Rhino C++ API  8.16
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
ON_Material Class Reference

#include <opennurbs_material.h>

Inheritance diagram for ON_Material:
ON_ModelComponent ON_Object CDisplayAttributeMaterial CRhinoMaterial

Public Types

enum  : int { MaximumMaterialChannelIndex = 65535 }
- Public Types inherited from ON_ModelComponent
enum  Attributes : unsigned int {
  NoAttributes = 0U, ComponentSerialNumberAttribute = 0x0001U, TypeAttribute = 0x0002U, ModelSerialNumberAttribute = 0x0004U,
  IdAttribute = 0x0008U, IndexAttribute = 0x0010U, NameAttribute = 0x0020U, ParentIdAttribute = 0x0040U,
  DeletedNameAttribute = 0x0080U, ComponentStatusAttribute = 0x0100U, BinaryArchiveAttributes = 0x78U, AllAttributes = 0x1FFU,
  SystemComponentAttribute = 0x8000U
enum  Type : unsigned char {
  Type::Unset = 0, Type::Image = 1, Type::TextureMapping = 2, Type::Material = 3,
  Type::RenderMaterial = Material, Type::LinePattern = 4, Type::Layer = 5, Type::Group = 6,
  Type::TextStyle = 7, Type::DimStyle = 8, Type::RenderLight = 9, Type::HatchPattern = 10,
  Type::InstanceDefinition = 11, Type::ModelGeometry = 12, Type::HistoryRecord = 13, Type::RenderContent = 14,
  Type::EmbeddedFile = 15, Type::ObsoleteValue = 16, Type::SectionStyle = 17, Type::NumOf,
  Type::Mixed = 0xFE
 The ON_ModelComponent::Type enum has a value for each explicit component type and two special values, Unset and Mixed. Use an ON_ModelComponentTypeIterator instance to iterate over the ON_ModelComponent::Type values. /summary> More...
- Public Types inherited from ON_Object
enum  UserDataConflictResolution : unsigned char {
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_object = 0, UserDataConflictResolution::source_object = 1, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_gt = 2, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_ge = 3,
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_gt = 4, UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_ge = 5, UserDataConflictResolution::delete_item = 6

