More...
enum  ON_SquishFlatteningAlgorithm : unsigned int { ON_SquishFlatteningAlgorithm::Geometric = 0, ON_SquishFlatteningAlgorithm::PhysicalStress = 1 }
 Represents the type of flattening to use More...
enum  ON_StringMapOrdinalType : int { ON_StringMapOrdinalType::Identity = 0, ON_StringMapOrdinalType::UpperOrdinal = 1, ON_StringMapOrdinalType::LowerOrdinal = 2, ON_StringMapOrdinalType::MinimumOrdinal = 3 }
enum  ON_StringMapType : int { ON_StringMapType::Identity = 0, ON_StringMapType::UpperCase = 1, ON_StringMapType::LowerCase = 2 }
enum  ON_SubDComponentLocation : unsigned char { ON_SubDComponentLocation::Unset = 0, ON_SubDComponentLocation::ControlNet = 1, ON_SubDComponentLocation::Surface = 2 }
 The ON_SubDComponentLocation enum is used when an ON_SubD component is referenced and it is important to distinguish between the component's location in the SubD control net and its location in the SubD limit surface. More...
enum  ON_SubDEdgeTag : unsigned char { ON_SubDEdgeTag::Unset = 0, ON_SubDEdgeTag::Smooth = 1, ON_SubDEdgeTag::Crease = 2, ON_SubDEdgeTag::SmoothX = 4 }
 ON_SubDEdgeTag identifies the type of subdivision edge. Different tags use different subdivision algorithms to calculate the subdivision point. More...
enum  ON_SubDEdgeType : unsigned char {
  ON_SubDEdgeType::Unset = 0, ON_SubDEdgeType::Wire = 1, ON_SubDEdgeType::Boundary = 2, ON_SubDEdgeType::InteriorSmooth = 4,
  ON_SubDEdgeType::InteriorSharp = 8, ON_SubDEdgeType::InteriorCrease = 16, ON_SubDEdgeType::Nonmanifold = 32, ON_SubDEdgeType::Invalid = 64,
  ON_SubDEdgeType::InteriorMask = 28, ON_SubDEdgeType::ValidTypesMask = 63
 ON_SubDEdgeType describes a subdivision edge. ON_SubDEdgeType is typically used when generating text descriptions or filtering edges during selection processes. Do not confuse ON_SubDEdgeType and ON_SubDEdgeTag. The unique types are single bits and suitable for use in bitwise logic. More...
enum  ON_SubDEndCapStyle : unsigned char {
  ON_SubDEndCapStyle::Unset = 0, ON_SubDEndCapStyle::None = 1, ON_SubDEndCapStyle::Triangles = 2, ON_SubDEndCapStyle::Quads = 3,
  ON_SubDEndCapStyle::Ngon = 4
 ON_SubDEndCapStyle enumerates the type of end caps functions like ON_SubD::CreateCylinder will create. Use ON_SubDEndCapStyleFromUnsigned(integer value) to convert integer values to an ON_SubDEndCapStyle. Use ON_SubDEndCapStyleToString(end_cap_style) to convert ON_SubDEndCapStyle values to string descriptions. More...
enum  ON_SubDGetControlNetMeshPriority : unsigned char { ON_SubDGetControlNetMeshPriority::Geometry = 0, ON_SubDGetControlNetMeshPriority::TextureCoordinates = 1 }
 ON_SubDGetControlNetMeshPriority specifies what type of ON_SubD information is most important to transfer to the ON_Mesh. More...
enum  ON_SubDHashType : unsigned char { ON_SubDHashType::Unset = 0, ON_SubDHashType::Topology = 3, ON_SubDHashType::TopologyAndEdgeCreases = 1, ON_SubDHashType::Geometry = 2 }
 ON_SubDHashType used used to specify what type of SubD information is hashed (topology or geometry). More...
enum  ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType : unsigned char {
  ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType::Unset = 0, ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType::Unpacked = 1, ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType::Packed = 2, ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType::Zero = 3,
  ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType::Nan = 4, ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType::FromFaceTexturePoints = 6, ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType::FromMapping = 7
 ON_SubDTextureCoordinateType identifies the way ON_SubDMeshFragment texture coordinates are set from an ON_SubDFace. More...
enum  ON_SubDVertexTag : unsigned char {
  ON_SubDVertexTag::Unset = 0, ON_SubDVertexTag::Smooth = 1, ON_SubDVertexTag::Crease = 2, ON_SubDVertexTag::Corner = 3,
  ON_SubDVertexTag::Dart = 4
 ON_SubDVertexTag identifies the type of subdivision vertex. Different tags use different subdivision algorithms to determine where the subdivision point and limit point are located. There are topological constraints that restrict which tags can be assigned. More...
enum  ON_TimeFormat : int {
  ON_TimeFormat::Unset = 0, ON_TimeFormat::Omit = 1, ON_TimeFormat::HourMinute12 = 2, ON_TimeFormat::HourMinuteSecond12 = 3,
  ON_TimeFormat::HourMinute24 = 4, ON_TimeFormat::HourMinuteSecond24 = 5
enum  ON_UnicodeCodePoint {
  ON_NullCodePoint = 0x00, ON_Backspace = 0x08, ON_Tab = 0x09, ON_LineFeed = 0x0A,
  ON_VerticalTab = 0x0B, ON_FormFeed = 0x0C, ON_CarriageReturn = 0x0D, ON_Escape = 0x1B,
  ON_Space = 0x20, ON_Delete = 0x7F, ON_NoBreakSpace = 0x00A0, ON_OghamSpaceMark = 0x1680,
  ON_EnQuad = 0x2000, ON_EmQuad = 0x2001, ON_EnSpace = 0x2002, ON_EmSpace = 0x2003,
  ON_ThreePerEmSpace = 0x2004, ON_FourPerEmSpace = 0x2005, ON_SixPerEmSpace = 0x2006, ON_FigureSpace = 0x2007,
  ON_PunctuationSpace = 0x2008, ON_ThinSpace = 0x2009, ON_HairSpace = 0x200A, ON_ZeroWidthSpace = 0x200B,
  ON_MediumMathematicalSpace = 0x205F, ON_IdeographicSpace = 0x3000, ON_ZeroWidthNonJoiner = 0x200C, ON_ZeroWidthJoiner = 0x200D,
  ON_NarrowNoBreakSpace = 0x202F, ON_QuotationMark = 0x22, ON_NumberSign = 0x23, ON_PercentSign = 0x25,
  ON_Ampersand = 0x26, ON_Apostrophe = 0x27, ON_Comma = 0x2C, ON_HyphenMinus = 0x2D,
  ON_UnambiguousHyphen = 0x2010, ON_NoBreakHyphen = 0x2011, ON_SmallHyphen = 0xFE63, ON_UnambiguousMinus = 0x2212,
  ON_FigureDash = 0x2012, ON_EnDash = 0x2013, ON_EmDash = 0x2014, ON_Period = 0x2E,
  ON_Slash = 0x2F, ON_FractionSlash = 0x2044, ON_DivisionSlash = 0x2215, ON_MathimaticalSlash = 0x27CB,
  ON_Colon = 0x3A, ON_Semicolon = 0x3B, ON_LessThanSign = 0x3C, ON_GreaterThanSign = 0x3E,
  ON_Backslash = 0x5C, ON_Underscore = 0x5F, ON_Pipe = 0x7C, ON_Tilde = 0x7E,
  ON_NextLine = 0x0085, ON_RadiusSymbol = 0x0052, ON_DegreeSymbol = 0x00B0, ON_PlusMinusSymbol = 0x00B1,
  ON_Superscript2 = 0x00B2, ON_Superscript3 = 0x00B3, ON_DiameterSymbol = 0x00D8, ON_LineSeparator = 0x2028,
  ON_ParagraphSeparator = 0x2029, ON_GreekCapitalAlpha = 0x0391, ON_GreekAlpha = 0x03B1, ON_GreekCapitalSigma = 0x03A3,
  ON_GreekSigma = 0x03C3, ON_GreekCapitalOmega = 0x03A9, ON_GreekOmega = 0x03C9, ON_CyrillicCapitalYu = 0x042E,
  ON_PlaceOfInterestSign = 0x2318, ON_SimplifiedChineseTree = 0x6881, ON_TraditionalChineseTree = 0x6A39, ON_JapaneseRhinoceros = 0x7280,
  ON_JapaneseTree = 0x6728, ON_KoreanHan = 0xD55C, ON_KoreanJeong = 0xC815, ON_DollarSign = 0x0024,
  ON_CentSign = 0x00A2, ON_PoundSign = 0x00A3, ON_CurrencySign = 0x00A4, ON_YenSign = 0x00A5,
  ON_EuroSign = 0x20AC, ON_PesoSign = 0x20B1, ON_RubleSign = 0x20BD, ON_InfinitySymbol = 0x221E,
  ON_RecyclingSymbol = 0x2672, ON_BlackRecyclingSymbol = 0x267B, ON_WarningSign = 0x26A0, ON_CheckMark = 0x2713,
  ON_ReplacementCharacter = 0xFFFD, ON_ByteOrderMark = 0xFEFF, ON_Wastebasket = 0x1F5D1, ON_MaximumCodePoint = 0x10FFFF,
  ON_InvalidCodePoint = 0x110000
 Unicode code point values for that are hard to include in code or are useful for testing encoding and glyph rendering. Code points >= U+0080 require UTF-8 multiple byte encodings. Code points >= U+10000 require UTF-16 surrogate pair encodings. More...
enum  ON_UnicodeEncoding {
  ON_UTF_unset =0, ON_not_UTF, ON_UTF_8, ON_UTF_16,


 ON_ClassArray< T >::ON_ClassArray () ON_NOEXCEPT
 construction //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
 ON_ClassArray< T >::ON_ClassArray (const ON_ClassArray< T > &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ON_ClassArray< T >::ON_ClassArray (size_t)
 size_t parameter = initial capacity More...
