Rhino C++ API  8.16
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
ON_HistoryRecord Class Reference

#include <opennurbs_object_history.h>

Inheritance diagram for ON_HistoryRecord:
ON_ModelComponent ON_Object

Public Types

enum  RECORD_TYPE : unsigned int { RECORD_TYPE::history_parameters = 0, RECORD_TYPE::feature_parameters = 1 }
- Public Types inherited from ON_ModelComponent
enum  Attributes : unsigned int {
  NoAttributes = 0U, ComponentSerialNumberAttribute = 0x0001U, TypeAttribute = 0x0002U, ModelSerialNumberAttribute = 0x0004U,
  IdAttribute = 0x0008U, IndexAttribute = 0x0010U, NameAttribute = 0x0020U, ParentIdAttribute = 0x0040U,
  DeletedNameAttribute = 0x0080U, ComponentStatusAttribute = 0x0100U, BinaryArchiveAttributes = 0x78U, AllAttributes = 0x1FFU,
  SystemComponentAttribute = 0x8000U
enum  Type : unsigned char {
  Type::Unset = 0, Type::Image = 1, Type::TextureMapping = 2, Type::Material = 3,
  Type::RenderMaterial = Material, Type::LinePattern = 4, Type::Layer = 5, Type::Group = 6,
  Type::TextStyle = 7, Type::DimStyle = 8, Type::RenderLight = 9, Type::HatchPattern = 10,
  Type::InstanceDefinition = 11, Type::ModelGeometry = 12, Type::HistoryRecord = 13, Type::RenderContent = 14,
  Type::EmbeddedFile = 15, Type::ObsoleteValue = 16, Type::SectionStyle = 17, Type::NumOf,
  Type::Mixed = 0xFE
 The ON_ModelComponent::Type enum has a value for each explicit component type and two special values, Unset and Mixed. Use an ON_ModelComponentTypeIterator instance to iterate over the ON_ModelComponent::Type values. /summary> More...
- Public Types inherited from ON_Object
enum  UserDataConflictResolution : unsigned char {
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_object = 0, UserDataConflictResolution::source_object = 1, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_gt = 2, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_ge = 3,
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_gt = 4, UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_ge = 5, UserDataConflictResolution::delete_item = 6

