Rhino C++ API  8.16
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ON_DimLinear Class Reference

#include <opennurbs_dimension.h>

Inheritance diagram for ON_DimLinear:
ON_Dimension ON_Annotation ON_Geometry ON_Object

Public Member Functions

 ON_DimLinear ()
 ON_DimLinear (const ON_DimLinear &src)=default
 ~ON_DimLinear ()=default
ON_2dPoint ArrowPoint1 () const
 Calculated. More...
ON_2dPoint ArrowPoint2 () const
 Calculated. More...
bool Create (ON::AnnotationType dim_type, const ON_UUID style_id, const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_3dVector &ref_horizontal, const ON_3dPoint &def_pt1, const ON_3dPoint &def_pt2, const ON_3dPoint &dimline_pt, double rotation_in_plane=0.0)
ON_2dPoint DefaultTextPoint () const override
ON_2dPoint DefPoint1 () const
ON_2dPoint DefPoint2 () const
ON_2dPoint DimlinePoint () const
bool Get3dPoints (ON_3dPoint *defpt1, ON_3dPoint *defpt2, ON_3dPoint *arrowpt1, ON_3dPoint *arrowpt2, ON_3dPoint *dimline, ON_3dPoint *textpt) const
bool GetAnnotationBoundingBox (const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrow=false) const override
 ON_Annotation override. More...
void GetArrowXform (int which_end, double scale, bool arrowflipped, bool from_the_back, ON_Xform &arrow_xform_out) const
bool GetBBox (double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrowBox=false) const override
 virtual ON_Geometry GetBBox override
bool GetDisplayLines (const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *style, double dimscale, ON_3dPoint text_rect[4], ON_Line lines[4], bool isline[4], int maxlines) const
bool GetTextXform (const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, ON_Xform &text_xform_out) const override
bool GetTextXform (const ON_Xform *model_xform, const ON_3dVector view_x, const ON_3dVector view_y, const ON_3dVector view_z, ON::view_projection projection, bool bDrawForward, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, ON_Xform &text_xform_out) const
bool GetTextXform (const ON_Xform *model_xform, const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, ON_Xform &text_xform_out) const
 Gets transform for dimension text from ON_xy_plane to 3d display location. More...
double Measurement () const override
 virtual More...
ON_DimLinearoperator= (const ON_DimLinear &src)=default
bool Read (ON_BinaryArchive &) override
void Set2dDefPoint1 (ON_2dPoint pt)
void Set2dDefPoint2 (ON_2dPoint pt)
void Set2dDimlinePoint (ON_2dPoint pt)
void Set3dDefPoint1 (ON_3dPoint pt)
void Set3dDefPoint2 (ON_3dPoint pt)
void Set3dDimlinePoint (ON_3dPoint pt)
bool SetLinearDimensionType (ON::AnnotationType linear_dimension_type)
bool Transform (const ON_Xform &xform) override
bool Write (ON_BinaryArchive &) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Dimension
ON_DimStyle::arrow_fit ArrowFit (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
bool ArrowIsFlipped (int i) const
ON_UUID DetailMeasured () const
double DistanceScale () const
void FlipArrow (int i, bool flip) const
ON_Dimension::ForceArrow ForceArrowPosition () const
bool ForceDimLine (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_Dimension::ForceText ForceTextPosition () const
virtual bool GetDistanceDisplayText (ON::LengthUnitSystem units_in, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, ON_wString &displaytext) const
virtual bool GetTextRect (ON_3dPoint text_rect[4]) const
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
const wchar_t * PlainUserText () const
ON_TextContentRebuildDimensionText (ON::LengthUnitSystem units_in, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, bool expandanglebrackets) const
 Makes text geometry for a dimension. More...
void Set2dTextPoint (const ON_2dPoint &textpoint)
void SetArrowFit (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::arrow_fit arrowfit)
void SetDetailMeasured (ON_UUID uuid)
void SetDistanceScale (double distance_scale) const
void SetForceArrowPosition (ForceArrow force)
void SetForceDimLine (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool forcedimline)
void SetForceTextPosition (ForceText force)
void SetTextFit (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::text_fit textfit)
void SetTextRotation (double rotation_radians)
virtual void SetUseDefaultTextPoint (bool usedefault)
void SetUserText (const wchar_t *text)
ON_DimStyle::text_fit TextFit (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_2dPoint TextPoint () const
 Text center-midpoint in dimension plane. More...
double TextRotation () const
virtual bool UpdateDimensionText (ON::LengthUnitSystem units_in, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle) const
 Remakes dimension text geometry object and sets it on the dimension. More...
virtual bool UseDefaultTextPoint () const
const wchar_t * UserText () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Annotation
bool AllowTextScaling () const
bool Alternate (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Additional measurement display toggle. More...
bool AlternateBelow (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay AlternateDimensionLengthDisplay (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON::LengthUnitSystem AlternateDimensionLengthDisplayUnit (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, unsigned int model_sn) const
 Parameters: model_sn - 0, a model serial number, or ON_UNSET_UINT_INDEX to use the dimstyle's ModelSerialNumber() value. Returns Unit system for dimension length display. If DimensionLengthDisplay() == ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay::ModelUnits and model_sn > 0, then the value of ON::LengthUnitSystemFromModelSerialNumber(model_sn) is returned. If DimensionLengthDisplay() == ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay::ModelUnits and model_sn == 0, then ON::LengthUnitSystem::None is returned. /summary> More...
double AlternateLengthFactor (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Distance scale factor for alternate display. More...
int AlternateLengthResolution (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Display resolution for alternate length measurements. More...
const wchar_t * AlternatePrefix (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Dimension alternate prefix text. More...
double AlternateRoundOff (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
const wchar_t * AlternateSuffix (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Dimension alternate suffix text. More...
int AlternateToleranceResolution (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero AlternateZeroSuppress (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::angle_format AngleFormat (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Angle units - Degrees, Degrees-Minutes-Seconds, Radians. More...
int AngleResolution (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Display resolution for angle measurements. More...
double AngleRoundOff (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero AngleZeroSuppress (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
int ArcLengthSymbol (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_UUID ArrowBlockId1 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_UUID ArrowBlockId2 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double ArrowSize (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Arrow size. More...
ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type ArrowType1 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type ArrowType2 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double BaselineSpacing (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double CenterMarkSize (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Centermark size. More...
