| CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI () |
| CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI (class CRhVectorEngine *) |
virtual | ~CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI () |
void | ClearFrameBuffer (const CRhinoDib *) override |
void | ClearFrameBuffer (const ON_Color &, const ON_Color &, const ON_Color &, const ON_Color &) override |
bool | CopyBackBufferFrom (const CRhinoDib &) override |
bool | CopyBackBufferTo (CRhinoDib &) override |
bool | CopyBackBufferTo (HDC hDC) override |
void | Draw2dLines (const ON_2fPoint *points, int count, bool asPolyline, ON_Color strokeColor, float strokeWidth, RhinoDashStyle style, bool xormode) override |
void | DrawBezier (int dim, BOOL32 bIsRational, int order, int cv_stride, const double *cv4d, const CRhCurveAttributes &attrs) override |
void | DrawBitmap (const CRhinoDib &, int nX, int nY) override |
void | DrawCurve (const ON_Curve &curve, const class CRhinoDisplayPen &pen, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) override |
void | DrawDot (const ON_TextDot &dot, bool locationInWorld, ON_Color fillColor, ON_Color textColor, ON_Color borderColor, class CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) override |
void | DrawHatch (const ON_Hatch &hatch, const class CRhinoDisplayBrush *fillBrush, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *boundaryPen, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) override |
| Do not call - placeholder virtual function in order to improve hatch display without breaking SDK. More...
void | DrawHatch (const ON_Hatch &hatch, const ON_HatchPattern *pattern, float strokeWidth, ON_Color hatchColor, ON_Color boundaryColor, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) override |
void | DrawMeshes (const ON_Mesh **pMeshes, int count, bool wires, bool shaded, const CDisplayPipelineAttributes *, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) override |
void | DrawPoints (int count, const class CRhPointData *points, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) override |
void | DrawPolygon (const ON_3dPoint *points, int count, ON_Color color, bool bFilled) override |
void | DrawPolylines (const CRhinoClippingVertexCollection *lists, int count) override |
void | DrawRoundedRectangle (ON_2fPoint screenCenter, float pixelWidth, float pixelHeight, float cornerRadius, ON_Color strokeColor, float strokeWidth, ON_Color fillColor) override |
void | DrawString (const ON_TextContent &text, const ON_Xform &textXform, ON_Color color, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) override |
void | DrawString (const wchar_t *text, const ON_Color &textColor, const ON_2dPoint &point, bool middle, float fontHeightPixels, const ON_Font *font) override |
void | DrawString (const wchar_t *text, const ON_Xform &xf, const ON_Font *font, const ON_Color &color, ON::TextHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, ON::TextVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) override |
bool | DrawTexturedPlane (const CRhinoDib &image, const ON_2dPoint &screenLowerLeft, const ON_2dPoint &screenLowerRight, const ON_2dPoint &screenUpperRight, const ON_2dPoint &screenUpperLeft) const |
bool | DrawTexturedPlane (const CRhinoDib &image, const ON_Plane &plane, ON_Interval domain_horz, ON_Interval domain_vert) const |
void | DrawTraceImage (const class CRhTraceImage &traceimage) override |
void | DrawWallpaper (const class CRhWallpaper &wallpaper) override |
bool | GetBackBuffer (CRhinoDib &) override |
| Engine buffers support... More...
int | MaxClipPlanesSupported () const override |
bool | ResetEngine () override |
bool | RestoreBackBuffer () override |
void | RestoreGraphicsState () |
| Mac only; does nothing on MS Windows. More...
bool | SaveBackBuffer () override |
void | SaveGraphicsState () |
| Mac only; does nothing on MS Windows. More...
const ON_4iRect | SetClipRect (const ON_4iRect &clipRect) |
| Used in printing code to set up clip regions. More...
void | ShutdownEngine () override |
bool | StartEngine () override |
| Engine initialization and cleanup operations... More...