Public Member Functions

 ON_HistoryRecord () ON_NOEXCEPT
 ON_HistoryRecord (const ON_HistoryRecord &src)
 ~ON_HistoryRecord ()
bool CopyOnReplaceObject () const
void DestroyValue (int value_id)
void Dump (ON_TextLog &) const override
bool GetBoolValue (int value_id, bool *b) const
int GetBoolValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< bool > &) const
bool GetBrepValue (int value_id, const ON_Brep *&) const
bool GetColorValue (int value_id, ON_Color *color) const
int GetColorValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Color > &) const
bool GetCurveValue (int value_id, const ON_Curve *&) const
bool GetDoubleValue (int value_id, double *number) const
int GetDoubleValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< double > &) const
bool GetGeometryValue (int value_id, const ON_Geometry *&) const
int GetGeometryValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Geometry * > &) const
bool GetIntValue (int value_id, int *i) const
int GetIntValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< int > &) const
bool GetMeshValue (int value_id, const ON_Mesh *&) const
bool GetObjRefValue (int value_id, ON_ObjRef &oref) const
int GetObjRefValues (int value_id, ON_ClassArray< ON_ObjRef > &objects) const
bool GetPointOnObjectValue (int value_id, ON_ObjRef &oref) const
bool GetPointValue (int value_id, ON_3dPoint &point) const
int GetPointValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &) const
bool GetPolyEdgeValue (int value_id, const ON_PolyEdgeHistory *&polyedge) const
int GetPolyEdgeValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< const ON_PolyEdgeHistory * > &) const
bool GetStringValue (int value_id, ON_wString &str) const
int GetStringValues (int value_id, ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &string) const
bool GetSubDEdgeChainValue (int value_id, const ON_SubDEdgeChain *&edge_chain) const
int GetSubDEdgeChainValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdgeChain * > &edge_chains) const
bool GetSurfaceValue (int value_id, const ON_Surface *&) const
bool GetUuidValue (int value_id, ON_UUID *uuid) const
int GetUuidValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< ON_UUID > &) const
bool GetVectorValue (int value_id, ON_3dVector &point) const
int GetVectorValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dVector > &) const
bool GetXformValue (int value_id, ON_Xform &point) const
int GetXformValues (int value_id, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Xform > &) const
bool IsAntecedent (ON_UUID object_uuid) const
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
ON_HistoryRecordoperator= (const ON_HistoryRecord &src)
bool Read (ON_BinaryArchive &binary_archive) override
void RemapObjectIds (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidPair > &uuid_remap)
bool SetBoolValue (int value_id, bool b)
bool SetBoolValues (int value_id, int count, const bool *b)
bool SetColorValue (int value_id, ON_Color c)
bool SetColorValues (int value_id, int count, const ON_Color *c)
void SetCopyOnReplaceObject (bool bCopyOnReplaceObject)
bool SetDoubleValue (int value_id, double x)
bool SetDoubleValues (int value_id, int count, const double *x)
bool SetGeometryValue (int value_id, ON_Geometry *g)
bool SetGeometryValues (int value_id, const ON_SimpleArray< ON_Geometry * > a)
bool SetIntValue (int value_id, int i)
bool SetIntValues (int value_id, int count, const int *i)
bool SetObjRefValue (int value_id, const ON_ObjRef &oref)
bool SetObjRefValues (int value_id, int count, const ON_ObjRef *oref)
bool SetPointOnObjectValue (int value_id, const ON_ObjRef &oref, ON_3dPoint point)
bool SetPointValue (int value_id, ON_3dPoint p)
bool SetPointValues (int value_id, int count, const ON_3dPoint *P)
bool SetPolyEdgeValue (int value_id, const ON_PolyEdgeHistory &polyedge)
bool SetPolyEdgeValues (int value_id, int count, const ON_PolyEdgeHistory *a)
bool SetStringValue (int value_id, const wchar_t *s)
bool SetStringValues (int value_id, const ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &s)
bool SetStringValues (int value_id, int count, const wchar_t *const *s)
bool SetSubDEdgeChainValue (int value_id, const ON_SubDEdgeChain &edge_chain)
bool SetSubDEdgeChainValues (int value_id, const ON_ClassArray< ON_SubDEdgeChain > &edge_chains)
bool SetSubDEdgeChainValues (int value_id, const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdgeChain * > &edge_chains)
bool SetUuidValue (int value_id, ON_UUID uuid)
bool SetUuidValues (int value_id, int count, const ON_UUID *u)
bool SetVectorValue (int value_id, ON_3dVector v)
bool SetVectorValues (int value_id, int count, const ON_3dVector *V)
bool SetXformValue (int value_id, ON_Xform xform)
bool SetXformValues (int value_id, int count, const ON_Xform *xform)
int ValueReport (ON_TextLog &text_log) const
bool Write (ON_BinaryArchive &binary_archive) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_ModelComponent
 ON_ModelComponent () ON_NOEXCEPT
 ON_ModelComponent (const ON_ModelComponent &source)
 ON_ModelComponent (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type) ON_NOEXCEPT
 ON_ModelComponent (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type, const ON_ModelComponent &source) ON_NOEXCEPT
 Locked status of source attributes is not copied to permit copy and modify operations. More...
 ~ON_ModelComponent ()=default
bool ChangeName (const wchar_t *new_name, class ON_ComponentManifest *manifest)
bool ClearComponentType ()
bool ClearId ()
bool ClearIndex ()
unsigned int ClearModelComponentAttributes (unsigned int attributes_filter)
bool ClearModelComponentStatus ()
bool ClearModelSerialNumber ()
bool ClearName ()
bool ClearParentId ()
int CompareName (const ON_UUID &other_parent_id, const wchar_t *other_name) const