ON_DimStyle::centermark_style CenterMarkStyle (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Centermark style. More...
void ClearFieldOverride (ON_DimStyle::field field)
void ClearOverrideDimensionStyle ()
void ClearText () const
wchar_t DecimalSeparator (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay DimensionLengthDisplay (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON::LengthUnitSystem DimensionLengthDisplayUnit (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, unsigned int model_sn) const
 Parameters: model_sn - 0, a model serial number, or ON_UNSET_UINT_INDEX to use the dimstyle's ModelSerialNumber() value. Returns Unit system for dimension length display. If DimensionLengthDisplay() == ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay::ModelUnits and model_sn > 0, then the value of ON::LengthUnitSystemFromModelSerialNumber(model_sn) is returned. If DimensionLengthDisplay() == ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay::ModelUnits and model_sn == 0, then ON::LengthUnitSystem::None is returned. /summary> More...
const ON_DimStyleDimensionStyle (const ON_DimStyle &parent_dimstyle) const
const ON_DimStyleDimensionStyle (const ON_DimStyle &parent_dimstyle, bool bForceOverrideUpdate) const
ON_UUID DimensionStyleId () const
double DimExtension (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Extension of dimension line past extension lines. More...
ON_DimStyle::ContentAngleStyle DimRadialTextAngleStyle (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::TextLocation DimRadialTextLocation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 The location of text relative to the dimension line in radial dimensions. More...
ON::TextOrientation DimRadialTextOrientation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double DimScale (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_SHA1_Hash DimStyleTextPositionPropertiesHash () const
ON_DimStyle::ContentAngleStyle DimTextAngleStyle (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::TextLocation DimTextLocation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 The location of text relative to the dimension line in linear, angular, and ordinate dimensions. More...
ON::TextOrientation DimTextOrientation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
bool DrawForward (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
bool DrawTextMask (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Determines whether or not to draw a Text Mask. More...
bool EqualTextPositionProperties (const class ON_DimStyle *dimstyle) const
double ExtensionLineExtension (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 These next several functions are to set overrides on individual annotation objects. More...
double ExtensionLineOffset (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Extension line offset. More...
bool FieldIsOverridden (ON_DimStyle::field field) const
const ON_FontFirstCharFont () const
double FixedExtensionLength (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
bool FixedExtensionLengthOn (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
const class ON_FontFont (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
const class ON_FontFontCharacteristics (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
const bool FontSubstituted (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double FormattingRectangleWidth () const
 FormattingRectangleWidth is a width set by text wrapping. It's in model units. More...
void GetAlignment (ON::TextHorizontalAlignment &horz, ON::TextVerticalAlignment &vert) const
bool GetText3dCorners (ON_3dPoint corners[4]) const
bool GetTextGlyphContours (const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, bool bApplyDimStyleDimScale, bool bSingleStrokeFont, ON_ClassArray< ON_ClassArray< ON_SimpleArray< ON_Curve * > > > &text_contours) const
bool GetTextXform (const ON_Xform *model_xform, const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, ON_Xform &text_xform_out) const
bool HasDimensionStyleOverrides () const
 Quickly check if this annotation object has style overrides applied. More...
const ON_2dVector HorizontalDirection () const
bool IsAllBold () const
 true if all of the text is bold More...
bool IsAllItalic () const
 true if all of the text is italic More...
bool IsAllUnderlined () const
 true if all of the text is underlined More...
bool IsOverrideDimStyleCandidate (const ON_DimStyle *override_style_candidate, bool bRequireSetOverrides) const
bool IsOverrideStylePointer (const ON_DimStyle *ptr) const
ON_UUID LeaderArrowBlockId (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double LeaderArrowSize (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Arrow size. More...
ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type LeaderArrowType (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double LeaderContentAngleDegrees (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double LeaderContentAngleRadians (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::ContentAngleStyle LeaderContentAngleStyle (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::leader_curve_type LeaderCurveType (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
bool LeaderHasLanding (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double LeaderLandingLength (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON::TextHorizontalAlignment LeaderTextHorizontalAlignment (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON::TextOrientation LeaderTextOrientation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON::TextVerticalAlignment LeaderTextVerticalAlignment (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double LengthFactor (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Scale factor for displayed distances. More...
int LengthResolution (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Display resolution for distance measurements. More...
double MaskBorder (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_Color MaskColor (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Only works right if MaskColorSource returns 1. More...
ON_TextMask::MaskType MaskFillType (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Determines where to get the color to draw a Text Mask. More...
ON_TextMask::MaskFrame MaskFrameType (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Determines whether to draw a frame around a text mask. More...
ON::object_type ObjectType () const override
const ON_wString PlainText () const
const ON_wString PlainTextWithFields () const
const ON_wString PlainTextWithFields (ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dex > *runmap) const
const ON_PlanePlane () const
const wchar_t * Prefix (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Dimension prefix text. More...
bool ReplaceTextString (const wchar_t *RtfString, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle)
const ON_wString RichText () const
double RoundOff (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
const wchar_t * RtfText () const
bool RunReplaceString (const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, const wchar_t *str, int start_run_idx, int start_run_pos, int end_run_idx, int end_run_pos)
void ScaleOverrideDimstyle (const ON_DimStyle *parent_dimstyle, double scale)
void SetAlignment (ON::TextHorizontalAlignment horz, ON::TextVerticalAlignment vert)
void SetAllowTextScaling (bool scale)
void SetAlternate (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool)
