Rhino C++ API  8.16
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CRhinoApp Class Referenceabstract

CRhinoApp: More...

#include <rhinoSdkApp.h>

Inheritance diagram for CRhinoApp:


class  CRhMruCommandRecord

Public Types

enum  {
  HCB_EDGE_ANALYSIS_BAR = 0x00000010, HCB_EMAP_BAR = 0x00000020, HCB_LAYER_BAR = 0x00000040, HCB_LAYER_MANAGER_BAR = 0x00000080,
  HCB_MOVE_UVN_BAR = 0x00000100, HCB_NOTES_BAR = 0x00000200, HCB_OSNAP_BAR = 0x00000400, HCB_PROPERTIES_BAR = 0x00000800,
  HCB_VIEW_MANAGER_BAR = 0x00001000, HCB_ZEBRA_BAR = 0x00002000, HCB_COMMAND_CONTEXT_BAR = 0x00004000, HCB_END_ANALYSIS_BAR = 0x00008000,
 Control bar bit masks... More...
enum  { HWB_TITLE_BAR = 0x00000001, HWB_MENU_BAR = 0x00000002, HWB_STATUS_BAR = 0x00000004 }
 Window bar bit masks... More...
enum  APP_STATE : unsigned int {
  app_state_ctor_zero = 0, app_state_ctor_begin, app_state_ctor_end, app_state_ctor_exited,
  app_state_InitInstance_begin, app_state_InitInstance_before_WinAppInit, app_state_InitInstance_after_WinAppInit, app_state_InitInstance_end,
  app_state_InitInstance_exited, app_state_OnClose_begin, app_state_OnClose_before_MDIClose, app_state_OnClose_UnsavedCancel,
  app_state_OnClose_after_MDIClose, app_state_OnClose_end, app_state_OnClose_Canceled, app_state_OnClose_exited,
  app_state_ExitInstance_begin, app_state_ExitInstance_before_WinAppExit, app_state_ExitInstance_after_WinAppExit, app_state_ExitInstance_end,
  app_state_ExitInstance_exited, app_state_dtor_begin, app_state_dtor_end, app_state_dtor_exited
enum  cursor_tooltip_pane {
  number_pane = 0, osnap_pane = 1, point_pane = 2, relative_point_pane = 3,
  prompt_pane = 4, feedback_pane = 5, extra_pane = 6, cursor_tooltip_pane_count = 7
enum  installation_type {
  installation_undefined = 0, installation_commercial, installation_educational, installation_educational_lab,
  installation_not_for_resale, installation_not_for_resale_lab, installation_beta, installation_beta_lab,
  installation_evaluation, installation_corporate, installation_evaluation_timed, installation_force_32_bit = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  node_type { node_stand_alone = 0, node_network, node_network_checked_out, node_type_force_32_bit = 0xFFFFFFFF }

Public Member Functions

 CRhinoApp (class CRhApp &)
virtual ~CRhinoApp ()
BOOL32 AcceleratorKeyDown (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
bool ActivateCommandWindowCaret () const
 Activates flashing caret in command prompt. More...
MAC_DEPRECATED const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommandActiveCommand () const
MAC_DEPRECATED const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommandContext::COMMAND_STYLE ActiveCommandStyle () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoDocActiveDoc () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON::active_space ActiveSpace () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoViewActiveView () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 AddMenu (HMENU hSubMenu, LPCTSTR title, CRhinoPlugIn *pApp)
 STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 AddMenuItem (HMENU hTargetMenu, UINT index, MENUITEMINFO *pMi, CRhinoPlugIn *pApp)
 STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6. More...
MAC_DEPRECATED void AddMruCommand (const wchar_t *cmd, const wchar_t *display_string=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 AddPageToObjectPropertiesDialog (class IRhinoPropertiesPanelPage *pPage, const CRhinoPlugIn *pPlugIn)
bool AllowActivateCommandWindowCaret () const
virtual id AppDefaults (void) const =0
class CRhEventManager * AppEventManager () const
 list of events (text tokens, view clicks, digitizer points, etc. More...
virtual LPCTSTR AppName () const =0
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoAppSettingsAppSettings ()
void ArrangeViews (bool bMakeVisible)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool AskUserForRhinoLicense (bool bStandalone, HWND parent)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool AutoSave (unsigned int rhino_doc_sn, const wchar_t *lpsCommandName, int auto_save_action)
virtual void BeginWaitCursor ()=0
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void * Calloc (size_t, size_t)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CaptureCommandWindowPrint (bool enabled)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CaptureCommandWindowPrintEnabled () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void ClearCommandHistoryWindowText ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void ClearCursorToolTip ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void ClearCursorToolTipPane (CRhinoApp::cursor_tooltip_pane)
void ClearFileReadOptions ()
void CloseAllDocuments (BOOL32 bEndSession)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CommandCanceled () const
class CRhCommandManager & CommandManager ()
 'Manager' helper classes - do NOT export to SDK More...
const CRhMruCommandRecordCommandToRepeat () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CommandWindowCapturedStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &strings, bool clearBuffer)
void CreateOsnapCursors (int)
unsigned int CreateRhinoView (unsigned int rhino_doc_sn, const ON_3dmView *view, CRuntimeClass *pMfcViewRuntimeClass, bool bShowView)
CRhinoRenderPlugInCurrentRenderPlugIn ()
class CRhCustomMenuManager & CustomMenuManager ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int DaysUntilExpiration ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoDigitizerManagerDigitizerManager ()
int DispatchPluginMenuCommand (HMENU hmenu, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
class CRhDocViewManager & DocViewManager ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool DoHelp (const wchar_t *helpTopicLink) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool Echo () const
void EchoCommand (const wchar_t *) const
void EchoPrompt (const wchar_t *) const
void EmergencyExit (int)
 See source code comments for usage. Do not. More...
virtual void EndWaitCursor ()=0
void EnterCommand (CRhinoDoc &doc, const CRhinoCommand *, unsigned int *undo_record_sn)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool ExecutableFolder (ON_wString &result) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result ExecuteCommand (unsigned int rhino_doc_sn, const wchar_t *cmd_name)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int ExeServiceRelease () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int ExeVersion () const
void ExitCommand (unsigned int rhino_doc_sn0, unsigned int rhino_doc_sn1, const CRhinoCommand *, unsigned int undo_record_sn)
int ExitInstance ()
BOOL32 ExitRhino ()
bool FileImport (unsigned int rhino_doc_sn, const wchar_t *file_name_to_read, bool bUseDialogs, bool bSelectNewObjects, ON_wString *file_name_read)
unsigned int FileNew (bool bUseDialogs)
unsigned int FileOpen (const wchar_t *file_name_to_read, bool bUseDialogs, bool bCreateEmptyDocOnFailure, ON_wString *file_name_read)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoFileReadOptionsFileReadOptions ()
const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoFileReadOptionsFileReadOptions () const
class CRhFileReadOptions & FileReadOptionsEx ()
 do not export this function More...
bool FileReference (ON_wString &FileName, bool bUseDialog=true, HWND hWndParent=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommandFindCommand (const wchar_t *command_name) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommandFindCommand (ON_UUID command_uuid) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoGripsEnablerFindGripsEnabler (ON_UUID grips_id) const
 STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool FindRhinoMenuItem (const wchar_t *sEnglishMenuPath, HMENU &hParentMenuHandle, int &nMenuItemIndex)
 STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6. More...
BOOL32 FrameWindowProc (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL32 bInPlace)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void Free (void *)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool FullscreenEscapeDisabled () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void GetApplicationName (ON_3dmApplication &app_name) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void GetApplicationName (ON_wString &app_name) const
class CRhAutoSave & GetAutoSave () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void GetBuildDate (int &nYear, int &nMonth, int &nDate) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void GetBuildDate (ON_wString &wBuildDate) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void GetBuildDate (ON_wString &wYear, ON_wString &wMonth, ON_wString &wDate) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void GetCommandHistoryWindowText (ON_wString &wstr) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool GetCommandLineScript (ON_wString &wScript)
void GetCommandNameList (ON_TextLog &) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool GetCommandPrompt (ON_wString &prompt) const
bool GetCommandPromptEx (ON_wString &prompt, ON_wString &prompt_default, ON_ClassArray< CRhinoCommandOption > &options)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_UUID GetDefaultRenderApp () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoDocGetDocument (UINT_PTR doc_sn) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int GetMRUCommands (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &display_strings, ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &macros) const
void GetNetCoreRuntimeVersion (ON_wString &wVersion)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION LPUNKNOWN GetPlugInObjectInterface (const ON_UUID &plugin_uuid, const ON_UUID &interface_uuid)
virtual unsigned int GetPOSIXLocaleIdentifier () const =0
virtual const char * GetPOSIXLocaleName () const =0
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool GetProtocolHandlerUrl (ON_wString &protocolHandlerUrl)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool GetRhinoGlobalOptionsRegistryPath (bool bFullPath, ON_wString &result) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool GetRhinoPlugInsRegistryPath (bool bFullPath, ON_wString &result) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoProfileContextGetRhinoProfileContext (CRhinoProfileContext::context_location location)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 GetRhinoRegistryKey (ON_wString &result) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool GetRhinoRootRegistryPath (ON_wString &result) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool GetRhinoSchemeRegistryPath (bool bFullPath, ON_wString &result) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void GetSystemInformation (ON_TextLog &log) const
 STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool HideControlBars (UINT nCBMask=0xFFFFFFFF, int nDockState=0, bool bRedraw=true, const CRhinoDoc *pDoc=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool HideToolBars (int nDockState=0, bool bRedraw=true, const CRhinoDoc *pDoc=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool HideWindowBars (UINT nWBMask=0xFFFFFFFF, bool bRedraw=true, const CRhinoDoc *pDoc=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool InAppMode () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int InCommand (bool bIgnoreScriptRunnerCommands=false) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool InConstructor () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void IncrementRhinoAppTicker ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool InDestructor () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool InExitInstance () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool InFullscreen () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool InInitInstance () const
void InitCursorToolTip ()
BOOL32 InitInstance ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool InMainFrameOnClose () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool InScriptRunnerCommand () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION installation_type InstallationType ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_wString InstallationTypeString ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool InstallFolder (ON_wString &result)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsAutomated () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsClosing () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsCloudZooNode ()
bool IsDontRepeatCommand (wchar_t *token)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsExiting () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsHeadless () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsInitializing () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsInternetAccessAllowed ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsLicenseValidated ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsParentWindowDesktop () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsPreRelease ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsRhino2UUID (const ON_UUID) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsRhino3UUID (const ON_UUID) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsRhino4UUID (const ON_UUID) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsRhino5UUID (const ON_UUID) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsRhino6UUID (const ON_UUID) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsRhino7UUID (const ON_UUID) const
bool IsRhinoAllowedToRun () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsRhinoUUID (const ON_UUID) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsSafeModeEnabled () const
bool IsSingleDocApp () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool IsSkinned () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool LicenseExpires ()
class CRhinoLicenseManager & LicenseManager ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_wString LicenseUserName ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_wString LicenseUserOrganization ()
virtual HCURSOR LoadCursor (UINT nIDResource) const =0
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoViewLookupView (ON_UUID main_viewport_id) const
class CMainFrameMainFrame () const
HMENU MainHMenu () const
CWnd * MainWindow () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void * Malloc (size_t)
 main application memory pool tools More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void * Memdup (const void *, size_t)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_SimpleArray< ON_4iRectMonitorRects () const
const ON_ClassArray< CRhMruCommandRecord > & MruCommandList () const
bool NoCancelOnMainFrameClose () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION node_type NodeType ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class IRhinoObjectManager & ObjectManager (void)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoDocObsoleteActiveDoc () const
void OnAppAbout ()
 Call RhinoAbout() externally. More...
void OnAppFileNew ()
bool OnEscapeKeyDown ()
void OnFileClose ()
void OnFileNew ()
void OnFileOpen ()
void OnInitMenuPopup (WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
BOOL32 OnOpenRecentFile (UINT nID)
bool OnSysKeyDown (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
 Does the "generic" Alt+Fx and F10 key handling. More...
bool OnSysKeyUp (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
 Needed for Alt + arrow key input buffer cleanup when nudging. More...
CDocument * OpenDocumentFile (LPCTSTR lpszFileName)
CDocument * OpenDocumentFile (LPCTSTR lpszFileName, BOOL32 bAddToMRU)
const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION wchar_t * OsnapName (CRhinoAppSettings::osnap_mode)
class CRhPlugInManager & PlugInManager ()
bool PopMainMenu ()
bool PostRhinoWindowsMessage (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
BOOL32 PreTranslateMessage (MSG *pMsg)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void ON_VARGS_FUNC_CDECL Print (const char *format,...) const
 Print formatted text in the command window. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void ON_VARGS_FUNC_CDECL Print (const wchar_t *format,...) const
 See ON_wString::Format for a description of string formatting. More...
void PrintCommandNameList (bool is_interactive) const
class CRhPrintManager & PrintManager ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoProfileContextProfileContext ()
virtual LPCTSTR ProfileName () const =0
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool PurgeCommand (CRhinoCommand *pCommand, ON_UUID password)
bool PushMainMenu ()
BOOL32 PushStatusBarButton (UINT nBntID, BOOL32 bIn)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void * Realloc (void *, size_t)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void RecordInitInstanceTime (const wchar_t *) const
 Plug-in support for startup /stopwatch command line option. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RefreshRhinoLicense ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 RegisterCommand (CRhinoCommand *pCommand)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RegisterGripsEnabler (CRhinoGripsEnabler *pCustomGripsInformation)
virtual LPCTSTR RegistryKey () const =0
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION LPCTSTR RegistrySchemeName () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RememberCopyOption () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 RemovePageFromObjectPropertiesDialog (class IRhinoPropertiesPanelPage *pPage)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 RemovePlugInAddedMenu (HMENU hmenu, CRhinoPlugIn *plug_in)
 STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6. More...
 repeats previous command More...
bool RespondToRhinoWindowsMessage (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RestoreControlBars (bool bRedraw=true, const CRhinoDoc *pDoc=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RestoreFullscreen (const CRhinoDoc *pDoc=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RestoreToolBars (bool bRedraw=true, const CRhinoDoc *pDoc=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RestoreWindowBars (bool bRedraw=true, const CRhinoDoc *pDoc=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void RhinoAbout (bool bForceRhinoAbout=false) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION LPCTSTR RhinoCommandLine () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoCommandManagerRhinoCommandManager ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoDirectoryManagerRhinoDirectoryManager ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HKEY RhinoGetAppRegistryKeyEx (int nMode, int nProfile=CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HKEY RhinoGetGlobalOptionsRegistryKeyEx (int nMode, int nProfile=CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HKEY RhinoGetRootRegistryKeyEx (int nMode, int nProfile=CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HKEY RhinoGetSectionKey (LPCTSTR lpszSection, int nProfile=CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HKEY RhinoGetSectionKeyEx (LPCTSTR lpszSection, int nMode, int nProfile=CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HINSTANCE RhinoInstanceHandle () const
CDocTemplate * RhinoMfcDocTemplate ()
 Return UUID for the one and only Rhino system render plug-in. More...
HINSTANCE RhinoResourceHandle ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoAppUiManagerRhinoUiManager () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoUiPaintManagerRhinoUiPaintManager () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoAppUiResourceManagerRhinoUiResourceManager () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhSkin & RhSkin () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RunAsServer ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RunMenuScript (const wchar_t *script)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RunMenuScript (unsigned int rhino_doc_sn, const wchar_t *script)
MAC_DEPRECATED void RunMruCommand (int cmd_index)
MAC_DEPRECATED void RunMruFavoriteCommand (int cmd_index)
MAC_DEPRECATED const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommandRunningCommand (int i) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RunScript (const CRhinoScriptContext &script_context)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RunScript (unsigned int rhino_doc_sn, const wchar_t *script, int echo_mode=1)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RunScriptEx (unsigned int rhino_doc_sn, const wchar_t *script, const wchar_t *mruDisplayString, int echo_mode=1)
BOOL32 SaveAllModified ()
 save before exit More...
HMENU SavedMainMenu () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION unsigned int SdkServiceRelease () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION unsigned int SdkVersion () const
void SendCharToCommandWnd (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) const
 low level tool used to send keyboard events to command window More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool SendCommandWindowPrintToConsole (bool enabled)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool SendCommandWindowPrintToConsoleEnabled () const
void SendKeyDownToCommandWnd (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_wString SerialNumber ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetActiveView (CRhinoView *) const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetActiveViewport (ON_UUID viewport_id)
bool SetAllowActivateCommandWindowCaret (bool b=true)
virtual void SetAppName (LPCTSTR)=0
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetCommandPrompt (const wchar_t *prompt, const wchar_t *prompt_default, const ON_ClassArray< CRhinoCommandOption > &options)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetCommandPrompt (const wchar_t *prompt, const wchar_t *prompt_default=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetCommandPromptMessage (const wchar_t *sMessage)
 Setting command window prompt. More...
void SetCommandWindowText (const wchar_t *=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetCursorToolTip (const ON_wString &)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetCursorToolTipNumberPane (double d, bool bAutoFormatDistance=true)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetCursorToolTipOsnapPane (CRhinoAppSettings::osnap_mode)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetCursorToolTipPane (CRhinoApp::cursor_tooltip_pane, const ON_wString &)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetCursorToolTipPointPane (ON_3dPoint point, const ON_Plane *plane=nullptr)
void SetCursorToolTipPromptPane (const ON_wString &)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool SetDefaultRenderApp (ON_UUID &uuid)
void SetFileReadOptions (const class CRhFileReadOptions &)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool SetFullscreen (UINT nCBMask, UINT nWBMask, int nDockState, const CRhinoDoc *pDoc=nullptr)
void SetNoCancelOnMainFrameClose (bool b)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetRememberCopyOption (bool b)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetStatusBarDistancePane (double dist, bool bAutoFormatDistancePane=true)
 Setting command window prompt. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetStatusBarMessagePane (const wchar_t *)
 pass NULL to clear message pane More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetStatusBarNumberPane (double angle)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void SetStatusBarPointPane (const ON_3dPoint &, const ON_Plane *pPane=nullptr)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool StartedAsRhinoExe () const
class CRhinoStatusBar * StatusBar () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void StatusBarProgressMeterEnd ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int StatusBarProgressMeterPos (int nPos, bool bAbsolute=true)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int StatusBarProgressMeterStart (int nLower, int nUpper, const wchar_t *pszLabel=nullptr, bool bEmbedLabel=true, bool bShowPercent=true)
class CStringTableCollection & StringTables ()
bool StringTablesInitialized () const
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhTextureManager & TextureManager ()
virtual class CThreadManager & ThreadManager (void) const =0
bool UpdateCursorToolTipLocation (const ON_2iPoint &pt)
void UpdateNotesWindow (unsigned int rhino_doc_sn)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int UpdatesAndStatisticsStatus ()
bool UseNetCoreRuntime ()
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int ValidationGracePeriodDaysLeft ()
bool ViewDisableSetActiveView () const
bool ViewerOnlyMode () const
bool ViewSetDisableSetActiveView (bool b)
LPCTSTR ViewWndClassName () const
 CRhinoView window class name. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void Wait (DWORD dwMilliseconds)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoProfileContextWindowPositionsProfileContext ()
class CRhWorkSession * WorkSession () const
 Temporary - this should not be on CRhinoApp. More...