Public Member Functions

 ON_Material () ON_NOEXCEPT
 ON_Material (const ON_Material &src)
 ~ON_Material ()=default
int AddTexture (const ON_Texture &tx)
int AddTexture (const wchar_t *filename, ON_Texture::TYPE type)
ON_Color Ambient () const
 Interface. More...
int DeleteTexture (const wchar_t *filename, ON_Texture::TYPE type)
ON_Color Diffuse () const
bool DisableLighting () const
void Dump (ON_TextLog &text_log) const override
ON_Color Emission () const
int FindTexture (const wchar_t *filename, ON_Texture::TYPE type, int i0=-1) const
int FindTexture (ON_UUID texture_id) const
double FresnelReflectionCoefficient (ON_3dVector N, ON_3dVector R) const
bool FresnelReflections () const
bool IsPhysicallyBased (void) const
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
 ON_Object overrides. More...
const ON_UUID MaterialChannelIdFromIndex (int material_channel_index) const
int MaterialChannelIndexFromId (ON_UUID material_channel_id) const
int MaterialChannelIndexFromId (ON_UUID material_channel_id, bool bAddIdIfNotPresent)
ON_UUID MaterialPlugInId () const
 ID of the last plug-in to modify this material. More...
ON::object_type ObjectType () const override
ON_Materialoperator= (const ON_Material &src)=default
std::shared_ptr< ON_PhysicallyBasedMaterialPhysicallyBased (void)
const std::shared_ptr< ON_PhysicallyBasedMaterialPhysicallyBased (void) const
ON_Color PreviewColor () const
ON_UUID RdkMaterialInstanceId () const
bool RdkMaterialInstanceIdIsNil () const
bool RdkMaterialInstanceIdIsNotNil () const
bool Read (ON_BinaryArchive &archive) override
double Reflectivity () const
 Transparency values are in range 0.0 = opaque to 1.0 = transparent. More...
void RemoveColorAlphaValues (void)
void SetAmbient (ON_Color)
void SetDiffuse (ON_Color)
void SetDisableLighting (bool bDisableLighting)
void SetEmission (ON_Color)
void SetFresnelReflections (bool bFresnelReflections)
void SetMaterialPlugInId (ON_UUID plugin_id)
void SetRdkMaterialInstanceId (ON_UUID rdk_material_instance_id)
void SetReflectivity (double)
 0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent More...
void SetShareable (bool bShareable)
void SetShine (double)
 0 to ON_Material::MaxShine More...
void SetSpecular (ON_Color)
void SetTransparency (double)
 0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent More...
void SetUseDiffuseTextureAlphaForObjectTransparencyTexture (bool bUseDiffuseTextureAlphaForObjectTransparencyTexture)
bool Shareable () const
double Shine () const
 Shine values are in range 0.0 to ON_Material::MaxShine. More...
ON_Color Specular () const
void ToPhysicallyBased (void)
double Transparency () const
 Transparency values are in range 0.0 = opaque to 1.0 = transparent. More...
bool UseDiffuseTextureAlphaForObjectTransparencyTexture () const
bool Write (ON_BinaryArchive &archive) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_ModelComponent
 ON_ModelComponent () ON_NOEXCEPT
 ON_ModelComponent (const ON_ModelComponent &source)
 ON_ModelComponent (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type) ON_NOEXCEPT
 ON_ModelComponent (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type, const ON_ModelComponent &source) ON_NOEXCEPT
 Locked status of source attributes is not copied to permit copy and modify operations. More...
 ~ON_ModelComponent ()=default
bool ChangeName (const wchar_t *new_name, class ON_ComponentManifest *manifest)
bool ClearComponentType ()
bool ClearId ()
bool ClearIndex ()
unsigned int ClearModelComponentAttributes (unsigned int attributes_filter)
bool ClearModelComponentStatus ()
bool ClearModelSerialNumber ()
bool ClearName ()
bool ClearParentId ()
int CompareName (const ON_UUID &other_parent_id, const wchar_t *other_name) const
int CompareName (const wchar_t *other_name) const
int CompareNameExact (const ON_UUID &other_parent_id, const wchar_t *other_name) const
int CompareNameExact (const wchar_t *other_name) const
ON_ModelComponent::Type ComponentType () const
bool ComponentTypeIsLocked () const
bool ComponentTypeIsSet () const
ON__UINT64 ContentVersionNumber () const
unsigned int CopyFrom (const ON_ModelComponent &src, unsigned int attributes_filter)
ON__UINT32 DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const override
const ON_wString DeletedName () const
const ON_NameHashDeletedNameHash () const
bool DeletedNameIsSet () const
bool DeleteName ()
void Dump (ON_TextLog &) const override
bool EraseIdentification (bool bIgnoreLocks)
const wchar_tGetName (ON_wString &component_name) const
const ON_UUIDId () const
bool IdIsLocked () const
bool IdIsNil () const
bool IdIsNotNil () const
bool IdIsSet () const
const ON_UUIDIfIdIsNilSetId ()
int Index () const
int Index (int unset_index_value) const
bool IndexIsLocked () const
bool IndexIsSet () const
unsigned int InstanceDefinitionModelSerialNumber () const
bool IsDeleted () const
bool IsHidden () const
bool IsLocked () const
bool IsReferenceComponent () const
bool IsSystemComponent () const
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
void LockAllSettingsExceptName ()
void LockComponentType ()
void LockId ()
void LockIndex ()
void LockModelComponentStatus ()
void LockModelSerialNumber ()
void LockName ()
void LockParentId ()
ON_ComponentStatus ModelComponentStatus () const
bool ModelComponentStatusIsLocked () const
bool ModelComponentStatusIsSet () const
ON_UUID ModelObjectId () const override
unsigned int ModelSerialNumber () const
bool ModelSerialNumberIsLocked () const
bool ModelSerialNumberIsSet () const
const ON_wString Name () const
const wchar_tNameAsPointer () const
const ON_NameHashNameHash () const
bool NameIsEmpty () const
bool NameIsLocked () const
bool NameIsNotEmpty () const
bool NameIsSet () const
const ON_NameHash NewNameHash (const wchar_t *new_name) const
ON_ModelComponentoperator= (const ON_ModelComponent &source)
const ON_UUIDParentId () const
bool ParentIdIsLocked () const
bool ParentIdIsNil () const
bool ParentIdIsNotNil () const
bool ParentIdIsSet () const
bool ReadModelComponentAttributes (class ON_BinaryArchive &archive)
unsigned int ReferenceModelSerialNumber () const
ON__UINT64 RuntimeSerialNumber () const
const ON_UUIDSetAndLockId ()
bool SetAsSystemComponent ()
bool SetAsUnsetSystemComponent ()
bool SetComponentType (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_component_type)
bool SetDeletedModelComponentState (bool bDeleted, class ON_ComponentManifest *manifest)
void SetHiddenModelComponentState (bool bHidden)
const ON_UUIDSetId ()
bool SetId (const ON_UUID &component_id)
bool SetIdentification (const class ON_ComponentManifestItem &manifest_item, const wchar_t *manifest_name, bool bSetId, bool bParentId, bool bSetName, bool bSetIndex)
bool SetIndex (int component_index)
bool SetLocalizedSystemComponentName (const wchar_t *system_component_localized_name)
void SetLockedModelComponentState (bool bLocked)
bool SetModelComponentStatus (ON_ComponentStatus component_status)
bool SetModelSerialNumber (unsigned int model_serial_number)
bool SetModelSerialNumber (unsigned int model_serial_number, unsigned int reference_model_serial_number, unsigned int instance_definition_model_serial_number)
bool SetName (const wchar_t *component_name)
bool SetParentId (const ON_UUID &parent_id)
unsigned int SizeOf () const override
bool UndeleteName ()
bool WriteModelComponentAttributes (class ON_BinaryArchive &archive, unsigned int attributes_filter) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Object
 ON_Object (const ON_Object &)
virtual ~ON_Object ()
virtual ON_AggregateComponentStatus AggregateComponentStatus () const
bool AttachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
unsigned int ClearAllComponentStates () const
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
void CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object)
unsigned int CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution)
virtual bool DeleteComponents (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count)
virtual void DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true)
bool DetachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
void EmergencyDestroy ()
class ON_UserDataFirstUserData () const
virtual unsigned int GetComponentsWithSetStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const
class ON_UserDataGetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const
bool GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const
int GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const
int GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const
bool IsCorrupt (bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const
bool IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const
virtual void MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent () const
virtual void MemoryRelocate ()
void MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object)
unsigned int MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems)
ON_Objectoperator= (const ON_Object &)
void PurgeUserData ()
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStatus (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const
bool SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value)
int SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace)
bool ThisIsNullptr (bool bSilentError) const
void TransformUserData (const class ON_Xform &xform)
virtual bool UpdateReferencedComponents (const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map)
int UserStringCount () const

