Rhino C++ API  8.16
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
ON_3dmAnnotationSettings Class Reference

#include <opennurbs_3dm_settings.h>

Public Member Functions

 ON_3dmAnnotationSettings ()=default
 ON_3dmAnnotationSettings (const ON_3dmAnnotationSettings &)
 ~ON_3dmAnnotationSettings ()
ON_UUID DimensionLayerId () const
void Dump (ON_TextLog &text_log) const
void Enable_V5_AnnotationScaling (bool bEnable)
void EnableHatchScaling (bool bEnable)
void EnableLayoutSpaceAnnotationScaling (bool bEnable)
void EnableModelSpaceAnnotationScaling (bool bEnable)
void EnableUseDimensionLayer (bool bEnable)
bool Is_V5_AnnotationScalingEnabled () const
bool IsHatchScalingEnabled () const
bool IsLayoutSpaceAnnotationScalingEnabled () const
bool IsModelSpaceAnnotationScalingEnabled () const
ON_3dmAnnotationSettingsoperator= (const ON_3dmAnnotationSettings &)
bool Read (ON_BinaryArchive &)
void SetDimensionLayerId (const ON_UUID &dimension_layer_id)
void SetWorldViewHatchScale (double world_view_hatch_scale)
void SetWorldViewTextScale (double world_view_text_scale)
bool UseDimensionLayer () const
double WorldViewHatchScale () const
double WorldViewTextScale () const
bool Write (ON_BinaryArchive &) const

Public Attributes

int m_angleformat = 0
 0: decimal degrees, ... ( ON_DimStyle::angle_format enum as int ) More...
int m_angularunits = 0
 0: degrees, 1: radians More...
double m_arrowlength = 1.0
int m_arrowtype = 0
 0: filled narrow triangular arrow (= ((ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type enum value as int ) - 2)) More...
double m_arrowwidth = 1.0
double m_centermark = 1.0
double m_dimexe = 1.0
double m_dimexo = 1.0
double m_dimscale = 1.0
 model size / plotted size More...
ON::LengthUnitSystem m_dimunits = ON::LengthUnitSystem::None
 units used to measure the dimension More...
ON_wString m_facename
 for decimal, digits past the decimal point More...
int m_lengthformat = 0
 2 = ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay::FeetAndInches, treat everything else as ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay::ModelUnits More...
int m_resolution = 0
double m_textheight = 1.0

Static Public Attributes

static const ON_3dmAnnotationSettings Default

Detailed Description

Model settings render mesh defaults viewports construction planes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ON_3dmAnnotationSettings() [1/2]

ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::ON_3dmAnnotationSettings ( )

◆ ~ON_3dmAnnotationSettings()

ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::~ON_3dmAnnotationSettings ( )

◆ ON_3dmAnnotationSettings() [2/2]

ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::ON_3dmAnnotationSettings ( const ON_3dmAnnotationSettings )

Member Function Documentation

◆ DimensionLayerId()

ON_UUID ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::DimensionLayerId ( ) const

Description: Gets the id of the dimension layer. Note, if id is ON_nil_uuid or if a layer with the id does not exist, the current layer will be used.

◆ Dump()

void ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::Dump ( ON_TextLog text_log) const

◆ Enable_V5_AnnotationScaling()

void ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::Enable_V5_AnnotationScaling ( bool  bEnable)

Parameters: bEnable - [in] Sets value of m_b_V5_EnableAnnotationScaling.

◆ EnableHatchScaling()

void ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::EnableHatchScaling ( bool  bEnable)

Parameters: bEnable - [in] Sets value of m_bEnableHatchScaling.

◆ EnableLayoutSpaceAnnotationScaling()

void ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::EnableLayoutSpaceAnnotationScaling ( bool  bEnable)

Parameters: bEnable - [in] Sets value of m_bEnableLayoutSpaceAnnotationScaling.

◆ EnableModelSpaceAnnotationScaling()

void ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::EnableModelSpaceAnnotationScaling ( bool  bEnable)

Parameters: bEnable - [in] Sets value of m_bEnableModelSpaceAnnotationScaling.