 ON_ObjectArray< T >::ON_ObjectArray ()
 Class ON_ObjectArray<> More...
 ON_ObjectArray< T >::ON_ObjectArray (const ON_ObjectArray< T > &)
 ON_ObjectArray< T >::ON_ObjectArray (size_t)
 size_t parameter = initial capacity More...
 ON_SimpleArray< T >::ON_SimpleArray () ON_NOEXCEPT
 construction //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
 ON_SimpleArray< T >::ON_SimpleArray (const ON_SimpleArray< T > &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ON_SimpleArray< T >::ON_SimpleArray (size_t)
 size_t parameter = initial capacity More...
 ON_SimpleFixedSizePool< T >::ON_SimpleFixedSizePool ()
 construction //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
 ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator< T >::ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator (const class ON_SimpleFixedSizePool< T > &fsp)
 ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator< T >::ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator (const class ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator< T > &)
virtual ON_ClassArray< T >::~ON_ClassArray ()
 override for struct member deallocation, etc. More...
 ON_ObjectArray< T >::~ON_ObjectArray ()
 override for struct member deallocation, etc. More...
virtual ON_SimpleArray< T >::~ON_SimpleArray ()
 ON_SimpleFixedSizePool< T >::~ON_SimpleFixedSizePool ()
size_t ON_SimpleFixedSizePool< T >::ActiveElementCount () const
T * ON_SimpleFixedSizePool< T >::AllocateElement ()
void ON_SimpleArray< T >::Append (const T &)
void ON_ClassArray< T >::Append (const T &)
void ON_SimpleArray< T >::Append (int, const T *)
 Append copy of an array T[count]. More...
void ON_ClassArray< T >::Append (int, const T *)
 Append copy of an array T[count]. More...
T & ON_SimpleArray< T >::AppendNew ()
 array operations //////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
T & ON_ClassArray< T >::AppendNew ()
 array operations //////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::Array ()
 The Array() function return the. More...
T * ON_ClassArray< T >::Array ()
 The Array() function return the. More...
T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::At (int)
 At(index) returns nullptr if index < 0 or index >= count. More...
T * ON_ClassArray< T >::At (int)
 At(index) returns nullptr if index < 0 or index >= count. More...
const T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::At (int) const
const T * ON_ClassArray< T >::At (int) const
T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::At (ON__INT64)
T * ON_ClassArray< T >::At (ON__INT64)
const T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::At (ON__INT64) const
const T * ON_ClassArray< T >::At (ON__INT64) const
T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::At (ON__UINT64)
T * ON_ClassArray< T >::At (ON__UINT64)
const T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::At (ON__UINT64) const
const T * ON_ClassArray< T >::At (ON__UINT64) const
T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::At (unsigned int)
T * ON_ClassArray< T >::At (unsigned int)
const T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::At (unsigned int) const
const T * ON_ClassArray< T >::At (unsigned int) const
int ON_SimpleArray< T >::BinarySearch (const T *, int(*)(const T *, const T *)) const
 See Also: ON_CompareIncreasing<T> and ON_CompareDeccreasing<T> More...
int ON_ClassArray< T >::BinarySearch (const T *, int(*)(const T *, const T *)) const
 See Also: ON_CompareIncreasing<T> and ON_CompareDeccreasing<T> More...
int ON_SimpleArray< T >::BinarySearch (const T *, int(*)(const T *, const T *), int) const
int ON_ClassArray< T >::BinarySearch (const T *, int(*)(const T *, const T *), int) const
const T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::BinarySearchPtr (const T *, int(*)(const T *, const T *)) const
const T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::BinarySearchPtr (const T *, int(*)(const T *, const T *), int) const
int ON_SimpleArray< T >::Capacity () const
 capacity of array More...
int ON_ClassArray< T >::Capacity () const
 capacity of array More...
void ON_ClassArray< T >::ConstructDefaultElement (T *)
int ON_SimpleArray< T >::Count () const
 query /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
int ON_ClassArray< T >::Count () const
 query /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
static int CrashTestHelper (int crash_type, ON_TextLog &textlog)
static bool CrashTestHelper_AllocationFailure (ON_TextLog &textlog, size_t sz)
static int CrashTestHelper_CallBoguslFuncPtr (ON_TextLog &textlog, int crash_type, int *stack_ptr)
static int CrashTestHelper_CallNullFuncPtr (ON_TextLog &textlog, int crash_type, int *stack_ptr)
static int CrashTestHelper_DerefBogusIntPtr (ON_TextLog &textlog, int crash_type, int *stack_ptr)
static int CrashTestHelper_DerefNullIntPtr (ON_TextLog &textlog, int crash_type, int *stack_ptr)
static bool CrashTestHelper_DivideByDoubleZero (ON_TextLog &textlog, const char *zero)
static bool CrashTestHelper_DivideByFloatZero (ON_TextLog &textlog, const char *zero)
static bool CrashTestHelper_DivideByIntZero (ON_TextLog &textlog, const char *zero)
static bool CrashTestHelper_DoubleOverflow (ON_TextLog &textlog, const char *sx, const char *sy)
static void CrashTestHelper_GetBogusFuncPtr (CRASHTEST__FUNCTION__POINTER__ *pp)
static void CrashTestHelper_GetBogusIntPtr (int **pp)
static void CrashTestHelper_GetNullFuncPtr (CRASHTEST__FUNCTION__POINTER__ *pp)
static void CrashTestHelper_GetNullIntPrt (int **pp)
static bool CrashTestHelper_LogNegativeNumber (ON_TextLog &textlog, const char *minus_one)
static bool CrashTestHelper_StackOverflow (ON_TextLog &textlog, int depth=0)
static bool CrashTestHelper_Throw (ON_TextLog &textlog, const char *si)
bool ON_SimpleFixedSizePool< T >::Create (size_t element_count_estimate, size_t block_element_count)
T * ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator< T >::CurrentElement ()
ON__UINT32 ON_SimpleArray< T >::DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const
ON__UINT32 ON_ObjectArray< T >::DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const
void ON_SimpleArray< T >::Destroy ()
 onfree any memory and set count and capacity to zero More...
void ON_ClassArray< T >::Destroy ()
 onfree any memory and set count and capacity to zero More...
void ON_SimpleFixedSizePool< T >::Destroy ()
void ON_ClassArray< T >::DestroyElement (T &)
T * ON_SimpleFixedSizePool< T >::Element (size_t element_index) const
size_t ON_SimpleFixedSizePool< T >::ElementIndex (T *) const
void ON_SimpleArray< T >::EmergencyDestroy (void)
 emergency bailout /////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
void ON_ClassArray< T >::EmergencyDestroy (void)
 emergency bailout /////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
void ON_SimpleArray< T >::Empty ()
 Sets count to 0, leaves capacity untouched. More...
void ON_ClassArray< T >::Empty ()
 Sets count to 0, leaves capacity untouched. More...
