Rhino C++ API  8.16
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CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI Class Reference

#include <RhinoSdkDisplayEngine_GDI.h>

Inheritance diagram for CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI:
CRhinoDisplayEngine ON_Object

Public Member Functions

 CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI ()
 CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI (class CRhVectorEngine *)
virtual ~CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI ()
void ClearFrameBuffer (const CRhinoDib *) override
void ClearFrameBuffer (const ON_Color &, const ON_Color &, const ON_Color &, const ON_Color &) override
bool CopyBackBufferFrom (const CRhinoDib &) override
bool CopyBackBufferTo (CRhinoDib &) override
bool CopyBackBufferTo (HDC hDC) override
void Draw2dLines (const ON_2fPoint *points, int count, bool asPolyline, ON_Color strokeColor, float strokeWidth, RhinoDashStyle style, bool xormode) override
void DrawBezier (int dim, BOOL32 bIsRational, int order, int cv_stride, const double *cv4d, const CRhCurveAttributes &attrs) override
void DrawBitmap (const CRhinoDib &, int nX, int nY) override
void DrawCurve (const ON_Curve &curve, const class CRhinoDisplayPen &pen, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) override
void DrawDot (const ON_TextDot &dot, bool locationInWorld, ON_Color fillColor, ON_Color textColor, ON_Color borderColor, class CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) override
void DrawHatch (const ON_Hatch &hatch, const class CRhinoDisplayBrush *fillBrush, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *boundaryPen, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) override
 Do not call - placeholder virtual function in order to improve hatch display without breaking SDK. More...
void DrawHatch (const ON_Hatch &hatch, const ON_HatchPattern *pattern, float strokeWidth, ON_Color hatchColor, ON_Color boundaryColor, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) override
void DrawMeshes (const ON_Mesh **pMeshes, int count, bool wires, bool shaded, const CDisplayPipelineAttributes *, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle) override
void DrawPoints (int count, const class CRhPointData *points, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) override
void DrawPolygon (const ON_3dPoint *points, int count, ON_Color color, bool bFilled) override
void DrawPolylines (const CRhinoClippingVertexCollection *lists, int count) override
void DrawRoundedRectangle (ON_2fPoint screenCenter, float pixelWidth, float pixelHeight, float cornerRadius, ON_Color strokeColor, float strokeWidth, ON_Color fillColor) override
void DrawString (const ON_TextContent &text, const ON_Xform &textXform, ON_Color color, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) override
void DrawString (const wchar_t *text, const ON_Color &textColor, const ON_2dPoint &point, bool middle, float fontHeightPixels, const ON_Font *font) override
void DrawString (const wchar_t *text, const ON_Xform &xf, const ON_Font *font, const ON_Color &color, ON::TextHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, ON::TextVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache) override
bool DrawTexturedPlane (const CRhinoDib &image, const ON_2dPoint &screenLowerLeft, const ON_2dPoint &screenLowerRight, const ON_2dPoint &screenUpperRight, const ON_2dPoint &screenUpperLeft) const
bool DrawTexturedPlane (const CRhinoDib &image, const ON_Plane &plane, ON_Interval domain_horz, ON_Interval domain_vert) const
void DrawTraceImage (const class CRhTraceImage &traceimage) override
void DrawWallpaper (const class CRhWallpaper &wallpaper) override
bool GetBackBuffer (CRhinoDib &) override
 Engine buffers support... More...
int MaxClipPlanesSupported () const override
bool ResetEngine () override
bool RestoreBackBuffer () override
void RestoreGraphicsState ()
 Mac only; does nothing on MS Windows. More...
bool SaveBackBuffer () override
void SaveGraphicsState ()
 Mac only; does nothing on MS Windows. More...
const ON_4iRect SetClipRect (const ON_4iRect &clipRect)
 Used in printing code to set up clip regions. More...
void ShutdownEngine () override
bool StartEngine () override
 Engine initialization and cleanup operations... More...
bool VectorEngineAttached () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoDisplayEngine
 CRhinoDisplayEngine ()
virtual ~CRhinoDisplayEngine ()
virtual int ActiveStereoProjection () const
virtual void AddLight (const ON_Light &light)
const ON_XformCameraToClip () const
const ON_XformCameraToClipInverse () const
virtual bool CanSaveDepthBuffer ()
virtual bool CaptureFrame (const ON_Viewport &viewport)
virtual void ClearClipPlanes ()
virtual void ClearDepthBuffer ()
void ClearFrameBuffer (const ON_Color &color)
void ClearFrameBuffer (const ON_Color &colorTop, const ON_Color &colorBottom)
virtual void ClearLights ()
virtual void ClearTextureCache ()
const ON_SimpleArray< ON_ClippingPlaneInfo > & ClippingPlanes () const
ON_2dPoint ClippingToScreenPoint (const ON_4dPoint &point) const
int ClipPlaneCount () const
virtual bool CopyBackBufferFrom (HDC pDC)
virtual bool CopyDepthBufferTo (CRhinoDib &dib, bool bConvertToImage=false, bool bInvertDepthValues=false, CRhinoDib *pBackground=nullptr)