int CompareName (const wchar_t *other_name) const
int CompareNameExact (const ON_UUID &other_parent_id, const wchar_t *other_name) const
int CompareNameExact (const wchar_t *other_name) const
ON_ModelComponent::Type ComponentType () const
bool ComponentTypeIsLocked () const
bool ComponentTypeIsSet () const
ON__UINT64 ContentVersionNumber () const
unsigned int CopyFrom (const ON_ModelComponent &src, unsigned int attributes_filter)
ON__UINT32 DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const override
const ON_wString DeletedName () const
const ON_NameHashDeletedNameHash () const
bool DeletedNameIsSet () const
bool DeleteName ()
bool EraseIdentification (bool bIgnoreLocks)
const wchar_tGetName (ON_wString &component_name) const
const ON_UUIDId () const
bool IdIsLocked () const
bool IdIsNil () const
bool IdIsNotNil () const
bool IdIsSet () const
const ON_UUIDIfIdIsNilSetId ()
int Index () const
int Index (int unset_index_value) const
bool IndexIsLocked () const
bool IndexIsSet () const
unsigned int InstanceDefinitionModelSerialNumber () const
bool IsDeleted () const
bool IsHidden () const
bool IsLocked () const
bool IsReferenceComponent () const
bool IsSystemComponent () const
void LockAllSettingsExceptName ()
void LockComponentType ()
void LockId ()
void LockIndex ()
void LockModelComponentStatus ()
void LockModelSerialNumber ()
void LockName ()
void LockParentId ()
ON_ComponentStatus ModelComponentStatus () const
bool ModelComponentStatusIsLocked () const
bool ModelComponentStatusIsSet () const
ON_UUID ModelObjectId () const override
unsigned int ModelSerialNumber () const
bool ModelSerialNumberIsLocked () const
bool ModelSerialNumberIsSet () const
const ON_wString Name () const
const wchar_tNameAsPointer () const
const ON_NameHashNameHash () const
bool NameIsEmpty () const
bool NameIsLocked () const
bool NameIsNotEmpty () const
bool NameIsSet () const
const ON_NameHash NewNameHash (const wchar_t *new_name) const
ON_ModelComponentoperator= (const ON_ModelComponent &source)
const ON_UUIDParentId () const
bool ParentIdIsLocked () const
bool ParentIdIsNil () const
bool ParentIdIsNotNil () const
bool ParentIdIsSet () const
bool ReadModelComponentAttributes (class ON_BinaryArchive &archive)
unsigned int ReferenceModelSerialNumber () const
ON__UINT64 RuntimeSerialNumber () const
const ON_UUIDSetAndLockId ()
bool SetAsSystemComponent ()
bool SetAsUnsetSystemComponent ()
bool SetComponentType (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_component_type)
bool SetDeletedModelComponentState (bool bDeleted, class ON_ComponentManifest *manifest)
void SetHiddenModelComponentState (bool bHidden)
const ON_UUIDSetId ()
bool SetId (const ON_UUID &component_id)
bool SetIdentification (const class ON_ComponentManifestItem &manifest_item, const wchar_t *manifest_name, bool bSetId, bool bParentId, bool bSetName, bool bSetIndex)
bool SetIndex (int component_index)
bool SetLocalizedSystemComponentName (const wchar_t *system_component_localized_name)
void SetLockedModelComponentState (bool bLocked)
bool SetModelComponentStatus (ON_ComponentStatus component_status)
bool SetModelSerialNumber (unsigned int model_serial_number)
bool SetModelSerialNumber (unsigned int model_serial_number, unsigned int reference_model_serial_number, unsigned int instance_definition_model_serial_number)
bool SetName (const wchar_t *component_name)
bool SetParentId (const ON_UUID &parent_id)
unsigned int SizeOf () const override
bool UndeleteName ()
bool WriteModelComponentAttributes (class ON_BinaryArchive &archive, unsigned int attributes_filter) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Object
 ON_Object (const ON_Object &)
virtual ~ON_Object ()
virtual ON_AggregateComponentStatus AggregateComponentStatus () const
bool AttachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
unsigned int ClearAllComponentStates () const
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
void CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object)
unsigned int CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution)
virtual bool DeleteComponents (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count)
virtual void DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true)
bool DetachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
void EmergencyDestroy ()
class ON_UserDataFirstUserData () const
virtual unsigned int GetComponentsWithSetStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const
class ON_UserDataGetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const
bool GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const
int GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const
int GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const
bool IsCorrupt (bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const
bool IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const
virtual void MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent () const
virtual void MemoryRelocate ()
void MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object)
unsigned int MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems)
virtual ON::object_type ObjectType () const
ON_Objectoperator= (const ON_Object &)
void PurgeUserData ()
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStatus (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const
bool SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value)
int SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace)
bool ThisIsNullptr (bool bSilentError) const
void TransformUserData (const class ON_Xform &xform)
virtual bool UpdateReferencedComponents (const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map)
int UserStringCount () const