bool | VectorEngineAttached () const |
| CRhinoDisplayEngine () |
virtual | ~CRhinoDisplayEngine () |
virtual int | ActiveStereoProjection () const |
virtual void | AddLight (const ON_Light &light) |
const ON_Xform & | CameraToClip () const |
const ON_Xform & | CameraToClipInverse () const |
virtual bool | CanSaveDepthBuffer () |
virtual bool | CaptureFrame (const ON_Viewport &viewport) |
virtual void | ClearClipPlanes () |
virtual void | ClearDepthBuffer () |
void | ClearFrameBuffer (const ON_Color &color) |
void | ClearFrameBuffer (const ON_Color &colorTop, const ON_Color &colorBottom) |
virtual void | ClearLights () |
virtual void | ClearTextureCache () |
const ON_SimpleArray< ON_ClippingPlaneInfo > & | ClippingPlanes () const |
ON_2dPoint | ClippingToScreenPoint (const ON_4dPoint &point) const |
int | ClipPlaneCount () const |
virtual bool | CopyBackBufferFrom (HDC pDC) |
virtual bool | CopyDepthBufferTo (CRhinoDib &dib, bool bConvertToImage=false, bool bInvertDepthValues=false, CRhinoDib *pBackground=nullptr) |
virtual bool | CopyDepthToBackBuffer () |
virtual int | CreateClipRegion (const ON_Curve &boundary) |
ECullFaceMode | CullFaceMode () const |
virtual int | DepthBufferBitDepth () |
virtual void | DestroyClipRegion (int region_id) |
void | DisableCoplanarClippingPlanes (const CRhinoObject *pRhinoObject, ON_SimpleArray< int > &planes_disabled) |
void | DisableCoplanarClippingPlanes (const ON_Plane &plane, ON_SimpleArray< int > &planes_disabled) |
const CDisplayPipelineAttributes * | DisplayAttrs () const |
float | DpiScale () const |
void | DrawBrepWires (const ON_Brep *brep, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, int wireDensity, bool edgeAnalysis, const class CRhDisplayPenPrivate *pen, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
virtual void | DrawBrepWires (const ON_Brep *brep, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, int wireDensity, bool edgeAnalysis, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
virtual bool | DrawCapturedFrame (const ON_Viewport &destination) |
virtual void | DrawConstructionPlane (const ON_3dmConstructionPlane &plane, bool bShowGrid, bool bShowGridAxes, bool bShowZAxis, const ON_Color &grid_thin_color, const ON_Color &grid_thick_color, const ON_Color &grid_xaxis_color, const ON_Color &grid_yaxis_color, const ON_Color &grid_zaxis_color, int grid_thick_line_size, int grid_axis_line_size, int axes_percentage=100, bool bForceBackground=false) |
virtual void | DrawEnvironment () |
void | DrawExtrusionWires (const ON_Extrusion &extrusion, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, int wireDensity, bool edgeAnalysis, const class CRhDisplayPenPrivate *pen, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
virtual void | DrawExtrusionWires (const ON_Extrusion &extrusion, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, int wireDensity, bool edgeAnalysis, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
virtual void | DrawGroundPlane (const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes &dpa, const class CRhDisplayGroundPlane &groundplane) |
void | DrawHatch (const ON_Hatch &hatch, const class CRhinoDisplayBrush *fillBrush, const class CRhinoDisplayBrush *hatchBrush, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *boundaryPen, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
virtual void | DrawLine (const ON_3dPoint &from, const ON_3dPoint &to, const ON_Color &color, int thickness, UINT pattern=0xFFFFFFFF) |
void | DrawLineNoClip (const ON_3dPoint &from, const ON_3dPoint &to, const ON_Color &color, float thickness) |
virtual void | DrawLines (const class CLinesDescriptor &ld) |
virtual bool | DrawLines (ON_Color color, int line_count, float thickness, const float *vertices, const ON_Xform *model_xform) |
void | DrawLinesNoClip (int count, const ON_Line *lines, const ON_Color &color, float thickness) |
void | DrawMesh (const ON_Mesh &mesh, bool wires, bool shaded, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
virtual void | DrawMeshes (const ON_Mesh **meshes, int count, bool wires, bool shaded, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