Public Attributes

HCURSOR m_arrow_command_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_arrow_copy_cursor = nullptr
 arrow with "+" More...
HCURSOR m_cen_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_cen_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_context_menu_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_cross_hair_copy_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_cross_hair_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_cursor = nullptr
 current cursor More...
HCURSOR m_default_cursor = nullptr
 Steve - I would like to eventually make these private and accessible through functions. More...
HCURSOR m_end_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_end_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_focus_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_hand_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_hand_snap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_hyperlink_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_int_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_int_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_knot_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_knot_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_magnify_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_magnify_snap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_mid_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_mid_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_near_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_near_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_object_perp_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_object_tan_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_oncrv_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_onmesh_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_onsrf_osnap_cursor = nullptr
class CRhinoAppFontsm_pAppFonts
HCURSOR m_perp_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_point_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr
 Current drag base point osnap cursors (arrow cursor and osnap label) More...
HCURSOR m_point_osnap_cursor = nullptr
 Current osnap cursors. More...
HCURSOR m_prohibit_cursor = nullptr
 circle with slash More...
class CRhino3Splash * m_pSplash = nullptr
HCURSOR m_quad_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_quad_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_rotate_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_tan_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_vertex_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_vertex_osnap_cursor = nullptr
HCURSOR m_wait_cursor = nullptr

Protected Member Functions

class CCommandControlBar * CommandWindow () const
void LoadProfile (CRhinoProfileContext &PC)
void RegisterRhinoFactories (bool bAutomated)
 Rhino's version of COleObjectFactory::RegisterAll() More...
void SetCommandToRepeat (const CRhinoApp::CRhMruCommandRecord &rec)
bool SetDefaultRenderApp (ON_UUID &uuid, bool force)
 Special version of SetDefaultRenderApp called by InitInstance. Not exported. More...
MAC_DEPRECATED void SetMruMenuString (HMENU hmenu, UINT id)
void WinAppOnFileNew ()
 TODO: remove this, temp hack to access private CWinApp func. More...

Protected Attributes

bool m_activate_command_caret = true
class CRhFileReadOptions & m_app_fro
unsigned char m_app_fro_buffer [4096]
bool m_bCursorToolTip = false
bool m_bInFullscreen = false
bool m_bInViewNavigation = false
bool m_bNoCancelOnMainFrameClose = false
bool m_bRememberCopyOption = true
 This looks like it should be on app settings. More...
bool m_bRestoreFromFullscreen = false
bool m_bSafeModeEnabled = false
class CRhCommandManager * m_command_manager = nullptr
ON_wString m_CommandLineLoadGrasshopperFileName
ON_wString m_CommandLineLoadScriptFileName
ON_SimpleArray< CRhinoGripsEnabler * > m_custom_grips
ON_UUID m_default_render_plug_in
CRhinoDirectoryManager m_dir_manager
bool m_disable_set_active_view = false
CRhinoFileMenu m_FileMenu
 File menu options;. More...
HMENU m_hParentMenu = nullptr
CRhinoAppSettingsm_lazyptr_app_settings = nullptr
class CRhAutoSave * m_lazyptr_autosave = nullptr
class CRhCustomMenuManager * m_lazyptr_custom_menu_manager = nullptr
class CRhinoDigitizerManagerm_lazyptr_digitizer_manager = nullptr
class CRhDocViewManager * m_lazyptr_docview_manager = nullptr
class CRhinoLicenseManager * m_lazyptr_license_manager = nullptr
class CRhPaletteManager * m_lazyptr_palette_manager = nullptr
class CRhPlugInManager * m_lazyptr_plug_in_manager = nullptr
class CRhPrintManager * m_lazyptr_print_manager = nullptr
class CRhTextureManager * m_lazyptr_texture_manager = nullptr
class CRhWorkSession * m_lazyptr_work_session = nullptr
CRhinoProfileContextm_pc_scheme_current_user = nullptr
CRhinoProfileContextm_pc_window_positions = nullptr
 Attaches to the CRhAppSettings::WindowPostions() settings. More...
class CToolTipCtrl * m_pCursorToolTip = nullptr
ON_SimpleArray< ON_UUIDm_PlugInFileExportDisplayList
ON_SimpleArray< ON_UUIDm_PlugInFileImportDisplayList
class CRhSkin * m_pRhinoSkin = nullptr
class CRhinoAppUiManagerm_pRhinoUiManager = nullptr
ON__UINT64 m_rhino_app_ticker = 0
bool m_RunAsViewerOnly = false
HMENU m_save_menu = nullptr
ON_wString m_sCurrentMenuLabel
ON_wString m_sParentMenuLabel
ON_wString m_sSchemeName
class CStringTableCollection * m_string_tables = nullptr
ON_wString m_sViewWndClass
TOOLINFOW m_tiCursorToolTip
bool m_unused = false
ON_wString m_wCursorToolTip
ON_wString m_wCursorToolTipPanes [cursor_tooltip_pane_count]
 WARNING: Do not add public data fields to CRhinoApp below this line. More...


class CMainFrame
 < All friends should be here More...
class CRhAppSettingsUiWatcher
class CRhino3SplashWnd
class CRhinoAppFonts
class CRhinoFileMenu
void RhOnWmDisplayChange ()

Detailed Description


Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Control bar bit masks...


◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Window bar bit masks...



enum CRhinoApp::APP_STATE : unsigned int

CRhinoApp::APP_STATE enum values mark points in the sequence of the CRhinoApp being constructed, initializing, closing, exiting, and destructed. It is critical that the enum values be listed in chronological order.


app_state_ctor_* - CRhinoApp::CRhinoApp() {} status


entered scope


last line of scope


exited scope


app_state_InitInstance_* - CRhinoApp::InitInstance() {} status

entered scope


before call to CWinApp::InitInstance()


entering CRhinoApp::InitInstance() scope


last line of scope


exited scope


app_state_OnClose_* - CMainFrame::OnClose() {} status

If m_rhino_app_state >= app_state_InitInstance_exited and m_rhino_app_state < app_state_OnClose_begin, then it means CRhinoApp::InitInstance() is finished and no WM_CLOSE message has been received by the main frame. This generally means Rhino is up and running. If more detailed app status information is needed, we can consider adding it. But keep in mind, this is Rhino app state and an app can have many docs and views in many states while it is running. This is not an appropriate place to report doc or view status because as soon as there are multiple docs or multiple views, there can be more than one answer to a doc or view question. entered scope


before call to CMDIFrameWnd::OnClose()


CRhinoApp::SaveAllModified() - cancel requested.


ordinary close - after call to CMDIFrameWnd::OnClose()


ordinary close - last line of scope


canceled close - cleanup in progress


exited scope


app_state_ExitInstance_* - CRhinoApp::InitInstance() {} status

entered scope


before call to CWinApp::InitInstance()


entering CRhinoApp::InitInstance() scope


last line of scope


exited scope


entered scope


last line of scope


exited scope

◆ cursor_tooltip_pane


◆ installation_type

Returns: The product installation type, as seen in Rhino's ABOUT dialog box.
See Also: CRhinoApp::NodeType CRhinoApp::InstallationType


◆ node_type

Returns: The product node type, as seen in Rhino's ABOUT dialog box.
See Also: CRhinoApp::SerialNumber CRhinoApp::InstallationType




Network (obtains license from Zoo server)


Network (has license checked out from Zoo server)


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRhinoApp()

CRhinoApp::CRhinoApp ( class CRhApp &  )

Everything below must NOT be exported to the SDK. Check with Steve or Dale before you change things here or add more functions.