◆ EnableUseDimensionLayer()

void ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::EnableUseDimensionLayer ( bool  bEnable)

Description: Enables or disables the use of a dimension layer.

◆ Is_V5_AnnotationScalingEnabled()

bool ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::Is_V5_AnnotationScalingEnabled ( ) const

Returns: Value of m_b_V5_EnableAnnotationScaling;

◆ IsHatchScalingEnabled()

bool ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::IsHatchScalingEnabled ( ) const

Returns: Value of m_bEnableHatchScaling;

◆ IsLayoutSpaceAnnotationScalingEnabled()

bool ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::IsLayoutSpaceAnnotationScalingEnabled ( ) const

Returns: Value of m_bEnableLayoutSpaceAnnotationScaling;

◆ IsModelSpaceAnnotationScalingEnabled()

bool ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::IsModelSpaceAnnotationScalingEnabled ( ) const

Returns: Value of m_bEnableModelSpaceAnnotationScaling;

◆ operator=()

ON_3dmAnnotationSettings& ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::operator= ( const ON_3dmAnnotationSettings )

◆ Read()

bool ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::Read ( ON_BinaryArchive )

◆ SetDimensionLayerId()

void ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::SetDimensionLayerId ( const ON_UUID dimension_layer_id)

Description: Sets the dimension layer id. To, clear, use ON_nil_uuid.

◆ SetWorldViewHatchScale()

void ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::SetWorldViewHatchScale ( double  world_view_hatch_scale)

Description: Sets the world view hatch scale.

◆ SetWorldViewTextScale()

void ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::SetWorldViewTextScale ( double  world_view_text_scale)

Description: Sets the world view text scale.

◆ UseDimensionLayer()

bool ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::UseDimensionLayer ( ) const

Returns: If true, then new annotations are added to the layer with the id returned by DimensionLayerId(). If false, then new annotations are added to the document's current layer.

◆ WorldViewHatchScale()

double ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::WorldViewHatchScale ( ) const

Returns: Gets the world view hatch scale.

◆ WorldViewTextScale()

double ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::WorldViewTextScale ( ) const

Returns: Gets the world view text scale.

◆ Write()

bool ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::Write ( ON_BinaryArchive ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ Default

const ON_3dmAnnotationSettings ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::Default

◆ m_angleformat

int ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_angleformat = 0

0: decimal degrees, ... ( ON_DimStyle::angle_format enum as int )

◆ m_angularunits

int ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_angularunits = 0

0: degrees, 1: radians

◆ m_arrowlength

double ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_arrowlength = 1.0

◆ m_arrowtype

int ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_arrowtype = 0

0: filled narrow triangular arrow (= ((ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type enum value as int ) - 2))

◆ m_arrowwidth

double ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_arrowwidth = 1.0

◆ m_centermark

double ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_centermark = 1.0

◆ m_dimexe

double ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_dimexe = 1.0

◆ m_dimexo

double ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_dimexo = 1.0

◆ m_dimscale

double ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_dimscale = 1.0

model size / plotted size

these are the running defaults for making dimensions they are also the things written to the 3dm file as dimension settings

◆ m_dimunits

ON::LengthUnitSystem ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_dimunits = ON::LengthUnitSystem::None

units used to measure the dimension

◆ m_facename

ON_wString ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_facename

for decimal, digits past the decimal point

[LF_FACESIZE] ///< windows font name

◆ m_lengthformat

int ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_lengthformat = 0

◆ m_resolution

int ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_resolution = 0

ON_INTERNAL_OBSOLETE::V5_TextDisplayMode m_settings_textalign; ///< In V2 files - 0: above line, 1: in line, 2: horizontal ///< After V2 files - 0: normal (converts to above_line), 1: horizontal, 2: above_line, 3: in_line
depends on m_lengthformat

◆ m_textheight

double ON_3dmAnnotationSettings::m_textheight = 1.0