| CRhinoGetAngle () |
| CRhinoGetAngle (const CRhinoGet &) |
double | Angle () |
void | ClearBase () |
void | ClearDefault () |
void | ClearFrame () |
void | ClearReferencePoint () |
void | DynamicDraw (CRhinoDisplayPipeline &dp, const ON_3dPoint &pt) |
CRhinoGet::result | GetAngle () |
void | OnMouseMove (CRhinoViewport &vp, UINT nFlags, const ON_3dPoint &pt, const ON_2iPoint *p2) |
const ON_Plane & | ResultPlane () |
| Get the plane the angle was selected in - New Nov2, 2009 - Lowell. More...
void | SetBase (const ON_3dPoint &pt) |
void | SetDefault (double d) |
| Angle in radians. More...
void | SetFrame (const ON_Plane &frame) |
void | SetReference (double refangle) |
| Angle in radians. More...
void | SetReferencePoint (const ON_3dPoint &pt) |
| CRhinoGetPoint () |
| CRhinoGetPoint (const CRhinoGet &src) |
| prompt and options copied More...
| CRhinoGetPoint (const CRhinoGetPoint &)=delete |
| no implementation More...
virtual | ~CRhinoGetPoint () |
int | AddConstructionPoint (const ON_3dPoint &construction_point) |
int | AddSnapPoint (const ON_3dPoint &snap_point) |
int | AddSnapPoints (BOOL32 bRationalPoints, int point_count, int point_stride, const double *points) |
int | AddSnapPoints (int point_count, const ON_3dPoint *snap_points) |
const CRhinoObjRef & | BaseObjRef () const |
ON_3dPoint | BasePoint () const |
void | ClearConstraints () |
void | ClearConstructionPoints () |
void | ClearLineConstraint () |
void | ClearSnapPoints () |
bool | ComplexPointInput () const |
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_Arc &) |
| constrain point to lie on an arc More...
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_Brep &, int wire_density=-1, int face_index=-1, bool bAllowPickingPointOffObject=false) |
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_BrepFace &, int wire_density=-1, bool bAllowPickingPointOffObject=false) |
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_Circle &) |
| constrain point to lie on a circle More...
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_Curve &, bool bAllowPickingPointOffObject=false) |
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_Cylinder &) |
| constrain point to lie on a cylinder More...
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_Line &, BOOL32 bTrackFromStart=true) |
| constrain to a line More...
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_Mesh &, bool bAllowPickingPointOffObject=false) |
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_Plane &, bool bAllowElevator=false) |
| constrain point to lie on a plane More...
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_Sphere &) |
| constrain point to lie on a sphere More...
BOOL32 | Constrain (const ON_Surface &, bool bAllowPickingPointOffObject=false) |
BOOL32 | Constrain (ON_3dPoint, ON_3dPoint) |
| constrain to a line More...
void | ConstrainDistanceFromBasePoint (double distance_from_basepoint) |
bool | Constrained () const |
BOOL32 | ConstrainEx (const ON_Mesh &, bool bAllowPickingPointOffObject=false, double dOffset=0.0) |
BOOL32 | ConstrainEx (const ON_SubD &, bool bAllowPickingPointOffObject=false, double dOffset=0.0) |
BOOL32 | ConstrainToConstructionPlane (BOOL32 bThroughBasePoint=true, BOOL32 bProjectOsnaps=false) |
BOOL32 | ConstrainToTargetPlane () |
BOOL32 | ConstrainToVirtualCPlaneIntersection (const ON_Plane &) |
HCURSOR | CurrentCursor () const |
void | DrawLineFromPoint (ON_3dPoint start_point, BOOL32 bShowDistanceInStatusBar) |
bool | DrawsShadedMeshes () const |
virtual void | DynamicDraw (HDC, CRhinoViewport &, const ON_3dPoint &) |
const ON_BoundingBox & | DynamicDrawBounds () const |
ON_Color | DynamicDrawColor () const |
void | EnableCurveSnapArrow (BOOL32 bDrawDirectionArrowAtSnapPoint=true, BOOL32 bReverseArrow=false) |
void | EnableCurveSnapPerpBar (BOOL32 bDrawPerpBarAtSnapPoint=true, BOOL32 bDrawEndPoints=false) |
void | EnableCurveSnapTangentBar (BOOL32 bDrawTangentBarAtSnapPoint=true, BOOL32 bDrawEndPoints=false) |
void | EnableDrawLineFromPoint (BOOL32 bDrawLineFromPoint=true) |
void | EnableNoRedrawOnExit (bool bNoRedrawOnExit=true) |
void | EnableObjectSnapCursors (bool bEnableObjectSnapCursors=true) |
void | EnableOneShotOsnapHiddenOptions (bool bEnable) |
void | EnableOnObjectCursors (bool bEnableOnObjectCursors=true) |
void | EnableSnapToCurves (BOOL32=true) |
CRhinoGet::result | Get2dLine (CRhinoView *pView=NULL, const POINT *corner=NULL, BOOL32 bCentered=false, int pen_style=PS_SOLID, bool bClampToView=true) |
CRhinoGet::result | Get2dPoint (CRhinoView *pView=NULL, bool bOnMouseUp=false) |
CRhinoGet::result | Get2dRectangle (CRhinoView *pView=NULL, const POINT *corner=NULL, BOOL32 bCentered=false, int pen_style=PS_SOLID, bool bClampToView=true, const wchar_t *second_prompt=NULL) |
int | GetConstructionPoints (ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &construction_points) const |
BOOL32 | GetPlanarConstraint (const CRhinoViewport *vp, ON_Plane &plane) const |
CRhinoGet::result | GetPoint (CRhinoHistory *history=nullptr, bool bOnMouseUp=false) |
HCURSOR | GetPointCursor () const |
bool | GetPointOnMouseUp () const |
| true if getting point on mouse up event More...