Do NOT add members that require a complete class definition. Use pointers and call new in CRhinoApp::InitInstance();

◆ ~CRhinoApp()

virtual CRhinoApp::~CRhinoApp ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceleratorKeyDown()

BOOL32 CRhinoApp::AcceleratorKeyDown ( UINT  nChar,
UINT  nRepCnt,
UINT  nFlags 

Description: Called by various OnKeyDown methods to assign shortcut keys Parameters: nChar - [in] - key sending the message Returns: TRUE - nChar translated to an assigned key and a macro was executed. FALSE - nChar was not a shortcut key or there was no macro associated with it.

◆ ActivateCommandWindowCaret()

bool CRhinoApp::ActivateCommandWindowCaret ( ) const

Activates flashing caret in command prompt.

◆ ActiveCommand()

MAC_DEPRECATED const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand* CRhinoApp::ActiveCommand ( ) const

Returns: Pointer to currently running command.

◆ ActiveCommandStyle()

MAC_DEPRECATED const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommandContext::COMMAND_STYLE CRhinoApp::ActiveCommandStyle ( ) const

Returns: Style of currently running command: interactive_ui, script_ui, or batch_ui

◆ ActiveDoc()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoDoc* CRhinoApp::ActiveDoc ( ) const

The CRhinoApp::ActiveDoc() function will be deleted as soon as we finish removing what calls we can and replacing the hard cases with calls to CRhinoApp::ObsoleteActiveDoc().

In the rare cases, like the layer control on the Rhino app status bar, where modeless user interface needs a document, use RhinoApp().ModelessUserInterfaceDocRuntimeSerialNumber();

In the more common case where you don't have the time to elegantly replace a call to CRhinoApp::ActiveDoc(), put in a call to CRhinoApp::ObsoleteActiveDoc() and we will deal with it later.

Instead use 1) The command or object's doc value 2) CRhinoDoc::ModelessUserInterfaceRuntimeSerialNumber() for the document modeless ui, like the layer control on the app status bar, should use. ON_DEPRECATED

◆ ActiveSpace()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON::active_space CRhinoApp::ActiveSpace ( ) const

Description: Returns the current working space.

◆ ActiveView()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoView* CRhinoApp::ActiveView ( ) const

Returns the active view. Returns: Pointer to active view or NULL if no views have been created. Remarks: While models are being loaded, this function will return null. Code that may be run during file reading needs to test for a NULL pointer.

◆ AddMenu()

LPCTSTR  title,
CRhinoPlugIn pApp 

STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6.

◆ AddMenuItem()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 CRhinoApp::AddMenuItem ( HMENU  hTargetMenu,
UINT  index,
CRhinoPlugIn pApp 

STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6.

◆ AddMruCommand()

MAC_DEPRECATED void CRhinoApp::AddMruCommand ( const wchar_t *  cmd,
const wchar_t *  display_string = nullptr 

Description: Add MRU command to list, pop old commands off when list reaches max size. Parameters: cmd - [in] command macro to add display_string - [in] String displayed in MRU command popup menu, if NUL then displays macro.

◆ AddPageToObjectPropertiesDialog()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 CRhinoApp::AddPageToObjectPropertiesDialog ( class IRhinoPropertiesPanelPage pPage,
const CRhinoPlugIn pPlugIn 

Description: Adds a new page to the object properties dialog. Parameters: pPage - [in] The page to add to the object properties dialog. pPlugIn - [in] The plug-in that is adding the page. Returns: TRUE on success. FALSE on failure. See also: CRhinoApp::RemovePageFromObjectPropertiesDialog CRhinoPlugIn::AddPagesToObjectPropertiesDialog

Derive a class from IRhinoAddPropertiesPages in your DLL to add pages

◆ AllowActivateCommandWindowCaret()

bool CRhinoApp::AllowActivateCommandWindowCaret ( ) const

◆ AppDefaults()

virtual id CRhinoApp::AppDefaults ( void  ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ AppEventManager()

class CRhEventManager* CRhinoApp::AppEventManager ( ) const

list of events (text tokens, view clicks, digitizer points, etc.

◆ AppName()

virtual LPCTSTR CRhinoApp::AppName ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ AppSettings()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoAppSettings& CRhinoApp::AppSettings ( )

All application settings are kept in CRhinoAppSettings. The settings are loaded in CRhinoApp::InitInstance() and saved in CRhinoApp::ExitInstance().

◆ AppState()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoApp::APP_STATE CRhinoApp::AppState ( ) const

◆ ArrangeViews()

void CRhinoApp::ArrangeViews ( bool  bMakeVisible)

Description: Calls CRhinoDoc::ArrangeViews(bMakeVisible) for every document. This is useful when the main window or main client is resized. Parameters: bMakeVisible - [in] bMakeVisible parameter passed to CRhinoDoc.ArrangeViews(). Remarks: ArrangeViews() does not modify any active document or active view settings and that is intentional.

◆ AskUserForRhinoLicense()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::AskUserForRhinoLicense ( bool  bStandalone,
HWND  parent 

◆ AutoSave()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::AutoSave ( unsigned int  rhino_doc_sn,
const wchar_t *  lpsCommandName,
int  auto_save_action 

Description: Auto save if necessary Parameters: rhino_doc_sn - [in] serial number of document to save lpsCommandName - [in] If command name is in the CRhinoAppFileSettings::m_always_autosave_before_commands list then force auto save. auto_save_action - [in] 1: Ignore lpsCommandName parameter and force auto save.
0: If lpsCommandName is NULL or not in always save list then save it save if enough time has elapsed since the last save. -1: delete auto-save file

◆ BeginWaitCursor()

virtual void CRhinoApp::BeginWaitCursor ( )
pure virtual

Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ Calloc()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void* CRhinoApp::Calloc ( size_t  ,

◆ CanSave()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::CanSave ( )

Returns number of saves left in save-limited Evaluation. Zero when evaluation is expired. Raises InvalidLicenseTypeException if LicenseType != EvaluationSaveLimited Returns false in an expired evaluation version or otherwise save limited state (invalid licence etc).

◆ CaptureCommandWindowPrint()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::CaptureCommandWindowPrint ( bool  enabled)

Description: Enable or disable command window print statements. Returns: Previous enabled state for command window print capture

◆ CaptureCommandWindowPrintEnabled()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::CaptureCommandWindowPrintEnabled ( ) const

Description: Returns true if command window print statements are being captured for retrieval later on. Default capture state is disabled

◆ ClearCommandHistoryWindowText()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::ClearCommandHistoryWindowText ( )

Description: Clear the text from Rhino's command history window

◆ ClearCursorToolTip()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::ClearCursorToolTip ( )

Description: Clears cursor tooltip, including all tooltip panes.

◆ ClearCursorToolTipPane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::ClearCursorToolTipPane ( CRhinoApp::cursor_tooltip_pane  )

Description: Clears one tooltip pane.

◆ ClearFileReadOptions()

void CRhinoApp::ClearFileReadOptions ( )

◆ CloseAllDocuments()

void CRhinoApp::CloseAllDocuments ( BOOL32  bEndSession)

◆ CommandCanceled()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::CommandCanceled ( ) const

Returns: True if a command is running and the user has pressed the escape key to cancel a command.

◆ CommandManager()

class CRhCommandManager& CRhinoApp::CommandManager ( )

'Manager' helper classes - do NOT export to SDK

◆ CommandToRepeat()

const CRhMruCommandRecord* CRhinoApp::CommandToRepeat ( ) const

◆ CommandWindow()

class CCommandControlBar* CRhinoApp::CommandWindow ( ) const

◆ CommandWindowCapturedStrings()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::CommandWindowCapturedStrings ( ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &  strings,
bool  clearBuffer 

Description: Get buffer of strings sent to RhinoApp().Print(...) This will only return a list of strings if CaptureCommandWindowPrintEnabled is true. Parameters: strings: list of strings that have been sent to RhinoApp().Print(...) clearBuffer: set to true to clear the existing buffer of print strings

◆ CreateOsnapCursors()

void CRhinoApp::CreateOsnapCursors ( int  )

◆ CreateRhinoView()

unsigned int CRhinoApp::CreateRhinoView ( unsigned int  rhino_doc_sn,
const ON_3dmView view,
CRuntimeClass *  pMfcViewRuntimeClass,
bool  bShowView 

Description: Creates an new CRhinoView.

Parameters: rhino_doc_sn - [in] Runtime serial number of the document being viewed. view - [in] null or information about the view type and projection. pMfcViewRuntimeClass - [in] null or an MFC runtime class for a class derived from CRhinoView. plugin_id - [in] nil Core Rhino is creating the view. id of a plug-in A plug-in is using CRhinoDoc.CreateRhinoView() to create a view. (It is intentional that plug-ins cannot call CRhinoApp.CreateRhinoView().) bShowView - [in] If false, the view will not be shown. This is what you should do if you need to perform additional initialization on the view before it appears. If true, the view will be shown and updated. Returns: Runtime serial number of the new view which will be a class derived from CRhinoView. CRhinoView::FromRuntimeSerialNumber(...) can be used to get a pointer to this class.

◆ CurrentRenderPlugIn()

CRhinoRenderPlugIn* CRhinoApp::CurrentRenderPlugIn ( )

◆ CustomMenuManager()

class CRhCustomMenuManager& CRhinoApp::CustomMenuManager ( )

◆ DaysUntilExpiration()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int CRhinoApp::DaysUntilExpiration ( )

Returns number of days until license expires. Zero when license is expired. Raises InvalidLicenseTypeException if LicenseExpires would return false.

◆ DigitizerManager()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoDigitizerManager& CRhinoApp::DigitizerManager ( )

◆ DispatchPluginMenuCommand()

int CRhinoApp::DispatchPluginMenuCommand ( HMENU  hmenu,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

◆ DocViewManager()

class CRhDocViewManager& CRhinoApp::DocViewManager ( )

◆ DoHelp()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::DoHelp ( const wchar_t *  helpTopicLink) const

Description: Show help topic. Parameters: helpTopicLink - [in] if null or empty string, the help topic for the active command is displayed otherwise; helpTopicLink specifies a help topic URL. Returns: TRUE - help topic found FALSE - help topic not found

◆ Echo()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::Echo ( ) const

Returns: True if echo is enabled. Scripts that begin with "noecho" or "_noecho" turn off echo.

◆ EchoCommand()

void CRhinoApp::EchoCommand ( const wchar_t *  ) const

◆ EchoPrompt()

void CRhinoApp::EchoPrompt ( const wchar_t *  ) const

◆ EmergencyExit()

void CRhinoApp::EmergencyExit ( int  )

See source code comments for usage. Do not.

◆ EndWaitCursor()

virtual void CRhinoApp::EndWaitCursor ( )
pure virtual

Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ EnterCommand()

void CRhinoApp::EnterCommand ( CRhinoDoc doc,
const CRhinoCommand ,
unsigned int *  undo_record_sn 

◆ ExecutableFolder()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::ExecutableFolder ( ON_wString result) const

Description: Get Rhino's executable folder Parameters: result - [out] - Folder name placed in this object Returns: TRUE if result updated otherwise FALSE.

◆ ExecuteCommand()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result CRhinoApp::ExecuteCommand ( unsigned int  rhino_doc_sn,
const wchar_t *  cmd_name 

Description: In general, you should use CRhinoApp::RunScript to run commands unless you are trying to modify the Rhino model from a modeless dialog. See the example below for how to handle the modeless dialog situation.

This is a low level tool that searches for a command (a instance of a class derived from CRhinoCommand) with a matching command name, if it finds a command, runs that command by calling the virtual CRhinoCommand::RunCommand() member function.

The command name can be prefaced with a combination of underscore (_), hyphen (-), or right single quote ('). If an underscore is present, then the command name search looks for a matching English command name. If the underscore is not present, the command name search looks for a matching localized command name. If the hyphen is present, then the command is run in script mode; otherwise the command is run in interactive mode. The right single quote is ignored by ExecuteCommand. It is used in scripts to indicate that the text token must be treated as a command name and is important to upstream text token parsing.


      CMyCommand : pubic CRhinoCommand

        type1 m_my_info1;
        type2 m_my_info2;
        bool m_bOkToRunCommand;

        m_bOkToRunCommand = false;

      CMyCommand theMyCommand;

        if (!m_bOkToRunCommand)
          RhinoMessageBox(L"Use the MyDialog button to run this command");
          return CRhinoCommand::failure;

/ the dialog has filled in m_my_info1 and m_my_info2. / Use this as the "input" to the command and then / do whatever you need to as if the command were / an ordinary command.


         return CRhinoCommand::success;



/ fill in the parameters theMyCommand.m_my_info1 = ...; theMyCommand.m_my_info2 = ...; theMyCommand.m_bOkToRunCommand = true; RhinoApp().ExectueCommand(theMyCommand.LocalCommandName());
theMyCommand.m_bOkToRunCommand = false; }

Returns: Command return code indicating if the command worked, failed, or was canceled by the user.

◆ ExeServiceRelease()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int CRhinoApp::ExeServiceRelease ( ) const

Returns: Service release version of Rhino executable (0, 1, 2, ...)
The integer is the service release number of Rhino. For example, this function returns "0" if Rhino V6SR0 is running and returns "1" if Rhino V6SR1 is running. See Also: CRhinoApp::SdkVersion CRhinoApp::SdkServiceRelease CRhinoApp::ExeVersion

◆ ExeVersion()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int CRhinoApp::ExeVersion ( ) const

Returns: Major version of Rhino executable 4, 5, 6, ... See Also: CRhinoApp::SdkVersion CRhinoApp::SdkServiceRelease CRhinoApp::ExeServiceRelease

◆ ExitCommand()

void CRhinoApp::ExitCommand ( unsigned int  rhino_doc_sn0,
unsigned int  rhino_doc_sn1,
const CRhinoCommand ,
unsigned int  undo_record_sn 

Parameters: rhino_doc_sn0 - [in] Document passed to command. rhino_doc_sn1 - [in] Document command worked on (Some command delete the input doc and make a new one.)

