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CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar Class Reference

CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar. More...

#include <RhinoSdkUiExpandableTabbedDockBar.h>

Inheritance diagram for CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar:

Public Member Functions

 CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar ()
virtual ~CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar
CSize CalcDynamicLayout (int nLength, DWORD nMode) override
CSize CalcFixedLayout (BOOL32 bStretch, BOOL32 bHorz) override
 sizing More...
CRect CalculateNCBorders (int dock_location, bool bResizable=true) const
CSize CalculateNCBorderSize (int dock_location, bool bResizable=true) const
virtual bool CanClose ()
bool CreateDockBarClientDialog (LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName, CRuntimeClass *pRC, AFX_MODULE_STATE *pMS)
bool CreateDockBarClientDialog (UINT nIDTemplate, CRuntimeClass *pRC, AFX_MODULE_STATE *pMS)
virtual bool CreateDockBarControls ()
const class CRhControlBarInfoDelayFloatInfo () const
void DelayShow (BOOL32 bShow) override
BOOL32 DestroyWindow () override
CWnd * DockBarClientWnd () const
virtual ON_UUID DockBarID () const
virtual const wchar_t * DockBarName (int languageId=1033) const
int DockLocation () const
virtual void DrawDockedCaption (CDC *pDC, const CRect &rect)
void DrawGripper (CDC *pDC, const CRect &rect) override
 painting More...
void EnableDocking (DWORD dwDockStyle)
void ForceOnScreen ()
int GripperSize () const
CSize InitialSizeDockedHorz () const
CSize InitialSizeDockedVert () const
CSize InitialSizeFloating () const
bool IsCloseButtonVisible () const
BOOL32 IsDockBar () const override
bool IsDockBarFlagSet (control_bar_flags flag) const
bool IsDocked () const
bool IsDockedBottom () const
bool IsDockedHoriz () const
bool IsDockedLeft () const
bool IsDockedRight () const
bool IsDockedTop () const
bool IsDockedVert () const
bool IsGearButtonVisible () const
BOOL32 IsVisible () const override
virtual void LoadState (LPCTSTR lpszProfileName=NULL)
void OnBarStyleChange (DWORD dwOldStyle, DWORD dwNewStyle) override
virtual CSize OnCalcDynamicLayout (CSize size, int nLength, DWORD nMode)
virtual CSize OnCalcFixedLayout (CSize size, BOOL32 bStretch, BOOL32 bHorz)
virtual void OnDockBarPositionChanged (DWORD newLocation)
virtual bool OnDockContextStartDrag (bool dragActionStarting)
virtual void OnShowDockBar (bool show)
virtual void OnShowDockBar (IDockBarEventWatcher::ShowEventArgs args)
virtual void OnStartTracking (bool bDoneTracking)
virtual void OnToggleDocking (bool priorToStateChange)
void OnUpdateCmdUI (CFrameWnd *pTarget, BOOL32 bDisableIfNoHndler) override
 CControlBar overrides. More...
ON_UUID PlugInID () const
void PostNcDestroy () override
BOOL32 PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &cs) override
BOOL32 PreTranslateMessage (MSG *pMsg) override
DWORD RecalcDelayShow (AFX_SIZEPARENTPARAMS *lpLayout) override
virtual void RhinoGetBarInfo (CControlBarInfo &cbi)
virtual void SaveState (LPCTSTR lpszProfileName=NULL)
void SetDockBarClientWnd (CWnd *pWnd)
bool SetDockBarFlag (control_bar_flags flag, bool b)
void SetInitialSizeDockedHorz (CSize size)
void SetInitialSizeDockedVert (CSize size)
void SetInitialSizeFloating (CSize size)
BOOL32 SetStatusText (INT_PTR nHit) override
bool ShowCloseButton (bool show)
bool ShowGearButton (bool show)
int SortIndex () const
void ToggleDocking ()
LRESULT WindowProc (UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override

Protected Attributes

UUID m_dock_bar_uuid
- Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar
bool m_bActiveApp
bool m_bActiveFloating
bool m_bAutoDeleteRhinoDockBar
bool m_bDockBarMouseCaptured
int m_border_size
bool m_bReplaceDockContext
CWnd * m_client_window
int m_cx_edge
int m_dock_location
bool m_is_maximized
bool m_is_parent_sizing
bool m_is_single_in_row
bool m_keep_size
CSize m_max_tracking_size
CSize m_min_tracking_size
int m_over_button
UUID m_plug_in_id
WNDPROC m_pOldFloatFrameWndProc
int m_pushed_button
CRect m_redraw_rect
DWORD m_rhino_cb_style
BYTE m_rhino_flags [cbf_invalid]
CPoint m_save_point
CSize m_save_size
int m_sort_index
CSize m_szFloat
CSize m_szHorz
CSize m_szMaxFloat
CSize m_szMaxHorz
CSize m_szMaxVert
CSize m_szMinFloat
CSize m_szMinHorz
CSize m_szMinVert
CSize m_szVert
CSize m_track_max_size
CSize m_track_min_size
int m_tracking