int | GetSnapPoints (ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &snap_points) const |
bool | GetTabModeSettings (int *tab_mode=0, ON_Line *tab_mode_line=0) |
bool | GetView3dPoint (UINT nPointingDevice, CRhinoView &view, UINT_PTR nFlags, ON_3dPoint device_point, const ON_Line &world_line, ON_3dPoint &world_point) |
BOOL32 | HasBasePoint () const |
BOOL32 | InterruptMouseMove () const |
| tool for use in More...
bool | MouseMoved () const |
bool | NumberPreview (double *number=nullptr) const |
virtual void | OnMouseDown (CRhinoViewport &vp, UINT nFlags, const ON_3dPoint &point, const ON_2iPoint *view_wnd_point) |
int | OnViewMouseDown (CRhinoView &, int button, UINT nFlags, const ON_2iPoint &point, CRhinoViewport &vp) |
| these functions are used by CRhinoView::OnMouseDown/Move/Up - pretend they don't exist More...
int | OnViewMouseMove (CRhinoView &, int button, UINT nFlags, const ON_2iPoint &point, CRhinoViewport &vp) |
int | OnViewMouseUp (CRhinoView &, int button, UINT nFlags, const ON_2iPoint &point, CRhinoViewport &vp) |
CRhinoGetPoint & | operator= (const CRhinoGetPoint &)=delete |
bool | OrthoSnap () const |
bool | OsnapOverideEnabled (CRhinoAppSettings::osnap_mode &mode) const |
void | PermitConstraintOptions (BOOL32 bPermitConstraintOptions=true) |
void | PermitElevatorMode (int permit_elevator_mode=1) |
void | PermitFromOption (BOOL32 bPermitFromOption=true) |
void | PermitObjectSnap (BOOL32 bPermitObjectSnap=true) |
void | PermitOrthoSnap (BOOL32 bPermitOrthoSnap=true) |
void | PermitTabMode (bool bPermitTabMode=true) |
ON_3dPoint | Point () const |
| returns 3d point in world coordinates More...
const ON_BrepFace * | PointOnBrep (double *u, double *v) const |
const ON_Curve * | PointOnCurve (double *t) const |
const ON_BrepEdge * | PointOnEdge (double *edge_parameter, const ON_BrepTrim *&pTrim) const |
BOOL32 | PointOnObject (CRhinoObjRef &) const |
const ON_Surface * | PointOnSurface (double *u, double *v) const |
void | ProhibitObjectSnap (const CRhinoObject *object) |
void | SetBaseObjRef (const CRhinoObjRef &ref) |
void | SetBasePoint (ON_3dPoint basePoint, bool showDistanceInStatusBar=false) |
void | SetComplexPointInput (bool b) |
void | SetDrawsShadedMeshes (bool on) |
void | SetDynamicDrawBounds (const ON_BoundingBox &bbox) |
void | SetDynamicDrawColor (COLORREF color) |
HCURSOR | SetGetPointCursor (HCURSOR getpoint_cursor) |
void | SetNumberPreview (double number) |
const CRhinoSnapEvent & | SnapEvent () const |
| CRhinoGet (TYPE) |
| CRhinoGet (TYPE, const CRhinoGet &) |
virtual | ~CRhinoGet () |
void | AcceptColor (BOOL32 b=true) |
bool | AcceptCustomWindowsMessage (UINT winmsg_id) |
void | AcceptNothing (BOOL32 b=true) |
void | AcceptNumber (bool b=true, bool bAcceptZero=true) |
void | AcceptPoint (BOOL32 b=true) |
void | AcceptString (BOOL32 b=true) |
void | AcceptUndo (BOOL32 b=true) |
| call to allow user undo previous selection. More...