◆ ExitInstance()

int CRhinoApp::ExitInstance ( )

◆ ExitRhino()

BOOL32 CRhinoApp::ExitRhino ( )

◆ FileImport()

bool CRhinoApp::FileImport ( unsigned int  rhino_doc_sn,
const wchar_t *  file_name_to_read,
bool  bUseDialogs,
bool  bSelectNewObjects,
ON_wString file_name_read 

Description: Import the contents of a file into the specified document. Parameters: rhino_doc_sn - [in] document to import into file_name_to_read - [in] name of file to read. If null, the user is asked to select a file. bUseDialogs - [in] true if user dialogs can be used. Otherwise a predictable scripting interface is used. file_name_read - [out] If not null, the name of the file that is actually read is returned here. Returns: True if the file was successfully read.

◆ FileNew()

unsigned int CRhinoApp::FileNew ( bool  bUseDialogs)

◆ FileOpen()

unsigned int CRhinoApp::FileOpen ( const wchar_t *  file_name_to_read,
bool  bUseDialogs,
bool  bCreateEmptyDocOnFailure,
ON_wString file_name_read 

Description: Create a new document and read a file into the new document. Parameters: file_name_to_read - [in] Name of file to read. If null, the file dialog is used to select a file. bUseDialogs - [in] true to use dialogs false to use script interface bCreateEmptyDocOnFailure - [in] true if an empty document should be created when the file reading fails. file_name_read - [out] If not null, the name of the read file is returned here. If the file reading fails, an empty string is returned. Returns: Serial number of the document that is created.

file_name_to_readnull to use file dialog
[out]file_name_read[out] returns name of file read

◆ FileReadOptions() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoFileReadOptions& CRhinoApp::FileReadOptions ( )

◆ FileReadOptions() [2/2]

const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoFileReadOptions& CRhinoApp::FileReadOptions ( ) const

Returns: Current file reading options set by various UI dialogs and functions. Remarks: If you need to save and restore current read options, use an instance of a CRhinoSaveAndRestoreAppFileReadOptions class on the stack.

This is a foolish place to store these file reading settings and to specify how files should be read, but it cannot be changed in V5 without breaking the public SDK. So, as a plug-in developer, use the FileReadOptions() functions and use only references (rather than local instances of CRhinoFileReadOptions classes) and changes you make will actually be used by core Rhino file reading code.

◆ FileReadOptionsEx()

class CRhFileReadOptions& CRhinoApp::FileReadOptionsEx ( )

do not export this function

◆ FileReference()

bool CRhinoApp::FileReference ( ON_wString FileName,
bool  bUseDialog = true,
HWND  hWndParent = nullptr 

◆ FindCommand() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand* CRhinoApp::FindCommand ( const wchar_t *  command_name) const

Description: Use a command's name to find a command. Parameters: command_name - [in] command name. Use the "_" prefix if you want to lookup the English command name. If no "_" prefix is present, then this will search for the local command name.. Returns: Pointer to the command or NULL if no command was found.

◆ FindCommand() [2/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand* CRhinoApp::FindCommand ( ON_UUID  command_uuid) const

Description: Use a command's UUID to find a command. Parameters: command_uuid - [in] command UUID. Returns: Pointer to the command or NULL if no command was found.

◆ FindGripsEnabler()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoGripsEnabler* CRhinoApp::FindGripsEnabler ( ON_UUID  grips_id) const

◆ FindMenuItem()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int CRhinoApp::FindMenuItem ( HMENU  hmenu,
LPCTSTR  string,

STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6.

Description: Finds a menu item ( may be a sub-menu) in a menu. Fills in the MENUITEMINFO and returns the index or -1 if not found MENUITEMINFO must be initialized and have dwTypeData pointing to a buffer and cch set to the buffer's length if you want a string back If you don't care about dwTypeData, you don't have to init the structure

◆ FindRhinoMenuItem()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::FindRhinoMenuItem ( const wchar_t *  sEnglishMenuPath,
HMENU hParentMenuHandle,
int &  nMenuItemIndex 

STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6.

Description: FindMenuItem searches the Rhino menu structure for a certain item. On success the hParentMenuHandle contains the HMENU of the menu containing the sought item and nMenuItemIndex is the index of the item within hParentMenuHandle.

Parameters: sEnglishMenuPath - [in] Double-colon separated full path to menu example: Too&ls::&Commands The & characters (used for keyboard acceleration) must be specified correctly for this call to work on localized versions of Rhino. hParentMenuHandle - [out] the handle of the menu that contains the menu item. nMenuItemIndex - [out] the index of the menu item in hParentMenuHandle

Returns: true on success. false on failure.

◆ FrameWindowProc()

BOOL32 CRhinoApp::FrameWindowProc ( UINT  message,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam,
BOOL32  bInPlace 

Description: Called by CMainFrame or CInPlaceFrame Parameters: Standard Windows procedure parameters. bInPlace [in] - True if called from CInPlaceFrame Returns: TRUE - Frame window will call default procedure FALSE - Frame will not call default procedure

◆ Free()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::Free ( void *  )

◆ FullscreenEscapeDisabled()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::FullscreenEscapeDisabled ( ) const

◆ GetApplicationName() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::GetApplicationName ( ON_3dmApplication app_name) const

◆ GetApplicationName() [2/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::GetApplicationName ( ON_wString app_name) const

◆ GetAutoSave()

class CRhAutoSave& CRhinoApp::GetAutoSave ( ) const

◆ GetBuildDate() [1/3]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::GetBuildDate ( int &  nYear,
int &  nMonth,
int &  nDate 
) const

Description: Get build date information from VERSIONINFO block of the EXE Parameters: nYear - [out] Gets filled in with four digit year nMonth - [out] Gets filled in with month nDate - [out] Gets filled in with the day of the month

◆ GetBuildDate() [2/3]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::GetBuildDate ( ON_wString wBuildDate) const

Description: Get build date formatted for use in registry Parameters: wBuildDate - [out] L"YYYY-MM-DD"

◆ GetBuildDate() [3/3]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::GetBuildDate ( ON_wString wYear,
ON_wString wMonth,
ON_wString wDate 
) const

Description: Get build date information from VERSIONINFO block of the EXE Parameters: wYear - [out] Gets filled in with four digit year wMonth - [out] Gets filled in with first 3 chars of the month wDate - [out] Gets filled in with the day of the month

◆ GetCommandHistoryWindowText()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::GetCommandHistoryWindowText ( ON_wString wstr) const

Description: Returns the text from Rhino's command history window Parameters: wstr - [out] - The command history window text.

◆ GetCommandLineScript()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::GetCommandLineScript ( ON_wString wScript)

Description: Parse command line arguments passed to Rhino.exe on startup. Parameters: wScript - [out] A string containing a space-delimited series of commands and command arguments that are run when Rhino starts. These commands are executed immediately after the commands specified by the user as "Startup" commands in the General tab of the Options dialog box. Returns: Returns true if wScript is not empty, indicating that there are commands to run. Returns false if wScript is empty, indicating that there are not commands to run.

◆ GetCommandNameList()

void CRhinoApp::GetCommandNameList ( ON_TextLog ) const

◆ GetCommandPrompt()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::GetCommandPrompt ( ON_wString prompt) const

Description: Get Rhino command prompt string. Parameters: prompt - [out] Prompt display string. Returns: Returns true on success.

◆ GetCommandPromptEx()

bool CRhinoApp::GetCommandPromptEx ( ON_wString prompt,
ON_wString prompt_default,
ON_ClassArray< CRhinoCommandOption > &  options 

◆ GetDefaultRenderApp()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_UUID CRhinoApp::GetDefaultRenderApp ( ) const

Description: Get the application ID for the default render plug-in

◆ GetDocument()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoDoc* CRhinoApp::GetDocument ( UINT_PTR  doc_sn) const

Description: Find the document with this serial number. Returns: A pointer to the document if it exists. Null if no living document has this serial number. Remarks: Use CRhinoDoc::FromRuntimeSerialNumber().

use CRhinoDoc::FromRuntimeSerialNumber()

◆ GetMRUCommands()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int CRhinoApp::GetMRUCommands ( ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &  display_strings,
ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &  macros 
) const

Description: Get a list of all of the recently run macros/commands Parameters: display_strings, macros: two lists that MRU command information is added to in parallel Returns: number of items added to the lists

◆ GetNetCoreRuntimeVersion()

void CRhinoApp::GetNetCoreRuntimeVersion ( ON_wString wVersion)

◆ GetPlugInObjectInterface()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION LPUNKNOWN CRhinoApp::GetPlugInObjectInterface ( const ON_UUID plugin_uuid,
const ON_UUID interface_uuid 

Description: Returns the pointer to an interface object in a plug-in. Parameter: plugin_uuid [in] - The plug-in to query. interface_uuid [in] - The requested interface. Return: The IUnknown pointer of the requested interface, if successful. Return NULL on error or if the interface is not supported. Notes: It is the responsibility of the application calling this function to increment and decrement the object's reference count using AddRef() and Release().

◆ GetPOSIXLocaleIdentifier()

virtual unsigned int CRhinoApp::GetPOSIXLocaleIdentifier ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ GetPOSIXLocaleName()

virtual const char* CRhinoApp::GetPOSIXLocaleName ( ) const
pure virtual


Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ GetProtocolHandlerUrl()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::GetProtocolHandlerUrl ( ON_wString protocolHandlerUrl)

Description: Gets the URL passed to Rhino by the protocol handler registered with the system. The URL is in the full form protocol://verb/path (rhino7://package/search/<package name>)

Parameters: protocolHandlerUrl - [out] the URL Returns: true if protocolHandlerUrl is set; false otherwise

◆ GetRhinoGlobalOptionsRegistryPath()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::GetRhinoGlobalOptionsRegistryPath ( bool  bFullPath,
ON_wString result 
) const

Description: Get the global options registry key path. Parameters: bFullPath - [in] If true, the result begins with "Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros<version>. result - [out] If bFullPath is true, then result is "Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros\<version>\Global Options". If bFullPath is false, then result is "Global Options".

◆ GetRhinoPlugInsRegistryPath()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::GetRhinoPlugInsRegistryPath ( bool  bFullPath,
ON_wString result 
) const

Description: Get the plug-ins registry key path. Parameters: bFullPath - [in] If true, the result begins with "Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros<version>. result - [out] In release builds: If bFullPath is true, then result is "Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros\<version>\Plug-Ins". If bFullPath is false, then result is "Plug-Ins". In debug builds: If bFullPath is true, then result is "Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros\<version>\Plug-Ins_DebugBuild". If bFullPath is false, then result is "Plug-Ins_DebugBuild". Remarks: The reason release and debug builds use different locations is because release Rhino will not load debug plug-ins and vice versa. Using different locations for debug and release builds means developers do not have to constantly re-register plug-ins when they switch between running debug and release versions.

◆ GetRhinoProfileContext()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoProfileContext& CRhinoApp::GetRhinoProfileContext ( CRhinoProfileContext::context_location  location)

Description: For expert use only. Use profile contexts for reading and writing information that should persist between Rhino sessions. The profile contexts are platform and location independent.

Appropriate profile contexts are: RhinoApp().m_pc_scheme_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_global_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_root_local_machine RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_local_machine

Parameters: location - [in] see CRhinoProfileContext::context_location for options Returns: CRhinoProfileContext reference to requested profile context.

◆ GetRhinoRegistryKey()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 CRhinoApp::GetRhinoRegistryKey ( ON_wString result) const
use GetRhinoRootRegistryPath, GetRhinoPlugInsRegistryPath, GetRhinoSchemeRegistryPath, or GetRhinoGlobalOptionsRegistryPath

◆ GetRhinoRootRegistryPath()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::GetRhinoRootRegistryPath ( ON_wString result) const

Parameters: result - [out] "Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros\<version>" Remarks: In shipping builds <version> is something like "5.0". In developer builds <version> is something like 5.0-Developer-Debug and 5.0-Developer-Release. The reason for the difference is so developer builds do not damage the shipping product registry and so plug-ins used by developer debug and release have clear and separate registry areas. There are very few cases when a plug-in developer should use GetRhinoRootRegistryPath(). In general, you should use GetRhinoPlugInsRegistryPath(), GetRhinoSchemeRegistryPath() and GetRhinoGlobalOptionsRegistryPath().

◆ GetRhinoSchemeRegistryPath()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::GetRhinoSchemeRegistryPath ( bool  bFullPath,
ON_wString result 
) const

Description: Get the global options registry key path. Parameters: bFullPath - [in] If true, the result begins with "Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros<version>. result - [out] If bFullPath is true, then result is "Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros\<version>\Scheme: <name>". If bFullPath is false, then result is "Scheme: <name>".

◆ GetSystemInformation()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::GetSystemInformation ( ON_TextLog log) const

◆ GetUniqueMenuItemID()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION UINT CRhinoApp::GetUniqueMenuItemID ( HMENU  hMenu)

STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6.