Static Public Member Functions

static int Compare (const ON_Material &a, const ON_Material &b)
 compare everything except Index() value. More...
static int CompareAppearance (const ON_Material &a, const ON_Material &b)
static int CompareColorAttributes (const ON_Material &a, const ON_Material &b)
static int CompareNameAndIds (const ON_Material &a, const ON_Material &b)
 compare Id(), Name(), m_rdk_material_instance_id More...
static int CompareReflectionAttributes (const ON_Material &a, const ON_Material &b)
static int CompareTextureAttributes (const ON_Material &a, const ON_Material &b)
static int CompareTextureAttributesAppearance (const ON_Material &a, const ON_Material &b)
static double FresnelReflectionCoefficient (double fresnel_index_of_refraction, const double N[3], const double R[3])
static const ON_MaterialFromModelComponentRef (const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference, const ON_Material *none_return_value)
static ON_UUID PhysicallyBasedUserdataId (void)
 Internal use only. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ON_ModelComponent
static int CompareId (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareIdAndName (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareName (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareNameAndId (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareNameExact (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static ON_ModelComponent::Type ComponentTypeFromUnsigned (unsigned int component_type_as_unsigned)
static bool ComponentTypeIsValid (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static bool ComponentTypeIsValidAndNotMixed (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static const ON_wString ComponentTypeToString (ON_ModelComponent::Type)
static bool IndexRequired (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static unsigned int Internal_SystemComponentHelper ()
 For internal use. Never call this function. More...
static const wchar_tIsNamePathSeparator (const wchar_t *s)
*static const wchar_tIsReferencePrefixDelimiter (const wchar_t *s)
static const wchar_tIsReferencePrefixSeparator (const wchar_t *s)
static bool IsValidComponentName (const class ON_ComponentManifest &model_manfest, const ON_ModelComponent &model_component, bool bPermitReferencePrefix, ON_wString &valid_name)
static bool IsValidComponentName (const ON_wString &candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentName (const wchar_t *candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentName (size_t length, const wchar_t *candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentNameFirstCodePoint (int length, const wchar_t *candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentNameFirstCodePoint (ON__UINT32 unicode_code_point)
static const ON_wString NameLeaf (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString NameParent (const wchar_t *name, bool bIncludeReference)
static const ON_wString NameReferencePrefix (const wchar_t *name)
static ON__UINT64 NextRuntimeSerialNumber ()
static const ON_wString RemoveAllReferencePrefixDelimiters (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString RemoveReferencePrefix (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString RemoveTrailingNamePathSeparator (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString RemoveTrailingReferencePrefixDelimiter (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString RemoveTrailingReferencePrefixSeparator (const wchar_t *name)
static void SplitName (const wchar_t *name, ON_wString &reference_prefix, ON_wString &name_parent, ON_wString &name_leaf)
static bool UniqueNameIgnoresCase (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static bool UniqueNameIncludesParent (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static bool UniqueNameRequired (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)