Static Public Member Functions

static ON_HistoryRecord::RECORD_TYPE RecordType (int i)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ON_ModelComponent
static int CompareId (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareIdAndName (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareName (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareNameAndId (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareNameExact (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static ON_ModelComponent::Type ComponentTypeFromUnsigned (unsigned int component_type_as_unsigned)
static bool ComponentTypeIsValid (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static bool ComponentTypeIsValidAndNotMixed (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static const ON_wString ComponentTypeToString (ON_ModelComponent::Type)
static bool IndexRequired (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static unsigned int Internal_SystemComponentHelper ()
 For internal use. Never call this function. More...
static const wchar_tIsNamePathSeparator (const wchar_t *s)
*static const wchar_tIsReferencePrefixDelimiter (const wchar_t *s)
static const wchar_tIsReferencePrefixSeparator (const wchar_t *s)
static bool IsValidComponentName (const class ON_ComponentManifest &model_manfest, const ON_ModelComponent &model_component, bool bPermitReferencePrefix, ON_wString &valid_name)
static bool IsValidComponentName (const ON_wString &candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentName (const wchar_t *candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentName (size_t length, const wchar_t *candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentNameFirstCodePoint (int length, const wchar_t *candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentNameFirstCodePoint (ON__UINT32 unicode_code_point)
static const ON_wString NameLeaf (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString NameParent (const wchar_t *name, bool bIncludeReference)
static const ON_wString NameReferencePrefix (const wchar_t *name)
static ON__UINT64 NextRuntimeSerialNumber ()
static const ON_wString RemoveAllReferencePrefixDelimiters (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString RemoveReferencePrefix (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString RemoveTrailingNamePathSeparator (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString RemoveTrailingReferencePrefixDelimiter (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString RemoveTrailingReferencePrefixSeparator (const wchar_t *name)
static void SplitName (const wchar_t *name, ON_wString &reference_prefix, ON_wString &name_parent, ON_wString &name_leaf)
static bool UniqueNameIgnoresCase (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static bool UniqueNameIncludesParent (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static bool UniqueNameRequired (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)

Public Attributes

ON_UuidList m_antecedents
ON_UUID m_command_id = ON_nil_uuid
ON_UuidList m_descendants
RECORD_TYPE m_record_type = ON_HistoryRecord::RECORD_TYPE::history_parameters
ON_SimpleArray< class ON_Value * > m_value
int m_version = 0

Static Public Attributes

static const ON_HistoryRecord Empty
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ON_ModelComponent
static const ON_wString NamePathSeparator
static const ON_wString ReferencePrefixDelimiter
static const ON_wString ReferencePrefixSeparator
static const ON_ModelComponent Unset
*static const ON_wString WorksessionReferencePrefix *const wchar_t

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from ON_ModelComponent
void IncrementContentVersionNumber () const

Member Enumeration Documentation


enum ON_HistoryRecord::RECORD_TYPE : unsigned int

parameters for UpdateHistory


parameters for a feature

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ON_HistoryRecord() [1/2]