◆ HideControlBars()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::HideControlBars ( UINT  nCBMask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
int  nDockState = 0,
bool  bRedraw = true,
const CRhinoDoc pDoc = nullptr 

Description: Hides the control bars based on the passed in bit mask and dock state...See above list that describes the control bars that are currently supported and their corresponding mask value: Parameters: nCBMask [in]: Control bar bit mask indicating which control bars to hide. If the corresponding bit is ON, then that control bar will be hidden (see description above for control bar bit values). nDockState [in]: 0 = hide control bars regardless of dock state 1 = hide only DOCKED control bars 2 = hide only FLOATING control bars bRedraw [in]: true = redraw and recalculate the main window and layout false = don't do anything after the toolbars have been hidden. pDoc [in]: Pointer to the document whose toolbars should be restored. nullptr is used to indicate the current document Returns: true - if any toolbars with specified state were hidden. false - if nothing was hidden. See Also: CRhinoApp::RestoreControlBars()

◆ HideToolBars()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::HideToolBars ( int  nDockState = 0,
bool  bRedraw = true,
const CRhinoDoc pDoc = nullptr 

Description: Hides the toolbars based on the passed in flag... Parameters: nDockState [in]: 0 = hide ALL toolbars regardless of dock state 1 = hide only DOCKED toolbars 2 = hide only FLOATING toolbars bRedraw [in]: true = redraw and recalculate the main window and layout false = don't do anything after the toolbars have been hidden. Returns: true - if any toolbars with specified state were hidden. false - if nothing was hidden. See Also: CRhinoApp::RestoreToolBars()

◆ HideWindowBars()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::HideWindowBars ( UINT  nWBMask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
bool  bRedraw = true,
const CRhinoDoc pDoc = nullptr 

Description: Hides the main window's window bars based on the passed in bit mask. See above list that describes the different types of window bars that are currently supported and their corresponding mask value. Parameters: nWBMask [in]: Window bar bit mask indicating which window bars to hide. If the corresponding bit is ON, then that window bar will be hidden (see description above for window bar bit values). bRedraw [in]: true = redraw and recalculate the main window and layout false = don't do anything after the bars have been hidden. pDoc [in]: Pointer to the document whose control bars should be restored. nullptr is used to indicate the current document Returns: true - if any bars specified were hidden. false - if nothing was hidden. See Also: CRhinoApp::RestoreWindowBars()

◆ InAppMode()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::InAppMode ( ) const

◆ InCommand()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int CRhinoApp::InCommand ( bool  bIgnoreScriptRunnerCommands = false) const

Description: This is a low level tool to determine if Rhino is currently running a command.
Parameters: bIgnoreScriptRunnerCommands - [in] if true, script running commands like "ReadCommandFile" and the RhinoScript plug-ins "RunScript" are not counted. Returns: Number of active commands.

◆ InConstructor()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::InConstructor ( ) const

Returns true

  • The single instance of the CRhinoApp class is being constructed.
  • The code in CRhinoApp::CRhinoApp() is running.
  • CRhinoApp.m_app_status <= CRhinoApp::APP_STATUS::app_status_ctor_end

◆ IncrementRhinoAppTicker()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::IncrementRhinoAppTicker ( )

Description: Every time Rhino does something critical, like running a command, Rhino calls CRhinoApp::IncrementRhinoAppTicker() so the code that detects when Rhino is "idle" can do a good job of knowing how long Rhino has been idle.

◆ InDestructor()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::InDestructor ( ) const


  • The code in CRhinoApp::~CRhinoApp() is running.
  • CRhinoApp.m_app_status >= CRhinoApp::APP_STATUS::app_status_dtor_begin

◆ InExitInstance()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::InExitInstance ( ) const

Returns true

  • The code in CRhinoApp::ExitInstance() is running.
  • CRhinoApp.m_app_status >= CRhinoApp::APP_STATUS::app_status_ExitInstance_begin
  • CRhinoApp.m_app_status <= CRhinoApp::APP_STATUS::app_status_ExitInstance_end

◆ InFullscreen()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::InFullscreen ( ) const

◆ InInitInstance()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::InInitInstance ( ) const

Returns true The code in CRhinoApp::InitInstance() is running. CRhinoApp.m_app_status >= CRhinoApp::APP_STATUS::app_status_InitInstance_begin CRhinoApp.m_app_status <= CRhinoApp::APP_STATUS::app_status_InitInstance_end

◆ InitCursorToolTip()

void CRhinoApp::InitCursorToolTip ( )

Description: Used internally for initializing the cursor tooltip.

◆ InitInstance()

BOOL32 CRhinoApp::InitInstance ( )

◆ InMainFrameOnClose()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::InMainFrameOnClose ( ) const

Returns true

  • The code in CMainFrame::OnClose() is running.
  • CRhinoApp.m_app_status <= CRhinoApp::APP_STATUS::app_status_OnClose_begin
  • CRhinoApp.m_app_status < CRhinoApp::APP_STATUS::app_status_OnClose_exited

◆ InScriptRunnerCommand()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::InScriptRunnerCommand ( ) const

Description: This is a low level tool to determine if Rhino is currently running a script running command like "ReadCommandFile" or the RhinoScript plug-in's "RunScript". Returns: True if a script running command is active.

◆ InstallationType()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION installation_type CRhinoApp::InstallationType ( )

◆ InstallationTypeString()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_wString CRhinoApp::InstallationTypeString ( )

Returns: The type of installation (product edition) of the license or lease.

◆ InstallFolder()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::InstallFolder ( ON_wString result)

Description: Get Rhino's installation folder Parameters: result - [out] - Folder name placed in this object Returns: TRUE if result updated otherwise FALSE.

◆ IsAutomated()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsAutomated ( ) const

◆ IsClosing()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsClosing ( ) const

Returns True if Rhino is processing a close application message or later. Closing can be canceled.

◆ IsCloudZooNode()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsCloudZooNode ( )

Returns: true if Rhino currently uses the Cloud Zoo lease false otherwise

◆ IsDontRepeatCommand()

bool CRhinoApp::IsDontRepeatCommand ( wchar_t *  token)

◆ IsExiting()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsExiting ( ) const

Returns true

  • we have entered CRhinoApp::ExitInstance() or later.
  • CRhinoApp.m_app_status >= CRhinoApp::APP_STATUS::app_status_ExitInstance_begin

◆ IsHeadless()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsHeadless ( ) const

◆ IsInitializing()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsInitializing ( ) const

Returns true

  • We have not completed CRhinoApp::InInitInstance().
  • This means the state is someplace between being constructed and being initialized.
  • CRhinoApp.m_app_status <= CRhinoApp::APP_STATUS::app_status_ExitInstance_end

◆ IsInternetAccessAllowed()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsInternetAccessAllowed ( )

Returns: true if Rhino is allowed to access the Internet, false otherwise Some large corporations require that Rhino be silent, and not try to access the Internet. All Rhino components that try to access the Internet should check this setting before initiating an outbound connection.

◆ IsLicenseValidated()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsLicenseValidated ( )

Returns true if the license is validated false otherwise

◆ IsParentWindowDesktop()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsParentWindowDesktop ( ) const

Description: The parent of a top-level window is the desktop window. Some applications like to re-parent Rhino's main window to a window they provide. Use this method to determine if Rhino is in such a condition. Note, method is only valid on Windows. Returns: True if Rhino's parent window is the desktop, false otherwise.

◆ IsPreRelease()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsPreRelease ( )

◆ IsRhino2UUID()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsRhino2UUID ( const  ON_UUID) const

◆ IsRhino3UUID()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsRhino3UUID ( const  ON_UUID) const

◆ IsRhino4UUID()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsRhino4UUID ( const  ON_UUID) const

◆ IsRhino5UUID()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsRhino5UUID ( const  ON_UUID) const

◆ IsRhino6UUID()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsRhino6UUID ( const  ON_UUID) const

◆ IsRhino7UUID()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsRhino7UUID ( const  ON_UUID) const

◆ IsRhinoAllowedToRun()

bool CRhinoApp::IsRhinoAllowedToRun ( ) const

Description: Checks to see if Rhino is allowed to run. Returns: True if Rhino can run; false otherwise.

◆ IsRhinoUUID()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsRhinoUUID ( const  ON_UUID) const

◆ IsSafeModeEnabled()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsSafeModeEnabled ( ) const

Returns whether not Rhino was launched with the /safemode command line parameter.

◆ IsSingleDocApp()

bool CRhinoApp::IsSingleDocApp ( ) const

Returns: True if Rhino should act like a single doc application.

◆ IsSkinned()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::IsSkinned ( ) const

Returns true if Rhino is using a custom, user-interface Skin. For more information on Skins, see: http://developer.rhino3d.com/guides/cpp/creating-a-skin/ http://developer.rhino3d.com/guides/rhinocommon/creating-a-skin/

◆ LicenseExpires()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::LicenseExpires ( )

Returns: true if the license will expire false otherwise

◆ LicenseManager()

class CRhinoLicenseManager& CRhinoApp::LicenseManager ( )

◆ LicenseUserName()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_wString CRhinoApp::LicenseUserName ( )

Returns: The owner of the license or lease.

◆ LicenseUserOrganization()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_wString CRhinoApp::LicenseUserOrganization ( )

Returns: The organization the user owning the license or lease belongs to.

◆ LoadCursor()

virtual HCURSOR CRhinoApp::LoadCursor ( UINT  nIDResource) const
pure virtual

Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ LoadProfile()

void CRhinoApp::LoadProfile ( CRhinoProfileContext PC)

This should only be called one time by CRhinoApp::InitInstance. Use this to initialize CRhinoApp properties

◆ LookupView()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoView* CRhinoApp::LookupView ( ON_UUID  main_viewport_id) const

Use CRhinoView::FromMainViewportId() to find CRhinoView from its main id or use CRhinoViewport::FromViewportId() to find a CRhinoViewport (model, page, or detail) ON_DEPRECATED

◆ MainFrame()

class CMainFrame* CRhinoApp::MainFrame ( ) const

Use to get main frame - can return a NULL when Rhino is embedded in other applications.

If you call this function, then you MUST CAREFULLY TEST your code by making sure it works when Rhino is embedded in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Internet Explorer. That's THREE tests you must perform - NO SLACKING. Will return NULL when Rhino is embedded in another application.

See Also: CRhinoApp::MainWnd(); or CRhinoApp::MainWindow();

◆ MainHMenu()

HMENU CRhinoApp::MainHMenu ( ) const

◆ MainWindow()

CWnd* CRhinoApp::MainWindow ( ) const

Return main window pointer, this pointer may be a CMainFrame or CInPlaceFrame object, will return CInPlaceFrame if Rhino is embedded in another application. Use pointer->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CMainFrame)) if you care or call CRhinoApp::MainFrame() if you absolutely need a CMainFrame object.

◆ MainWnd()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HWND CRhinoApp::MainWnd ( ) const

Description: Get Rhino main window. Returns: Rhino application's AfxGetMainWnd(). See Also: CRhinoApp::MainFrame

◆ Malloc()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void* CRhinoApp::Malloc ( size_t  )

main application memory pool tools

◆ Memdup()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void* CRhinoApp::Memdup ( const void *  ,

◆ MonitorRects()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_SimpleArray<ON_4iRect> CRhinoApp::MonitorRects ( ) const

Description: Call this method to get a sorted list of monitor display rectangles associated with the currently installed monitors. The array will be sorted by the left edge. Returns: Reference to the monitor rectangles.

◆ MruCommandList()

const ON_ClassArray<CRhMruCommandRecord>& CRhinoApp::MruCommandList ( ) const

◆ MruMenuString()

MAC_DEPRECATED LPCTSTR CRhinoApp::MruMenuString ( ) const

◆ NoCancelOnMainFrameClose()

bool CRhinoApp::NoCancelOnMainFrameClose ( ) const

◆ NodeType()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION node_type CRhinoApp::NodeType ( )

◆ ObjectManager()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class IRhinoObjectManager& CRhinoApp::ObjectManager ( void  )

◆ ObsoleteActiveDoc()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoDoc* CRhinoApp::ObsoleteActiveDoc ( ) const


As we work on V6 and developers find "ActiveDoc()" calls that cannot be easily removed or reasonably replaced with a call to RhinoApp().ModelessUserInterfaceDocRuntimeSerialNumber(), that call to ActiveDoc() will be replaced with ObsoleteActiveDoc(). This makes it easy for people who are going through Rhino and removing ActiveDoc() to ignore calls to this function that other developers have already worked on.

◆ OnAppAbout()

void CRhinoApp::OnAppAbout ( )

Call RhinoAbout() externally.

◆ OnAppFileNew()

void CRhinoApp::OnAppFileNew ( )

◆ OnEscapeKeyDown()

bool CRhinoApp::OnEscapeKeyDown ( )

Does the "generic" ESCAPE key handling that should happen if nothing specific applies.

◆ OnFileClose()

void CRhinoApp::OnFileClose ( )

◆ OnFileNew()

void CRhinoApp::OnFileNew ( )

◆ OnFileOpen()

void CRhinoApp::OnFileOpen ( )

◆ OnIdle()


◆ OnInitMenuPopup()

void CRhinoApp::OnInitMenuPopup ( WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

◆ OnOpenRecentFile()

BOOL32 CRhinoApp::OnOpenRecentFile ( UINT  nID)

◆ OnSysKeyDown()

bool CRhinoApp::OnSysKeyDown ( UINT  nChar,
UINT  nRepCnt,
UINT  nFlags 

Does the "generic" Alt+Fx and F10 key handling.

◆ OnSysKeyUp()

bool CRhinoApp::OnSysKeyUp ( UINT  nChar,
UINT  nRepCnt,
UINT  nFlags 

Needed for Alt + arrow key input buffer cleanup when nudging.

◆ OpenDocumentFile() [1/2]

CDocument* CRhinoApp::OpenDocumentFile ( LPCTSTR  lpszFileName)

◆ OpenDocumentFile() [2/2]

CDocument* CRhinoApp::OpenDocumentFile ( LPCTSTR  lpszFileName,
BOOL32  bAddToMRU 

◆ OsnapName()

const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION wchar_t* CRhinoApp::OsnapName ( CRhinoAppSettings::osnap_mode  )

Description: Returns the localized osnap name.

