Rhino C++ API
#include <RhinoSdkUiDockBar.h>
Public Types | |
enum | caption_button_hit_test : int { cbht_close = HTCLOSE, cbht_expand = HTMAXBUTTON } |
Used by OnNcHitTest to return custom caption button hit test ID's. More... | |
enum | control_bar_flags : int { cbf_show_name_when_docked_vert = 0, cbf_draw_gripper_when_docked_horz, cbf_draw_gripper_when_docked_vert, cbf_forward_mouse_wheel_to_cursor_wnd, cbf_unused_1, cbf_unused_2, cbf_unused_3, cbf_unused_4, cbf_invalid } |
enum | RHINO_CONTROL_BAR_STYLES { RHCBS_EDGELEFT = 0x00000001, RHCBS_EDGERIGHT = 0x00000002, RHCBS_EDGETOP = 0x00000004, RHCBS_EDGEBOTTOM = 0x00000008, RHCBS_EDGEALL = 0x0000000F, RHCBS_SHOWEDGES = 0x00000010, RHCBS_GRIPPER = 0x00000020 } |
Public Member Functions | |
CSize | CalcDynamicLayout (int nLength, DWORD nMode) override |
CSize | CalcFixedLayout (BOOL32 bStretch, BOOL32 bHorz) override |
sizing More... | |
CRect | CalculateNCBorders (int dock_location, bool bResizable=true) const |
CSize | CalculateNCBorderSize (int dock_location, bool bResizable=true) const |
virtual bool | CanClose () |
bool | CreateDockBarClientDialog (LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName, CRuntimeClass *pRC, AFX_MODULE_STATE *pMS) |
bool | CreateDockBarClientDialog (UINT nIDTemplate, CRuntimeClass *pRC, AFX_MODULE_STATE *pMS) |
virtual bool | CreateDockBarControls () |
const class CRhControlBarInfo * | DelayFloatInfo () const |
void | DelayShow (BOOL32 bShow) override |
BOOL32 | DestroyWindow () override |
CWnd * | DockBarClientWnd () const |
virtual ON_UUID | DockBarID () const |
virtual const wchar_t * | DockBarName (int languageId=1033) const |
int | DockLocation () const |
virtual void | DrawDockedCaption (CDC *pDC, const CRect &rect) |
void | DrawGripper (CDC *pDC, const CRect &rect) override |
painting More... | |
void | EnableDocking (DWORD dwDockStyle) |
void | ForceOnScreen () |
int | GripperSize () const |
CSize | InitialSizeDockedHorz () const |
CSize | InitialSizeDockedVert () const |
CSize | InitialSizeFloating () const |
bool | IsCloseButtonVisible () const |
BOOL32 | IsDockBar () const override |
bool | IsDockBarFlagSet (control_bar_flags flag) const |
bool | IsDocked () const |
bool | IsDockedBottom () const |
bool | IsDockedHoriz () const |
bool | IsDockedLeft () const |
bool | IsDockedRight () const |
bool | IsDockedTop () const |
bool | IsDockedVert () const |
bool | IsGearButtonVisible () const |
BOOL32 | IsVisible () const override |
virtual void | LoadState (LPCTSTR lpszProfileName=NULL) |
void | OnBarStyleChange (DWORD dwOldStyle, DWORD dwNewStyle) override |
virtual CSize | OnCalcDynamicLayout (CSize size, int nLength, DWORD nMode) |
virtual CSize | OnCalcFixedLayout (CSize size, BOOL32 bStretch, BOOL32 bHorz) |
virtual void | OnDockBarPositionChanged (DWORD newLocation) |
virtual bool | OnDockContextStartDrag (bool dragActionStarting) |
virtual void | OnShowDockBar (bool show) |
virtual void | OnShowDockBar (IDockBarEventWatcher::ShowEventArgs args) |
virtual void | OnStartTracking (bool bDoneTracking) |
virtual void | OnToggleDocking (bool priorToStateChange) |
void | OnUpdateCmdUI (CFrameWnd *pTarget, BOOL32 bDisableIfNoHndler) override |
CControlBar overrides. More... | |
ON_UUID | PlugInID () const |
void | PostNcDestroy () override |
BOOL32 | PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &cs) override |
BOOL32 | PreTranslateMessage (MSG *pMsg) override |
DWORD | RecalcDelayShow (AFX_SIZEPARENTPARAMS *lpLayout) override |
virtual void | RhinoGetBarInfo (CControlBarInfo &cbi) |
virtual void | SaveState (LPCTSTR lpszProfileName=NULL) |
void | SetDockBarClientWnd (CWnd *pWnd) |
bool | SetDockBarFlag (control_bar_flags flag, bool b) |
void | SetInitialSizeDockedHorz (CSize size) |
void | SetInitialSizeDockedVert (CSize size) |
void | SetInitialSizeFloating (CSize size) |
BOOL32 | SetStatusText (INT_PTR nHit) override |
bool | ShowCloseButton (bool show) |
bool | ShowGearButton (bool show) |
int | SortIndex () const |
void | ToggleDocking () |
LRESULT | WindowProc (UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static bool | IsHiding (IDockBarEventWatcher::ShowEventArgs args) |