void SetAlternateBelow (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool below)
void SetAlternateDimensionLengthDisplay (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay length_display)
void SetAlternateLengthFactor (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double)
void SetAlternateLengthResolution (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int)
void SetAlternatePrefix (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const wchar_t *)
void SetAlternateRoundOff (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double r)
void SetAlternateSuffix (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const wchar_t *)
void SetAlternateToleranceResolution (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int r)
void SetAlternateZeroSuppress (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero s)
void SetAngleFormat (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::angle_format format)
void SetAngleResolution (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int r)
void SetAngleRoundOff (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double r)
void SetAngleZeroSuppress (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero s)
bool SetAnnotationBold (bool bold, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle)
bool SetAnnotationFacename (bool set_or_clear, const wchar_t *facename, const ON_DimStyle *parent_style)
bool SetAnnotationFont (const ON_Font *font, const ON_DimStyle *parent_style)
bool SetAnnotationItalic (bool italic, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle)
bool SetAnnotationUnderline (bool underline, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle)
void SetArcLengthSymbol (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int m)
void SetArrowBlockId1 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_UUID id)
void SetArrowBlockId2 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_UUID id)
void SetArrowSize (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double d)
void SetArrowType1 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type)
void SetArrowType1And2 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type)
void SetArrowType2 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type)
void SetBaselineSpacing (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double spacing)
void SetCenterMarkSize (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double d)
void SetCenterMarkStyle (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::centermark_style style)
void SetDecimalSeparator (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, wchar_t separator)
void SetDimensionLengthDisplay (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::LengthDisplay length_display)
void SetDimensionStyleId (const class ON_DimStyle &dim_style)
void SetDimensionStyleId (ON_UUID dimstyle_id)
void SetDimensionStyleIdForExperts (ON_UUID dimstyle_id, bool bKeepOverrides)
void SetDimExtension (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const double e)
void SetDimRadialTextAngleStyle (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::ContentAngleStyle style)
void SetDimRadialTextLocation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::TextLocation dim_text_location)
void SetDimRadialTextOrientation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextOrientation orientation)
void SetDimScale (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double scale)
void SetDimTextAngleStyle (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::ContentAngleStyle style)
void SetDimTextLocation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::TextLocation dim_text_location)
void SetDimTextOrientation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextOrientation orientation)
void SetDrawForward (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool drawforward)
void SetDrawTextMask (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool bDraw)
void SetExtensionLineExtension (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double d)
void SetExtensionLineOffset (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double d)
void SetFixedExtensionLength (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double l)
void SetFixedExtensionLengthOn (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool on)
void SetFont (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const class ON_Font &font_characteristics)
void SetFormattingRectangleWidth (double width)
void SetHorizontalDirection (ON_2dVector)
void SetLeaderArrowBlockId (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_UUID id)
void SetLeaderArrowSize (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double d)
void SetLeaderArrowType (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_Arrowhead::arrow_type)
void SetLeaderContentAngleDegrees (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double angle_degrees)
void SetLeaderContentAngleRadians (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double angle_radians)
void SetLeaderContentAngleStyle (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::ContentAngleStyle style)
void SetLeaderCurveType (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::leader_curve_type type)
void SetLeaderHasLanding (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool landing)
void SetLeaderLandingLength (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double length)
void SetLeaderTextHorizontalAlignment (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextHorizontalAlignment halign)
void SetLeaderTextOrientation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextOrientation orientation)
void SetLeaderTextVerticalAlignment (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextVerticalAlignment style)
void SetLengthFactor (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double)
void SetLengthResolution (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int r)
void SetMaskBorder (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double offset)
void SetMaskColor (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_Color color)
 Does not return viewport background color. More...
void SetMaskFillType (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_TextMask::MaskType source)
void SetMaskFrameType (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_TextMask::MaskFrame source)
bool SetOverrideDimensionStyle (const ON_DimStyle *override_style_candidate, bool bRequireSetOverrides)
bool SetOverrideDimensionStyle (ON_DimStyle *&override_style) const
void SetPlane (const ON_Plane &plane)
void SetPrefix (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const wchar_t *)
void SetRoundOff (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double r)
void SetSignedOrdinate (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool allowsigned)
void SetStackFractionFormat (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::stack_format f)
void SetStackHeightScale (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double f)
void SetSuffix (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const wchar_t *)
void SetSuppressArrow1 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool s)
void SetSuppressArrow2 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool s)
void SetSuppressExtension1 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool b)
void SetSuppressExtension2 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool b)
void SetText (ON_TextContent *&text) const
void SetTextGap (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double gap)