◆ PlugInManager()

class CRhPlugInManager& CRhinoApp::PlugInManager ( )

◆ PopMainMenu()

bool CRhinoApp::PopMainMenu ( )

◆ PostRhinoWindowsMessage()

bool CRhinoApp::PostRhinoWindowsMessage ( WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 


◆ PreTranslateMessage()

BOOL32 CRhinoApp::PreTranslateMessage ( MSG pMsg)

◆ Print() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void ON_VARGS_FUNC_CDECL CRhinoApp::Print ( const char *  format,
) const

Print formatted text in the command window.

See ON_String::Format for a description of string formatting.

◆ Print() [2/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void ON_VARGS_FUNC_CDECL CRhinoApp::Print ( const wchar_t *  format,
) const

See ON_wString::Format for a description of string formatting.

◆ PrintCommandNameList()

void CRhinoApp::PrintCommandNameList ( bool  is_interactive) const

Gets a list of command names from Rhino and plug-ins then sorts it and sends it off to be printer.

◆ PrintManager()

class CRhPrintManager& CRhinoApp::PrintManager ( )

◆ ProfileContext()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoProfileContext& CRhinoApp::ProfileContext ( )

Description: For expert use only. Gets the default profile context used by Rhino. This is currently the same as calling GetRhinoProfileContext(CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user) Returns: CRhinoProfileContext reference.

◆ ProfileName()

virtual LPCTSTR CRhinoApp::ProfileName ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ PurgeCommand()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::PurgeCommand ( CRhinoCommand pCommand,
ON_UUID  password 

Description: Expert user tool to remove commands. Parameters: pCommand - [in] command to purge. password - [in] Contact developer support for the value. Your request must include a working plug-in that demonstrates exactly what the command will do and include a well written justification for why your command should be allowed to replace another command. In addition, you must demonstrate the ability to provide high quality electronic support and rapid electronic updates. If any crashes or unusual things happen when we test your plug-in, your request will be denied. If your request is denied three times, no more requests will be processed. Returns: True if the command is successfully purged.

◆ PushMainMenu()

bool CRhinoApp::PushMainMenu ( )

◆ PushStatusBarButton()

BOOL32 CRhinoApp::PushStatusBarButton ( UINT  nBntID,
BOOL32  bIn 

Description: Set status bar push button state Parameters: nBntID - [in] Pane ID bIn - [in] TRUE means depress the button otherwise pop it out Returns: TRUE - Status bar exist, nID is valid and state changed FALSE - Status bar window not created or nID is invalid

◆ Realloc()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void* CRhinoApp::Realloc ( void *  ,

◆ RecordInitInstanceTime()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::RecordInitInstanceTime ( const wchar_t *  ) const

Plug-in support for startup /stopwatch command line option.

◆ RefreshRhinoLicense()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RefreshRhinoLicense ( )

◆ RegisterCommand()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 CRhinoApp::RegisterCommand ( CRhinoCommand pCommand)

Description: Add a command to Rhino. Parameters: pCommand - [in] pointer to a command. This class must NEVER be destroyed. Returns: True if successful. False if command was not added because the pointer was NULL or it was attempting to replace a command with the same UUID, English name, or local name.

◆ RegisterGripsEnabler()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RegisterGripsEnabler ( CRhinoGripsEnabler pCustomGripsInformation)

Description: Add a custom grips updater to Rhino. Parameters: pCustomGripsInformation - [in] Pointer to a CRhinoGripsEnabler class. The class must NEVER be destroyed. Returns: True if successful. False if updater was not added because the UUID was NULL or in use.

◆ RegisterRhinoFactories()

void CRhinoApp::RegisterRhinoFactories ( bool  bAutomated)

Rhino's version of COleObjectFactory::RegisterAll()

◆ RegistryKey()

virtual LPCTSTR CRhinoApp::RegistryKey ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ RegistrySchemeName()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION LPCTSTR CRhinoApp::RegistrySchemeName ( ) const

Description: String that gets appended to end of build name when opening registry keys.

◆ RememberCopyOption()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RememberCopyOption ( ) const

◆ RemovePageFromObjectPropertiesDialog()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 CRhinoApp::RemovePageFromObjectPropertiesDialog ( class IRhinoPropertiesPanelPage pPage)

Description: Remove an existing page page from the object properties dialog. Parameters: pPage - [in] The page to remove from the object properties dialog. Returns: TRUE on success. FALSE on failure. Remarks: The removed page is destroyed with a call to DestroyWindow, but the page is not deleted. The caller is responsible of deleting the page. See also: CRhinoApp::AddPageToObjectPropertiesDialog CRhinoPlugIn::AddPagesToObjectPropertiesDialog

Derive a class from IRhinoAddPropertiesPages in your DLL to add pages, the destructor will remove them automatically

◆ RemovePlugInAddedMenu()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION BOOL32 CRhinoApp::RemovePlugInAddedMenu ( HMENU  hmenu,
CRhinoPlugIn plug_in 

STEVEBAERV6///< - Need to chat with John about plan for supporting menu in V6.

◆ RepeatCommand()


repeats previous command

◆ RespondToRhinoWindowsMessage()

bool CRhinoApp::RespondToRhinoWindowsMessage ( WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 


◆ RestoreControlBars()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RestoreControlBars ( bool  bRedraw = true,
const CRhinoDoc pDoc = nullptr 

Description: Restores the control bars to their previous state prior to calling "HideControlBars" Parameters: bRedraw [in]: true = redraw and recalculate the main window and layout false = don't do anything after the control bars have been hidden. pDoc [in]: Pointer to the document whose control bars should be hidden. nullptr is used to indicate the current document Returns: true - if any control bars were restored. false - if nothing was done. See Also: CRhinoApp::HideControlBars()

◆ RestoreFullscreen()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RestoreFullscreen ( const CRhinoDoc pDoc = nullptr)

Description: Resets Rhino's main window from fullscreen mode, which got set previously by a call to SetFullscreen()... Parameters: pDoc [in]: Pointer to the document to be shown full screen. nullptr is used to indicated the current document Returns: true - if successfully restored from fullscreen mode. false - if failed to come out of fullscreen mode...or if fullscreen wasn't active in the first place... See Also: CRhinoApp::SetFullscreen() CRhinoApp::RestoreToolBars() CRhinoApp::RestoreeControlBars() CRhinoApp::RestoreWindowBars()

◆ RestoreToolBars()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RestoreToolBars ( bool  bRedraw = true,
const CRhinoDoc pDoc = nullptr 

Description: Restores the toolbars to their previous state prior to calling "HideToolBars" Parameters: bRedraw [in]: true = redraw and recalculate the main window and layout false = don't do anything after the toolbars have been hidden. pDoc [in]: Pointer to the document whose toolbars should be hidden. nullptr is used to indicate the current document Returns: true - if any toolbars were restored. false - if nothing was done. See Also: CRhinoApp::HideToolBars()

◆ RestoreWindowBars()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RestoreWindowBars ( bool  bRedraw = true,
const CRhinoDoc pDoc = nullptr 

Description: Restores the window bars to their previous state prior to calling "HideWindowBars" Parameters: bRedraw [in]: true = redraw and recalculate the main window and layout false = don't do anything after the window bars have been hidden. Returns: true - if any window bars were restored. false - if nothing was done. See Also: CRhinoApp::HideWindowBars()

◆ Rhino2_UUID()


◆ Rhino3_UUID()


◆ Rhino4_UUID()


◆ Rhino5_UUID()


◆ Rhino6_UUID()


◆ Rhino7_UUID()


◆ Rhino8_UUID()


◆ RhinoAbout()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::RhinoAbout ( bool  bForceRhinoAbout = false) const

Description: Call this method to display the Rhino or RhinoSkin about box. Parameters: bForceRhinoAbout - [in] This parameter is only used if Rhino is running in skin mode, see CRhinoSkin for details. If Rhino is in skin mode and this is true then the Rhino about box will display otherwise the skin splash screen will display. See Also: CRhinoSkin class

◆ RhinoCommandLine()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION LPCTSTR CRhinoApp::RhinoCommandLine ( ) const

Description: Gets the command line used to launch Rhino. Returns: A string like '"C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\System\Rhino.exe" /nosplash "filename.3dm"'.

◆ RhinoCommandManager()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoCommandManager& CRhinoApp::RhinoCommandManager ( )

Description: The command manager lets you find commands from names and uuids. Returns: Reference to the command manager tool.

◆ RhinoCurrent_UUID()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_UUID CRhinoApp::RhinoCurrent_UUID ( ) const

RhinoCurrent_UUID() returns the id of "this" version of Rhino. For V5 it is the same as Rhino5_UUID() For V6 it will be the new V6 uuid.

◆ RhinoDirectoryManager()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoDirectoryManager& CRhinoApp::RhinoDirectoryManager ( )

◆ RhinoGetAppRegistryKeyEx()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HKEY CRhinoApp::RhinoGetAppRegistryKeyEx ( int  nMode,
int  nProfile = CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user 

Description: For expert use only. Use profile contexts for reading and writing information that should persist between Rhino sessions. The profile contexts are platform and location independent.

Appropriate profile contexts are: RhinoApp().m_pc_scheme_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_global_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_root_local_machine RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_local_machine

Get HKEY for \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros<Version><BuildDate> Parameters: nMode - [in] RHINO_READ_REG_MODE = open key for reading only RHINO_WRITE_REG_MODE = open key for writing nProfile - [in] the desired profile type for this registry key. See CRhinoProfileContext::context_location enum for details. Returns: HKEY on success, NULL on error Caller must close returned HKEY with ::RegCloseKey()

◆ RhinoGetGlobalOptionsRegistryKeyEx()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HKEY CRhinoApp::RhinoGetGlobalOptionsRegistryKeyEx ( int  nMode,
int  nProfile = CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user 

Description: For expert use only. Use profile contexts for reading and writing information that should persist between Rhino sessions. The profile contexts are platform and location independent.

Appropriate profile contexts are: RhinoApp().m_pc_scheme_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_global_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_root_local_machine RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_local_machine

Get HKEY for \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros<Version>\Options Parameters: nMode - [in] RHINO_READ_REG_MODE = open key for reading only RHINO_WRITE_REG_MODE = open key for writing nProfile - [in] the desired profile type for this registry key. See CRhinoProfileContext::context_location enum for details. Returns: HKEY on success, NULL on error Caller must close returned HKEY with ::RegCloseKey()

◆ RhinoGetRootRegistryKeyEx()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HKEY CRhinoApp::RhinoGetRootRegistryKeyEx ( int  nMode,
int  nProfile = CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user 

Description: For expert use only. Use profile contexts for reading and writing information that should persist between Rhino sessions. The profile contexts are platform and location independent.

Appropriate profile contexts are: RhinoApp().m_pc_scheme_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_global_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_root_local_machine RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_local_machine

Get HKEY for \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros<Version>\ Parameters: nMode - [in] RHINO_READ_REG_MODE = open key for reading only RHINO_WRITE_REG_MODE = open key for writing nProfile - [in] the desired profile type for this registry key. See CRhinoProfileContext::context_location enum for details. Returns: HKEY on success, NULL on error Caller must close returned HKEY with ::RegCloseKey()

◆ RhinoGetSectionKey()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HKEY CRhinoApp::RhinoGetSectionKey ( LPCTSTR  lpszSection,
int  nProfile = CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user 

Description: For expert use only. Use profile contexts for reading and writing information that should persist between Rhino sessions. The profile contexts are platform and location independent.

Appropriate profile contexts are: RhinoApp().m_pc_scheme_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_global_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_root_local_machine RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_local_machine

Get HKEY for \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros<Version><BuildDate><lpsSectionName> Parameters: lpszSection - [in] - sub key to create or open nProfile - [in] the desired profile type for this registry key. See CRhinoProfileContext::context_location enum for details. Returns: HKEY on success, NULL on error Caller must close returned HKEY with ::RegCloseKey()

◆ RhinoGetSectionKeyEx()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HKEY CRhinoApp::RhinoGetSectionKeyEx ( LPCTSTR  lpszSection,
int  nMode,
int  nProfile = CRhinoProfileContext::cl_scheme_current_user 

Description: For expert use only. Use profile contexts for reading and writing information that should persist between Rhino sessions. The profile contexts are platform and location independent.

Appropriate profile contexts are: RhinoApp().m_pc_scheme_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_global_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_root_local_machine RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_current_user RhinoApp().m_pc_plugins_local_machine

Get HKEY for \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\McNeel\Rhinoceros<Version><BuildDate><lpsSectionName> Parameters: lpszSection - [in] - sub key to create or open nMode - [in] RHINO_READ_REG_MODE = open key for reading only RHINO_WRITE_REG_MODE = open key for writing nProfile - [in] the desired profile type for this registry key. See CRhinoProfileContext::context_location enum for details. Returns: HKEY on success, NULL on error Caller must close returned HKEY with ::RegCloseKey()

◆ RhinoInstanceHandle()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION HINSTANCE CRhinoApp::RhinoInstanceHandle ( ) const

Description: Get Rhino HINSTANCE Returns: Rhino application's HINSTANCE

◆ RhinoMfcDocTemplate()

CDocTemplate* CRhinoApp::RhinoMfcDocTemplate ( )

Returns: For the Rhino application there is a single CDocTemplate. and this function returns a pointer to that MFC CDocTemplate. The CDocTemplate class is needed in low level application code that manages CRhinoDoc objects.
Remarks: Do not export this function. If we ever end up having two or more document templates, this function will be deleted and all code that uses this function will need to be upgraded.

◆ RhinoModuleState()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION AFX_MODULE_STATE* CRhinoApp::RhinoModuleState ( ) const

Description: Gets the module state of the Rhino core executable. Using this information is for advanced, skilled, and very careful developers. You are probably best off pretending this does not exist. It is exported just in case somebody needs this low level information in a plug-in situation that we have yet to discover. Returns: Rhino core executable module state.