void | DrawMeshFace (const ON_Mesh &mesh, int faceIndex, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
virtual void | DrawMeshFaces (const ON_Mesh &mesh, const int *faces, int faceCount, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
void | DrawMeshFaces (const ON_Mesh &mesh, const ON_SimpleArray< int > &faces, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
virtual void | DrawPointCloud (const ON_PointCloud &cloud, ERhinoPointStyle style, float pixelSize, bool scaleSizeForDpi, ON_Color colorOverride, int indexCount, const unsigned int *indices, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache, int degradeCount) |
void | DrawPoints (int count, const class CRhPointData *points, const class CRhPointData *forcedOverride, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache, const ON_Xform *ffoTransform, bool precomputedTransform) |
void | DrawPoints (int count, const class CRhPointData *points, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache, const ON_Xform *ffoTransform, bool precomputedTransform) |
virtual void | DrawPoints (int count, const ON_2dPoint *screenPoints, ERhinoPointStyle style, const ON_Color &strokeColor, const ON_Color &fillColor, float diameterPixels, float strokeWidthPixels, float innerDiameterPixels, float rotationRadians, bool autoScaleDpi, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) |
virtual void | DrawPoints (int count, const ON_3dPoint *points, ERhinoPointStyle style, const ON_Color &strokeColor, const ON_Color &fillColor, float diameter, float strokeWidth, float innerDiameter, float rotationRadians, bool diameterInPixels, bool autoScaleDpi, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) |
virtual void | DrawPolylines (const class CLinesDescriptor &ld) |
virtual void | DrawPolylines (const class CRhinoClippingVertexCollection *lists, int count)=0 |
virtual void | DrawShadedBrep (const ON_Brep *brep, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
virtual void | DrawSubD (const class CRhinoSubDDisplay &subd_display, const class CRhinoSubDDisplayAttributes &subd_display_attributes) |
virtual void | DrawSubD (const class ON_SubD &subd, const class CRhSubDDisplayAttributes *attrs, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
| Do not call - placeholder virtual function in order to improve SubD display without breaking SDK. More...
virtual void | DrawSubDComponents (const class ON_SubD &subd, const class ON_SubDComponentPtr *components, size_t componentCount, const class CRhSubDDisplayAttributes *attrs, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) |
| Do not call - placeholder virtual function in order to improve SubD display without breaking SDK. More...
void | DrawSubDWires (const CRhinoSubDDisplay &subd_display, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *boundaryPen, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *smoothInteriorPen, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *creaseInteriorPen, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *nonmanifoldPen) |
void | DrawTechnicalWires (const CRhinoObject &rhinoObject, const ON_Color &color, float borderThickness, float silhouetteThickness, float creaseThickness) |
virtual void | DrawTextRun (const ON_TextRun &run, const ON_Font *font, const ON_Xform &xform, ON_Color color, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) |
virtual void | DrawWorldAxes (const ON_Color &xaxis_color, const ON_Color &yaxis_color, const ON_Color &zaxis_color, int axes_length, int label_offset, int letter_size) |
virtual bool | EnableClipPlanes (bool bEnable, int plane=-1) |
virtual void | EnableColorWriting (bool bEnable=true) |
virtual void | EnableDepthTesting (bool bEnable=true) |
virtual void | EnableDepthWriting (bool bEnable=true) |
void | EnableMaterials (bool on) |
virtual void | EnableMeshBuffering (bool on) |
| "State" operations & attributes... More...
virtual void | EnableMultiSample (bool bEnable=true) |
| Enables / disables multisampling. More...
void | EnableShadows (bool) |
| New for V8 [end]. More...
virtual void | FlushAll () |
virtual int | FrameBufferBitDepth () |
virtual void | FrameBufferChannelDepth (int &red_bits, int &green_bits, int &blue_bits, int &alpha_bits) |
ON_3dPoint | FrustumCenter () const |
const CRhinoDoc * | GeometrySource () const |
| Return the document that the pipeline uses to get geometry information from when drawing. More...
virtual const class CRhFrameCapture * | GetCapturedFrame () const |
void | GetCurveAttributes (CRhCurveAttributes &attributes) const |
virtual bool | GetDepthBuffer (float *buffer, int left, int top, int width, int height) |
ON_SimpleArray< ON_PlaneEquation > | GetEnabledClipPlanes (const ON_Xform *xf) const |
void | GetFarPlane (ON_Plane &) const |
virtual const ON_Light * | GetLight (int index) const |
ON_Xform | GetModelViewMatrix () const |
virtual int | GetMultiSampleMode () const |
virtual void | GetMultiSampleModes (ON_SimpleArray< int > &modes) const |
void | GetNearFarPlane (ON_Plane &N, ON_Plane &F) const |
void | GetNearPlane (ON_Plane &) const |
virtual bool | GetOffscreenBufferInfo (HDC hDC, int &nColorDepth, int &nZDepth) |
virtual class CRhGLSceneManager * | GetSceneManager () |
class CRhGLSceneManager * | GetSceneManager (const CRhinoDoc *doc) |
virtual class CRhGLSceneManager * | GetSceneManager (unsigned int docSerialNumber) |
virtual double | GetStereoParallax () const |
virtual double | GetStereoSeparation () const |
virtual bool | HasDepthBuffer () |
const ON_Xform & | InstanceDefinitionTransform () const |
virtual bool | InStereoMode () const |
virtual void | InvalidateCapturedFrame () |
| Caching operations... More...
virtual bool | IsAccelerated () const |
bool | IsEntireBoxVisible (const ON_BoundingBox &bbox) const |
bool | IsPreview (void) const |
virtual int | LightCount () const |
const CDisplayPipelineAttributes::LinearWorkflow & | LinearWorkflow () const |
virtual int | MaxDecalsSupported () const |
virtual int | MaxLightsSupported () const |
virtual int | MaxObjectMappingsSupported () const |
int | MaxProceduralCommandsSupported () const |
int | MaxProceduralsSupported () const |
int | MaxProceduralTransformsSupported () const |
virtual bool | MeshBufferingEnabled () const |
const ON_Xform & | ModelTransform () const |
| Model transform operations... More...
bool | ModelTransformIsIdentity () const |
virtual void | NotifyClippingPlanesChanged () |
virtual bool | NotifyProjectionChanged () |
| Notifier routines called by the pipeline framework... More...
virtual bool | PopColorWriting () |
virtual void | PopDepthTesting () |
virtual void | PopDepthWriting () |
void | PopModelTransform () |
void | PopModelViewMatrix () |
void | PopProjection () |
ON_UUID | PreviewEnvironmentId (void) const |
virtual void | PushColorWriting (bool bEnable) |
virtual void | PushDepthTesting (bool bEnable) |
virtual void | PushDepthWriting (bool bEnable) |
void | PushModelTransform (const ON_Xform &mt) |
void | PushModelViewMatrix () |
void | PushModelViewMatrix (const ON_Xform &xf) |
void | PushProjection (const ON_Viewport &viewport) |
virtual bool | RestoreDepthBuffer () |
virtual bool | SaveDepthBuffer () |
double | ScreenLength (double world_length) const |
const ON_Xform & | ScreenToClip () const |
const ON_Xform & | ScreenToClipInverse () const |
void | SetCamera (const ON_Viewport &) |
virtual int | SetClippingPlanes (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_ClippingPlaneInfo > &clipplanes) |
virtual int | SetClipRegion (int region_id) |
virtual ECullFaceMode | SetCullFaceMode (ECullFaceMode mode) |
void | SetCurveAttributes (const CRhCurveAttributes &attributes) |
virtual int | SetDepthMode (int nDepth) |
void | SetDpiScale (float scale) |
void | SetInstanceDefinitionTransform (const ON_Xform &idt) |
void | SetIsPreview (bool) |
void | SetLinearWorkflow (const CDisplayPipelineAttributes::LinearWorkflow &lw) |
void | SetModelTransform (const ON_Xform &mt) |
void | SetModelViewMatrix (const ON_Xform &xf) |
virtual bool | SetMultiSampleMode (int mode) |
void | SetPreviewEnvironmentId (ON_UUID id) |
virtual bool | SetStereoMode (bool bStereo) |
virtual void | SetStereoParallax (float) |
virtual void | SetStereoSeparation (float fSep) |
virtual int | SetZBiasLevel (int zbias) |
bool | ShadowsEnabled (void) const |
virtual bool | ShowBackBuffer (HDC hDC) |
virtual bool | StopEngine () |
virtual bool | SupportsMultiSampling () const |
virtual bool | SupportsShading () const |
bool | UseClipPlanes () const |
bool | UseMaterials () |
const ON_Viewport & | VP () const |
| Generic engine attributes... More...
float | WireDpiScale () const |
const ON_Xform & | WorldToCamera (bool includeModelXform=true) const |
const ON_Xform & | WorldToCameraInverse (bool includeModelXform=true) const |
const ON_Xform & | WorldToClip (bool includeModelXform=true) const |
| world to screen transform = Viewport(world to clip)*m_ModelTransform More...
const ON_Xform & | WorldToClipInverse (bool includeModelXform=true) const |
ON_4dPoint | WorldToClippingPoint (const ON_3dPoint &point) const |
const ON_Xform & | WorldToScreen (bool includeModelXform=true) const |
| world to screen transform = Viewport(world to screen)*m_ModelTransform More...
const ON_Xform & | WorldToScreenInverse (bool includeModelXform=true) const |
ON_2dPoint | WorldToScreenPoint (const ON_3dPoint &point) const |
virtual int | ZBiasLevel () const |
| ON_Object () ON_NOEXCEPT |
| ON_Object (const ON_Object &) |
virtual | ~ON_Object () |
virtual ON_AggregateComponentStatus | AggregateComponentStatus () const |
bool | AttachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData) |
unsigned int | ClearAllComponentStates () const |
virtual unsigned int | ClearComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const |
virtual unsigned int | ClearComponentStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const |
void | CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object) |
unsigned int | CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution) |
virtual ON__UINT32 | DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const |
virtual bool | DeleteComponents (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count) |
virtual void | DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true) |
bool | DetachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData) |
virtual void | Dump (ON_TextLog &) const |
void | EmergencyDestroy () |
class ON_UserData * | FirstUserData () const |
virtual unsigned int | GetComponentsWithSetStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const |
class ON_UserData * | GetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const |
bool | GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const |
int | GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const |
int | GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const |
bool | IsCorrupt (bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const |
bool | IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const |
virtual bool | IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const |
virtual void | MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent () const |
virtual void | MemoryRelocate () |
virtual ON_UUID | ModelObjectId () const |
void | MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object) |
unsigned int | MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems) |
virtual ON::object_type | ObjectType () const |
ON_Object & | operator= (const ON_Object &) |
void | PurgeUserData () |
virtual bool | Read (ON_BinaryArchive &binary_archive) |
virtual unsigned int | SetComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const |
virtual unsigned int | SetComponentStatus (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const |
bool | SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value) |
int | SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace) |
virtual unsigned int | SizeOf () const |
bool | ThisIsNullptr (bool bSilentError) const |
void | TransformUserData (const class ON_Xform &xform) |
virtual bool | UpdateReferencedComponents (const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map) |
int | UserStringCount () const |
virtual bool | Write (ON_BinaryArchive &binary_archive) const |