void SetTextHeight (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double height)
void SetTextHorizontalAlignment (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextHorizontalAlignment halign)
void SetTextMask (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, const ON_TextMask &mask)
void SetTextMoveLeader (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int m)
void SetTextOrientation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextOrientation orientation)
virtual void SetTextRotationDegrees (double rotation)
virtual void SetTextRotationRadians (double rotation)
void SetTextUnderlined (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, bool underlined)
void SetTextVerticalAlignment (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON::TextVerticalAlignment style)
void SetToleranceFormat (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::tolerance_format format)
void SetToleranceHeightScale (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double scale)
void SetToleranceLowerValue (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double lower_value)
void SetToleranceResolution (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, int resolution)
void SetToleranceUpperValue (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, double upper_value)
void SetToleranceZeroSuppress (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero s)
void SetZeroSuppress (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style, ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero s)
bool SignedOrdinate (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::stack_format StackFractionFormat (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double StackHeightScale (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
const wchar_t * Suffix (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Dimension suffix text. More...
bool SuppressArrow1 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
bool SuppressArrow2 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
bool SuppressExtension1 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Suppress first dimension extension line. More...
bool SuppressExtension2 (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Suppress second dimension extension line. More...
ON_TextContentText ()
const ON_TextContentText () const
double TextGap (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Distance from dimension lines to text. More...
double TextHeight (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
 Height of dimension text. More...
ON::TextHorizontalAlignment TextHorizontalAlignment (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
int TextMoveLeader (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON::TextOrientation TextOrientation (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
virtual double TextRotationDegrees () const
 return angle in degrees between text plane and object plane More...
virtual double TextRotationRadians () const
 return angle in radians between text plane and object plane More...
bool TextUnderlined (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON::TextVerticalAlignment TextVerticalAlignment (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::tolerance_format ToleranceFormat (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double ToleranceHeightScale (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double ToleranceLowerValue (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
int ToleranceResolution (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
double ToleranceUpperValue (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero ToleranceZeroSuppress (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
ON::AnnotationType Type () const
ON_DimStyle::suppress_zero ZeroSuppress (const ON_DimStyle *parent_style) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Geometry
 ON_Geometry ()=default
 ON_Geometry (const ON_Geometry &)=default
 ~ON_Geometry ()=default
ON_BoundingBox BoundingBox () const
virtual class ON_BrepBrepForm (class ON_Brep *brep=nullptr) const
virtual void ClearBoundingBox ()
virtual ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ComponentIndex () const
virtual int Dimension () const
virtual bool EvaluatePoint (const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const
bool GetBoundingBox (ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, bool bGrowBox=false) const
bool GetBoundingBox (ON_BoundingBox &bbox, bool bGrowBox=false) const
virtual bool GetTightBoundingBox (class ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, bool bGrowBox=false, const class ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const
virtual bool HasBrepForm () const
virtual bool IsDeformable () const
virtual bool IsMorphable () const
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
virtual bool MakeDeformable ()
virtual bool Morph (const class ON_SpaceMorph &morph)
ON_Geometryoperator= (const ON_Geometry &)=default
bool Rotate (double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)
bool Rotate (double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)
bool Scale (double scale_factor)
virtual bool SwapCoordinates (int i, int j)
const ON_BoundingBox TightBoundingBox () const
bool Translate (const ON_3dVector &translation_vector)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Object
 ON_Object (const ON_Object &)
virtual ~ON_Object ()
virtual ON_AggregateComponentStatus AggregateComponentStatus () const
bool AttachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
unsigned int ClearAllComponentStates () const
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
void CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object)
unsigned int CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution)
virtual ON__UINT32 DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const
virtual bool DeleteComponents (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count)
virtual void DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true)
bool DetachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
virtual void Dump (ON_TextLog &) const
void EmergencyDestroy ()
class ON_UserDataFirstUserData () const
virtual unsigned int GetComponentsWithSetStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const
class ON_UserDataGetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const
bool GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const
int GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const
int GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const
bool IsCorrupt (bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const
bool IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const
virtual void MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent () const
virtual void MemoryRelocate ()
virtual ON_UUID ModelObjectId () const
void MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object)
unsigned int MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems)
ON_Objectoperator= (const ON_Object &)
void PurgeUserData ()
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStatus (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const
bool SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value)
int SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace)
virtual unsigned int SizeOf () const
bool ThisIsNullptr (bool bSilentError) const
void TransformUserData (const class ON_Xform &xform)
virtual bool UpdateReferencedComponents (const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map)
int UserStringCount () const