Public Attributes

ON_Color m_ambient = ON_Color::Black
ON_Color m_diffuse = ON_Color::Gray126
ON_Color m_emission = ON_Color::Black
double m_fresnel_index_of_refraction = 1.56
double m_index_of_refraction = 1.0
ON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidIndexm_material_channel
ON_Color m_reflection = ON_Color::White
double m_reflection_glossiness = 0.0
double m_reflectivity = 0.0
 0.0 = none, 1.0 = 100% More...
double m_refraction_glossiness = 0.0
double m_shine = 0.0
 0.0 = none to GetMaxShine()=maximum More...
ON_Color m_specular = ON_Color::White
ON_ObjectArray< ON_Texturem_textures
double m_transparency = 0.0
 0.0 = opaque to 1.0 = transparent (1.0-alpha) More...
ON_Color m_transparent = ON_Color::White

Static Public Attributes

static const ON_Material Default
 index = -1, persistent id More...
static const ON_Material DefaultLockedObject
 Default material for locked objects. More...
static const double MaxShine
 maximum value of shine exponent = 255.0 More...
static const ON_Material Unset
 nil id More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ON_ModelComponent
static const ON_wString NamePathSeparator
static const ON_wString ReferencePrefixDelimiter
static const ON_wString ReferencePrefixSeparator
static const ON_ModelComponent Unset
*static const ON_wString WorksessionReferencePrefix *const wchar_t

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from ON_ModelComponent
void IncrementContentVersionNumber () const

Detailed Description

Class ON_Material

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum : int

summary> Material channel index values stored in the ON_UuidIndex.m_i field of elements in the m_material_channel[] array must be between 0 and ON_Material::MaximumMaterialChannelIndex, inclusive. /summary>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ON_Material() [1/2]

ON_Material::ON_Material ( )

◆ ON_Material() [2/2]

ON_Material::ON_Material ( const ON_Material src)

◆ ~ON_Material()

ON_Material::~ON_Material ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddTexture() [1/2]

int ON_Material::AddTexture ( const ON_Texture tx)

Description: If there is already a texture with the same file name and type, then that texture is modified, otherwise a new texture is added. If tx has user data, the user data is copied to the m_textures[] element. Parameters: tx - [in] Returns: Index of the added texture in the m_textures[] array. Remarks: This is intended to be a quick and simple way to add textures to the material. If you need to do something different, then just work on the m_textures[] array.

◆ AddTexture() [2/2]

int ON_Material::AddTexture ( const wchar_t filename,
ON_Texture::TYPE  type 

Description: If there is a texture with a matching type, that texture's filename is modified, otherwise a new texture is added. Parameters: filename - [in] new filename type - [in] Returns: Index of the added texture in the m_textures[] array. Remarks: This is intended to be a quick and simple way to add textures to the material. If you need to do something different, then just work on the m_textures[] array.

◆ Ambient()

ON_Color ON_Material::Ambient ( ) const


◆ Compare()

static int ON_Material::Compare ( const ON_Material a,
const ON_Material b 

compare everything except Index() value.

◆ CompareAppearance()

static int ON_Material::CompareAppearance ( const ON_Material a,
const ON_Material b 

Compare all settings (color, reflection, texture, plug-in id) that affect the appearance. Ignore Index(), Id(), Name(), m_rdk_material_instance_id.