T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::First ()
T * ON_ClassArray< T >::First ()
T * ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator< T >::FirstBlock (size_t *block_element_count)
T * ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator< T >::FirstElement ()
T * ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator< T >::FirstElement (size_t element_index)
bool ON_SimpleArray< T >::HeapSort (int(*)(const T *, const T *))
virtual bool ON_ClassArray< T >::HeapSort (int(*)(const T *, const T *))
 QuickSort() is generally the better choice. More...
bool ON_ObjectArray< T >::HeapSort (int(*)(const T *, const T *))
void ON_SimpleArray< T >::Insert (int, const T &)
void ON_ClassArray< T >::Insert (int, const T &)
 Insert called with a reference uses operator =. More...
int ON_SimpleArray< T >::InsertInSortedList (const T &, int(*)(const T *, const T *))
int ON_ClassArray< T >::InsertInSortedList (const T &, int(*)(const T *, const T *))
int ON_SimpleArray< T >::InsertInSortedList (const T &, int(*)(const T *, const T *), int)
int ON_ClassArray< T >::InsertInSortedList (const T &, int(*)(const T *, const T *), int)
T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::KeepArray ()
T * ON_ClassArray< T >::KeepArray ()
T * ON_SimpleArray< T >::Last ()
T * ON_ClassArray< T >::Last ()
void ON_SimpleArray< T >::MemSet (unsigned char)
void ON_SimpleArray< T >::Move (int, int, int)
 implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
void ON_ClassArray< T >::Move (int, int, int)
 implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// More...
int ON_SimpleArray< T >::NewCapacity () const
int ON_ClassArray< T >::NewCapacity () const
T * ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator< T >::NextBlock (size_t *block_element_count)
T * ON_SimpleFixedSizePoolIterator< T >::NextElement ()
ON_DECL ON_3dVector ON_2ndDerFromCurvature (ON_3dVector D1, ON_3dVector K)
ON_DECL ON_3dVector ON_3rdDerFromJerk (ON_3dVector D1, ON_3dVector D2, ON_3dVector J)
ON_DECL ON_3dVector ON_4thDerFromYank (ON_3dVector D1, ON_3dVector D2, ON_3dVector D3, ON_3dVector Y)
bool ON__PackTextureRectangles1 (ON_PackedTextureRectangle *top, const class ON_PackTextureRectanglesParameters *packing_parameters)
 do not export this function or declare it in a header file More...
bool ON__PackTextureRectangles2 (ON_PackedTextureRectangle *top, const class ON_PackTextureRectanglesParameters *packing_parameters)
 do not export this function or declare it in a header file More...
const ON_DECL ON_wString ON_AddIdPrefixToString (const ON_UUID id, const wchar_t *separator, const wchar_t *source)
const ON_DECL ON_wString ON_AddIdSuffixToString (const wchar_t *source, const wchar_t *separator, const ON_UUID id)
ON_DECL bool ON_Adjust2ndPointToDomain (const ON_2dPoint &First, ON_2dPoint &Second, const ON_Interval dom[2])
ON_DECL int ON_ArePointsOnLine (int, bool, int, int, const double *, const ON_BoundingBox &, const ON_Line &, double)
 returns 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = points are coincident and on line More...
ON_DECL int ON_ArePointsOnPlane (int, bool, int, int, const double *, const ON_BoundingBox &, const ON_Plane &, double)
 returns 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = points are coincident and on line More...
ON_DECL void ON_Array_aA_plus_B (int, double, const double *, const double *, double *)
ON_DECL void ON_Array_aA_plus_B (int, float, const float *, const float *, float *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDistance (int, const double *, const double *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDistanceSquared (int, const double *, const double *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDotDifference (int, const double *, const double *, const double *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayDotProduct (int, const double *, const double *)
ON_DECL float ON_ArrayDotProduct (int, const float *, const float *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayMagnitude (int, const double *)
ON_DECL double ON_ArrayMagnitudeSquared (int, const double *)
ON_DECL void ON_ArrayScale (int, double, const double *, double *)
ON_DECL void ON_ArrayScale (int, float, const float *, float *)
ON_DECL bool ON_Base32ToString (const ON_SimpleArray< unsigned char > &base32_digits, ON_String &sBase32)
ON_DECL bool ON_Base32ToString (const ON_SimpleArray< unsigned char > &base32_digits, ON_wString &sBase32)
ON_DECL bool ON_Base32ToString (const unsigned char *base32_digits, int base32_digit_count, char *sBase32)
ON_DECL ON_NurbsSurfaceON_BendBrepFace (const ON_BrepFace &face0, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_BendFaceConstraint > &constraints, double tolerance, double time_limit, ON_NurbsSurface *bent_surface, ON_TextLog *text_log=0)
ON_DECL bool ON_BeyondSinglePrecision (const ON_BoundingBox &bbox, ON_Xform *xform)
const ON_DECL ON_2dexON_BinarySearch2dexArray (int key_i, const ON_2dex *base, size_t nel)
const ON_DECL ON_2udexON_BinarySearch2udexArray (unsigned int key_i, const ON_2udex *base, size_t nel)
const ON_DECL void * ON_BinarySearchArrayFirst2udex (ON_2udex key, const void *base, size_t count, size_t sizeof_element, size_t key_offset)
const ON_DECL void * ON_BinarySearchArrayFirstUnsignedInt (unsigned int key, const void *base, size_t count, size_t sizeof_element, size_t key_offset)
const ON_DECL void * ON_BinarySearchArrayForUnsingedInt (unsigned int key, const void *base, size_t count, size_t sizeof_element, size_t key_offset)
const ON_DECL double * ON_BinarySearchDoubleArray (double key, const double *base, size_t nel)
const ON_DECL int * ON_BinarySearchIntArray (int key, const int *base, size_t nel)
const ON_DECL unsigned int * ON_BinarySearchUnsignedIntArray (unsigned int key, const unsigned int *base, size_t nel)
ON_DECL double ON_BinomialCoefficient (int i, int j)
ON_DECL double ON_BoundingBoxTolerance (int dim, const double *bboxmin, const double *bboxmax)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepBox (const ON_3dPoint *box_corners, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepCone (const ON_Cone &cone, bool bCapBottom, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL int ON_BrepConeEdge (ON_Brep &brep, int edge_index, ON_3dPoint apex_point)
ON_DECL int ON_BrepConeFace (ON_Brep &brep, int face_index, ON_3dPoint apex_point)
ON_DECL bool ON_BrepConeLoop (ON_Brep &brep, int loop_index, ON_3dPoint apex_point)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepCylinder (const ON_Cylinder &cylinder, bool bCapBottom, bool bCapTop, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL bool ON_BrepExtrude (ON_Brep &brep, const ON_Curve &path_curve, bool bCap=true)
ON_DECL int ON_BrepExtrudeEdge (ON_Brep &brep, int edge_index, const ON_Curve &path_curve)
ON_DECL int ON_BrepExtrudeFace (ON_Brep &brep, int face_index, const ON_Curve &path_curve, bool bCap=true)
ON_DECL int ON_BrepExtrudeLoop (ON_Brep &brep, int loop_index, const ON_Curve &path_curve, bool bCap=true)
ON_DECL int ON_BrepExtrudeVertex (ON_Brep &brep, int vertex_index, const ON_Curve &path_curve)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepFromMesh (const ON_MeshTopology &mesh_topology, bool bTrimmedTriangles=true, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepFromMeshWithNgons (const ON_MeshTopology &mesh_topology, bool bTrimmedTriangles, bool bUseNgonsIfTheyExist, double tolerance, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL void ON_BrepMergeAllEdges (ON_Brep &B)
 Merges all possible edges. More...
ON_DECL bool ON_BrepMergeFaces (ON_Brep &B)
ON_DECL int ON_BrepMergeFaces (ON_Brep &B, int fid0, int fid1)
 These merge adjacent faces that have the same underlying surface. More...
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepQuadSphere (const ON_3dPoint &Center, double radius, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL bool ON_BrepRemoveSlits (ON_BrepFace &F)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepRevSurface (ON_RevSurface *&pRevSurface, bool bCapStart, bool bCapEnd, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepSphere (const ON_Sphere &sphere, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepTorus (const ON_Torus &torus, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepTrimmedPlane (const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_Curve &boundary, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepTrimmedPlane (const ON_Plane &plane, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * > &boundary, bool bDuplicateCurves=true, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
ON_DECL ON_BrepON_BrepWedge (const ON_3dPoint *corners, ON_Brep *pBrep=nullptr)
const ON_DECL ON_2dex ON_BsplineControlPointSpans (int order, int control_point_count, int control_point_index)
 Get the indices of the B-spline spans where the specified control point is active. Note that a B-spline with n control points has (n-degree) many spans. If 0 &lt= span_index < (n-degree), then CV(span_index), ..., CV(span_index+degree) and {knot[span_index], ..., knot[span_index+2*degree-1]} are the control points and knots that are active in that span. The domain of the span is [knot[span_index+degree-1], knot[span_index+degree]]. More...
const ON_DECL ON_Interval ON_BsplineControlPointSupport (int order, int control_point_count, const double *knots, int control_point_index)
 Get the interval in the B-spline domain where the control point is active. The domain = [knots[order-2], knots[control_point_count-1]]. The returned interval will be in domain and are the parameters where the control point influnces the value of the B-spline. More...
