Rhino C++ API  8.16
Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
RhinoSdkBlend Class Reference

#include <RhinoSdkBlend.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static ON_CurveCurveBlend (const ON_Curve *pC0, double t0, bool bRev0, int continuity0, const ON_Curve *pC1, double t1, bool bRev1, int continuity1)
static ON_CurveCurveBlend (ON_3dPoint position[2], ON_3dVector tangent[2], ON_3dVector curvature[2], int continuity[2])
static bool GetSurfaceTangentAndCurvature (const ON_BrepFace *pF, const ON_BrepEdge *pE, double t, bool bRev, ON_3dPoint &P, ON_3dVector &T, ON_3dVector &K)
static void ScaleBlendTangents (ON_3dPoint P0, ON_3dPoint P1, ON_3dVector &T0, ON_3dVector &T1, int pointcount)
static bool SurfaceBlend (const ON_BrepFace *pF0, const ON_BrepEdge *pE0, ON_Interval domain0, bool bRev0, int continuity0, const ON_BrepFace *pF1, const ON_BrepEdge *pE1, ON_Interval domain1, bool bRev1, int continuity1, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Brep * > &output_surfaces)
static bool SurfaceBlend (CRhinoDoc &doc, const ON_BrepFace *pF0, const ON_BrepEdge *pE0, ON_Interval domain0, bool bRev0, int continuity0, const ON_BrepFace *pF1, const ON_BrepEdge *pE1, ON_Interval domain1, bool bRev1, int continuity1, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Brep * > &output_surfaces)
static ON_CurveSurfaceBlendShape (const ON_BrepFace *pF0, const ON_BrepEdge *pE0, double t0, bool bRev0, int continuity0, const ON_BrepFace *pF1, const ON_BrepEdge *pE1, double t1, bool bRev1, int continuity1)

Detailed Description

Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates.


For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CurveBlend() [1/2]

static ON_Curve* RhinoSdkBlend::CurveBlend ( const ON_Curve pC0,
double  t0,
bool  bRev0,
int  continuity0,
const ON_Curve pC1,
double  t1,
bool  bRev1,
int  continuity1 

Description Makes a curve blend between 2 curves at the parameters specified with the directions and continuities specified Parameters: [in] pC0 - First curve to blend from [in] t0 - Parameter on first curve for blend endpoint [in] bRev0 - if bRev0 is false, the blend will go in the natural direction of the curve if bRev0 is true, the blend will go in the opposite direction to the curve [in] continuity0 - continuity for the blend at the start 0: position 1: tangency 2: curvature [in] pC1 - Second curve to blend from [in] t1 - Parameter on second curve for blend endpoint [in] bRev1 - if bRev1 is false, the blend will go in the natural direction of the curve if bRev1 is true, the blend will go in the opposite direction to the curve [in] continuity1 - continuity for the blend at the end 0: position 1: tangency 2: curvature Returns: The blend as an ON_Curve if successful NULL if not

◆ CurveBlend() [2/2]

static ON_Curve* RhinoSdkBlend::CurveBlend ( ON_3dPoint  position[2],
ON_3dVector  tangent[2],
ON_3dVector  curvature[2],
int  continuity[2] 

Description Makes a curve blend between 2 points using the directions, curvatures & continuities specified Parameters: [in] position - endpoints of the blend [in] tangent - start and end directions for the blend [in] curvature - start and end curvature for the blend [in] continuity - start and end continuity for the blend 0: position 1: tangency 2: curvature Returns: The blend as an ON_Curve if successful NULL if not

◆ GetSurfaceTangentAndCurvature()

static bool RhinoSdkBlend::GetSurfaceTangentAndCurvature ( const ON_BrepFace pF,
const ON_BrepEdge pE,
double  t,
bool  bRev,
ON_3dPoint P,
ON_3dVector T,
ON_3dVector K 

Description Finds the location, tangent and curvature for a blend curve that will be tangent and curvature continuous to the surface and perpendicular to the edge at t Parameters: [in] pF - Face to blend from [in] pE - Edge to blend from [in] t - parameter on pE to use [in] bRev - if bRev is false, the edge's trim and the edge are in the same direction if bRev is true, the edge is reversed from its trim [out] P - Point at pE(t) [out] T - Unit direction tangent to surface and perpendicular to pE at t [out] K - Curvature of the surface in the direction of t Returns: true if successful false if not