◆ RhinoRenderPlugInUUID()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION UUID CRhinoApp::RhinoRenderPlugInUUID ( ) const

Return UUID for the one and only Rhino system render plug-in.

◆ RhinoResourceHandle()

HINSTANCE CRhinoApp::RhinoResourceHandle ( )

◆ RhinoUiManager()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoAppUiManager& CRhinoApp::RhinoUiManager ( ) const

Description: Rhino UI library, paint and tool/control bar managers.

◆ RhinoUiPaintManager()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoUiPaintManager& CRhinoApp::RhinoUiPaintManager ( ) const

Description: Rhino UI library paint manager

◆ RhinoUiResourceManager()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhinoAppUiResourceManager& CRhinoApp::RhinoUiResourceManager ( ) const

Description: Rhino UI library resource manager

◆ RhSkin()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhSkin& CRhinoApp::RhSkin ( ) const

◆ RunAsServer()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RunAsServer ( )

Description: Determines if Rhino is running as a server. If Rhino.exe is started with the command line switch "/server" then Rhino will run in server mode. This means that no UI or command Windows task bar icon are displayed.

It is assumed that the caller is running a script or plug-in that will close Rhino when finished. Rhino will not close itself. Returns: Returns true if Rhino is running invisibly as a server. Otherwise false.

◆ RunMenuScript() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RunMenuScript ( const wchar_t *  script)

Description: Run a Rhino menu item script. Will add the selected menu string to the MRU command menu. Parameters: script - [in] script to run Remarks: Rhino acts as if each character in the script string had been typed in the command prompt.

◆ RunMenuScript() [2/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RunMenuScript ( unsigned int  rhino_doc_sn,
const wchar_t *  script 

◆ RunMruCommand()

MAC_DEPRECATED void CRhinoApp::RunMruCommand ( int  cmd_index)

Description: Called by CMruCommandMenu::MruCmd() to run a m_mru_command_list command macro. Will move the macro from its current list position to top of display list. Parameters: cmd_index - [in] command macro to run

◆ RunMruFavoriteCommand()

MAC_DEPRECATED void CRhinoApp::RunMruFavoriteCommand ( int  cmd_index)

Description: Called by CMruCommandMenu::Favorite() to run a CRhinoAppGeneralSettings.m_popup_favorites macro. Will make sure command does not show up on the MRU list Parameters: cmd - [in] m_mru_command_list index of command to run

◆ RunningCommand()

MAC_DEPRECATED const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand* CRhinoApp::RunningCommand ( int  i) const

Description: When script running or nestable commands are running, there can be more than one command running at a given time. The private array m_running_commands_stack[] keeps track of all the commands that are running. The one on the end of the array is the "active" command. You really should not be using this function, except when you are forced to hack around a sticky situation that requires you to know when a certain command (like a base level script running command) may be active. Parameters: i - [in] 0 based index. Returns: Pointer to command.

◆ RunScript() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RunScript ( const CRhinoScriptContext script_context)

◆ RunScript() [2/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RunScript ( unsigned int  rhino_doc_sn,
const wchar_t *  script,
int  echo_mode = 1 

Description: Run a Rhino command script. Parameters: rhino_doc_sn - [in] 0: document unknown - used application default >0: document to begin script in (a script can create and destroy many docs) script - [in] script to run echo_mode - [in] Controls how the script is echoed in the command output window. 0 = silent - nothing is echoed 1 = verbatim - the script is echoed literally Remarks: Rhino acts as if each character in the script string had been typed in the command prompt. When RunScript is called from a "script runner" command, it completely runs the script before returning. When RunScript is called outside of a command, it returns and the script is run. This way menus and buttons can use RunScript to execute complicated functions.

◆ RunScriptEx()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::RunScriptEx ( unsigned int  rhino_doc_sn,
const wchar_t *  script,
const wchar_t *  mruDisplayString,
int  echo_mode = 1 

Description: Run a Rhino command script. Parameters: rhino_doc_sn - [in] 0: document unknown - used application default >0: document to begin script in (a script can create and destroy many docs) script - [in] script to run mruDisplayString - [in] If this is a valid string then the macro is added to the MRU command list using this string, if it is NULL or an empty string then false is returned. echo_mode - [in] Controls how the script is echoed in the command output window. 0 = silent - nothing is echoed 1 = verbatim - the script is echoed literally Remarks: Rhino acts as if each character in the script string had been typed in the command prompt. When RunScript is called from a "script runner" command, it completely runs the script before returning. When RunScript is called outside of a command, it returns and the script is run. This way menus and buttons can use RunScript to execute complicated functions.

◆ SaveAllModified()

BOOL32 CRhinoApp::SaveAllModified ( )

save before exit

◆ SavedMainMenu()

HMENU CRhinoApp::SavedMainMenu ( ) const

◆ SdkServiceRelease()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION unsigned int CRhinoApp::SdkServiceRelease ( ) const

Description: Service release of the Rhino SDK supported by this executable. Rhino will only load plug-ins that require a service release of <= this release number.

For example, SR1 will load all plug-ins made with any SDK released up through and including the SR1 SDK. But, SR1 will not load a plug-in built using the SR2 SDK. If an "old" Rhino tries to load a "new" plug-in, the user is told that they have to get a free Rhino.exe update in order for the plug-in to load. Rhino.exe updates are available from http://www.rhino3d.com. Returns: Rhino SDK 9 digit SDK service release number in the form YYYYMMDDn See Also: CRhinoApp::SdkVersion CRhinoApp::ExeVersion CRhinoApp::ExeServiceRelease

◆ SdkVersion()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION unsigned int CRhinoApp::SdkVersion ( ) const

Description: Base version of the Rhino SDK supported by this Rhino executable. Rhino will only load plug-ins that were build with exactly the same version of the SDK. Returns: Rhino SDK 9 digit SDK version number in the form YYYYMMDDn See Also: CRhinoApp::SdkServiceRelease CRhinoApp::ExeVersion CRhinoApp::ExeServiceRelease

◆ SendCharToCommandWnd()

void CRhinoApp::SendCharToCommandWnd ( UINT  nChar,
UINT  nRepCnt,
UINT  nFlags 
) const

low level tool used to send keyboard events to command window

◆ SendCommandWindowPrintToConsole()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::SendCommandWindowPrintToConsole ( bool  enabled)

Description: Enable or disable console output for print statements Returns: Previous enabled state for console printing

◆ SendCommandWindowPrintToConsoleEnabled()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::SendCommandWindowPrintToConsoleEnabled ( ) const

Description: Returns true if command window print statements are being sent to the console. Useful for headless mode

◆ SendKeyDownToCommandWnd()

void CRhinoApp::SendKeyDownToCommandWnd ( UINT  nChar,
UINT  nRepCnt,
UINT  nFlags 
) const

◆ SerialNumber()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_wString CRhinoApp::SerialNumber ( )

Returns: The product serial number, as seen in Rhino's ABOUT dialog box.
See Also: CRhinoApp::NodeType CRhinoApp::InstallationType

◆ SetActiveView()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetActiveView ( CRhinoView ) const

Active view (can be NULL if a file is being read and no views have been created)

◆ SetActiveViewport()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetActiveViewport ( ON_UUID  viewport_id)

Description: Set the active viewport by id (may be the viewport id of a detail object on a page) Note: This can be much slower than the SetActiveView() command. If you can get away with just calling SetActiveView(), do that.

◆ SetAllowActivateCommandWindowCaret()

bool CRhinoApp::SetAllowActivateCommandWindowCaret ( bool  b = true)

◆ SetAppName()

virtual void CRhinoApp::SetAppName ( LPCTSTR  )
pure virtual

Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ SetCommandPrompt() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetCommandPrompt ( const wchar_t *  prompt,
const wchar_t *  prompt_default,
const ON_ClassArray< CRhinoCommandOption > &  options 

Description: Set Rhino command prompt. Parameters: prompt - [in] prompt prompt_default - [in] text that appears in angle brackets and indicates what will happen if the user pressed ENTER. options - [in] command options

◆ SetCommandPrompt() [2/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetCommandPrompt ( const wchar_t *  prompt,
const wchar_t *  prompt_default = nullptr 

Description: Set Rhino command prompt. Parameters: prompt - [in] prompt prompt_default - [in] text that appears in angle brackets and indicates what will happen if the user pressed ENTER.

◆ SetCommandPromptMessage()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetCommandPromptMessage ( const wchar_t *  sMessage)

Setting command window prompt.

Description: Set the text that appears in the Rhino command prompt. Parameters: sMessage - [in] literal text for the command prompt window. Remarks: In general, you should use the CRhinoApp::SetCommandPrompt functions. The create a prompt that is correctly formatted. In rare cases, like worker thread messages, the message that appears in the prompt has non-standard formatting. In these rare cases, SetCommandPromptMessage can be used to literally specify the text that appears in the command prompt window.

◆ SetCommandToRepeat()

void CRhinoApp::SetCommandToRepeat ( const CRhinoApp::CRhMruCommandRecord rec)

◆ SetCommandWindowText()

void CRhinoApp::SetCommandWindowText ( const wchar_t *  = nullptr)

◆ SetCursorToolTip()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetCursorToolTip ( const ON_wString )

Description: Sets a cursor tool-tip string shown next to the mouse cursor. Overrides all cursor tool-tip panes.

◆ SetCursorToolTipNumberPane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetCursorToolTipNumberPane ( double  d,
bool  bAutoFormatDistance = true 

Description: Sets tooltip number pane.

◆ SetCursorToolTipOsnapPane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetCursorToolTipOsnapPane ( CRhinoAppSettings::osnap_mode  )

Description: Sets tooltip osnap pane.

◆ SetCursorToolTipPane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetCursorToolTipPane ( CRhinoApp::cursor_tooltip_pane  ,
const ON_wString  

Description: Sets tooltip pane. Can be used as an override to set any pane to any string.

◆ SetCursorToolTipPointPane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetCursorToolTipPointPane ( ON_3dPoint  point,
const ON_Plane plane = nullptr 

Description: Sets tooltip point pane.

◆ SetCursorToolTipPromptPane()

void CRhinoApp::SetCursorToolTipPromptPane ( const ON_wString )

Description: Sets tooltip prompt pane.

◆ SetDefaultRenderApp() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::SetDefaultRenderApp ( ON_UUID uuid)

Description: Set default render application Parameters: uuid - [in] ID of render plug-in. Returns: true - If plug-in found and loaded successfully false - If ID is invalid or was unable to load plug-in

◆ SetDefaultRenderApp() [2/2]

bool CRhinoApp::SetDefaultRenderApp ( ON_UUID uuid,
bool  force 

Special version of SetDefaultRenderApp called by InitInstance. Not exported.

◆ SetFileReadOptions()

void CRhinoApp::SetFileReadOptions ( const class CRhFileReadOptions &  )

◆ SetFullscreen()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::SetFullscreen ( UINT  nCBMask,
UINT  nWBMask,
int  nDockState,
const CRhinoDoc pDoc = nullptr 

Description: Sets Rhino's main window fullscreen mode. Parameters: nCBMask [in]: Control bar bit mask indicating which control bars to hide. If the corresponding bit is ON, then that control bar will be hidden (see description above for control bar bit values). nWBMask [in]: Window bar bit mask indicating which window bars to hide. If the corresponding bit is ON, then that window bar will be hidden (see description above for window bar bit values). nDockState [in]: 0 = hide control bars regardless of dock state 1 = hide only DOCKED control bars 2 = hide only FLOATING control bars pDoc [in]: Pointer to the document to be shown full screen. nullptr is used to indicate the current document Returns: true - if fullscreen mode was successfully set. false - if fullscreen mode failed to get set.

See Also: CRhinoApp::RestoreFullscreen() CRhinoApp::HideToolBars() CRhinoApp::HideControlBars() CRhinoApp::HideWindowBars()

◆ SetMruMenuString()

MAC_DEPRECATED void CRhinoApp::SetMruMenuString ( HMENU  hmenu,
UINT  id 

◆ SetNoCancelOnMainFrameClose()

void CRhinoApp::SetNoCancelOnMainFrameClose ( bool  b)

◆ SetRememberCopyOption()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetRememberCopyOption ( bool  b)

◆ SetStatusBarDistancePane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetStatusBarDistancePane ( double  dist,
bool  bAutoFormatDistancePane = true 

Setting command window prompt.

◆ SetStatusBarMessagePane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetStatusBarMessagePane ( const wchar_t *  )

pass NULL to clear message pane

◆ SetStatusBarNumberPane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetStatusBarNumberPane ( double  angle)

◆ SetStatusBarPointPane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::SetStatusBarPointPane ( const ON_3dPoint ,
const ON_Plane pPane = nullptr 

◆ StartedAsRhinoExe()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool CRhinoApp::StartedAsRhinoExe ( ) const

Description: Returns true if Rhino was started as a standalone executable application (Rhino.exe). Returns false if Rhino was started by another application or process (Rhino.Inside).