ON_DECL bool ON_ChangeRationalBezierCurveWeights (int dim, int order, int cvstride, double *cv, int i0, double w0, int i1, double w1)
ON_DECL bool ON_ChangeRationalNurbsCurveEndWeights (int dim, int order, int cv_count, int cvstride, double *cv, double *knot, double w0, double w1)
ON_DECL bool ON_ClampKnotVector (int, int, double *, int)
ON_DECL bool ON_ClampKnotVector (int, int, int, int, double *, double *, int)
ON_DECL struct ON_VtableON_ClassVtable (void *p)
ON_DECL ON__UINT64 ON_ClearWorkerThreadContext ()
ON_DECL int ON_ClosedCurveOrientation (const ON_Curve &curve, const ON_Plane &plane)
ON_DECL int ON_ClosedCurveOrientation (const ON_Curve &curve, const ON_Xform *xform)
ON_DECL double ON_ClosestPointAngle (const ON_Line &, const ON_Curve &, ON_Interval, const ON_3dPoint &, ON_3dPoint &, double *, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_ClosestPointBetweenQuads (const ON_3dPoint A[4], const ON_3dPoint B[4], double a[4], double b[4])
ON_DECL bool ON_ClosestPointBetweenTriangleAndQuad (const ON_3dPoint Tri[3], const ON_3dPoint Quad[4], double t[3], double q[4])
ON_DECL bool ON_ClosestPointBetweenTriangles (const ON_3dPoint A[3], const ON_3dPoint B[3], double a[3], double b[3])
ON_DECL bool ON_ClosestPointToTriangle (ON_3dPoint A, ON_3dPoint B, ON_3dPoint C, ON_3dPoint P, double *a, double *b, double *c)
ON_DECL bool ON_ClosestPointToTriangleFast (const ON_3dPoint &A, const ON_3dPoint &B, const ON_3dPoint &C, ON_3dPoint P, double *a, double *b, double *c)
ON_DECL bool ON_CombineShortSegments (ON_Curve &crv, double tolerance)
ON_DECL int ON_Compare2dex (const ON_2dex *a, const ON_2dex *b)
ON_DECL int ON_Compare2udex (const ON_2udex *a, const ON_2udex *b)
ON_DECL int ON_Compare3dex (const ON_3dex *a, const ON_3dex *b)
ON_DECL int ON_Compare4dex (const ON_4dex *a, const ON_4dex *b)
template<class T >
static int ON_CompareDecreasing (const T *a, const T *b)
ON_DECL int ON_CompareDouble (double a, double b)
ON_DECL int ON_CompareDoubleArray (size_t count, const double *a, const double *b)
ON_DECL int ON_CompareFloat (float a, float b)
template<class T >
static int ON_CompareIncreasing (const T *a, const T *b)
ON_DECL int ON_CompareKnotVector (int, int, const double *, int, int, const double *)
ON_DECL int ON_ComparePoint (int dim, bool israt, const double *cv0, const double *cv1)
ON_DECL int ON_ComparePointList (int, bool, int, int, const double *, int, const double *)
ON_DECL ON_ComponentState ON_ComponentStateFromUnsigned (unsigned int state_as_unsigned)
ON_DECL ON_MeshON_ControlPolygonMesh (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs_surface, bool bCleanMesh, ON_Mesh *input_mesh=nullptr)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertMSMBCPToWideChar (ON__UINT32 windows_code_page, const char *sMBCS, int sMBCS_count, wchar_t *sWideChar, int sWideChar_capacity, unsigned int *error_status)
ON_DECL void ON_ConvertNurbSpanToBezier (int, int, int, double *, const double *, double, double)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF16ToUTF16 (int bTestByteOrder, const ON__UINT16 *sInputUTF16, int sInputUTF16_count, ON__UINT16 *sOutputUTF16, int sOutputUTF16_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const ON__UINT16 **sNextInputUTF16)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF16ToUTF32 (int bTestByteOrder, const ON__UINT16 *sUTF16, int sUTF16_count, unsigned int *sUTF32, int sUTF32_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const ON__UINT16 **sNextUTF16)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF16ToUTF8 (int bTestByteOrder, const ON__UINT16 *sUTF16, int sUTF16_count, char *sUTF8, int sUTF8_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const ON__UINT16 **sNextUTF16)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF16ToWideChar (int bTestByteOrder, const ON__UINT16 *sUTF16, int sUTF16_count, wchar_t *sWideChar, int sWideChar_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const ON__UINT16 **sNextUTF16)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF32ToUTF16 (int bTestByteOrder, const ON__UINT32 *sUTF32, int sUTF32_count, ON__UINT16 *sUTF16, int sUTF16_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const ON__UINT32 **sNextUTF32)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF32ToUTF32 (int bTestByteOrder, const ON__UINT32 *sInputUTF32, int sInputUTF32_count, ON__UINT32 *sOuputUTF32, int sOutputUTF32_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const ON__UINT32 **sNextInputUTF32)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF32ToUTF8 (int bTestByteOrder, const ON__UINT32 *sUTF32, int sUTF32_count, char *sUTF8, int sUTF8_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const ON__UINT32 **sNextUTF32)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF32ToWideChar (int bTestByteOrder, const ON__UINT32 *sUTF32, int sUTF32_count, wchar_t *sWideChar, int sWideChar_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const ON__UINT32 **sNextUTF32)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF8ToUTF16 (int bTestByteOrder, const char *sUTF8, int sUTF8_count, ON__UINT16 *sUTF16, int sUTF16_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const char **sNextUTF8)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF8ToUTF32 (int bTestByteOrder, const char *sUTF8, int sUTF8_count, ON__UINT32 *sUTF32, int sUTF32_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const char **sNextUTF8)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF8ToUTF8 (int bTestByteOrder, const char *sInputUTF8, int sInputUTF8_count, char *sOutputUTF8, int sOutputUTF8_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const char **sNextInputUTF8)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertUTF8ToWideChar (int bTestByteOrder, const char *sUTF8, int sUTF8_count, wchar_t *sWideChar, int sWideChar_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const char **sNextUTF8)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertWideCharToMSMBCP (const wchar_t *sWideChar, int sWideChar_count, ON__UINT32 windows_code_page, char *sMBCS, int sMBCS_capacity, unsigned int *error_status)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertWideCharToUTF16 (int bTestByteOrder, const wchar_t *sWideChar, int sWideChar_count, ON__UINT16 *sUTF16, int sUTF16_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const wchar_t **sNextWideChar)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertWideCharToUTF32 (int bTestByteOrder, const wchar_t *sWideChar, int sWideChar_count, ON__UINT32 *sUTF32, int sUTF32_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const wchar_t **sNextWideChar)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvertWideCharToUTF8 (int bTestByteOrder, const wchar_t *sWideChar, int sWideChar_count, char *sUTF8, int sUTF8_count, unsigned int *error_status, unsigned int error_mask, ON__UINT32 error_code_point, const wchar_t **sNextWideChar)
ON_DECL int ON_ConvexHull2d (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &Pnt, ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > &Hull, ON_SimpleArray< int > *PntInd=nullptr)
ON_DECL int ON_CorrectBase32StringTypos (const char *sBase32, char *sBase32clean)
ON_DECL int ON_CorrectBase32StringTypos (const char *sBase32, ON_String &sBase32clean)
ON_DECL int ON_CorrectBase32StringTypos (const wchar_t *sBase32, ON_wString &sBase32clean)
ON_DECL int ON_CrashTest (int crash_type, ON_TextLog &text_log)
ON_BEGIN_EXTERNC ON_DECL ON__UINT16 ON_CRC16 (ON__UINT16 current_remainder, size_t sizeof_buffer, const void *buffer)
ON_DECL ON__UINT32 ON_CRC32 (ON__UINT32 current_remainder, size_t sizeof_buffer, const void *buffer)
ON_END_EXTERNC ON_DECL bool ON_CreateUuid (ON_UUID &uuid)
ON_DECL ON_3dVector ON_CrossProduct (const double *, const double *)
ON_DECL ON_3fVector ON_CrossProduct (const float *, const float *)
ON_DECL ON_3dVector ON_CrossProduct (const ON_2dVector &, const ON_2dVector &)
ON_DECL ON_3fVector ON_CrossProduct (const ON_2fVector &, const ON_2fVector &)
ON_DECL ON_3dVector ON_CrossProduct (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL ON_3fVector ON_CrossProduct (const ON_3fVector &, const ON_3fVector &)
ON_DECL ON_Quaternion ON_CrossProduct (const ON_Quaternion &p, const ON_Quaternion &q)
ON_DECL bool ON_CSXFirstOrderNecessaryConditions (ON_TextLog *text_log, const ON_X_EVENT &xevent, int end_index, const ON_Interval *curve_domain, const ON_Interval *surface_domain0, const ON_Interval *surface_domain1)
ON_DECL double ON_CurveOrientationArea (const ON_Curve *curve, const ON_Interval *domain, const ON_Xform *xform, bool bReverseCurve)
ON_DECL bool ON_CvxHullFromLeafBox (ON_ConvexHullPoint2 &Hull, const ON_SurfaceLeafBox &leaf)
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_DayOfGregorianYear (unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day_of_month)
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_DaysInGregorianYear (unsigned int year)
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_DaysInMonthOfGregorianYear (unsigned int year, unsigned int month)
ON_DECL void ON_DBL_SNAN (double *x)
ON_DECL int ON_DebugWriteObject (const class ON_Object *pObject)
ON_DECL int ON_DebugWriteObjectArray (const ON_SimpleArray< const class ON_Object * > &object_list)
const ON_DECL wchar_t * ON_DebugWriteObjectDirectory ()
ON_DECL int ON_DebugWriteObjects (size_t object_list_count, const ON_Object *const *object_list)
ON_DECL int ON_DebugWritePoint (const class ON_3dPoint *p3dPoint)
ON_DECL int ON_DebugWritePoints (const double *pPoint, int dim, bool is_rat, int count)
ON__UINT32 ON_DECL ON_DecalCRCFromNode (const ON_XMLNode &node)
 For internal use only. More...