◆ ScaleBlendTangents()

static void RhinoSdkBlend::ScaleBlendTangents ( ON_3dPoint  P0,
ON_3dPoint  P1,
ON_3dVector T0,
ON_3dVector T1,
int  pointcount 

Description Scales unit tangents at the ends of blend curves according to the angle and distance between them Parameters: [in] P0 - Point at first end of blend [in] P1 - Point at second end of curve [in][out] T0 - Unit tangent in, returned with length changed for making blend curve [in][out] T1 - Unit tangent in, returned with length changed for making blend curve [in] pointcount - Number of cvs that will be made in the blend cure

◆ SurfaceBlend() [1/2]

static bool RhinoSdkBlend::SurfaceBlend ( const ON_BrepFace pF0,
const ON_BrepEdge pE0,
ON_Interval  domain0,
bool  bRev0,
int  continuity0,
const ON_BrepFace pF1,
const ON_BrepEdge pE1,
ON_Interval  domain1,
bool  bRev1,
int  continuity1,
ON_SimpleArray< ON_Brep * > &  output_surfaces 

Description Makes a surface blend between 2 surface edges Parameters: [in] pF0 - First face to blend from [in] pE0 - First edge to blend from [in] domain0 - domain on pE0 to use [in] bRev0 - if bRev0 is false, pE0 will be used in its natural direction if bRev0 is true, pE0 will be used in the reversed direction [in] continuity0 - continuity for the blend at the start 0: position 1: tangency 2: curvature [in] pF1 - Second face to blend from [in] pE1 - Second edge to blend from [in] domain1 - domain on pE1 to use [in] bRev1 - if bRev1 is false, pE1 will be used in its natural direction if bRev1 is true, pE1 will be used in the reversed direction [in] continuity1 - continuity for the blend at the start 0: position 1: tangency 2: curvature [out] output_surfaces - results returned here Returns: true if successful false if not

Use the form that takes a rhino document

◆ SurfaceBlend() [2/2]

static bool RhinoSdkBlend::SurfaceBlend ( CRhinoDoc doc,
const ON_BrepFace pF0,
const ON_BrepEdge pE0,
ON_Interval  domain0,
bool  bRev0,
int  continuity0,
const ON_BrepFace pF1,
const ON_BrepEdge pE1,
ON_Interval  domain1,
bool  bRev1,
int  continuity1,
ON_SimpleArray< ON_Brep * > &  output_surfaces 

Description Makes a surface blend between 2 surface edges Parameters: [in] doc - Rhino doc [in] pF0 - First face to blend from [in] pE0 - First edge to blend from [in] domain0 - domain on pE0 to use [in] bRev0 - if bRev0 is false, pE0 will be used in its natural direction if bRev0 is true, pE0 will be used in the reversed direction [in] continuity0 - continuity for the blend at the start 0: position 1: tangency 2: curvature [in] pF1 - Second face to blend from [in] pE1 - Second edge to blend from [in] domain1 - domain on pE1 to use [in] bRev1 - if bRev1 is false, pE1 will be used in its natural direction if bRev1 is true, pE1 will be used in the reversed direction [in] continuity1 - continuity for the blend at the start 0: position 1: tangency 2: curvature [out] output_surfaces - results returned here Returns: true if successful false if not

◆ SurfaceBlendShape()

static ON_Curve* RhinoSdkBlend::SurfaceBlendShape ( const ON_BrepFace pF0,
const ON_BrepEdge pE0,
double  t0,
bool  bRev0,
int  continuity0,
const ON_BrepFace pF1,
const ON_BrepEdge pE1,
double  t1,
bool  bRev1,
int  continuity1 

Description Makes a curve blend between points on 2 surface edges The blend will be tangent to the surfaces and perpendicular to the edges Parameters: [in] pF0 - First face to blend from [in] pE0 - First edge to blend from [in] t0 - location on pE0 for first end of blend curve [in] bRev0 - if bRev0 is false, the edge's trim and the edge are in the same direction if bRev0 is true, the edge is reversed from its trim [in] continuity0 - continuity for the blend at the start 0: position 1: tangency 2: curvature Parameters: [in] pF1 - Second face to blend from [in] pE1 - Second edge to blend from [in] t1 - location on pE1 for second end of blend curve [in] bRev1 - if bRev1 is false, the edge's trim and the edge are in the same direction if bRev1 is true, the edge is reversed from its trim [in] continuity0 - continuity for the blend at the start 0: position 1: tangency 2: curvature Returns: Blend curve if successful NULL if not