◆ StatusBar()

class CRhinoStatusBar* CRhinoApp::StatusBar ( ) const

◆ StatusBarProgressMeterEnd()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::StatusBarProgressMeterEnd ( )

Description: Ends, or hides, Rhino's status bar progress meter. See Also: CRhinoApp::StatusBarProgressMeterStart CRhinoApp::StatusBarProgressMeterPos

use CRhinoDoc::StatusBarProgressMeterEnd

◆ StatusBarProgressMeterPos()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int CRhinoApp::StatusBarProgressMeterPos ( int  nPos,
bool  bAbsolute = true 

Description: Sets the current position of Rhino's status bar progress meter. Parameters: nPos - [in] The position. bAbsolute - [in] If true, then the progress meter is moved to nPos (absolute). If false, then the progress meter is moved nPos from the current position (relative). Returns: The previous position if successful. See Also: CRhinoApp::StatusBarProgressMeterStart CRhinoApp::StatusBarProgressMeterEnd

use CRhinoDoc::StatusBarProgressMeterPos

◆ StatusBarProgressMeterStart()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int CRhinoApp::StatusBarProgressMeterStart ( int  nLower,
int  nUpper,
const wchar_t *  pszLabel = nullptr,
bool  bEmbedLabel = true,
bool  bShowPercent = true 

Description: Starts, or shows, Rhino's status bar progress meter. Parameters: nLower - [in] The lower limit of the progress meter's range. nUpper - [in] The upper limit of the progress meter's range. pszLabel - [in] The short description of the progress (e.g. "Calculating", "Meshing", etc). bEmbedLabel - [in] If true, then the label will be embedded in the progress meter. If false, then the label will appear to the left of the progress meter. bShowPercent - [in] If true, then the percent complete will appear in the progress meter. Returns: 1 - The progress meter was created successfully. 0 - The progress meter was not created. -1 - The progress meter was not created because some other process has already created it. See Also: CRhinoApp::StatusBarProgressMeterPos CRhinoApp::StatusBarProgressMeterEnd

use CRhinoDoc::StatusBarProgressMeterStart

◆ StringTables()

class CStringTableCollection& CRhinoApp::StringTables ( )

◆ StringTablesInitialized()

bool CRhinoApp::StringTablesInitialized ( ) const

◆ TextureManager()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION class CRhTextureManager& CRhinoApp::TextureManager ( )

Description: Rhino central Texture manager.

◆ ThreadManager()

virtual class CThreadManager& CRhinoApp::ThreadManager ( void  ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in MRhinoApp.

◆ UpdateCursorToolTipLocation()

bool CRhinoApp::UpdateCursorToolTipLocation ( const ON_2iPoint pt)

Description: Updates cursor tooltip location. Called internally by CRhinoView::OnMouseMove.

◆ UpdateNotesWindow()

void CRhinoApp::UpdateNotesWindow ( unsigned int  rhino_doc_sn)

Description: Make contents of Notes dialog match doc's notes

◆ UpdatesAndStatisticsStatus()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int CRhinoApp::UpdatesAndStatisticsStatus ( )

Returns: 2 if Updates and Statistics are disabled by administrator 1 if Updates and Statistics are disabled by current user 0 if Updates and Statistics are enabled

◆ UseNetCoreRuntime()

bool CRhinoApp::UseNetCoreRuntime ( )

◆ ValidationGracePeriodDaysLeft()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int CRhinoApp::ValidationGracePeriodDaysLeft ( )

Returns number of days within which validation must occur. Zero when validation grace period has expired. Raises InvalidLicenseTypeException if LicenseType is one of: EvaluationSaveLimited EvaluationTimeLimited Viewer Unknown

◆ ViewDisableSetActiveView()

bool CRhinoApp::ViewDisableSetActiveView ( ) const

◆ ViewerOnlyMode()

bool CRhinoApp::ViewerOnlyMode ( ) const

Description: 29-November 2012 This flag gets set by starting Rhino with the "/viewer" switch, if this is true then Rhino will NOT allow you to save anything, it will act similar to an expired evaluation version. Returns: Returns true if Rhino is running as a viewer only otherwise; returns false. BG 2012-12-06: Let's not export this yet, as we may get rid of it completely RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION

◆ ViewSetDisableSetActiveView()

bool CRhinoApp::ViewSetDisableSetActiveView ( bool  b)

◆ ViewWndClassName()

LPCTSTR CRhinoApp::ViewWndClassName ( ) const

CRhinoView window class name.

◆ Wait()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION void CRhinoApp::Wait ( DWORD  dwMilliseconds)

Description: Pause for specified time but keep Windows message pump alive so views will update and windows will repaint Parameters: dwMilliseconds - [in] - wait time in milliseconds

◆ WinAppOnFileNew()

void CRhinoApp::WinAppOnFileNew ( )

TODO: remove this, temp hack to access private CWinApp func.

◆ WindowPositionsProfileContext()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoProfileContext& CRhinoApp::WindowPositionsProfileContext ( )

Description: For expert use only. Gets the profile context used by Rhino when saving window and dock bar position information. Returns: CRhinoProfileContext reference.

◆ WorkSession()

class CRhWorkSession* CRhinoApp::WorkSession ( ) const

Temporary - this should not be on CRhinoApp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CMainFrame

friend class CMainFrame

< All friends should be here

◆ CRhAppSettingsUiWatcher

friend class CRhAppSettingsUiWatcher

◆ CRhino3SplashWnd

friend class CRhino3SplashWnd

◆ CRhinoAppFonts

friend class CRhinoAppFonts

◆ CRhinoFileMenu

friend class CRhinoFileMenu

◆ RhOnWmDisplayChange

void RhOnWmDisplayChange ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_activate_command_caret

bool CRhinoApp::m_activate_command_caret = true

Enable/disable focus shift from view to

◆ m_app_fro

class CRhFileReadOptions& CRhinoApp::m_app_fro

The CRhinoApp::FileReadOptions() functions return references to m_app_fro which is the V5 replacement for CRhinoApp::m_FileReadeOptions. See comments at the beginning of CRhinoApp::CRhinoApp() for more details.

◆ m_app_fro_buffer

unsigned char CRhinoApp::m_app_fro_buffer[4096]

◆ m_arrow_command_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_arrow_command_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_arrow_copy_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_arrow_copy_cursor = nullptr

arrow with "+"

◆ m_bCursorToolTip

bool CRhinoApp::m_bCursorToolTip = false

◆ m_bInFullscreen

bool CRhinoApp::m_bInFullscreen = false

command rich edit control. Used mainly by dialogs that allow view manipulation (semi-modal dialogs)

◆ m_bInViewNavigation

bool CRhinoApp::m_bInViewNavigation = false

◆ m_bNoCancelOnMainFrameClose

bool CRhinoApp::m_bNoCancelOnMainFrameClose = false

◆ m_bRememberCopyOption

bool CRhinoApp::m_bRememberCopyOption = true

This looks like it should be on app settings.

◆ m_bRestoreFromFullscreen

bool CRhinoApp::m_bRestoreFromFullscreen = false

◆ m_bSafeModeEnabled

bool CRhinoApp::m_bSafeModeEnabled = false

◆ m_cen_osnap_arrow_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_cen_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_cen_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_cen_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_command_manager

class CRhCommandManager* CRhinoApp::m_command_manager = nullptr

◆ m_CommandLineLoadGrasshopperFileName

ON_wString CRhinoApp::m_CommandLineLoadGrasshopperFileName

◆ m_CommandLineLoadScriptFileName

ON_wString CRhinoApp::m_CommandLineLoadScriptFileName

Initialized by CRhinoApp::RhinoProcessShellCommand if a RVB file is passed to the Rhino executable at start-up. This file will get loaded after InitInstance completes successfully by CRhinoApp::RespondToRhinoWindowsMessage()

◆ m_context_menu_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_context_menu_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_cross_hair_copy_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_cross_hair_copy_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_cross_hair_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_cross_hair_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_cursor = nullptr

current cursor

◆ m_custom_grips

ON_SimpleArray< CRhinoGripsEnabler* > CRhinoApp::m_custom_grips

◆ m_default_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_default_cursor = nullptr

Steve - I would like to eventually make these private and accessible through functions.

◆ m_default_render_plug_in

ON_UUID CRhinoApp::m_default_render_plug_in

◆ m_dir_manager

CRhinoDirectoryManager CRhinoApp::m_dir_manager

◆ m_disable_set_active_view

bool CRhinoApp::m_disable_set_active_view = false

used by CRhinoView::OnMouseMove to disable setting active view when tracking mouse

◆ m_end_osnap_arrow_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_end_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_end_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_end_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_FileMenu

CRhinoFileMenu CRhinoApp::m_FileMenu

File menu options;.

◆ m_focus_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_focus_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_hand_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_hand_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_hand_snap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_hand_snap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_hParentMenu

HMENU CRhinoApp::m_hParentMenu = nullptr

◆ m_hyperlink_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_hyperlink_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_int_osnap_arrow_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_int_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_int_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_int_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_knot_osnap_arrow_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_knot_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_knot_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_knot_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_lazyptr_app_settings

CRhinoAppSettings* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_app_settings = nullptr

lazyptr classes are created the first time they are requested more of the above items should be lazily created... work in progress

◆ m_lazyptr_autosave

class CRhAutoSave* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_autosave = nullptr

◆ m_lazyptr_custom_menu_manager

class CRhCustomMenuManager* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_custom_menu_manager = nullptr

◆ m_lazyptr_digitizer_manager

class CRhinoDigitizerManager* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_digitizer_manager = nullptr

◆ m_lazyptr_docview_manager

class CRhDocViewManager* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_docview_manager = nullptr

◆ m_lazyptr_license_manager

class CRhinoLicenseManager* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_license_manager = nullptr

◆ m_lazyptr_palette_manager

class CRhPaletteManager* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_palette_manager = nullptr

◆ m_lazyptr_plug_in_manager

class CRhPlugInManager* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_plug_in_manager = nullptr

◆ m_lazyptr_print_manager

class CRhPrintManager* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_print_manager = nullptr

◆ m_lazyptr_texture_manager

class CRhTextureManager* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_texture_manager = nullptr

◆ m_lazyptr_work_session

class CRhWorkSession* CRhinoApp::m_lazyptr_work_session = nullptr

◆ m_magnify_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_magnify_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_magnify_snap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_magnify_snap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_mid_osnap_arrow_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_mid_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_mid_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_mid_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_near_osnap_arrow_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_near_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_near_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_near_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_object_perp_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_object_perp_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_object_tan_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_object_tan_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_oncrv_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_oncrv_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_onmesh_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_onmesh_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_onsrf_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_onsrf_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_pAppFonts

class CRhinoAppFonts* CRhinoApp::m_pAppFonts

◆ m_pc_scheme_current_user

CRhinoProfileContext* CRhinoApp::m_pc_scheme_current_user = nullptr

Moving profile context to protected section, these should be accessed using the CRhinoApp::GetRhinoProfileContext(CRhinoProfileContext::context_location) method

◆ m_pc_window_positions

CRhinoProfileContext* CRhinoApp::m_pc_window_positions = nullptr

Attaches to the CRhAppSettings::WindowPostions() settings.

◆ m_pCursorToolTip

class CToolTipCtrl* CRhinoApp::m_pCursorToolTip = nullptr

◆ m_perp_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_perp_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_PlugInFileExportDisplayList

ON_SimpleArray<ON_UUID> CRhinoApp::m_PlugInFileExportDisplayList

◆ m_PlugInFileImportDisplayList

ON_SimpleArray<ON_UUID> CRhinoApp::m_PlugInFileImportDisplayList

◆ m_point_osnap_arrow_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_point_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr

Current drag base point osnap cursors (arrow cursor and osnap label)

◆ m_point_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_point_osnap_cursor = nullptr

Current osnap cursors.

◆ m_pRhinoSkin

class CRhSkin* CRhinoApp::m_pRhinoSkin = nullptr

◆ m_pRhinoUiManager

class CRhinoAppUiManager* CRhinoApp::m_pRhinoUiManager = nullptr

◆ m_prohibit_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_prohibit_cursor = nullptr

circle with slash

◆ m_pSplash

class CRhino3Splash* CRhinoApp::m_pSplash = nullptr

◆ m_quad_osnap_arrow_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_quad_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_quad_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_quad_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_rhino_app_ticker

ON__UINT64 CRhinoApp::m_rhino_app_ticker = 0

When something happens, like a command is run or lots of other stuff, the value of m_rhino_app_ticker is incremented by calling CRhinoApp::IncrementRhinoAppTicker(). The value of m_rhino_app_ticker is used to determine when Rhino has been "idle" long enough that we can risk calling "onidle" event watchers.

◆ m_rotate_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_rotate_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_RunAsViewerOnly

bool CRhinoApp::m_RunAsViewerOnly = false

29-November 2012 John Morse - If true then run like an expired evaluation version (no saves) This is set with the "/viewer" command line switch and is "false" by default

◆ m_save_menu

HMENU CRhinoApp::m_save_menu = nullptr

◆ m_sCurrentMenuLabel

ON_wString CRhinoApp::m_sCurrentMenuLabel

◆ m_sParentMenuLabel

ON_wString CRhinoApp::m_sParentMenuLabel

◆ m_sSchemeName

ON_wString CRhinoApp::m_sSchemeName

◆ m_string_tables

class CStringTableCollection* CRhinoApp::m_string_tables = nullptr

◆ m_sViewWndClass

ON_wString CRhinoApp::m_sViewWndClass

◆ m_tan_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_tan_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_tiCursorToolTip

TOOLINFOW CRhinoApp::m_tiCursorToolTip

◆ m_unused

bool CRhinoApp::m_unused = false

◆ m_vertex_osnap_arrow_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_vertex_osnap_arrow_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_vertex_osnap_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_vertex_osnap_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_wait_cursor

HCURSOR CRhinoApp::m_wait_cursor = nullptr

◆ m_wCursorToolTip

ON_wString CRhinoApp::m_wCursorToolTip

◆ m_wCursorToolTipPanes

ON_wString CRhinoApp::m_wCursorToolTipPanes[cursor_tooltip_pane_count]

◆ m_WP


WARNING: Do not add public data fields to CRhinoApp below this line.

TODO: Steve. work with John M to see if m_WP is really needed at all anymore. It does not appear to be saved between sessions.