ON_HistoryRecord::ON_HistoryRecord ( )

◆ ~ON_HistoryRecord()

ON_HistoryRecord::~ON_HistoryRecord ( )

◆ ON_HistoryRecord() [2/2]

ON_HistoryRecord::ON_HistoryRecord ( const ON_HistoryRecord src)

Member Function Documentation

◆ CopyOnReplaceObject()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::CopyOnReplaceObject ( ) const

12 May, 2015 - Lowell When an object is replaced and the old object has a history record with CopyOnReplaceObject() set to tru, then history record is copied and attached to the new object. That allows a descendant object to continue the history linkage after it is edited.
See http://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-30399

◆ DestroyValue()

void ON_HistoryRecord::DestroyValue ( int  value_id)

◆ Dump()

void ON_HistoryRecord::Dump ( ON_TextLog ) const

Description: Creates a text dump of the object. Remarks: Dump() is intended for debugging and is not suitable for creating high quality text descriptions of an object.

The default implementations of this virtual function prints the class's name.

Reimplemented from ON_ModelComponent.

◆ GetBoolValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetBoolValue ( int  value_id,
bool *  b 
) const

◆ GetBoolValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetBoolValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< bool > &   
) const

◆ GetBrepValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetBrepValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_Brep *&   
) const

◆ GetColorValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetColorValue ( int  value_id,
ON_Color color 
) const

◆ GetColorValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetColorValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< ON_Color > &   
) const

◆ GetCurveValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetCurveValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_Curve *&   
) const

◆ GetDoubleValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetDoubleValue ( int  value_id,
double *  number 
) const

◆ GetDoubleValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetDoubleValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< double > &   
) const

◆ GetGeometryValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetGeometryValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_Geometry *&   
) const

◆ GetGeometryValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetGeometryValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< const ON_Geometry * > &   
) const

◆ GetIntValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetIntValue ( int  value_id,
int *  i 
) const

◆ GetIntValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetIntValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< int > &   
) const

◆ GetMeshValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetMeshValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_Mesh *&   
) const

◆ GetObjRefValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetObjRefValue ( int  value_id,
ON_ObjRef oref 
) const

◆ GetObjRefValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetObjRefValues ( int  value_id,
ON_ClassArray< ON_ObjRef > &  objects 
) const

◆ GetPointOnObjectValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetPointOnObjectValue ( int  value_id,
ON_ObjRef oref 
) const

◆ GetPointValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetPointValue ( int  value_id,
ON_3dPoint point 
) const

◆ GetPointValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetPointValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > &   
) const

◆ GetPolyEdgeValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetPolyEdgeValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_PolyEdgeHistory *&  polyedge 
) const

◆ GetPolyEdgeValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetPolyEdgeValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< const ON_PolyEdgeHistory * > &   
) const

◆ GetStringValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetStringValue ( int  value_id,
ON_wString str 
) const

Description: For retrieving values.

◆ GetStringValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetStringValues ( int  value_id,
ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &  string 
) const

◆ GetSubDEdgeChainValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetSubDEdgeChainValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_SubDEdgeChain *&  edge_chain 
) const

◆ GetSubDEdgeChainValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetSubDEdgeChainValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdgeChain * > &  edge_chains 
) const

◆ GetSurfaceValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetSurfaceValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_Surface *&   
) const

◆ GetUuidValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetUuidValue ( int  value_id,
ON_UUID uuid 
) const

◆ GetUuidValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetUuidValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< ON_UUID > &   
) const

◆ GetVectorValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetVectorValue ( int  value_id,
ON_3dVector point 
) const

◆ GetVectorValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetVectorValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dVector > &   
) const

◆ GetXformValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::GetXformValue ( int  value_id,
ON_Xform point 
) const

◆ GetXformValues()

int ON_HistoryRecord::GetXformValues ( int  value_id,
ON_SimpleArray< ON_Xform > &   
) const

◆ IsAntecedent()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::IsAntecedent ( ON_UUID  object_uuid) const

Description: Determine if object is an antecedent (input) in this history record. Parameters: object_uuid - [in] Returns: Returns true if object_uuid is the id of an input object.