ON_DECL double ON_DecimalHoursFromHMS (int hour, int minute, int second)
ON_DECL void ON_DecimalHoursToHMS (double hours, int &hour, int &minute, int &second)
ON_DECL void ON_DecimalHoursToHMS (double hours, int &hour, int &minute, int &second, int &year, int &month, int &day)
ON_DECL int ON_DecodeSwapByteUTF16 (const ON__UINT16 *sUTF16, int sUTF16_count, struct ON_UnicodeErrorParameters *e, ON__UINT32 *unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_DecodeSwapByteUTF32 (const ON__UINT32 *sUTF32, int sUTF32_count, struct ON_UnicodeErrorParameters *e, ON__UINT32 *unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_DecodeUTF16 (const ON__UINT16 *sUTF16, int sUTF16_count, struct ON_UnicodeErrorParameters *e, ON__UINT32 *unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_DecodeUTF16BE (const ON__UINT16 *sUTF16, int sUTF16_count, struct ON_UnicodeErrorParameters *e, ON__UINT32 *unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_DecodeUTF16LE (const ON__UINT16 *sUTF16, int sUTF16_count, struct ON_UnicodeErrorParameters *e, ON__UINT32 *unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_DecodeUTF16SurrogatePair (unsigned int u1, unsigned int u2, unsigned int error_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_DecodeUTF32 (const ON__UINT32 *sUTF32, int sUTF32_count, struct ON_UnicodeErrorParameters *e, ON__UINT32 *unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_DecodeUTF32BE (const ON__UINT32 *sUTF32, int sUTF32_count, struct ON_UnicodeErrorParameters *e, ON__UINT32 *unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_DecodeUTF32LE (const ON__UINT32 *sUTF32, int sUTF32_count, struct ON_UnicodeErrorParameters *e, ON__UINT32 *unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_DecodeUTF8 (const char *sUTF8, int sUTF8_count, struct ON_UnicodeErrorParameters *e, ON__UINT32 *unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_DecodeWideChar (const wchar_t *sWideChar, int sWideChar_count, struct ON_UnicodeErrorParameters *e, ON__UINT32 *unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_DecomposeVector (const ON_3dVector &V, const ON_3dVector &A, const ON_3dVector &B, double *x, double *y)
ON_DECL double ON_DegreesFromRadians (double angle_in_radians)
ON_DECL void ON_Disableonmalloc ()
ON_DECL bool ON_DollyExtents (const ON_Viewport &current_vp, ON_BoundingBox camcoord_bbox, ON_Viewport &zoomed_vp)
ON_DECL double ON_DomainTolerance (double, double)
ON_DECL double ON_DotProduct (const ON_2dVector &, const ON_2dVector &)
ON_DECL float ON_DotProduct (const ON_2fVector &, const ON_2fVector &)
ON_DECL double ON_DotProduct (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL float ON_DotProduct (const ON_3fVector &, const ON_3fVector &)
ON_DECL double ON_DoubleFromFloat (float x)
ON_DECL void ON_DumpSquishInfoText (const ON_Geometry *squished_geometry, ON_TextLog &text_log, const wchar_t *objid_locale_str, const wchar_t *meshcount_locale_str)
ON_DECL ON_CurveTreeBezierON_DuplicateCurveTreeBezier (const ON_CurveTreeBezier &src)
ON_DECL ON_SurfaceTreeBezierON_DuplicateSurfaceTreeBezier (const ON_SurfaceTreeBezier &src)
ON_DECL double ON_EigenvectorPrecision (const unsigned int N, const double *const *M, bool bTransposeM, double lambda, const double *eigenvector)
ON_DECL void ON_EnableDebugBreak (int bEnableDebugBreak)
ON_DECL void ON_EnableDebugBreakOnFirstError (int bEnableDebugBreak)
ON_DECL void ON_EnableDebugErrorMessage (int bEnableDebugErrorMessage)
ON_DECL int ON_EncodeUTF16 (ON__UINT32 unicode_code_point, ON__UINT16 sUTF16[2])
ON_DECL int ON_EncodeUTF8 (ON__UINT32 u, char sUTF8[6])
ON_DECL int ON_EncodeWideChar (ON__UINT32 code_point, size_t w_capacity, wchar_t *w)
ON_DECL void ON_VARGS_FUNC_CDECL ON_Error (const char *file_name, int line_number, const char *format,...)
ON_DECL void ON_VARGS_FUNC_CDECL ON_ErrorEx (const char *file_name, int line_number, const char *function_name, const char *format,...)
ON_BEGIN_EXTERNC ON_DECL void ON_ErrorMessage (int, const char *)
ON_DECL double ON_EvaluateBernsteinBasis (int, int, double)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateBezier (int, bool, int, int, const double *, double, double, int, double, int, double *)
ON_DECL void ON_EvaluatedeCasteljau (int, int, int, int, double *, double)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateNurbsBasis (int order, const double *knot, double t, double *N)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateNurbsBasisDerivatives (int order, const double *knot, int der_count, double *N)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateNurbsBlossom (int, int, int, const double *, const double *, const double *, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateNurbsCageSpan (int dim, bool is_rat, int order0, int order1, int order2, const double *knot0, const double *knot1, const double *knot2, int cv_stride0, int cv_stride1, int cv_stride2, const double *cv, int der_count, double t0, double t1, double t2, int v_stride, double *v)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateNurbsDeBoor (int, int, int, double *, const double *, int, double, double)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateNurbsSpan (int dim, bool is_rat, int order, const double *knot, int cv_stride, const double *cv, int der_count, double t, int v_stride, double *v)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateNurbsSurfaceSpan (int dim, bool is_rat, int order0, int order1, const double *knot0, const double *knot1, int cv_stride0, int cv_stride1, const double *cv, int der_count, double s, double t, int v_stride, double *v)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateQuotientRule (int dim, int der_count, int v_stride, double *v)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateQuotientRule2 (int dim, int der_count, int v_stride, double *v)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvaluateQuotientRule3 (int dim, int der_count, int v_stride, double *v)
ON_DECL void ON_EvaluateSurfaceSectionalCurvature (const class ON_Surface *surface, const class ON_SectionAnalysisAppearance &appearance, ON_PlaneEquation plane_eqn, unsigned int uv_point_count, size_t uv_point_stride, const double *uv_points, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &points, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dVector > &curvatures, ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > *refined_uv_points)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvCurvature (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &)
 returns false if first derivative is zero More...
ON_DECL bool ON_EvCurvature1Der (const ON_3dVector &D1, const ON_3dVector &D2, const ON_3dVector &D3, ON_3dVector &T, ON_3dVector &K, double *kprime, double *torsion)
 torsion More...
ON_DECL bool ON_EvJacobian (double, double, double, double *)
 return false if determinant is (nearly) singular More...
ON_DECL bool ON_EvJerk (ON_3dVector D1, ON_3dVector D2, ON_3dVector D3, ON_3dVector &T, ON_3dVector &K, ON_3dVector &J)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvNormal (int, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvNormalPartials (const ON_3dVector &ds, const ON_3dVector &dt, const ON_3dVector &dss, const ON_3dVector &dst, const ON_3dVector &dtt, ON_3dVector &ns, ON_3dVector &nt)
ON_DECL int ON_EvNormalYank (const ON_Surface &srf, double u, double v, ON_3dVector srfDirection, ON_3dVector &T, ON_3dVector &K, ON_3dVector &J, ON_3dVector &Y)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvPrincipalCurvatures (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, double *, double *, double *, double *, ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvPrincipalCurvatures (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, double l, double m, double n, const ON_3dVector &, double *, double *, double *, double *, ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvSectionalCurvature (const ON_3dVector &S10, const ON_3dVector &S01, const ON_3dVector &S20, const ON_3dVector &S11, const ON_3dVector &S02, const ON_3dVector &planeNormal, ON_3dVector &K)
ON_DECL bool ON_EvTangent (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, ON_3dVector &)
 returns false if the returned tangent is zero More...
ON_DECL bool ON_EvYank (ON_3dVector D1, ON_3dVector D2, ON_3dVector D3, ON_3dVector D4, ON_3dVector &T, ON_3dVector &K, ON_3dVector &J, ON_3dVector &Y)
int ON_FindLocalMinimum (int(*)(void *, double, double *, double *), void *, double, double, double, double, double, int, double *)
 find a local minimum of a 1 parameter function More...
ON_DECL bool ON_FindMeshMeshIntersectionSets (ON_SimpleArray< ON_MMX_POINT > &pArray, double tol)
 This function is soon going to be deprecated. It always uses the old code. More...