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar
enum  caption_button_hit_test : int { cbht_close = HTCLOSE, cbht_expand = HTMAXBUTTON }
 Used by OnNcHitTest to return custom caption button hit test ID's. More...
enum  control_bar_flags : int {
  cbf_show_name_when_docked_vert = 0, cbf_draw_gripper_when_docked_horz, cbf_draw_gripper_when_docked_vert, cbf_forward_mouse_wheel_to_cursor_wnd,
  cbf_unused_1, cbf_unused_2, cbf_unused_3, cbf_unused_4,
  RHCBS_EDGELEFT = 0x00000001, RHCBS_EDGERIGHT = 0x00000002, RHCBS_EDGETOP = 0x00000004, RHCBS_EDGEBOTTOM = 0x00000008,
  RHCBS_EDGEALL = 0x0000000F, RHCBS_SHOWEDGES = 0x00000010, RHCBS_GRIPPER = 0x00000020
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar
static bool IsHiding (IDockBarEventWatcher::ShowEventArgs args)
static bool IsShowing (IDockBarEventWatcher::ShowEventArgs args)
- Public Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar
class CRhDockBarExtension * m__control_bar_sdk_extension = nullptr
- Protected Types inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar
enum  edge_hit_test_side : int {
  edge_ht_left = 0, edge_ht_top, edge_ht_right, edge_ht_bottom,
enum  tracking : int {
  not_tracking = HTERROR, tracking_left = HTLEFT, tracking_right = HTRIGHT, tracking_top = HTTOP,
  tracking_bottom = HTBOTTOM
 Tracking modes when sizing a docked dock bar. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar
 CRhinoUiDockBar ()
virtual ~CRhinoUiDockBar ()
void AlignDockBars ()
bool CanStretch (UINT nHitTest) const
bool DelayFloat ()
void Expand (bool bToggle)
int GetDockSiteBars (ON_SimpleArray< CRhinoUiDockBar * > &bar_list) const
void GetDockSiteInfo (int &first_bar, int &last_bar, int &this_bar) const
bool GetEdgeRect (CRect rcWnd, UINT nHitTest, CRect &rcEdge) const
bool GetMinMaxSizes (LPSIZE szMin, LPSIZE szMax, int at_location) const
bool IsAlmostRight () const
bool IsDelayFloat () const
bool IsEdgeVisible (UINT hit_test) const
bool IsSideTracking () const
bool IsSizable (int at_location=-1) const
bool IsTracking () const
bool NegociateSpace (int length_available, bool is_horz)
afx_msg void OnActivateApp (BOOL32 bActive, DWORD dwThreadID)
afx_msg void OnCaptureChanged (CWnd *pWnd)
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
afx_msg void OnDestroy ()
afx_msg BOOL32 OnEraseBkgnd (CDC *pDC)
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override
afx_msg void OnLButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override
afx_msg void OnMouseMove (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override
afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize (BOOL32 bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *lpncsp)
afx_msg LRESULT OnNcHitTest (CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnNcLButtonDblClk (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnNcLButtonDown (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnNcLButtonUp (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnNcMouseMove (UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnNcPaint ()
bool OnNcPaintFloat (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
afx_msg void OnPaint ()
afx_msg void OnRButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override
afx_msg void OnRButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point) override
afx_msg BOOL32 OnSetCursor (CWnd *pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message)
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
afx_msg void OnTimer (UINT_PTR nIDEvent) override
void OnTrackInvertTracker ()
void OnTrackUpdateSize (CPoint &point)
afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanged (WINDOWPOS *lpwndpos)
afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanging (WINDOWPOS *lpwndpos)
const CRhinoUiDockBaroperator= (const CRhinoUiDockBar &)
void PaintCaptionButtons (HWND hWnd)
void RedrawButton (const CRhinoUiDockBarCaptionButton &btn)
void ReleaseDockBarMouseCapture ()
void SetDelayFloatInfo (class CRhControlBarInfo *)
bool SetDockBarMouseCapture ()
void StartTracking (UINT nHitTest)
void StopTracking ()
void TrackButtons (CPoint ptScreen)
tracking TrackingLocation () const
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar
static UINT GetEdgeHTCode (edge_hit_test_side nEdge)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiDockBar
static ON_wString m_bogus_rhino_control_bar_name
static UUID m_bogus_rhino_control_bar_uuid

Detailed Description



/ / Copyright (c) 1993-2007 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. / Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates. / / THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. / ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND OF / MERCHANTABILITY ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. /
/ For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer. / //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar()

CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar::CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar ( )

◆ ~CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar()

virtual CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar::~CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_dock_bar_uuid

UUID CRhinoUiExpandableTabbedDockBar::m_dock_bar_uuid