Rhino C++ API
CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar. More...
#include <RhinoSdkUiExpandableTabbedDockBar.h>
Public Member Functions | |
CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar () | |
virtual | ~CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar () |
Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar | |
CSize | CalcDynamicLayout (int nLength, DWORD nMode) override |
CSize | CalcFixedLayout (BOOL32 bStretch, BOOL32 bHorz) override |
sizing More... | |
CRect | CalculateNCBorders (int dock_location, bool bResizable=true) const |
CSize | CalculateNCBorderSize (int dock_location, bool bResizable=true) const |
virtual bool | CanClose () |
bool | CreateDockBarClientDialog (LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName, CRuntimeClass *pRC, AFX_MODULE_STATE *pMS) |
bool | CreateDockBarClientDialog (UINT nIDTemplate, CRuntimeClass *pRC, AFX_MODULE_STATE *pMS) |
virtual bool | CreateDockBarControls () |
const class CRhControlBarInfo * | DelayFloatInfo () const |
void | DelayShow (BOOL32 bShow) override |
BOOL32 | DestroyWindow () override |
CWnd * | DockBarClientWnd () const |
virtual ON_UUID | DockBarID () const |
virtual const wchar_t * | DockBarName (int languageId=1033) const |
int | DockLocation () const |
virtual void | DrawDockedCaption (CDC *pDC, const CRect &rect) |
void | DrawGripper (CDC *pDC, const CRect &rect) override |
painting More... | |
void | EnableDocking (DWORD dwDockStyle) |
void | ForceOnScreen () |
int | GripperSize () const |
CSize | InitialSizeDockedHorz () const |
CSize | InitialSizeDockedVert () const |
CSize | InitialSizeFloating () const |
bool | IsCloseButtonVisible () const |
BOOL32 | IsDockBar () const override |
bool | IsDockBarFlagSet (control_bar_flags flag) const |
bool | IsDocked () const |
bool | IsDockedBottom () const |
bool | IsDockedHoriz () const |
bool | IsDockedLeft () const |
bool | IsDockedRight () const |
bool | IsDockedTop () const |
bool | IsDockedVert () const |
bool | IsGearButtonVisible () const |
BOOL32 | IsVisible () const override |
virtual void | LoadState (LPCTSTR lpszProfileName=NULL) |
void | OnBarStyleChange (DWORD dwOldStyle, DWORD dwNewStyle) override |
virtual CSize | OnCalcDynamicLayout (CSize size, int nLength, DWORD nMode) |
virtual CSize | OnCalcFixedLayout (CSize size, BOOL32 bStretch, BOOL32 bHorz) |
virtual void | OnDockBarPositionChanged (DWORD newLocation) |
virtual bool | OnDockContextStartDrag (bool dragActionStarting) |
virtual void | OnShowDockBar (bool show) |
virtual void | OnShowDockBar (IDockBarEventWatcher::ShowEventArgs args) |
virtual void | OnStartTracking (bool bDoneTracking) |
virtual void | OnToggleDocking (bool priorToStateChange) |
void | OnUpdateCmdUI (CFrameWnd *pTarget, BOOL32 bDisableIfNoHndler) override |
CControlBar overrides. More... | |
ON_UUID | PlugInID () const |
void | PostNcDestroy () override |
BOOL32 | PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &cs) override |
BOOL32 | PreTranslateMessage (MSG *pMsg) override |
DWORD | RecalcDelayShow (AFX_SIZEPARENTPARAMS *lpLayout) override |
virtual void | RhinoGetBarInfo (CControlBarInfo &cbi) |
virtual void | SaveState (LPCTSTR lpszProfileName=NULL) |
void | SetDockBarClientWnd (CWnd *pWnd) |
bool | SetDockBarFlag (control_bar_flags flag, bool b) |
void | SetInitialSizeDockedHorz (CSize size) |
void | SetInitialSizeDockedVert (CSize size) |
void | SetInitialSizeFloating (CSize size) |
BOOL32 | SetStatusText (INT_PTR nHit) override |
bool | ShowCloseButton (bool show) |
bool | ShowGearButton (bool show) |
int | SortIndex () const |
void | ToggleDocking () |
LRESULT | WindowProc (UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override |
Protected Attributes | |
UUID | m_dock_bar_uuid |
Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar | |
bool | m_bActiveApp |
bool | m_bActiveFloating |
bool | m_bAutoDeleteRhinoDockBar |
bool | m_bDockBarMouseCaptured |
int | m_border_size |
bool | m_bReplaceDockContext |
CWnd * | m_client_window |
int | m_cx_edge |
int | m_dock_location |
bool | m_is_maximized |
bool | m_is_parent_sizing |
bool | m_is_single_in_row |
bool | m_keep_size |
CSize | m_max_tracking_size |
CSize | m_min_tracking_size |
int | m_over_button |
UUID | m_plug_in_id |
WNDPROC | m_pOldFloatFrameWndProc |
int | m_pushed_button |
CRect | m_redraw_rect |
DWORD | m_rhino_cb_style |
BYTE | m_rhino_flags [cbf_invalid] |
CPoint | m_save_point |
CSize | m_save_size |
int | m_sort_index |
CSize | m_szFloat |
CSize | m_szHorz |
CSize | m_szMaxFloat |
CSize | m_szMaxHorz |
CSize | m_szMaxVert |
CSize | m_szMinFloat |
CSize | m_szMinHorz |
CSize | m_szMinVert |
CSize | m_szVert |
CSize | m_track_max_size |
CSize | m_track_min_size |
int | m_tracking |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Public Types inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar | |
enum | caption_button_hit_test : int { cbht_close = HTCLOSE, cbht_expand = HTMAXBUTTON } |
Used by OnNcHitTest to return custom caption button hit test ID's. More... | |