◆ CompareColorAttributes()

static int ON_Material::CompareColorAttributes ( const ON_Material a,
const ON_Material b 

◆ CompareNameAndIds()

static int ON_Material::CompareNameAndIds ( const ON_Material a,
const ON_Material b 

compare Id(), Name(), m_rdk_material_instance_id

◆ CompareReflectionAttributes()

static int ON_Material::CompareReflectionAttributes ( const ON_Material a,
const ON_Material b 

◆ CompareTextureAttributes()

static int ON_Material::CompareTextureAttributes ( const ON_Material a,
const ON_Material b 

◆ CompareTextureAttributesAppearance()

static int ON_Material::CompareTextureAttributesAppearance ( const ON_Material a,
const ON_Material b 

◆ DeleteTexture()

int ON_Material::DeleteTexture ( const wchar_t filename,
ON_Texture::TYPE  type 

Description: Deletes all textures with matching filenames and types. Parameters: filename - [in] If nullptr, then any filename matches. type - [in] If ON_Texture::no_texture_type, then any texture type matches. Returns: Number of textures deleted.

◆ Diffuse()

ON_Color ON_Material::Diffuse ( ) const

◆ DisableLighting()

bool ON_Material::DisableLighting ( ) const

Returns: True if lighting is disabled. Remarks: True means render this object without applying any modulation based on lights. Basically, the diffuse, ambient, specular and emissive channels get combined additively, clamped, and then get treated as an emissive channel. Another way to think about it is when m_bDisableLighting is true, render the same way OpenGL does when ::glDisable( GL_LIGHTING ) is called.

◆ Dump()

void ON_Material::Dump ( ON_TextLog ) const

Description: Creates a text dump of the object. Remarks: Dump() is intended for debugging and is not suitable for creating high quality text descriptions of an object.

The default implementations of this virtual function prints the class's name.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ Emission()

ON_Color ON_Material::Emission ( ) const

◆ FindTexture() [1/2]

int ON_Material::FindTexture ( const wchar_t filename,
ON_Texture::TYPE  type,
int  i0 = -1 
) const

Description: Searches for a texture with matching filename and type. If more than one texture matches, the first match is returned. Parameters: filename - [in] If nullptr, then any filename matches. type - [in] If ON_Texture::no_texture_type, then any texture type matches. i0 - [in] If i0 is < 0, the search begins at m_textures[0], if i0 >= m_textures.Count(), -1 is returned, otherwise, the search begins at m_textures[i0+1]. Example: Iterate through all the the bitmap textures on a material.

  ON_Material& mat = ...;
  int ti = -1;
  int bitmap_texture_count = 0;
    ti = mat.FindTexture(
                ti );

    if ( ti < 0 )

/ no more bitmap textures break; }

/ we have a bitmap texture bitmap_texture_count++; const ON_Texture& bitmap_texture = mat.m_textures[ti]; ... }

Returns: >=0 m_textures[] index of matching texture -1 if no match is found.

◆ FindTexture() [2/2]

int ON_Material::FindTexture ( ON_UUID  texture_id) const

Description: Searches for a texture with matching texture_id. If more than one texture matches, the first match is returned. Parameters: texture_id - [in] Returns: >=0 m_textures[] index of matching texture -1 if no match is found.

◆ FresnelReflectionCoefficient() [1/2]

static double ON_Material::FresnelReflectionCoefficient ( double  fresnel_index_of_refraction,
const double  N[3],
const double  R[3] 

Parameters: fresnel_index_of_refraction - [in] ON_Material::Material::Default.m_fresnel_index_of_refraction is a good default N - [in] 3d surface normal R - [in] 3d reflection direction Returns: 1.0: The input values were not valid or the calculation failed due to a divide by zero or some other numerical arithmetic failure. fresnel reflection coefficient 1/2 * ((g-c)/(g+c))^2 * (1 + ( (c*(g+c) -1)/(c*(g+c) + 1) )^2) where c = N o (N-R); ///< c = 3d vector dot product of N and (N-R) and g = sqrt(fresnel_index_of_refraction*fresnel_index_of_refraction + c*c - 1.0).