◆ IsValid()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::IsValid ( class ON_TextLog text_log = nullptr) const

Description: Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly initialized. Parameters: text_log - [in] if the object is not valid and text_log is not nullptr, then a brief english description of the reason the object is not valid is appended to the log. The information appended to text_log is suitable for low-level debugging purposes by programmers and is not intended to be useful as a high level user interface tool. Returns: @untitled table true object is valid false object is invalid, uninitialized, etc.

Reimplemented from ON_ModelComponent.

◆ operator=()

ON_HistoryRecord& ON_HistoryRecord::operator= ( const ON_HistoryRecord src)

◆ Read()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::Read ( ON_BinaryArchive binary_archive)

Description: Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject(). Parameters: binary_archive - archive to read from Returns: Returns true if the read is successful. Remarks: Use ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject() to read objects. This Read() function should read the objects definition back into its data members.

The default implementation of this virtual function returns false and does nothing.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ RecordType()

static ON_HistoryRecord::RECORD_TYPE ON_HistoryRecord::RecordType ( int  i)

Description: Convert integer into an ON_HistoryRecord::RECORD_TYPE. Parameters: i - [in] Returns: ON_HistoryRecord::RECORD_TYPE enum with same value as i.

◆ RemapObjectIds()

void ON_HistoryRecord::RemapObjectIds ( const ON_SimpleArray< ON_UuidPair > &  uuid_remap)

Description: This tool is used in rare situations when the object ids stored in the uuid list need to be remapped. Parameters: uuid_remap - [in] Is it critical that uuid_remap[] be sorted with respect to ON_UuidPair::CompareFirstUuid.

◆ SetBoolValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetBoolValue ( int  value_id,
bool  b 

Description: For setting values. Parameters: value_id - [in] If there a value with the same input id exists, the old value is replaced. count - [in] Number of values b - [in] array of count bools i - [in] array of count ints x - [in] array of count doubles p - [in] array of count 3d points v - [in] array of count 3d vectors xform - [in] array of count xforms c - [in] array of count colors or - [in] array of count object references g - [in] array of count geometry pointers u - [in] array of uuids s - [in] string

◆ SetBoolValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetBoolValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const bool *  b 

Description: For setting values. Parameters: value_id - [in] If there a value with the same input id exists, the old value is replaced. count - [in] Number of values b - [in] array of count bools i - [in] array of count ints x - [in] array of count doubles P - [in] array of count 3d points V - [in] array of count 3d vectors xform - [in] array of count xforms c - [in] array of count colors or - [in] array of count object references g - [in] array of count geometry pointers u - [in] array of uuids s - [in] array of strings

◆ SetColorValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetColorValue ( int  value_id,
ON_Color  c 

◆ SetColorValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetColorValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const ON_Color c 

◆ SetCopyOnReplaceObject()

void ON_HistoryRecord::SetCopyOnReplaceObject ( bool  bCopyOnReplaceObject)

◆ SetDoubleValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetDoubleValue ( int  value_id,
double  x 

◆ SetDoubleValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetDoubleValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const double *  x 

◆ SetGeometryValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetGeometryValue ( int  value_id,
ON_Geometry g 

◆ SetGeometryValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetGeometryValues ( int  value_id,
const ON_SimpleArray< ON_Geometry * >  a 

◆ SetIntValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetIntValue ( int  value_id,
int  i 

◆ SetIntValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetIntValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const int *  i 

◆ SetObjRefValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetObjRefValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_ObjRef oref 

◆ SetObjRefValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetObjRefValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const ON_ObjRef oref 

◆ SetPointOnObjectValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetPointOnObjectValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_ObjRef oref,
ON_3dPoint  point 