ON_DECL bool ON_FixBrepLoop (ON_Brep &B, int loop_id, bool bCompact=true)
ON_DECL bool ON_FixBrepLoops (ON_Brep &B, ON_SimpleArray< int > *loop_ids=0)
ON_DECL void ON_FixNurbsSurfacePole (ON_NurbsSurface &srf, int side, const ON_3dPoint *pPole)
ON_DECL void ON_FixNurbsSurfaceSeam (ON_NurbsSurface &srf, int dir, bool bMakeG1)
ON_DECL float ON_FloatCeil (double x)
ON_DECL float ON_FloatFloor (double x)
ON_DECL float ON_FloatFromDouble (double x)
ON_DECL void ON_FLT_SNAN (float *x)
ON_DECL bool ON_ForceMatchCurveEnds (ON_Curve &Crv0, int end0, ON_Curve &Crv1, int end1)
ON_DECL bool ON_FPU_AfterDotNetJITUse (void)
ON_DECL bool ON_FPU_AfterSloppyCall (void)
ON_DECL bool ON_FPU_BeforeSloppyCall (void)
ON_DECL bool ON_FPU_Check (bool bCheckExceptionStatus, bool bCheckControl, bool bCall_ON_Error)
ON_DECL void ON_FPU_ClearExceptionStatus ()
ON_DECL ON__UINT32 ON_FPU_ControlWord ()
ON_DECL bool ON_FPU_EnableInvalidStatusCheck (bool bEnableInvalidStatusCheck)
ON_DECL ON__UINT32 ON_FPU_ExceptionStatus ()
ON_DECL ON__UINT32 ON_FPU_Init (void)
ON_DECL ON__UINT32 ON_FPU_InitControlWord (void)
ON_DECL bool ON_FPU_InvalidStatusCheckEnabled ()
ON_DECL bool ON_FPU_UnmaskExceptions (ON__UINT32 unmasked_ex)
ON_DECL int ON_Get3dConvexHull (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &points, ON_SimpleArray< ON_PlaneEquation > &hull)
ON_DECL int ON_GetBase32Digits (const ON_SimpleArray< unsigned char > &x, ON_SimpleArray< unsigned char > &base32_digits)
ON_DECL int ON_GetBase32Digits (const unsigned char *x, int x_count, unsigned char *base32_digits)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetCageXform (const ON_NurbsCage &cage, ON_Xform &cage_xform)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetClosestPointInPointList (int point_count, const ON_3dPoint *point_list, ON_3dPoint P, int *closest_point_index)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetClosestPointOnTriangle (const double A[3], const double B[3], const double C[3], const double N[3], const double test_point[3], double triangle_bc[3])
ON_DECL bool ON_GetClosestPointOnTriangle (const float A[3], const float B[3], const float C[3], const float N[3], const double test_point[3], double triangle_bc[3])
ON_DECL bool ON_GetConicEquationThrough6Points (int stride, const double *points2d, double conic[6], double *max_pivot, double *min_pivot, double *zero_pivot)
ON_DECL int ON_GetDebugBreak (void)
ON_DECL int ON_GetDebugBreakOnFirstError (void)
ON_DECL int ON_GetDebugErrorMessage (void)
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_GetEigenvectors (const unsigned int N, const double *const *M, bool bTransposeM, double lambda, unsigned int lambda_multiplicity, const double *termination_tolerances, double **eigenvectors, double *eigenprecision, double *eigenpivots)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetEllipseConicEquation (double a, double b, double x0, double y0, double alpha, double conic[6])
ON_DECL bool ON_GetEndCapTransformation (ON_3dPoint P, ON_3dVector T, ON_3dVector U, const ON_3dVector *Normal, ON_Xform &xform, ON_Xform *scale2d, ON_Xform *rot2d)
ON_DECL int ON_GetErrorCount (void)
ON_DECL double ON_GetFittingTolerance (const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode *snodeA, const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode *snodeB, double intersection_tolerance, double fitting_tolerance)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetFunctionRoot (void(*func)(void *, double, double *, double *), void *funcarg, double t0, double t1, double *root)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetGregorianMonthAndDayOfMonth (unsigned int year, unsigned int day_of_year, unsigned int *month, unsigned int *day_of_month)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetGrevilleAbcissae (int, int, const double *, bool, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetGrevilleKnotVector (int, const double *, bool, int, int, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetHighCurvatureSpans (const ON_Curve &crv, double tolerance, ON_SimpleArray< int > *span_indices)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetKnotVectorDomain (int, int, const double *, double *, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetKnotVectorSpanVector (int, int, const double *, double *)
ON_DECL int ON_GetMathErrorCount (void)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetMatrixSVD (int row_count, int col_count, double const *const *A, double **&U, double *&W, double **&V)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetMeshMeshClosestPoint (const ON_Mesh &MeshA, const ON_Mesh &MeshB, double max_dist, bool bUseMultipleThreads, int *fidA, double a[4], int *fidB, double b[4])
ON_DECL ON_UUID ON_GetMostRecentClassIdCreateUuid ()
ON_DECL bool ON_GetNextCurveSpan (const ON_Curve &crv, double t0, double t1, double tolerance, bool(*check)(const ON_Curve &, double, double, double), ON_Interval *seg_dom, int *span_index)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetParameterTolerance (double, double, double, double *, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetPointGridBoundingBox (int dim, bool is_rat, int point_count0, int point_count1, int point_stride0, int point_stride1, const double *point_grid, double *boxmin, double *boxmax, int bGrowBox)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetPointListBoundingBox (int dim, bool is_rat, int count, int stride, const double *point_list, double *boxmin, double *boxmax, int bGrowBox)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetPointListBoundingBox (int dim, bool is_rat, int count, int stride, const double *point_list, ON_BoundingBox &bbox, int bGrowBox=false, const ON_Xform *xform=0)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetPointListBoundingBox (int dim, bool is_rat, int count, int stride, const float *point_list, float *boxmin, float *boxmax, int bGrowBox)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetPointListBoundingBox (int dim, bool is_rat, int count, int stride, const float *point_list, ON_BoundingBox &bbox, int bGrowBox=false, const ON_Xform *xform=0)
ON_DECL unsigned int * ON_GetPointLocationIds (size_t point_count, const class ON_2dPoint *points, unsigned int first_point_id, unsigned int *point_ids, unsigned int *point_id_map)
ON_DECL unsigned int * ON_GetPointLocationIds (size_t point_count, const class ON_2fPoint *points, unsigned int first_point_id, unsigned int *point_ids, unsigned int *point_id_map)
ON_DECL unsigned int * ON_GetPointLocationIds (size_t point_count, const class ON_3dPoint *points, unsigned int first_point_id, unsigned int *point_ids, unsigned int *point_id_map)
ON_DECL unsigned int * ON_GetPointLocationIds (size_t point_count, const class ON_3fPoint *points, unsigned int first_point_id, unsigned int *point_ids, unsigned int *point_id_map)
ON_DECL unsigned int * ON_GetPointLocationIds (size_t point_dim, size_t point_count, size_t point_stride, const double *points, unsigned int first_point_id, unsigned int *point_ids, unsigned int *point_id_map)
ON_DECL unsigned int * ON_GetPointLocationIds (size_t point_dim, size_t point_count, size_t point_stride, const float *points, unsigned int first_point_id, unsigned int *point_ids, unsigned int *point_id_map)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetPolylineLength (int, bool, int, int, const double *, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetShortSpans (const ON_Curve &crv, double tolerance, ON_SimpleArray< int > *span_indices)
ON_DECL int ON_GetSpanIndices (int order, int cv_count, const double *knot, int *)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetTrianglePlaneEquation (const ON_3dPoint &A, const ON_3dPoint &B, const ON_3dPoint &C, double *a, double *b, double *c, double *d, double *evaluation_tol)
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_GetVersionQuartet (unsigned int major_version, unsigned int minor_version, unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day_of_month, unsigned int hour, unsigned int minute, unsigned int branch, unsigned short quartet_values[4])
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_GetVersionString (unsigned int major_version, unsigned int minor_version, unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day_of_month, unsigned int hour, unsigned int minute, unsigned int branch, size_t string_buffer_capacity, char *string_buffer)
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_GetVersionWideString (unsigned int major_version, unsigned int minor_version, unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day_of_month, unsigned int hour, unsigned int minute, unsigned int branch, size_t string_buffer_capacity, wchar_t *string_buffer)
ON_DECL bool ON_GetViewportRotationAngles (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, double *, double *, double *)
ON_DECL int ON_GetWarningCount (void)
void ON_GL (const int, const int, const double *, GLfloat *, int=0, double *=nullptr)
void ON_GL (const ON_3dPoint &)
 must be bracketed by calls to glBegin(GL_POINTS) / glEnd() More...
void ON_GL (const ON_Brep &, GLUnurbsObj *)
 Use ON_GL( const ON_Brep&, ...) to render OpenNURBS b-reps. More...
