Rhino C++ API
#include <RhinoSdkUiFile.h>
Static Public Member Functions | |
static bool | Bitmap (UUID idFile, UUID idBitmap, bool menuBitmap, CRhinoDib &bitmap) |
static int | BitmapCount (UUID idFile) |
static UUID | BitmapID (UUID idFile, int index) |
static ON_wString | FileAlias (UUID id) |
static bool | FileClose (UUID id) |
static int | FileCount () |
File access methods. More... | |
static UUID | FileID (const wchar_t *sFileName, bool bIsAlias) |
static UUID | FileID (int index) |
static bool | FileIsOpen (const wchar_t *sName, bool bIsAlias) |
static ON_wString | FileName (UUID id) |
static UUID | FileOpen (const wchar_t *sFileName) |
static bool | FileSave (UUID id) |
static bool | FileSaveAs (UUID id, const wchar_t *sSaveAs) |
static UUID | GroupActiveItem (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup) |
static int | GroupCount (UUID idFile) |
Group access methods. More... | |
static UUID | GroupDockBarID (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup) |
static UUID | GroupID (UUID idFile, int index) |
static bool | GroupIsDocked (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup) |
static bool | GroupIsFloating (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup) |
static bool | GroupIsVisible (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup) |
static int | GroupItemCount (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup) |
static UUID | GroupItemID (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup, int index) |
static UUID | GroupItemToolBarID (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup, UUID idItem) |
static ON_wString | GroupName (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup) |
static ON_wString | GroupName (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup, unsigned int locale) |
static UUID | GroupSetActiveItem (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup, UUID idItem) |
static bool | GroupShow (UUID idFile, UUID idGroup, bool bShow) |
static UUID | MacroBitmapID (UUID idFile, UUID idMacro) |
static ON_wString | MacroButtonText (UUID idFile, UUID idMacro, unsigned int locale) |
static int | MacroCount (UUID idFile) |
static ON_wString | MacroHelpText (UUID idFile, UUID idMacro, unsigned int locale) |
static UUID | MacroID (UUID idFile, int index) |
static ON_wString | MacroMenuText (UUID idFile, UUID idMacro, unsigned int locale) |
static ON_wString | MacroName (UUID idFile, UUID idMacro, unsigned int locale) |
static void | MacroRunScript (UUID idFile, UUID idMacro, bool fromMenu) |
static ON_wString | MacroScript (UUID idFile, UUID idMacro) |
static ON_wString | MacroToolTip (UUID idFile, UUID idMacro, unsigned int locale) |
static bool | SetToolBarBitmapSize (const ON_2iSize &size) |
static void | ShowSidebar (bool mruSidebar, bool show) |
Sidebar access methods. More... | |
static bool | SidebarIsVisible (bool mruSidebar) |
static ON_2iSize | TabBitmapSize () |
static ON_2iSize | ToolBarBitmapSize () |
static int | ToolBarCount (UUID idFile) |
Toolbar tab access methods. More... | |
static UUID | ToolBarID (UUID idFile, int index) |
static ON_wString | ToolBarName (UUID idFile, UUID idToolBar) |
static ON_wString | ToolBarName (UUID idFile, UUID idToolBar, unsigned int locale) |
Copyright (c) 1993-2024 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates.
For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer.
static |
Description: Call this method to get the bitmap macro. Parameters: idFile[in] File Id idBitmap[in] Bitmap Id menuBitmap[in] If true the small bitmap used by custom menu items and tool bar tabs is returned otherwise; the large bitmap used by buttons is returned. bitmap[out] Will contain the extracted bitmap. Returns: Returns true of the bitmap was found and successfully extracted.
static |
Description: Call this method to get the number of bitmaps in the specified file. Parameters: idFile[in] File Id to get the bitmap count from.
Description: Call this method when iterating the bitmap table, it will return the Id for the specified index. Parameters: idFile[in] File Id to get the bitmap Id from. index[in] Zero based index of the Id to get. Returns: Returns ON_nil_uuid on error or the Id for the bitmap at the specified index on success.
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File access methods.
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static |
Group access methods.
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static |
Description: Call this method to get the Id for the bitmap associated with this macro. Parameters: idFile[in] Id of the file containing the macro. idMacro[in] Id of the specific macro to query. Returns: Returns the bitmap Id for the specified macro or ON_nil_uuid on error.
static |
Description: Call this method to get the tool-bar button text associated with the specified macro. Parameters: idFile[in] Id of the file containing the macro. idMacro[in] Id of the specific macro to query. Returns: Returns the tool-bar button text associated with the specified.
static |
Description: Call this method to get the number of macros in the specified file. Parameters: idFile[in] File Id to get the macro count from.
static |
Description: Parameters: idFile[in] Id of the file containing the macro. idMacro[in] Id of the specific macro to query. locale[in] Locale Id of the result string, will default to English if the locale is not specified in the RUI file. Returns: Returns the .
Description: Call this method when iterating the macro table, it will return the Id for the specified index. Parameters: idFile[in] File Id to get the macro Id from. index[in] Zero based index of the Id to get. Returns: Returns ON_nil_uuid on error or the Id for the macro at the specified index on success.
static |
Description: Call this method to get the menu item text associated with the specified macro. Parameters: idFile[in] Id of the file containing the macro. idMacro[in] Id of the specific macro to query. locale[in] Locale Id of the result string, will default to English if the locale is not specified in the RUI file. Returns: Returns the menu item text associated with the specified macro.
static |
Description: Call this method to get the macro name. Parameters: idFile[in] Id of the file containing the macro. idMacro[in] Id of the specific macro to query. locale[in] Locale Id of the result string, will default to English if the locale is not specified in the RUI file. Returns: Returns the .
Description: Call this method to get the script associated with the specified macro. Parameters: idFile[in] Id of the file containing the macro. idMacro[in] Id of the specific macro to query. fromMenu[in] Set to true if the macro is being run as a result of a menu item click otherwise; set it to false. Returns: Returns the script associated with the specified macro.
static |
Description: Call this method to get the script associated with the specified macro. Parameters: idFile[in] Id of the file containing the macro. idMacro[in] Id of the specific macro to query. Returns: Returns the script associated with the specified macro.
static |
Description: Call this method to get the status bar help text associated with the specified macro. Parameters: idFile[in] Id of the file containing the macro. idMacro[in] Id of the specific macro to query. locale[in] Locale Id of the result string, will default to English if the locale is not specified in the RUI file. Returns: Returns the status bar help text associated with the specified macro.
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static |
Sidebar access methods.
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Toolbar tab access methods.
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static |