Static Public Member Functions

static ON_DimLinearCreateAligned (ON_3dPoint extension_point0, ON_3dPoint extension_point1, ON_3dPoint dimension_line_point, ON_3dVector plane_normal, ON_UUID style_id, ON_DimLinear *destination)
static ON_DimLinearCreateFromV5DimLinear (const class ON_OBSOLETE_V5_DimLinear &V5_linear_dimension, const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext *annotation_context, ON_DimLinear *destination)
static ON_DimLinearCreateRotated (ON_3dPoint extension_point0, ON_3dPoint extension_point1, ON_Line dimension_line, ON_3dVector plane_normal, ON_UUID style_id, ON_DimLinear *destination)
static bool IsValidLinearDimensionType (ON::AnnotationType annotation_type)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Dimension
static ON_Dimension::ForceArrow ForceArrowFromUnsigned (unsigned int force_arrow_as_unsigned)
static ON_Dimension::ForceText ForceTextFromUnsigned (unsigned int force_text_as_unsigned)
static bool GetCentermarkDisplay (const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_2dPoint center, double marksize, double radius, ON_DimStyle::centermark_style style, ON_Line lines[6], bool isline[6], int maxlines)
static bool GetCentermarkSnapPoints (const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_2dPoint center, double marksize, double radius, ON_DimStyle::centermark_style style, ON_3dPoint points[13], bool ispoint[13])
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Annotation
static void CalcTextFlip (const ON_3dVector &text_xdir, const ON_3dVector &text_ydir, const ON_3dVector &text_zdir, const ON_3dVector &view_xdir, const ON_3dVector &view_ydir, const ON_3dVector &view_zdir, const ON_Xform *model_xform, const double flip_tol, bool &flip_x, bool &flip_y)
static bool ClearRtfFmt (const wchar_t *fmt_str_on, const wchar_t *fmt_str_off, ON_wString &rtf_in)
static ON_AnnotationCreateFromV2Annotation (const class ON_OBSOLETE_V2_Annotation &V2_annotation, const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext *annotation_context)
static ON_AnnotationCreateFromV5Annotation (const class ON_OBSOLETE_V5_Annotation &V5_annotation, const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext *annotation_context)
static int FindRtfTable (ON_wString rtf_in, int startidx, const wchar_t *tablename)
static bool FirstCharTextProperties (const wchar_t *rtf_in, bool &bold, bool &italic, bool &underline, ON_wString &facename)
static ON_3dVector GetDefaultHorizontal (const ON_Plane &plane)
static bool SetAnnotationTextFormat (ON_wString &rtf_in, const wchar_t *fmt_str_on, const wchar_t *fmt_str_off, bool set_on)
static bool SetRtfFmt (ON_wString &rtf_in, const wchar_t *fmt_str)

Static Public Attributes

static const ON_DimLinear Empty
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ON_Geometry
const static ON_Geometry Unset

Protected Attributes

ON_2dPoint m_def_pt_2 = ON_2dPoint::UnsetPoint
ON_2dPoint m_dimline_pt = ON_2dPoint::UnsetPoint
- Protected Attributes inherited from ON_Dimension
ON_UUID m_detail_measured = ON_nil_uuid
 UUID of detail if dimension is in page space measuring model space geometry. More...
double m_distance_scale = 1.0
 Conversion from model space size to paper space size if dimension is in page space measuring model space geometry. More...
bool m_flip_arrow_1 = false
bool m_flip_arrow_2 = false
ON_wString m_plain_user_text
double m_reserved = 0.0
unsigned int m_reserved98 = 0
unsigned int m_reserved99 = 0
bool m_text_outside = false
bool m_use_default_text_point = true
ON_wString m_user_text = L"<>"
 If user overridden, or "<>" to use default. More...
ON_2dPoint m_user_text_point = ON_2dPoint::UnsetPoint
 Text point if default isn't used. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ON_Annotation
bool m_allow_text_scaling = true
ON::AnnotationType m_annotation_type = ON::AnnotationType::Unset
ON_UUID m_dimstyle_id = ON_DimStyle::Default.Id()
ON_2dVector m_horizontal_direction = ON_2dVector::XAxis
 direction used as horizontal to draw annotation, especially text More...
ON_Plane m_plane = ON_Plane::World_xy
 plane origin used for alignment point More...
unsigned char m_reserved2 = 0
unsigned char m_reserved3 = 0
unsigned int m_reserved4 = 0
ON_TextContentm_text = nullptr
 Deleted by ~ON_Annotation() More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ON_Dimension
enum  ForceArrow : unsigned int { ForceArrow::Auto = 0, ForceArrow::Inside = 1, ForceArrow::Outside = 2 }
 OBSOLETE enum do not use. More...
enum  ForceText : unsigned int {
  ForceText::Auto = 0, ForceText::Inside = 1, ForceText::Right = 2, ForceText::Left = 3,
  ForceText::HintRight = 4, ForceText::HintLeft = 5
 OBSOLETE enum do not use. More...
- Public Types inherited from ON_Object
enum  UserDataConflictResolution : unsigned char {
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_object = 0, UserDataConflictResolution::source_object = 1, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_gt = 2, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_ge = 3,
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_gt = 4, UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_ge = 5, UserDataConflictResolution::delete_item = 6
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ON_Dimension
 ON_Dimension (const ON_Dimension &src)
 ON_Dimension (ON::AnnotationType annotation_type)
 ~ON_Dimension ()
bool Internal_ReadDimension (ON_BinaryArchive &)
bool Internal_WriteDimension (ON_BinaryArchive &) const
ON_Dimensionoperator= (const ON_Dimension &src)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ON_Annotation
 ON_Annotation (const ON_Annotation &src)
 ON_Annotation (ON::AnnotationType annotation_type)
 ~ON_Annotation ()
bool Internal_GetBBox_Begin (const ON_SHA1_Hash &hash, double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrow) const
bool Internal_GetBBox_End (const ON_BoundingBox &bbox, const ON_SHA1_Hash &hash, double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrow) const
const ON_SHA1_Hash Internal_GetBBox_InputHash (const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, const ON_2dPoint &text_point, unsigned int point_count, const ON_2dPoint *points) const
bool Internal_GetBBox_TextGlyphBox (const ON_Viewport *vp, const ON_DimStyle *dimstyle, double dimscale, ON_BoundingBox &text_glyph_box) const
bool Internal_ReadAnnotation (ON_BinaryArchive &archive)
void Internal_SetDimStyleFromV5Annotation (const class ON_OBSOLETE_V5_Annotation &V5_annotation, const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext *annotation_context)
bool Internal_WriteAnnotation (ON_BinaryArchive &archive) const
ON_Annotationoperator= (const ON_Annotation &src)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ON_Annotation
static bool Internal_IsOverrideDimStyleCandidate (const ON_DimStyle *override_style_candidate, ON_UUID parent_id, bool bRequireSetOverrides, bool bIssueErrorsAndWarnings)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ON_DimLinear() [1/2]

ON_DimLinear::ON_DimLinear ( )

◆ ~ON_DimLinear()

ON_DimLinear::~ON_DimLinear ( )

◆ ON_DimLinear() [2/2]

ON_DimLinear::ON_DimLinear ( const ON_DimLinear src)

Member Function Documentation

◆ ArrowPoint1()

ON_2dPoint ON_DimLinear::ArrowPoint1 ( ) const


◆ ArrowPoint2()

ON_2dPoint ON_DimLinear::ArrowPoint2 ( ) const


◆ Create()

bool ON_DimLinear::Create ( ON::AnnotationType  dim_type,
const ON_UUID  style_id,
const ON_Plane plane,
const ON_3dVector ref_horizontal,
const ON_3dPoint def_pt1,
const ON_3dPoint def_pt2,
const ON_3dPoint dimline_pt,
double  rotation_in_plane = 0.0 

◆ CreateAligned()

static ON_DimLinear* ON_DimLinear::CreateAligned ( ON_3dPoint  extension_point0,
ON_3dPoint  extension_point1,
ON_3dPoint  dimension_line_point,
ON_3dVector  plane_normal,
ON_UUID  style_id,
ON_DimLinear destination 

Description: Create an aligned linear dimension. The dimension line is parallel to the segment connecting the extension points. Parameters: extension_point0 - [in] extension_point1 - [in] locations of one of the points being dimensioned. The dimension line will be parallel to the segment connecting these points. dimension_line_point - [in] a point on the linear dimension line. plane_normal - [in] A vector perpindcular to the line between the extension points that defines the orientation of the dimension's plane. dim_style_id - [in] destination - [in] If nullptr, the returned ON_DimLinear is allocated by operator new. Otherwise, the reuturned ON_DimLinear is created in destination.

◆ CreateFromV5DimLinear()

static ON_DimLinear* ON_DimLinear::CreateFromV5DimLinear ( const class ON_OBSOLETE_V5_DimLinear &  V5_linear_dimension,
const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext annotation_context,
ON_DimLinear destination 

Description: Create a V6 linear dimension from a V5 linear dimension The function is used when reading V5 files. Parameters: V5_linear_dimension -[in] annotation_context - [in] Dimstyle and other information referenced by V5_linear_dimension or nullptr if not available. destination - [in] If destination is not nullptr, then the V6 linear dimension is constructed in destination. If destination is nullptr, then the new V6 linear dimension is allocated with a call to new ON_DimLinear().

◆ CreateRotated()

static ON_DimLinear* ON_DimLinear::CreateRotated ( ON_3dPoint  extension_point0,
ON_3dPoint  extension_point1,
ON_Line  dimension_line,
ON_3dVector  plane_normal,
ON_UUID  style_id,
ON_DimLinear destination 

Description: Create a rotated linear dimension to the document. The dimension line is explicitly specified. Parameters: extension_point0 - [in] extension_point1 - [in] locations of one of the points being dimensioned. The dimension line will be parallel to the segment connecting these points. dimension_line - [in] the dimension line. This is treated as an infinite line and the points are automatically calculated. plane_normal - [in] A vector perpindcular to the line between the extension points that defines the orientation of the dimension's plane. The dimension line is projected to this plane. dim_style_id - [in] destination - [in] If nullptr, the returned ON_DimLinear is allocated by operator new. Otherwise, the reuturned ON_DimLinear is created in destination.

◆ DefaultTextPoint()

ON_2dPoint ON_DimLinear::DefaultTextPoint ( ) const

Reimplemented from ON_Dimension.

◆ DefPoint1()

ON_2dPoint ON_DimLinear::DefPoint1 ( ) const

DefPoint1 is m_plane.origin Meaasurement is between DefPoint1 and DefPoint2 parallel to the m_plane x-axis.

◆ DefPoint2()

ON_2dPoint ON_DimLinear::DefPoint2 ( ) const

◆ DimlinePoint()

ON_2dPoint ON_DimLinear::DimlinePoint ( ) const

◆ Get3dPoints()

bool ON_DimLinear::Get3dPoints ( ON_3dPoint defpt1,
ON_3dPoint defpt2,
ON_3dPoint arrowpt1,
ON_3dPoint arrowpt2,
ON_3dPoint dimline,
ON_3dPoint textpt 
) const

◆ GetAnnotationBoundingBox()

bool ON_DimLinear::GetAnnotationBoundingBox ( const ON_Viewport vp,
const ON_DimStyle dimstyle,
double  dimscale,
double *  boxmin,
double *  boxmax,
bool  bGrow = false 
) const

ON_Annotation override.

Implements ON_Annotation.

◆ GetArrowXform()

void ON_DimLinear::GetArrowXform ( int  which_end,
double  scale,
bool  arrowflipped,
bool  from_the_back,
ON_Xform arrow_xform_out 
) const

◆ GetBBox()

bool ON_DimLinear::GetBBox ( double *  boxmin,
double *  boxmax,
bool  bGrowBox = false 
) const

virtual ON_Geometry GetBBox override

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ GetDisplayLines()

bool ON_DimLinear::GetDisplayLines ( const ON_Viewport vp,
const ON_DimStyle style,
double  dimscale,
ON_3dPoint  text_rect[4],
ON_Line  lines[4],
bool  isline[4],
int  maxlines 
) const

◆ GetTextXform() [1/3]

bool ON_DimLinear::GetTextXform ( const ON_Viewport vp,
const ON_DimStyle dimstyle,
double  dimscale,
ON_Xform text_xform_out 
) const

Implements ON_Annotation.

◆ GetTextXform() [2/3]

bool ON_DimLinear::GetTextXform ( const ON_Xform model_xform,
const ON_3dVector  view_x,
const ON_3dVector  view_y,
const ON_3dVector  view_z,
ON::view_projection  projection,
bool  bDrawForward,
const ON_DimStyle dimstyle,
double  dimscale,
ON_Xform text_xform_out 
) const

◆ GetTextXform() [3/3]

bool ON_DimLinear::GetTextXform ( const ON_Xform model_xform,
const ON_Viewport vp,
const ON_DimStyle dimstyle,
double  dimscale,
ON_Xform text_xform_out 
) const

Gets transform for dimension text from ON_xy_plane to 3d display location.

◆ IsValidLinearDimensionType()

static bool ON_DimLinear::IsValidLinearDimensionType ( ON::AnnotationType  annotation_type)

Parameters: annotation_type - [in] annotation type to test Returns: True if input parameter is one of the valid linear dimension types ON::AnnotationType::Aligned or ON::AnnotationType::Rotated.

◆ Measurement()

double ON_DimLinear::Measurement ( ) const


Implements ON_Dimension.

◆ operator=()

ON_DimLinear& ON_DimLinear::operator= ( const ON_DimLinear src)

◆ Read()

bool ON_DimLinear::Read ( ON_BinaryArchive binary_archive)

Description: Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject(). Parameters: binary_archive - archive to read from Returns: Returns true if the read is successful. Remarks: Use ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject() to read objects. This Read() function should read the objects definition back into its data members.

The default implementation of this virtual function returns false and does nothing.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ Set2dDefPoint1()

void ON_DimLinear::Set2dDefPoint1 ( ON_2dPoint  pt)

◆ Set2dDefPoint2()

void ON_DimLinear::Set2dDefPoint2 ( ON_2dPoint  pt)

◆ Set2dDimlinePoint()

void ON_DimLinear::Set2dDimlinePoint ( ON_2dPoint  pt)

◆ Set3dDefPoint1()

void ON_DimLinear::Set3dDefPoint1 ( ON_3dPoint  pt)

◆ Set3dDefPoint2()

void ON_DimLinear::Set3dDefPoint2 ( ON_3dPoint  pt)

◆ Set3dDimlinePoint()

void ON_DimLinear::Set3dDimlinePoint ( ON_3dPoint  pt)

◆ SetLinearDimensionType()

bool ON_DimLinear::SetLinearDimensionType ( ON::AnnotationType  linear_dimension_type)

Parameters: linear_dimension_type - [in] ON::AnnotationType::Aligned or ON::AnnotationType::Rotated. Returns: True if input parameter is valid and type is set.

◆ Transform()

bool ON_DimLinear::Transform ( const ON_Xform xform)

Description: Transforms the object.

Parameters: xform - [in] transformation to apply to object. If xform.IsSimilarity() is zero, then you may want to call MakeSquishy() before calling Transform.

Remarks: When overriding this function, be sure to include a call to ON_Object::TransformUserData() which takes care of transforming any ON_UserData that may be attached to the object.

See Also: ON_Geometry::IsDeformable();

Remarks: Classes derived from ON_Geometry should call ON_Geometry::Transform() to handle user data transformations and then transform their definition.

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ Write()

bool ON_DimLinear::Write ( ON_BinaryArchive binary_archive) const

Description: Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject(). Parameters: binary_archive - archive to write to Returns: Returns true if the write is successful. Remarks: Use ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject() to write objects. This Write() function should just write the specific definition of this object. It should not write and any chunk typecode or length information.

The default implementation of this virtual function returns false and does nothing.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Empty

const ON_DimLinear ON_DimLinear::Empty

◆ m_def_pt_2

ON_2dPoint ON_DimLinear::m_def_pt_2 = ON_2dPoint::UnsetPoint

◆ m_dimline_pt

ON_2dPoint ON_DimLinear::m_dimline_pt = ON_2dPoint::UnsetPoint