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- Python-in-Rhino
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- Rhino.Python-101
- RhinoAccounts
- RhinoScript-101
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- intermediate
- python-scripting
Demonstrates how to add a Brep Box from a Rhino C++ plugin.
Demonstrates how to create a cone using ON_BrepCone.
Demonstrates how to create a cylinder using ON_BrepCylinder and add it to …
Demonstrates how to add a line curve.
Demonstrates how to add a linear dimension object.
Demonstrates how to add a new layer to Rhino.
Demonstrates how to use ON_NurbsCurve to create a circle.
Demonstrates how to add annotation text to a Rhino model at a specific …
Demonstrates how arrowheads can be added to any curve object my modifying …
Demonstrates how to decorate curves in a Rhino model with arrowheads.
Demonstrates how to add a background bitmap to a Rhino model at a …
Demonstrates how to add a background bitmap to a viewport.
Demonstrates how to add a Brep Box to a Rhino model by specifying two …
Demonstrates how to add a child (or sub) layer to a parent layer in a Rhino …
Demonstrates how to add a circle from a center point and radius.
Demonstrates how to add a clipping plane from an array or corner points.
Demonstrates how to add a viewport clipping plane object.
Demonstrates how to add command-line options as inputs to your command.
Demonstrates how to construct a cone using a plane, height, and radius.
Demonstrates how to construct a cylinder using a center-point, height and …
Demonstrates how to add a layer to a Rhino model and validate that it does …
Demonstrates how to generate a layout with a single detail view that zooms …
Demonstrates how to construct a line from two points.
Demonstrates how to add a linear dimension to a Rhino model.
Demonstrates how to add a linear dimension from two points given an offset …
Demonstrates how to add a material to the document and apply it to a sphere …
Demonstrates how to construct a mesh from a list of vertices and faces.
Demonstrates how to construct a mesh box from a Brep box.
Demonstrates how to add a named view to a Rhino model from a user-specified …
Demonstrates how to add a nested block to an instance definition.
Demonstrates how to create a NURBS circle from scratch using points and …
Demonstrates how to add a NURBS curve to Rhino.
Demonstrates how to create a NURBS curve from a list of points.
Demonstrates how to add a NURBS curve to Rhino using RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to add selected objects to an object group.
Demonstrates how to group objects from a user-specified selection set of …
Demonstrates how to add point at the starting and ending locations of …
Demonstrates how to create a sphere from a center point and radius.
Demonstrates how to create a sphere using ON_RevSurface and add it to …
Demonstrates how to use ON_TextEntity2 to add text to Rhino.
Demonstrates how to add a texture to an object from a user-specified bitmap …
Demonstrates how to create a torus using ON_BrepTorus and add it to Rhino.
Demonstrates how to construct a torus from a set of radii and a plane.
Demonstrates how to create a truncated cone ON_BrepRevSurface and add it to …
Demonstrates how to construct a truncated cone (TCone) from two circles.
Demonstrates how to construct a twisted cube object from an array of points …
Demonstrates how to array points on a surface with a RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to automatically label objects using RhinoScript.
Illustrates RhinoScript code that converts annotation dots to text object.
Demonstrates how to duplicate objects with grouping.
Demonstrates how to use ON_NurbsCurve to create a circle.
Demonstrates one way of creating a Ellipsoid using RhinoScript.
Demonstrates one way of creating a Icosahedron in RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to create a block definition from scratch from …
Demonstrates how to create a box frame with RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to mark the center points of closed planar curves with a …
Demonstrates how to create contour curves through surfaces, breps, and …
Demonstrates how to create a new view that has the properties of an …
Demonstrates how to create a NURBS surface.
Demonstrates how to create a plane surface.
Demonstrates how to create square pipes using RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to create a surface object from four edge curves.
Demonstrates how to create a NURBS Cage objects.
Demonstrates how to determine which layer a user-specified object is on and …
Demonstrates how to draw steel shapes using RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to make a copy of a CRhinoObject-derived object.
Demonstrates how to clone (or copy, or duplicate) a Rhino object.
Demonstrates how to extend a curve object to user-selected boundary …
Demonstrates how to create a Fibonacci Spiral with RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to create a fillet between two curves.
Demonstrates how to find objects by their name or label.
Demonstrates how to get the UUID (sometimes called GUID) of a Rhino object.
Demonstrates Basic syntax for writing python scripts.
Demonstrates how to mark points on a line using RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to modify an object's user-defined name.
Demonstrates how to modify the color of a user-specified object.
Demonstrates how to move grip objects on a selected surface.
Demonstrates how to move object to the currently active layer.
Demonstrates how to Pipe on multiple curves at a time using RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to set the color of user-specified objects.
Demonstrates how to set the object display mode of a user-specified mesh or …
Demonstrates how to pick and select a point object.
Demonstrates how to generate platonic and archimedean solids with …
Demonstrates how to create polar arrays of objects using RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to customize Rhino's pre and post picking of objects …
Generate random points on a surface using RhinoScript.
Demonstrates how to rename a user-specified object.
Demonstrates how to replace an object's hatch pattern.
Demonstrates how to create a surface by revolving one or more profile …
Demonstrates how to select objects that are an object group.
Demonstrates how to select all the objects on a user-specified layer.
Demonstrates how to create a surface from a grid of control points.
RhinoCommon object plugin user data
Zoom to a Selected Object
Demonstrates how to array points on a surface using Python.
Demonstrates how to add a circle based on its circumference using Python.
Demonstrates how to copy objects to layer based on Python.
Demonstrates how to get current model information through Python.
Demonstrates how to get curve length through Python.
Demonstrates how to draw a parametric curve Python.
Demonstrates how to export control points with Python.
Demonstrates basic syntax for writing python scripts.
Demonstrates how to export points with Python.
Demonstrates how to add a NURBS curve to Rhino using Python.
Demonstrates importing points from a file into Rhino using Python.
The following sample shows how to create a custom Windows form.
This module contains a standard python dictionary called sticky which …
A Rhino GetPoint that performs some custom dynamic drawing.
This sample creates a circle without using functions in the rhinoscript …