static bool | IsShowing (IDockBarEventWatcher::ShowEventArgs args) |
Public Attributes | |
class CRhDockBarExtension * | m__control_bar_sdk_extension = nullptr |
Protected Types | |
enum | edge_hit_test_side : int { edge_ht_left = 0, edge_ht_top, edge_ht_right, edge_ht_bottom, edge_ht_invalid } |
enum | tracking : int { not_tracking = HTERROR, tracking_left = HTLEFT, tracking_right = HTRIGHT, tracking_top = HTTOP, tracking_bottom = HTBOTTOM } |
Tracking modes when sizing a docked dock bar. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
CRhinoUiDockBar () | |
virtual | ~CRhinoUiDockBar () |
void | AlignDockBars () |
bool | CanStretch (UINT nHitTest) const |
bool | DelayFloat () |
virtual LRESULT CALLBACK | DockBarFloatingFrameWndProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) |
void | Expand (bool bToggle) |
int | GetDockSiteBars (ON_SimpleArray< CRhinoUiDockBar * > &bar_list) const |
void | GetDockSiteInfo (int &first_bar, int &last_bar, int &this_bar) const |
bool | GetEdgeRect (CRect rcWnd, UINT nHitTest, CRect &rcEdge) const |
bool | GetMinMaxSizes (LPSIZE szMin, LPSIZE szMax, int at_location) const |
bool | IsAlmostRight () const |
bool | IsDelayFloat () const |
bool | IsEdgeVisible (UINT hit_test) const |
bool | IsSideTracking () const |
bool | IsSizable (int at_location=-1) const |
bool | IsTracking () const |
bool | NegociateSpace (int length_available, bool is_horz) |
afx_msg void | OnActivateApp (BOOL32 bActive, DWORD dwThreadID) |
afx_msg void | OnCaptureChanged (CWnd *pWnd) |
afx_msg int | OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) |
afx_msg void | OnDestroy () |
afx_msg BOOL32 | OnEraseBkgnd (CDC *pDC) |
afx_msg void | OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override |
afx_msg void | OnLButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override |
afx_msg void | OnMouseMove (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override |
afx_msg void | OnNcCalcSize (BOOL32 bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *lpncsp) |
afx_msg LRESULT | OnNcHitTest (CPoint point) |
afx_msg void | OnNcLButtonDblClk (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) |
afx_msg void | OnNcLButtonDown (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) |
afx_msg void | OnNcLButtonUp (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) |
afx_msg void | OnNcMouseMove (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) |
afx_msg void | OnNcPaint () |
bool | OnNcPaintFloat (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
afx_msg void | OnPaint () |
afx_msg void | OnRButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override |
afx_msg void | OnRButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override |
afx_msg BOOL32 | OnSetCursor (CWnd *pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) |
afx_msg void | OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy) |
afx_msg void | OnTimer (UINT_PTR nIDEvent) override |
void | OnTrackInvertTracker () |
void | OnTrackUpdateSize (CPoint &point) |
afx_msg void | OnWindowPosChanged (WINDOWPOS *lpwndpos) |
afx_msg void | OnWindowPosChanging (WINDOWPOS *lpwndpos) |
const CRhinoUiDockBar & | operator= (const CRhinoUiDockBar &) |
void | PaintCaptionButtons (HWND hWnd) |
void | RedrawButton (const CRhinoUiDockBarCaptionButton &btn) |
void | ReleaseDockBarMouseCapture () |
void | SetDelayFloatInfo (class CRhControlBarInfo *) |
bool | SetDockBarMouseCapture () |
void | StartTracking (UINT nHitTest) |
void | StopTracking () |
void | TrackButtons (CPoint ptScreen) |
tracking | TrackingLocation () const |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static UINT | GetEdgeHTCode (edge_hit_test_side nEdge) |
Protected Attributes | |
bool | m_bActiveApp |
bool | m_bActiveFloating |
bool | m_bAutoDeleteRhinoDockBar |
bool | m_bDockBarMouseCaptured |
int | m_border_size |
bool | m_bReplaceDockContext |
CWnd * | m_client_window |
int | m_cx_edge |
int | m_dock_location |
bool | m_is_maximized |
bool | m_is_parent_sizing |
bool | m_is_single_in_row |
bool | m_keep_size |
CSize | m_max_tracking_size |
CSize | m_min_tracking_size |
int | m_over_button |
UUID | m_plug_in_id |