void ON_GL (const ON_BrepFace &, GLUnurbsObj *)
void ON_GL (const ON_Color &, double, GLfloat[4])
void ON_GL (const ON_Color &, GLfloat[4])
 Use ON_GL( const ON_Color ...) to set GL color to OpenNURBS color. More...
void ON_GL (const ON_Curve &, GLUnurbsObj *, GLenum=0, double[][4]=nullptr)
void ON_GL (const ON_Light &, GLenum)
void ON_GL (const ON_Light *, GLenum)
void ON_GL (const ON_Material &)
 Use ON_GL( const ON_Material ...) to set GL material to OpenNURBS material. More...
void ON_GL (const ON_Material *)
void ON_GL (const ON_Mesh &)
 Use ON_GL( const ON_Mesh&, ...) to render OpenNURBS meshes. More...
void ON_GL (const ON_NurbsCurve &, GLUnurbsObj *, GLenum=0, int=1, double *=nullptr, double[][4]=nullptr)
void ON_GL (const ON_NurbsSurface &, GLUnurbsObj *, GLenum=0, int=1, double *=nullptr, double *=nullptr)
void ON_GL (const ON_Point &)
 Use ON_GL( const ON_Point, ...) to render single points. More...
void ON_GL (const ON_PointCloud &)
 Use ON_GL( const ON_PointCloud, ...) to render Rhino point sets. More...
void ON_GL (const ON_Surface &, GLUnurbsObj *)
 must be bracketed by calls to gluBeginSurface( nobj )/gluEndSurface( nobj ) More...
void ON_GL (const ON_Viewport &)
void ON_GL (int, int, int, int, const double *, int, const double *, GLUnurbsObj *, GLenum=0, int=1, double *=nullptr, double[][4]=nullptr)
void ON_GL (ON_Viewport &, int, int, int, int)
ON_DECL unsigned ON_GreatestCommonDivisor (unsigned a, unsigned b)
ON_DECL double ON_GrevilleAbcissa (int, const double *)
ON_DECL double ON_HairlinePrintWidth ()
ON_DECL void ON_hsort (void *base, size_t count, size_t sizeof_element, int(*compare)(const void *, const void *))
ON_DECL void ON_hsort (void *base, size_t count, size_t sizeof_element, int(*compare)(void *, const void *, const void *), void *context)
void ON_HSORT_FNAME (ON_SORT_TEMPLATE_TYPE *base, size_t nel)
const ON_DECL ON_wString ON_IdToString (ON_UUID id)
ON_DECL bool ON_IncreaseBezierDegree (int, bool, int, int, double *)
ON_DECL ON__UINT64 ON_IndexFromNotUniqueId (ON_UUID not_unique_id)
ON_DECL int ON_InsertKnot (double, int, int, int, int, int, double *, double *, int *)
ON_DECL double ON_Integrate (const class ON_Curve &curve, double(*f)(ON__UINT_PTR context, int limit_direction, double t), ON__UINT_PTR f_context, ON_Interval integration_limit, double relative_tolerance, double absolute_tolerance, double *error_bound)
 Calculates the definite integral of a smooth (C-infinity) function of one variable using a Rhomberg integration technique and returns returns Integral(f(t)*|curve'(t)|*dt). The C-infinity requirement is used by the Rhomberg algorithm when estimating error bounds and convergence. If you choose to pass a C2 function, you are likely to converge while getting less accurate results and incorrect error bound estimates. Using a C0 or C1 fucntion will ofter return nonsense. More...
ON_DECL double ON_Integrate (const class ON_Surface &surface, double(*f)(ON__UINT_PTR context, int limit_direction, double s, double t), ON__UINT_PTR f_context, ON_Interval integration_limit1, ON_Interval integration_limit2, double relative_tolerance, double absolute_tolerance, double *error_bound)
 Calculates the definite integral of a smooth (C-infinity) function of two variables using a Rhomberg integration technique and returns returns Integral(f(s,t)*|dS/ds(s,t) x dS/dt(s,t)|*ds*dt), where dS/ds and dS/dt are the surface's first partial derivatives. The C-infinity requirement is used by the Rhomberg algorithm when estimating error bounds and convergence. If you choose to pass a C2 function, you are likely to converge while getting less accurate results and incorrect error bound estimates. Using a C0 or C1 fucntion will ofter return nonsense. More...
ON_DECL double ON_Integrate (double(*f)(ON__UINT_PTR context, int limit_direction, double s, double t), ON__UINT_PTR f_context, const ON_SimpleArray< double > &limits1, const ON_SimpleArray< double > &limits2, double relative_tolerance, double absolute_tolerance, double *error_bound)
 Calculates the definite integral of a piecewise smooth (C-infinity) function of two variables using a Rhomberg integration technique. The C-infinity requirement is used by the Rhomberg algorithm when estimating error bounds and convergence. If you choose to pass a C2 function, you are likely to converge while getting less accurate results and incorrect error bound estimates. Using a C0 or C1 fucntion will ofter return nonsense. More...
ON_DECL double ON_Integrate (double(*f)(ON__UINT_PTR context, int limit_direction, double s, double t), ON__UINT_PTR f_context, ON_Interval limits1, ON_Interval limits2, double relative_tolerance, double absolute_tolerance, double *error_bound)
 Calculates the definite integral of a smooth (C-infinity) function of two variables using a Rhomberg integration technique. The C-infinity requirement is used by the Rhomberg algorithm when estimating error bounds and convergence. If you choose to pass a C2 function, you are likely to converge while getting less accurate results and incorrect error bound estimates. Using a C0 or C1 fucntion will ofter return nonsense. More...
ON_DECL double ON_Integrate (double(*f)(ON__UINT_PTR context, int limit_direction, double t), ON__UINT_PTR f_context, const ON_SimpleArray< double > &limits, double relative_tolerance, double absolute_tolerance, double *error_bound)
 Calculates the definite integral of a piecewise smooth (C-infinity) function of one variable using a Rhomberg integration technique and returns returns Integral(f(t)dt). The C-infinity requirement is used by the Rhomberg algorithm when estimating error bounds and convergence. If you choose to pass a C2 function, you are likely to converge while getting less accurate results and incorrect error bound estimates. Using a C0 or C1 fucntion will ofter return nonsense. More...
ON_DECL double ON_Integrate (double(*f)(ON__UINT_PTR context, int limit_direction, double t), ON__UINT_PTR f_context, ON_Interval limits, double relative_tolerance, double absolute_tolerance, double *error_bound)
 Calculates the definite integral of a smooth (C-infinity) function of one variable using a Rhomberg integration technique and returns returns Integral(f(t)dt). The C-infinity requirement is used by the Rhomberg algorithm when estimating error bounds and convergence. If you choose to pass a C2 function, you are likely to converge while getting less accurate results and incorrect error bound estimates. Using a C0 or C1 fucntion will ofter return nonsense. More...