◆ FresnelReflectionCoefficient() [2/2]

double ON_Material::FresnelReflectionCoefficient ( ON_3dVector  N,
ON_3dVector  R 
) const

Parameters: N - [in] 3d surface normal R - [in] 3d reflection direction Returns: If m_bFresnelReflections is false, then 1.0 is returned. If m_bFresnelReflections is true, then the value of the fresnel reflection coefficient is returned. In typical rendering applications, the reflection term is multiplied by the fresnel reflection coefficient before it is added to the diffuse color. If any input is not valid or the calculation fails, then 1.0 is returned. Remarks: When m_bFresnelReflections is true, the calculation is performed by calling ON_FresnelReflectionCoefficient() with m_fresnel_index_of_refraction as the fresnel index of refraction.

◆ FresnelReflections()

bool ON_Material::FresnelReflections ( ) const

Reflection and Refraction settings The bool m_bFresnelReflections enables fresnel scaling of reflection contributions to the diffuse color. True: The fresnel term is used to scale the reflection contribution before addition to the diffuse component. False: The reflection contribution is simply added to the diffuse component.

◆ FromModelComponentRef()

static const ON_Material* ON_Material::FromModelComponentRef ( const class ON_ModelComponentReference model_component_reference,
const ON_Material none_return_value 

Parameters: model_component_reference - [in] none_return_value - [in] value to return if ON_Material::Cast(model_component_ref.ModelComponent()) is nullptr Returns: If ON_Material::Cast(model_component_ref.ModelComponent()) is not nullptr, that pointer is returned. Otherwise, none_return_value is returned.

◆ IsPhysicallyBased()

bool ON_Material::IsPhysicallyBased ( void  ) const

Call this function to determine if the material should be treated as Physically Based (ie - a PBR material) If this function returns true, the call to PhysicallyBased will return a non-null pointer. If the function returns false, use the legacy interface (Diffuse etc). Conversion of a non-PBR material to PBR is possible by calling ConvertToPhysicallyBased.

◆ IsValid()

bool ON_Material::IsValid ( class ON_TextLog text_log = nullptr) const

ON_Object overrides.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ MaterialChannelIdFromIndex()

const ON_UUID ON_Material::MaterialChannelIdFromIndex ( int  material_channel_index) const

Parameters: material_channel_index - [in]
Returns: If material_channel_index > 0, the m_id ON_UUID value of the first element in the m_material_channel[] array with material_channel_index = ON_Uuid_index.m_i is returned. This id identifies an ON_Material. Otherwise ON_nil_uuid is returned.

◆ MaterialChannelIndexFromId() [1/2]

int ON_Material::MaterialChannelIndexFromId ( ON_UUID  material_channel_id) const

Parameters: material_channel_id - [in] Returns: If material_channel_id is not nil, the m_i index value of the first element in the m_material_channel[] array with material_channel_id = ON_Uuid_index.m_id is returned. Otherwise 0 is returned.

◆ MaterialChannelIndexFromId() [2/2]

int ON_Material::MaterialChannelIndexFromId ( ON_UUID  material_channel_id,
bool  bAddIdIfNotPresent 

Parameters: material_channel_id - [in] bAddIdIfNotPresent - [in] Returns: If material_channel_id is not nil, the m_i index value of the first element in the m_material_channel[] array with material_channel_id = ON_Uuid_index.m_id is returned. If material_channel_id is not nil an no element of the m_material_channel[] array has a matching id, a new element is added with a unique channel index > 0 and that index is returned. Otherwise 0 is returned.

◆ MaterialPlugInId()

ON_UUID ON_Material::MaterialPlugInId ( ) const

ID of the last plug-in to modify this material.

◆ ObjectType()

ON::object_type ON_Material::ObjectType ( ) const

Description: Useful for switch statements that need to differentiate between basic object types like points, curves, surfaces, and so on.

Returns: ON::object_type enum value.

Remarks: The default implementation of this virtual function returns ON::unknown_object_type

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ operator=()

ON_Material& ON_Material::operator= ( const ON_Material src)

◆ PhysicallyBased() [1/2]

std::shared_ptr<ON_PhysicallyBasedMaterial> ON_Material::PhysicallyBased ( void  )

◆ PhysicallyBased() [2/2]

const std::shared_ptr<ON_PhysicallyBasedMaterial> ON_Material::PhysicallyBased ( void  ) const

Physically based material interface. Use this interface to set and get PBR parameters and to check if this material supports PBR. Note - it is very important that the lifetime of the returned pointer is the same as the ON_Material it was called on. Once the material is deleted, this pointer is no longer valid.

◆ PhysicallyBasedUserdataId()

static ON_UUID ON_Material::PhysicallyBasedUserdataId ( void  )

Internal use only.