WNDPROC | m_pOldFloatFrameWndProc |
int | m_pushed_button |
CRect | m_redraw_rect |
DWORD | m_rhino_cb_style |
BYTE | m_rhino_flags [cbf_invalid] |
CPoint | m_save_point |
CSize | m_save_size |
int | m_sort_index |
CSize | m_szFloat |
CSize | m_szHorz |
CSize | m_szMaxFloat |
CSize | m_szMaxHorz |
CSize | m_szMaxVert |
CSize | m_szMinFloat |
CSize | m_szMinHorz |
CSize | m_szMinVert |
CSize | m_szVert |
CSize | m_track_max_size |
CSize | m_track_min_size |
int | m_tracking |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static ON_wString | m_bogus_rhino_control_bar_name |
static UUID | m_bogus_rhino_control_bar_uuid |
Friends | |
class | CRhControlBarInfo |
class | CRhDockState |
class | CRhinoUiDockBarManager |
class | CRhinoUiPageDockBar |
class | CRhinoUiPageDockBarManager |
class | CRhUiDockBar |
class | CRhUiDockBarManagerWnd |
class | CRhUiDockContext |
void | RhUiDockStatePlugInLoaded (UUID plug_in_id) |
Copyright (c) 1993-2016 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates.
For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer.
enum CRhinoUiDockBar::caption_button_hit_test : int |
enum CRhinoUiDockBar::control_bar_flags : int |
Description: Flags that describe how the dock bar will be drawn or act.
protected |
protected |
protected |
protectedvirtual |
protected |
override |
CRect CRhinoUiDockBar::CalculateNCBorders | ( | int | dock_location, |
bool | bResizable = true |
) | const |
Description: Calculate the left, right, top, and bottom non client borders at specified location. This is may be useful when setting minimum, maximum and initial sizes and is used by CRhinoUiDockBar::OnNcCalcSize() Parameters: dock_location [in] Valid docking locations are: AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_RIGHT AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_FLOAT If dock_location is not one of the above AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_FLOAT is assumed. bResizable [in] If true then allow for resize edge Returns: Returns a CRect which contains the border sizes as follows: CRect.left = left non client edge CRect.right = right non client edge CRect.top = top non client edge CRect.bottom = bottom non client edge
CSize CRhinoUiDockBar::CalculateNCBorderSize | ( | int | dock_location, |
bool | bResizable = true |
) | const |
Description: Calculate the combined left+right and top+bottom non client borders at specified location. This is may be useful when setting minimum, maximum and initial sizes. Parameters: dock_location [in] Valid docking locations are: AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_RIGHT AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_FLOAT If dock_location is not one of the above AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_FLOAT is assumed. bResizable [in] If true then allow for resize edge Returns: Size.cx represents the sum of the left and right non client edges. Size.cy represents the sum of the top and bottom non client edges.
virtual |
Description: Called prior to closing the dock bar Returns: true (default) If dock bar is allowed to close.
protected |
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::CreateDockBarClientDialog | ( | LPCTSTR | lpszTemplateName, |
CRuntimeClass * | pRC, | ||
) |
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::CreateDockBarClientDialog | ( | UINT | nIDTemplate, |
CRuntimeClass * | pRC, | ||
) |
virtual |
Description: Called when dock bar is being created. This is where controls which are to be embedded in this dock bar should be created. Returns: true If controls are created successfully. false If they are not. Returning false will cause CRhinoUiDockBar::CreateRhinoDockBar() to fail.
Reimplemented in CRhinoUiPageDockBar.
protected |
const class CRhControlBarInfo* CRhinoUiDockBar::DelayFloatInfo | ( | ) | const |
override |
override |
CWnd* CRhinoUiDockBar::DockBarClientWnd | ( | ) | const |
protectedvirtual |
protected |
virtual |
Returns: Unique id which identifies this dock bar. This should be persistent as this id will be used to serialize size, state and position information relative to this dock bar when Rhino is shutdown and start up.