void * ON_Internal_CompareExchangePointer (void *volatile *dest, void *exchange, void *comparand)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Arc &arc0, const ON_Arc &arc1, ON_3dPoint &point0, ON_3dPoint &point1)
ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect (const ON_BoundingBox &bbox, const ON_Line &line, double tolerance, ON_Interval *line_parameters)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Circle &c0, const ON_Circle &c1, ON_3dPoint &point0, ON_3dPoint &point1)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &, const ON_Cylinder &, ON_3dPoint &, ON_3dPoint &)
ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &, const ON_Line &, double *, double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &, const ON_Plane &, double *)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &, const ON_Sphere &, ON_3dPoint &, ON_3dPoint &)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &line, const ON_Arc &arc, double *line_t0, ON_3dPoint &arc_point0, double *line_t1, ON_3dPoint &arc_point1)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &line, const ON_Circle &circle, double *line_t0, ON_3dPoint &circle_point0, double *line_t1, ON_3dPoint &circle_point1)
ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect (const ON_Line &line, const ON_PlaneEquation &plane_equation, double *line_parameter)
ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect (const ON_Plane &, const ON_Plane &, const ON_Plane &, ON_3dPoint &)
ON_DECL bool ON_Intersect (const ON_Plane &, const ON_Plane &, ON_Line &)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Plane &, const ON_Sphere &, ON_Circle &)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_Arc &arc, ON_3dPoint &point0, ON_3dPoint &point1)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_Circle &circle, ON_3dPoint &point0, ON_3dPoint &point1)
ON_DECL int ON_Intersect (const ON_Sphere &sphere0, const ON_Sphere &sphere1, ON_Circle &circle)
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_IntersectCoplanarLineAndTriangle (const double A[3], const double B[3], const double C[3], const double N[3], const double P[3], const double Q[3], double line_t[2], double triangle_bc[2][3])
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_IntersectLineAndTriangle (const double A[3], const double B[3], const double C[3], const ON_TrianglePlane *tri_plane, const double P[3], const double Q[3], double tolerance, double line_t[2], double triangle_bc[2][3])
ON_DECL bool ON_IntersectLineLine (const ON_Line &lineA, const ON_Line &lineB, double *a, double *b, double tolerance, bool bIntersectSegments)
ON_DECL bool ON_IntersectMeshRay (const ON_Mesh *mesh, const ON_3dRay &ray, double tolerance, ON_SimpleArray< double > &ray_ts)
ON_DECL bool ON_IntersectViewFrustumPlane (const ON_Viewport &vp, const ON_PlaneEquation &plane_equation, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &points)
ON_DECL int ON_InvertSVDW (int count, const double *W, double *&invW)
ON_DECL bool ON_Is2dPatternSquished (const ON_Geometry *geometry)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsConicEquationAnEllipse (const double conic[6], ON_2dPoint &center, ON_2dVector &major_axis, ON_2dVector &minor_axis, double *major_radius, double *minor_radius)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsContinuous (ON::continuity c, ON_3dPoint Pa, ON_3dVector D1a, ON_3dVector D2a, ON_3dPoint Pb, ON_3dVector D1b, ON_3dVector D2b, double point_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double d1_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double d2_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE, double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsConvexPolyline (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &points, bool bStrictlyConvex)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsConvexPolyline (size_t point_dim, size_t point_count, const double *points, size_t point_stride, bool bStrictlyConvex)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsCurvatureDiscontinuity (const ON_3dVector Km, const ON_3dVector Kp, double cos_angle_tolerance, double curvature_tolerance, double zero_curvature, double radius_tolerance)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsCurvatureDiscontinuity (const ON_3dVector Km, const ON_3dVector Kp, double cos_angle_tolerance, double curvature_tolerance, double zero_curvature, double radius_tolerance, double relative_tolerance)
void ON_DECL ON_IsG1Closed (const ON_Surface &Srf, bool closed[2])
ON_DECL bool ON_IsG2CurvatureContinuous (const ON_3dVector Km, const ON_3dVector Kp, double cos_angle_tolerance, double curvature_tolerance)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsGregorianLeapYear (unsigned int year)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsGsmoothCurvatureContinuous (const ON_3dVector Km, const ON_3dVector Kp, double cos_angle_tolerance, double curvature_tolerance)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsHairlinePrintWidth (double width_mm)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsKnotVectorClamped (int order, int cv_count, const double *knot, int=2)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsKnotVectorPeriodic (int order, int cv_count, const double *knot)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsKnotVectorUniform (int order, int cv_count, const double *knot)
bool ON_IsLongChunkTypecode (ON__UINT32 typecode)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsNaNd (double x)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsNaNf (float x)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsNotValid ()
ON_DECL bool ON_IsNullPtr (const ON__INT_PTR ptr)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsNullPtr (const ON__UINT_PTR ptr)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsNullPtr (const void *ptr)
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_IsOpennurbsApplicationId (ON_UUID id)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsOrthogonalFrame (const ON_2dVector &, const ON_2dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsOrthogonalFrame (const ON_2fVector &, const ON_2fVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsOrthogonalFrame (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsOrthogonalFrame (const ON_3fVector &, const ON_3fVector &, const ON_3fVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsOrthonormalFrame (const ON_2dVector &, const ON_2dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsOrthonormalFrame (const ON_2fVector &, const ON_2fVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsOrthonormalFrame (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsOrthonormalFrame (const ON_3fVector &, const ON_3fVector &, const ON_3fVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsPointGridClosed (int, bool, int, int, int, int, const double *, int)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsPointListClosed (int, bool, int, int, const double *)
ON_DECL int ON_IsPointListPlanar (bool bRational, int count, int stride, const double *points, const double *boxMin, const double *boxMax, double tolerance, ON_PlaneEquation *plane_equation)
bool ON_IsPotentialWindowsCodePage932DoubleByteEncoding (ON__UINT32 lead_byte, ON__UINT32 trailing_byte)
bool ON_IsPotentialWindowsCodePage932SingleByteEncoding (ON__UINT32 x)
bool ON_IsPotentialWindowsCodePage949DoubleByteEncoding (ON__UINT32 lead_byte, ON__UINT32 trailing_byte)
bool ON_IsPotentialWindowsCodePage949SingleByteEncoding (ON__UINT32 x)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsPrivateUseUnicodeCodePoint (ON__UINT32 unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsProjectedPointOnTriangleBoundary (const double A[3], const double B[3], const double C[3], const double N[3], const double test_point[3])
ON_DECL bool ON_IsProjectedPointOnTriangleBoundary (const float A[3], const float B[3], const float C[3], const float N[3], const double test_point[3])
ON_DECL bool ON_IsQNaNd (double x)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsQNaNf (float x)
ON_DECL unsigned int ON_IsRhinoApplicationId (ON_UUID id)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsRightHandFrame (const ON_2dVector &, const ON_2dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsRightHandFrame (const ON_2fVector &, const ON_2fVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsRightHandFrame (const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &, const ON_3dVector &)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsRightHandFrame (const ON_3fVector &, const ON_3fVector &, const ON_3fVector &)
bool ON_IsShortChunkTypecode (ON__UINT32 typecode)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsSNaNd (double x)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsSNaNf (float x)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsStandardUnicodeCodePoint (ON__UINT32 unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_IsUnicodeC1ControlCodePoint (ON__UINT32 u)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsUnicodeControlCodePoint (ON__UINT32 code_point, bool bNullReturnValue)
ON_DECL int ON_IsUnicodeSpaceCodePoint (ON__UINT32 u)
ON_DECL int ON_IsUnicodeSpaceOrControlCodePoint (ON__UINT32 u)
ON_DECL enum ON_UnicodeEncoding ON_IsUTFByteOrderMark (const void *buffer, size_t sizeof_buffer)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValid (double x)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValidFloat (float x)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValidKnotVector (int order, int cv_count, const double *knot, ON_TextLog *text_log=0)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValidNegativeNumber (double x)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValidPointGrid (int, bool, int, int, int, int, const double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValidPointList (int, bool, int, int, const double *)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValidPointList (int, bool, int, int, const float *)
ON_DECL bool ON_IsValidPositiveNumber (double x)
ON_DECL int ON_IsValidSingleByteUTF8CharValue (char c)
ON_DECL int ON_IsValidSingleElementUTF16Value (ON__UINT32 c)
ON_DECL int ON_IsValidSingleElementUTF8Value (ON__UINT32 c)
ON_DECL int ON_IsValidSingleElementWideCharValue (wchar_t w)
ON_DECL int ON_IsValidUnicodeCodePoint (ON__UINT32 unicode_code_point)
ON_DECL int ON_IsValidUTF16Singleton (ON__UINT32 c)
ON_DECL int ON_IsValidUTF16SurrogatePair (unsigned int w1, unsigned int w2)
ON_DECL int ON_IsValidUTF32Value (ON__UINT32 c)
ON_DECL int ON_IsValidUTF8Singleton (ON__UINT32 c)
ON_DECL int ON_IsValidUTF8SingletonChar (char c)
ON_DECL int ON_JoinCurves (const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Curve * > &InCurves, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * > &OutCurves, double join_tol, bool bPreserveDirection=false, ON_SimpleArray< int > *key=0)
ON_DECL int ON_JoinCurves (const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Curve * > &InCurves, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * > &OutCurves, double join_tol, double kink_tol, bool bUseTanAngle, bool bPreserveDirection=false, ON_SimpleArray< int > *key=0)
ON_DECL int ON_JoinCurvesOld (const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Curve * > &InCurves, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * > &OutCurves, double join_tol, bool bPreserveDirection, ON_SimpleArray< int > *key)
ON_DECL int ON_JoinLines (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_Line > &InLines, ON_ClassArray< ON_Polyline > &OutPolylines, double tolerance, bool bPreserveDirection, ON_SimpleArray< int > *pKey)
ON_DECL int ON_JoinPolylines (const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Polyline * > &InPlines, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Polyline * > &OutPlines, double join_tol, double kink_tol, bool bUseTanAngle, bool bPreserveDirection=false, ON_SimpleArray< int > *key=0)
ON_DECL int ON_KnotCount (int, int)
ON_DECL int ON_KnotMultiplicity (int, int, const double *, int)
ON_DECL double ON_KnotTolerance (int, int, const double *, int)
ON_DECL bool ON_KnotVectorHasBezierSpans (int order, int cv_count, const double *knot)
 returns true if all knots have multiplicity = degree More...
ON_DECL int ON_KnotVectorSpanCount (int, int, const double *)
ON_DECL ON::knot_style ON_KnotVectorStyle (int order, int cv_count, const double *knot)
ON_DECL unsigned ON_LeastCommonMultiple (unsigned a, unsigned b)
 The least common multiple of a and b is (a/gcd)*(b/gcd)*(gcd), where gcd = greatest common divisor of and b. More...
ON_DECL double ON_Length2d (double x, double y)
ON_DECL double ON_Length2dSquared (double x, double y)
ON_DECL double ON_Length3d (double x, double y, double z)