◆ SetPointValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetPointValue ( int  value_id,
ON_3dPoint  p 

◆ SetPointValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetPointValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const ON_3dPoint P 

◆ SetPolyEdgeValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetPolyEdgeValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_PolyEdgeHistory polyedge 

◆ SetPolyEdgeValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetPolyEdgeValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const ON_PolyEdgeHistory a 

◆ SetStringValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetStringValue ( int  value_id,
const wchar_t s 

◆ SetStringValues() [1/2]

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetStringValues ( int  value_id,
const ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &  s 

◆ SetStringValues() [2/2]

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetStringValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const wchar_t *const *  s 

◆ SetSubDEdgeChainValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetSubDEdgeChainValue ( int  value_id,
const ON_SubDEdgeChain edge_chain 

Parameters: edge_chain - [in] edge_chain.PersistentSubDId() must be non-nil and identify the parent subd in the model. If the model is an ONX_Model, then the persistent id is the ON_ModelGeometryComponent.Id(). If the model is a CRhinoDoc, then the persistent id is CRhinoObject.ModelObjectId().

◆ SetSubDEdgeChainValues() [1/2]

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetSubDEdgeChainValues ( int  value_id,
const ON_ClassArray< ON_SubDEdgeChain > &  edge_chains 

Parameters: edge_chain - [in] edge_chain.PersistentSubDId() must be non-nil and identify the parent subd in the model. If the model is an ONX_Model, then the persistent id is the ON_ModelGeometryComponent.Id(). If the model is a CRhinoDoc, then the persistent id is CRhinoObject.ModelObjectId().

◆ SetSubDEdgeChainValues() [2/2]

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetSubDEdgeChainValues ( int  value_id,
const ON_SimpleArray< const ON_SubDEdgeChain * > &  edge_chains 

◆ SetUuidValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetUuidValue ( int  value_id,
ON_UUID  uuid 

◆ SetUuidValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetUuidValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const ON_UUID u 

◆ SetVectorValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetVectorValue ( int  value_id,
ON_3dVector  v 

◆ SetVectorValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetVectorValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const ON_3dVector V 

◆ SetXformValue()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetXformValue ( int  value_id,
ON_Xform  xform 

◆ SetXformValues()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::SetXformValues ( int  value_id,
int  count,
const ON_Xform xform 

◆ ValueReport()

int ON_HistoryRecord::ValueReport ( ON_TextLog text_log) const

Description: Print a list of the values in text_log. Parameters: text_log - [in] Returns: Number of values listed.

◆ Write()

bool ON_HistoryRecord::Write ( ON_BinaryArchive binary_archive) const

Description: Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject(). Parameters: binary_archive - archive to write to Returns: Returns true if the write is successful. Remarks: Use ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject() to write objects. This Write() function should just write the specific definition of this object. It should not write and any chunk typecode or length information.

The default implementation of this virtual function returns false and does nothing.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Empty

const ON_HistoryRecord ON_HistoryRecord::Empty

◆ m_antecedents

ON_UuidList ON_HistoryRecord::m_antecedents

List of object id values of antecedent objects that are referenced in the list of input events in m_value[]. These were the command's "input" objects.

◆ m_command_id

ON_UUID ON_HistoryRecord::m_command_id = ON_nil_uuid

CRhinoCommand::CommandId() value of the command that created this history record. Each time the command is run, it can create a history record.

◆ m_descendants

ON_UuidList ON_HistoryRecord::m_descendants

List of object id values of descendant objects that were created. These were the command's "output" objects

◆ m_record_type

◆ m_value

ON_SimpleArray< class ON_Value* > ON_HistoryRecord::m_value

Information needed to update the descendant objects when an antecedent object is modified.

◆ m_version

int ON_HistoryRecord::m_version = 0

A YYYYMMDDn version number that gets updated when a command changes. This version is checked so that new versions of a command's ReplayHistory don't attempt to use information saved in old files.