Reimplemented in CRhinoUiPageDockBar.
virtual |
Description: There is no requirement for dock bars to have unique names. Dock bars must have a name so that the dock bar manager GUI can reference this control dock bar. Parameters: languageId [in] Localized language version control_bar_name is using Returns: Display name for this dock bar
Reimplemented in CRhinoUiPageDockBar.
int CRhinoUiDockBar::DockLocation | ( | ) | const |
Description: Get the current docked location of this dock bar. Returns: The current docked location of this dock bar. AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_RIGHT AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_FLOAT
virtual |
Description: Called when time to draw non client caption for docked dock bars. Parameters: pDC [in/out] Non client device context to draw into. rect [in] Caption rectangle in pDC coordinates.
override |
void CRhinoUiDockBar::EnableDocking | ( | DWORD | dwDockStyle | ) |
protected |
void CRhinoUiDockBar::ForceOnScreen | ( | ) |
Description: Call to assure that the entire dock bar is visible on the monitor which contains the greatest amount of the control bar. If the control bar is outside of a monitor then it is pushed onto the monitor containing the main Rhino window. This is used by CRhinoUiDockBarManager::ShowDockBar() right after showing a control bar.
protected |
Description: Get CRhinoUiDockBar objects which share the docking location of this dock bar. Called when a dock bar is docked and a list of other dock bars at the same docking location is needed. Parameters: bar_list [out] List to populate with dock bars. Returns: Number of dock bars found including this one. Zero if none found or on error.
protected |
staticprotected |
protected |
protected |
int CRhinoUiDockBar::GripperSize | ( | ) | const |
Description:m Get current gripper size value. Returns: Current gripper size.
CSize CRhinoUiDockBar::InitialSizeDockedHorz | ( | ) | const |
CSize CRhinoUiDockBar::InitialSizeDockedVert | ( | ) | const |
CSize CRhinoUiDockBar::InitialSizeFloating | ( | ) | const |
protected |
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::IsCloseButtonVisible | ( | ) | const |
protected |
override |
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::IsDockBarFlagSet | ( | control_bar_flags | flag | ) | const |
Description: Check to see if style flag is set. Parameters: flag [in] Flag to check Returns: true If flag is set otherwise false.
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::IsDocked | ( | ) | const |
Description: Check to see if this dock bar is docked. Returns: true If the dock bar is docked at the top, bottom, left or right.
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::IsDockedBottom | ( | ) | const |
Description: Check to see if this dock bar is docked at the bottom of the Rhino main frame window. Returns: true If the dock bar is docked at the bottom.
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::IsDockedHoriz | ( | ) | const |
Description: Check to see if this dock bar is docked at the top or bottom of the Rhino main frame window. Returns: true If the dock bar is docked at the top or bottom.
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::IsDockedLeft | ( | ) | const |
Description: Check to see if this dock bar is docked on the right sied of the Rhino main frame window. Returns: true If the dock bar is docked on the left side.
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::IsDockedRight | ( | ) | const |
Description: Check to see if this dock bar is docked on the right sied of the Rhino main frame window. Returns: true If the dock bar is docked on the right side.
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::IsDockedTop | ( | ) | const |
Description: Check to see if this dock bar is docked at the top of the Rhino main frame window. Returns: true If the dock bar is docked at the top.
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::IsDockedVert | ( | ) | const |
Description: Check to see if this dock bar is docked at the right or left side of the Rhino main frame window. Returns: true If the dock bar is docked on the right or left side.
protected |
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::IsGearButtonVisible | ( | ) | const |
static |
Description: Check to see if ShowEventArgs is a hide event of some sort
static |
Description: Check to see if ShowEventArgs is a show event of some sort
protected |
Description: Check to see if dock bar is being sized by dragging the size control seporating two dock bars docked at the same location. Returns: true If dragging the size control seporating two dock bars docked at the same location.
protected |
protected |
Description: Check to see if a dock bar is docked and being sized. Returns: true If this dock bar is docked and sized by dragging an edge.
override |
virtual |
Description: Called when dock bar position is being read. Parameters: lpszProfileName [in] Profile section being read
protected |
protected |
override |
virtual |
Description: Called by CRhinoUiDockBar::CalcDynamicLayout just prior to committing size. Override if you want the size to snap at specific increments. Parameters: size [in] New calculated size. nLength [in] See CRhinoUiDockBar::CalcDynamicLayout[nLength] nMode [in] See CRhinoUiDockBar::CalcDynamicLayout[nMode] Returns; Return size to commit.
