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Param_ModelAttributeKey Properties

The Param_ModelAttributeKey type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccess
Gets or sets the Access level for this parameter.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyAttributes
Gets or sets the attributes that are associated with this object. Only set custom attributes if you know what you are doing.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public propertyBaseProperty
Public propertyCategory
Gets or sets the Category in which this object belongs. If HasCategory() returns false, this field has no meaning.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public propertyComponentGuid (Overrides GH_DocumentObject.ComponentGuid.)
Public propertyDataMapping
Gets or sets the data mapping of this Parameter.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyDataType
Gets the type of data stored in this parameter.
(Inherited from GH_PersistentParam<T>.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description of the object. This field typically remains fixed during the lifetime of an object.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public propertyExposure (Overrides GH_DocumentObject.Exposure.)
Public propertyHasCategory
Gets whether or not the Category field has been set.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public propertyHasProxySources
Gets a value indicating whether or not this parameter maintains proxy sources. Proxy sources are used during file IO, when actual sources might not be available yet. Once an IO operation has been completed there should be no more proxy sources.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyHasSubCategory
Gets whether or not the SubCategory field has been set.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public propertyIcon_24x24
The icon associated with this object.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public propertyIcon_24x24_Locked
The greyscale icon of this object.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public propertyIconCapableUI
By default the NickName menu item supports the Icon Mode override toggle. If your UI is not capable of displaying icons, then override this property and return False.
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public propertyIconDisplayMode
Gets the current display mode of the object.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public propertyInstanceDescription
Gets the description of this instance. The default description is about the amount and source of the local values.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyInstanceGuid
Gets the ID of this runtime instance.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public propertyIsDataProvider (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyIsPrincipal
Gets whether this parameter is a principal parameter. Principal parameters are maintained by components and are not part of the IGH_Param interface.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyKeywords
Gets a list of additional keywords that describe the object. Typically this list is empty but you can override this property to aid in object searches.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public propertyKind
Gets the parameter kind. The kind is evaluated lazily and cached.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyLocked
Gets or sets the enabled flag of this object. Disabled objects are ignored during solutions.
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public propertyMutableNickName
Gets or sets a value that enables Nick name changes through the menu. The default is TRUE.
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the object. This field typically remains fixed during the lifetime of an object.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public propertyNickName
Gets or sets the nickname of the object. This field can be changed by the user.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public propertyObsolete
Gets whether this object is obsolete. Default implementation returns true if the class name contains the string "OBSOLETE" or if this class has been decorated with the ObsoleteAttribute. You are free to override this if you want, but I suggest adding the ObsoleteAttribute instead.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public propertyOptional
Gets or sets whether or not this parameter is considered optional by the owner component. Empty, non-optional parameters prevent the component from being solved.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyPersistentData
Gets the persistent data stored in this parameter. If you modify the persistent data, be sure to call the: OnObjectChanged(GH_ObjectEventType.PersistentData) event.
(Inherited from GH_PersistentParam<T>.)
Public propertyPersistentDataCount
Gets the number of persistent data items stored in this parameter.
(Inherited from GH_PersistentParam<T>.)
Public propertyPhase
Gets or sets the solution phase this object is currenly in.
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public propertyProcessorTime (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyProxySourceCount
Gets the number of proxy sources for this parameter. Proxy sources are used during file IO, when actual sources might not be available yet. Once an IO operation has been completed there should be no more proxy sources.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyRecipients
Gets a list of all the recipients of this parameter. I.e. a recipient has this parameter as one of the sources. The Recipient list is maintained by the parameter, do not modify it yourself.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyReverse
Gets or sets the data reverse modifier of this parameter.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyRuntimeMessageLevel
Returns the worst case flag for the current object

If the object contains at least 1 error, the result is Error.

If the object contains at least 1 warning, the result is Warning.

If the object contains at least 1 message, the result is Remark.

If the object contains no errors, no warnings and no messages, the result is Blank.

(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public propertySimplify
Gets or sets the simplify modifier for this parameter.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertySourceCount
Gets the number of sources for this parameter.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertySources
Gets a list of source parameters. Do not modify this list, if you wish to add or remove sources, use dedicated functions like AddSource() and RemoveSource() instead.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyStateTags (Overrides GH_Param<T>.StateTags.)
Public propertySubCategory
Gets or sets the SubCategory in which this object belongs. If HasSubCategory() returns false, this field has no meaning.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public propertyType
Gets the Framework Type descriptor for the stored Data.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyTypeName
Calls TypeName() on the first instance of T it can find. This is either an item in the volatile list, or a newly constructed instance.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyVolatileData (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyVolatileDataCount (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public propertyWireDisplay
Gets or sets the wire display style for this parameter. Wire display only affects the wires connected to the parameter input.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
See Also