◆ PreviewColor()

ON_Color ON_Material::PreviewColor ( ) const

Returns a color that can be used as a simple preview of the material in GUIs. This is the function that the layer manager uses to color the little material swatch, for example.

◆ RdkMaterialInstanceId()

ON_UUID ON_Material::RdkMaterialInstanceId ( ) const

Description: Get the RDK material id. Returns: The RDK material id for this material. Remarks: The RDK material id identifies a material definition managed by the RDK (rendering development kit). Multiple materials in a Rhino or opennurbs model can reference the same RDK material.

◆ RdkMaterialInstanceIdIsNil()

bool ON_Material::RdkMaterialInstanceIdIsNil ( ) const

◆ RdkMaterialInstanceIdIsNotNil()

bool ON_Material::RdkMaterialInstanceIdIsNotNil ( ) const

◆ Read()

bool ON_Material::Read ( ON_BinaryArchive binary_archive)

Description: Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject(). Parameters: binary_archive - archive to read from Returns: Returns true if the read is successful. Remarks: Use ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject() to read objects. This Read() function should read the objects definition back into its data members.

The default implementation of this virtual function returns false and does nothing.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ Reflectivity()

double ON_Material::Reflectivity ( ) const

Transparency values are in range 0.0 = opaque to 1.0 = transparent.

◆ RemoveColorAlphaValues()

void ON_Material::RemoveColorAlphaValues ( void  )

The values all of the colors above do not support alpha values, and Rhino will not work correctly if there is a value other than 0 in that fourth byte. This function cleans this up. https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-85216/ONMaterial-diffuse-color-is-ONColorUnsetColor

◆ SetAmbient()

void ON_Material::SetAmbient ( ON_Color  )

◆ SetDiffuse()

void ON_Material::SetDiffuse ( ON_Color  )

◆ SetDisableLighting()

void ON_Material::SetDisableLighting ( bool  bDisableLighting)

◆ SetEmission()

void ON_Material::SetEmission ( ON_Color  )

◆ SetFresnelReflections()

void ON_Material::SetFresnelReflections ( bool  bFresnelReflections)

◆ SetMaterialPlugInId()

void ON_Material::SetMaterialPlugInId ( ON_UUID  plugin_id)

◆ SetRdkMaterialInstanceId()

void ON_Material::SetRdkMaterialInstanceId ( ON_UUID  rdk_material_instance_id)

Description: Set this material's RDK material id. Parameters: rdk_material_id - [in] RDK material id value. Remarks: The RDK material id identifies a material definition managed by the RDK (rendering development kit). Multiple materials in a Rhino or opennurbs model can reference the same RDK material. When setting this value, it is necessary to also set this material's plug-in id to ON_UniversalRenderEngineId. See SetMaterialPlugInId().

◆ SetReflectivity()

void ON_Material::SetReflectivity ( double  )

0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent

◆ SetShareable()

void ON_Material::SetShareable ( bool  bShareable)

◆ SetShine()

void ON_Material::SetShine ( double  )

◆ SetSpecular()

void ON_Material::SetSpecular ( ON_Color  )

◆ SetTransparency()

void ON_Material::SetTransparency ( double  )

0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent

◆ SetUseDiffuseTextureAlphaForObjectTransparencyTexture()

void ON_Material::SetUseDiffuseTextureAlphaForObjectTransparencyTexture ( bool  bUseDiffuseTextureAlphaForObjectTransparencyTexture)

◆ Shareable()

bool ON_Material::Shareable ( ) const

Returns: True if the material can be shared. Remarks: If true, when an object using this material is copied, the copy references the same material.

◆ Shine()

double ON_Material::Shine ( ) const

Shine values are in range 0.0 to ON_Material::MaxShine.

◆ Specular()

ON_Color ON_Material::Specular ( ) const

◆ ToPhysicallyBased()

void ON_Material::ToPhysicallyBased ( void  )

Convert a legacy material to a PBR material that is the best approximation of the original. After calling this function, the material is guaranteed to return true to material.IsPhysicallyBased()

◆ Transparency()

double ON_Material::Transparency ( ) const

Transparency values are in range 0.0 = opaque to 1.0 = transparent.

◆ UseDiffuseTextureAlphaForObjectTransparencyTexture()

bool ON_Material::UseDiffuseTextureAlphaForObjectTransparencyTexture ( ) const

If m_bUseDiffuseTextureAlphaForObjectTransparencyTexture is true, the alpha channel of the texture in m_textures with m_type=bitmap_texture is used in addition to any textures with m_type=transparency_texture.

◆ Write()

bool ON_Material::Write ( ON_BinaryArchive binary_archive) const

Description: Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject(). Parameters: binary_archive - archive to write to Returns: Returns true if the write is successful. Remarks: Use ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject() to write objects. This Write() function should just write the specific definition of this object. It should not write and any chunk typecode or length information.

The default implementation of this virtual function returns false and does nothing.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Default

const ON_Material ON_Material::Default

index = -1, persistent id

◆ DefaultLockedObject

const ON_Material ON_Material::DefaultLockedObject

Default material for locked objects.

index = -2, persistent id

◆ m_ambient

ON_Color ON_Material::m_ambient = ON_Color::Black

◆ m_diffuse

ON_Color ON_Material::m_diffuse = ON_Color::Gray126

◆ m_emission

ON_Color ON_Material::m_emission = ON_Color::Black

◆ m_fresnel_index_of_refraction

double ON_Material::m_fresnel_index_of_refraction = 1.56

m_fresnel_index_of_refraction: Default is 1.56. This is the value ON:Material::FresnelReflectionCoefficient() passes as the first parameter to ON_FresnelReflectionCoefficient().

  • Glass material types can be simulated with m_index_of_refraction ~ 1.56 m_fresnel_index_of_refraction ~ 1.56
  • Thin glass can be simulated with m_fresnel_index_of_refraction = 1.56 m_index_of_refraction = 0.0
  • Porcelain type materials can be simulated with m_fresnel_index_of_refraction = 1.56 m_index_of_refraction = 1.0 m_transparency = 0.0

◆ m_index_of_refraction

double ON_Material::m_index_of_refraction = 1.0

m_index_of_refraction: Default is 1.0. Physically, the index of refraction is >= 1.0 and is the value (speed of light in vacuum)/(speed of light in material). Some rendering algorithms set m_index_of_refraction to zero or values < 1.0 to generate desirable effects.

◆ m_material_channel

ON_SimpleArray<ON_UuidIndex> ON_Material::m_material_channel

Description: The m_material_channel[] array is used to provide per face rendering material support for ON_SubD and ON_Brep objects. ON_Mesh objects to not support per face render materials. The application specifies a base ON_Material for rendering the subd or brep and a way to find materials from ON_UUID values. ON_Material.Id() returns the id for any given material.

ON_BrepFace::MaterialChannelIndex() and ON_SubDFace::MaterialChannelIndex() specify a material channel index. If this value is 0, then the base material is used to render the face. Otherwise the material with id = base.MaterialChannelIdFromIndex( face.MaterialChannelIndex() ) is used to render the face.

◆ m_reflection

ON_Color ON_Material::m_reflection = ON_Color::White

◆ m_reflection_glossiness

double ON_Material::m_reflection_glossiness = 0.0

m_reflection_glossiness: Default is 0.0. Values from 0.0 to 1.0 make sense.

  • 0.0 reflections are perfectly specular.
  • t > 0.0 permits reflection ray direction to vary from the specular direction by up to t*pi/2.

◆ m_reflectivity

double ON_Material::m_reflectivity = 0.0

0.0 = none, 1.0 = 100%

◆ m_refraction_glossiness

double ON_Material::m_refraction_glossiness = 0.0

m_refraction_glossiness: Default is 0.0. Values from 0.0 to 1.0 make sense.

  • 0.0 refractions are perfectly specular.
  • t > 0.0 permits refraction ray direction to vary from the specular direction by up to t*pi/2.

◆ m_shine

double ON_Material::m_shine = 0.0

0.0 = none to GetMaxShine()=maximum

◆ m_specular

ON_Color ON_Material::m_specular = ON_Color::White

◆ m_textures

ON_ObjectArray<ON_Texture> ON_Material::m_textures

◆ m_transparency

double ON_Material::m_transparency = 0.0

0.0 = opaque to 1.0 = transparent (1.0-alpha)

◆ m_transparent

ON_Color ON_Material::m_transparent = ON_Color::White

◆ MaxShine

const double ON_Material::MaxShine

maximum value of shine exponent = 255.0

◆ Unset

const ON_Material ON_Material::Unset

nil id