int | AddCommandOption (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, CRhinoCommandOptionValue option_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr), BOOL32 bHiddenOption=false) |
int | AddCommandOption (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, double number_value) |
int | AddCommandOption (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, int number_value) |
int | AddCommandOptionColor (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, ON_Color *color_value, const wchar_t *option_prompt=nullptr) |
int | AddCommandOptionInteger (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, int *integer_value, const wchar_t *option_prompt=nullptr, double lower_limit=ON_UNSET_VALUE, double upper_limit=ON_UNSET_VALUE) |
int | AddCommandOptionList (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, const ON_SimpleArray< CRhinoCommandOptionValue > &list_values, int list_current_index) |
int | AddCommandOptionList (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, int list_current_index, CRhinoCommandOptionValue list0_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr), CRhinoCommandOptionValue list1_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr), CRhinoCommandOptionValue list2_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr), CRhinoCommandOptionValue list3_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr), CRhinoCommandOptionValue list4_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr), CRhinoCommandOptionValue list5_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr), CRhinoCommandOptionValue list6_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr), CRhinoCommandOptionValue list7_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr), CRhinoCommandOptionValue list8_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr), CRhinoCommandOptionValue list9_value=CRhinoCommandOptionValue(nullptr, nullptr)) |
int | AddCommandOptionList (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, int list_values_count, const CRhinoCommandOptionValue *list_values, int list_current_index) |
int | AddCommandOptionNumber (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, double *number_value, const wchar_t *option_prompt=nullptr, BOOL32 bIntegerValue=false, double lower_limit=ON_UNSET_VALUE, double upper_limit=ON_UNSET_VALUE, int number_format=0) |
int | AddCommandOptionToggle (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, CRhinoCommandOptionValue option_off_value, CRhinoCommandOptionValue option_on_value, bool bToggleState, bool *bCurrentToggleState=nullptr) |
int | AddCommandOptionToggle (CRhinoCommandOptionName option_name, CRhinoCommandOptionValue option_off_value, CRhinoCommandOptionValue option_on_value, BOOL32 bToggleState, BOOL32 *bCurrentToggleState=nullptr) |
void | AddHiddenCommandOptionAlias (int option_index, const wchar_t *alias1, const wchar_t *alias2=nullptr, const wchar_t *alias3=nullptr, const wchar_t *alias4=nullptr) |
| low level tool More...
void | ClearCommandOptions () |
| Clear all command line options. More...
void | ClearDefault () |
ON_Color | Color () const |
| Used to get color if Get*() returns CRhinoGet::color. More...
CRhinoCommand::result | CommandResult () const |
const ON_Color & | DefaultColor () const |
double | DefaultNumber () const |
unsigned int | DocumentRuntimeSerialNumber () const |
void | EnableTransparentCommands (BOOL32 bEnableTransparentCommands) |
BOOL32 | GotDefault () const |
bool | In2dGet () const |
| these functions are used by CRhinoView::OnMouseDown/Move/Up - pretend they don't exist More...
bool | IsGetColor () const |
bool | IsGetMeshes () const |
bool | IsGetNumber () const |
bool | IsGetObject () const |
bool | IsGetOption () const |
bool | IsGetPoint () const |
bool | IsGetString () const |
RH_LINE | Line2d () const |
double | Number () const |
const CRhinoCommandOption * | Option () const |
int | OptionCount () const |
| Get the number of available command line options. This information is useful when command flow depends on the existence of command line options. More...
int | OptionCurrentListOptionIndex () const |
int | OptionIndex () const |
CRhinoCommandOption::COMMAND_OPTION_TYPE | OptionType () const |
ON_4iRect | PickRect () const |
ON_3dPoint | Point () const |
| Used to get point if Get*() returns CRhinoGet::point. More...
ON_2iPoint | Point2d () const |
ON_4iRect | Rectangle2d () const |
CRhinoGet::result | Result () const |
| returns result of the Get*() call More...
unsigned int | SerialNumber () const |
| low level tool used to identify the get More...
void | SetCommandPrompt (const wchar_t *prompt) |
void | SetCommandPromptDefault (const wchar_t *default_value) |
void | SetDefaultColor (ON_Color default_color) |
void | SetDefaultColor (ON_Color default_color, bool bUseAlpha) |
void | SetDefaultInteger (int default_integer) |
void | SetDefaultNumber (double default_number, const wchar_t *format=nullptr) |
void | SetDefaultPoint (ON_3dPoint default_point) |
void | SetDefaultString (const wchar_t *default_string) |
void | SetDocument (unsigned int rhino_doc_sn) |
void | SetOptionVaries (int option_index, bool bVaries) |
| Set option that uses "option_name=value" format to show the value as "Varies". More...
void | SetVector (const ON_3dVector &v) |
void | SetWaitDuration (double seconds) |
const wchar_t * | String () const |
TYPE | Type () const |
ON_3dVector | Vector () const |
CRhinoView * | View () const |
MSG | WindowsMessage () const |
ON_3dPoint | WorldPoint1 () const |
ON_3dPoint | WorldPoint2 () const |