virtual |
Description: Called by CRhinoUiDockBar::CalcFixedLayout just prior to committing size. Override if you want the size to snap at specific increments. Parameters: size [in] New calculated size. bStretch [in] See CRhinoUiDockBar::CalcFixedLayout[bStretch] bHorz [in] See CRhinoUiDockBar::CalcFixedLayout[bHorz] Returns; Return size to commit.
protected |
protected |
protected |
virtual |
Description: Called when a dock bars docked location has changed. Parameters: newLocation [in] New dock location, can be one of the following: AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_RIGHT AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_FLOAT
virtual |
Description: Called when beginning to drag a control bar Parameters: dragActionStarting [in] true then drag action is starting; otherwise drag action is finishing. Returns: If dragActionStarting is true return true to allow drag action or false to stop. If dragActionStarting is false then the return value is ignored.
protected |
overrideprotected |
overrideprotected |
overrideprotected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
overrideprotected |
overrideprotected |
protected |
virtual |
Description: Called when a dock bar has been shown or hidden. Parameters: show [in] If dock bar is to be shown this will be true otherwise it will be false.
virtual |
Description: Called when a dock bar has been shown or hidden. Parameters: show [in] If dock bar is to be shown this will be true otherwise it will be false.
protected |
virtual |
Description: Called just prior to and just after dock bar is stretched while docked. Parameters: bDoneTracking [in] If true then it stretching is complete; otherwise just just getting started.
overrideprotected |
virtual |
Description: Called just prior to and just after tool bars docking state is being toggled. Parameters: priorToStateChange [in] If true then it is being called prior to state changing; otherwise state has changed.
protected |
protected |
override |
CControlBar overrides.
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
ON_UUID CRhinoUiDockBar::PlugInID | ( | ) | const |
Description: If this dock bar was created by a plug-in this will return the plug-ins UUID otherwise it returns the Rhino UUID Returns: If this dock bar was created by a plug-in this will return the plug-ins UUID otherwise it returns the Rhino UUID
override |
override |
override |
override |
protected |
protected |
virtual |
Description: Call this method to get position and state information about the dock bar.
virtual |
Description: Called when dock bar position is being saved. Parameters: lpszProfileName [in] Profile section being written
protected |
void CRhinoUiDockBar::SetDockBarClientWnd | ( | CWnd * | pWnd | ) |
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::SetDockBarFlag | ( | control_bar_flags | flag, |
bool | b | ||
) |
Description: Set dock bar style flag. Parameters: flag [in] Flag to set b [in] New value for flag Returns: Previous flag value
protected |
void CRhinoUiDockBar::SetInitialSizeDockedHorz | ( | CSize | size | ) |
Description: Set initial dock bar size when docked on top or bottom of Rhino main frame window. Should be called prior to calling CRhinoUiDockBar::CreateRhinoDockBar(). Parameters: size [in] Initial size.
void CRhinoUiDockBar::SetInitialSizeDockedVert | ( | CSize | size | ) |
Description: Set initial dock bar size when docked on right or left side of Rhino main frame window. Should be called prior to calling CRhinoUiDockBar::CreateRhinoDockBar(). Parameters: size [in] Initial size.
void CRhinoUiDockBar::SetInitialSizeFloating | ( | CSize | size | ) |
Description: Set initial dock bar size when floating. Should be called prior to calling CRhinoUiDockBar::CreateRhinoDockBar(). Parameters: size [in] Initial size.
override |
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::ShowCloseButton | ( | bool | show | ) |
bool CRhinoUiDockBar::ShowGearButton | ( | bool | show | ) |
int CRhinoUiDockBar::SortIndex | ( | ) | const |
Description: The dock bar manager is a collection of CRhinoUiDockBars. The dock bar manager includes methods for sorting and culling this list for display in Rhino GUI. This index is a runtime index used to get this sorted list. Returns: If less than 0 then this dock bar is not visible in the Rhino GUI ortherwise it identifies the display index of the dock bar in the GUI.
protected |
protected |
void CRhinoUiDockBar::ToggleDocking | ( | ) |
Description: Toggle dock bars docked state. If docked then float otherwise if floating then return to most recent docked position.
protected |
protected |
Description: Current tracking mode when sizing a docked dock bar.
override |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
class CRhDockBarExtension* CRhinoUiDockBar::m__control_bar_sdk_extension = nullptr |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
staticprotected |
staticprotected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |