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IGH_ActiveObject Methods

The IGH_ActiveObject type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddedToDocument
This method will be called when an object is added to a document.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodAddRuntimeMessage
Add a new message to this object. Valid message type flags are Warning and Error. If the Message string is empty or zero-length no message is added.
Public methodAppendMenuItems
This function is called when a context menu is about to be displayed. Override it to set custom items.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodClearData
This function is called whenever the object needs to clear all solution data. This usually amounts to wiping volatile caches and messages. This function will not affect any other objects, but it will set the Phase flag to Blank
Public methodClearRuntimeMessages
Clear all message lists.
Public methodCollectData
This function is called whenever the object is required to collect all data. Either from Persistent records, from source params or whatever. This step is only performed if the phase flag is Blank or Failed. Upon completion, the phase flag will be set to Collected
Public methodComputeData
This function is called whenever the object is required to generate new data. This step is only performed by some objects and only when the Phase flag is Collected. Upon completion, the Phase will be Computed. If this object throws exceptions, it is the responsibility of the caller to set the Phase flag to Failed.
Public methodCreateAttributes
Create new default attributes for this object. You should only call this function when the Attributes() field is null.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodDependsOn
Solve the inheritance relationship between this object and a potential parental object.
Public methodDocumentContextChanged
This method will be called when the document that owns this object moves into a different context.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodExpirePreview
Call this function when you suspect that the preview has expired for this object. This will cause the display cache to be eradicated.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodExpireSolution
Call this function whenever you do something which expires the current solution. This will make sure all caches are erased, all downstream objects are expired and that the event is raised. The default implementation merely places a call to OnSolutionExpired(), override this function in derived classes to make sure you clear local data caches and expire downstream objects.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodIsolateObject
Destroy all connections to other objects.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodMovedBetweenDocuments
This method will be called when an object is moved from one document to another.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnAttributesChanged
Raises the AttributesChanged event on the toplevel object.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnDisplayExpired
Raises the DisplayExpired event on the toplevel object.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnObjectChanged(GH_ObjectChangedEventArgs)
Raises the ObjectChanged event on the current (!not the top level!) object.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnObjectChanged(GH_ObjectEventType)
Raises the ObjectChanged event on the current (!not the top level!) object.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnObjectChanged(String)
Raises the ObjectChanged event on the current (!not the top level!) object.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnObjectChanged(GH_ObjectEventType, Object)
Raises the ObjectChanged event on the current (!not the top level!) object.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnObjectChanged(String, Object)
Raises the ObjectChanged event on the current (!not the top level!) object.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnPingDocument
Raise the PingDocument Event on the toplevel object and try to find the document which owns this object.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnPreviewExpired
Raises the PreviewExpired event on the toplevel object.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnSolutionExpired
Raises the SolutionExpired event on the toplevel object.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodRecordUndoEvent(GH_UndoRecord)
Record an entire undo record.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodRecordUndoEvent(String)
Record a generic object change undo event.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodRecordUndoEvent(String, IGH_UndoAction)
Record a specific object change undo event.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodRegisterRemoteIDs
If this object depends on Rhino Objects, you must register the UUIDs of those objects. Failure to do so will result in faulty event handling.
Public methodRemovedFromDocument
This method will be called when an object is removed from a document.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodRuntimeMessages
Gets the list of cached runtime messages that were recorded during solver-time processes.
Public methodSDKCompliancy
Test whether this object is compliant with a given Rhino version.
Public methodTriggerAutoSave
Triggers the AutoSave function on the owner document with the object_changed flag.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodTriggerAutoSave(GH_AutoSaveTrigger)
Triggers the AutoSave function on the owner document with a custom flag.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodTriggerAutoSave(Guid)
Triggers the AutoSave function on the owner document with the object_changed flag.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodTriggerAutoSave(GH_AutoSaveTrigger, Guid)
Triggers the AutoSave function on the owner document with a custom flag.
(Inherited from IGH_DocumentObject.)
See Also