enum | control_bar_flags : int { cbf_show_name_when_docked_vert = 0, cbf_draw_gripper_when_docked_horz, cbf_draw_gripper_when_docked_vert, cbf_forward_mouse_wheel_to_cursor_wnd, cbf_unused_1, cbf_unused_2, cbf_unused_3, cbf_unused_4, cbf_invalid } |
enum | RHINO_CONTROL_BAR_STYLES { RHCBS_EDGELEFT = 0x00000001, RHCBS_EDGERIGHT = 0x00000002, RHCBS_EDGETOP = 0x00000004, RHCBS_EDGEBOTTOM = 0x00000008, RHCBS_EDGEALL = 0x0000000F, RHCBS_SHOWEDGES = 0x00000010, RHCBS_GRIPPER = 0x00000020 } |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar | |
static bool | IsHiding (IDockBarEventWatcher::ShowEventArgs args) |
static bool | IsShowing (IDockBarEventWatcher::ShowEventArgs args) |
Public Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar | |
class CRhDockBarExtension * | m__control_bar_sdk_extension = nullptr |
Protected Types inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar | |
enum | edge_hit_test_side : int { edge_ht_left = 0, edge_ht_top, edge_ht_right, edge_ht_bottom, edge_ht_invalid } |
enum | tracking : int { not_tracking = HTERROR, tracking_left = HTLEFT, tracking_right = HTRIGHT, tracking_top = HTTOP, tracking_bottom = HTBOTTOM } |
Tracking modes when sizing a docked dock bar. More... | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar | |
CRhinoUiDockBar () | |
virtual | ~CRhinoUiDockBar () |
void | AlignDockBars () |
bool | CanStretch (UINT nHitTest) const |
bool | DelayFloat () |
virtual LRESULT CALLBACK | DockBarFloatingFrameWndProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) |
void | Expand (bool bToggle) |
int | GetDockSiteBars (ON_SimpleArray< CRhinoUiDockBar * > &bar_list) const |
void | GetDockSiteInfo (int &first_bar, int &last_bar, int &this_bar) const |
bool | GetEdgeRect (CRect rcWnd, UINT nHitTest, CRect &rcEdge) const |
bool | GetMinMaxSizes (LPSIZE szMin, LPSIZE szMax, int at_location) const |
bool | IsAlmostRight () const |
bool | IsDelayFloat () const |
bool | IsEdgeVisible (UINT hit_test) const |
bool | IsSideTracking () const |
bool | IsSizable (int at_location=-1) const |
bool | IsTracking () const |
bool | NegociateSpace (int length_available, bool is_horz) |
afx_msg void | OnActivateApp (BOOL32 bActive, DWORD dwThreadID) |
afx_msg void | OnCaptureChanged (CWnd *pWnd) |
afx_msg int | OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) |
afx_msg void | OnDestroy () |
afx_msg BOOL32 | OnEraseBkgnd (CDC *pDC) |
afx_msg void | OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override |
afx_msg void | OnLButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override |
afx_msg void | OnMouseMove (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override |
afx_msg void | OnNcCalcSize (BOOL32 bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *lpncsp) |
afx_msg LRESULT | OnNcHitTest (CPoint point) |
afx_msg void | OnNcLButtonDblClk (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) |
afx_msg void | OnNcLButtonDown (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) |
afx_msg void | OnNcLButtonUp (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) |
afx_msg void | OnNcMouseMove (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) |
afx_msg void | OnNcPaint () |
bool | OnNcPaintFloat (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
afx_msg void | OnPaint () |
afx_msg void | OnRButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override |
afx_msg void | OnRButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override |
afx_msg BOOL32 | OnSetCursor (CWnd *pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) |
afx_msg void | OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy) |
afx_msg void | OnTimer (UINT_PTR nIDEvent) override |
void | OnTrackInvertTracker () |
void | OnTrackUpdateSize (CPoint &point) |
afx_msg void | OnWindowPosChanged (WINDOWPOS *lpwndpos) |
afx_msg void | OnWindowPosChanging (WINDOWPOS *lpwndpos) |
const CRhinoUiDockBar & | operator= (const CRhinoUiDockBar &) |
void | PaintCaptionButtons (HWND hWnd) |
void | RedrawButton (const CRhinoUiDockBarCaptionButton &btn) |
void | ReleaseDockBarMouseCapture () |
void | SetDelayFloatInfo (class CRhControlBarInfo *) |
bool | SetDockBarMouseCapture () |
void | StartTracking (UINT nHitTest) |
void | StopTracking () |
void | TrackButtons (CPoint ptScreen) |
tracking | TrackingLocation () const |
Static Protected Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar | |
static UINT | GetEdgeHTCode (edge_hit_test_side nEdge) |
Static Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar | |
static ON_wString | m_bogus_rhino_control_bar_name |
static UUID | m_bogus_rhino_control_bar_uuid |
/ / Copyright (c) 1993-2007 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. / Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates. / / THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. / ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND OF / MERCHANTABILITY ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. /
/ For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer. / //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar::CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar | ( | ) |
virtual |
protected |