virtual bool CopyDepthToBackBuffer ()
virtual int CreateClipRegion (const ON_Curve &boundary)
ECullFaceMode CullFaceMode () const
virtual int DepthBufferBitDepth ()
virtual void DestroyClipRegion (int region_id)
void DisableCoplanarClippingPlanes (const CRhinoObject *pRhinoObject, ON_SimpleArray< int > &planes_disabled)
void DisableCoplanarClippingPlanes (const ON_Plane &plane, ON_SimpleArray< int > &planes_disabled)
const CDisplayPipelineAttributesDisplayAttrs () const
float DpiScale () const
void DrawBrepWires (const ON_Brep *brep, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, int wireDensity, bool edgeAnalysis, const class CRhDisplayPenPrivate *pen, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
virtual void DrawBrepWires (const ON_Brep *brep, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, int wireDensity, bool edgeAnalysis, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
virtual bool DrawCapturedFrame (const ON_Viewport &destination)
virtual void DrawConstructionPlane (const ON_3dmConstructionPlane &plane, bool bShowGrid, bool bShowGridAxes, bool bShowZAxis, const ON_Color &grid_thin_color, const ON_Color &grid_thick_color, const ON_Color &grid_xaxis_color, const ON_Color &grid_yaxis_color, const ON_Color &grid_zaxis_color, int grid_thick_line_size, int grid_axis_line_size, int axes_percentage=100, bool bForceBackground=false)
virtual void DrawEnvironment ()
void DrawExtrusionWires (const ON_Extrusion &extrusion, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, int wireDensity, bool edgeAnalysis, const class CRhDisplayPenPrivate *pen, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
virtual void DrawExtrusionWires (const ON_Extrusion &extrusion, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, int wireDensity, bool edgeAnalysis, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
virtual void DrawGroundPlane (const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes &dpa, const class CRhDisplayGroundPlane &groundplane)
void DrawHatch (const ON_Hatch &hatch, const class CRhinoDisplayBrush *fillBrush, const class CRhinoDisplayBrush *hatchBrush, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *boundaryPen, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
virtual void DrawLine (const ON_3dPoint &from, const ON_3dPoint &to, const ON_Color &color, int thickness, UINT pattern=0xFFFFFFFF)
void DrawLineNoClip (const ON_3dPoint &from, const ON_3dPoint &to, const ON_Color &color, float thickness)
virtual void DrawLines (const class CLinesDescriptor &ld)
virtual bool DrawLines (ON_Color color, int line_count, float thickness, const float *vertices, const ON_Xform *model_xform)
void DrawLinesNoClip (int count, const ON_Line *lines, const ON_Color &color, float thickness)
void DrawMesh (const ON_Mesh &mesh, bool wires, bool shaded, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
virtual void DrawMeshes (const ON_Mesh **meshes, int count, bool wires, bool shaded, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
void DrawMeshFace (const ON_Mesh &mesh, int faceIndex, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
virtual void DrawMeshFaces (const ON_Mesh &mesh, const int *faces, int faceCount, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
void DrawMeshFaces (const ON_Mesh &mesh, const ON_SimpleArray< int > &faces, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
virtual void DrawPointCloud (const ON_PointCloud &cloud, ERhinoPointStyle style, float pixelSize, bool scaleSizeForDpi, ON_Color colorOverride, int indexCount, const unsigned int *indices, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache, int degradeCount)
void DrawPoints (int count, const class CRhPointData *points, const class CRhPointData *forcedOverride, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache, const ON_Xform *ffoTransform, bool precomputedTransform)
void DrawPoints (int count, const class CRhPointData *points, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache, const ON_Xform *ffoTransform, bool precomputedTransform)
virtual void DrawPoints (int count, const ON_2dPoint *screenPoints, ERhinoPointStyle style, const ON_Color &strokeColor, const ON_Color &fillColor, float diameterPixels, float strokeWidthPixels, float innerDiameterPixels, float rotationRadians, bool autoScaleDpi, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache)
virtual void DrawPoints (int count, const ON_3dPoint *points, ERhinoPointStyle style, const ON_Color &strokeColor, const ON_Color &fillColor, float diameter, float strokeWidth, float innerDiameter, float rotationRadians, bool diameterInPixels, bool autoScaleDpi, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache)
virtual void DrawPolylines (const class CLinesDescriptor &ld)
virtual void DrawPolylines (const class CRhinoClippingVertexCollection *lists, int count)=0
virtual void DrawShadedBrep (const ON_Brep *brep, const class CDisplayPipelineAttributes *da, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
virtual void DrawSubD (const class CRhinoSubDDisplay &subd_display, const class CRhinoSubDDisplayAttributes &subd_display_attributes)
virtual void DrawSubD (const class ON_SubD &subd, const class CRhSubDDisplayAttributes *attrs, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
 Do not call - placeholder virtual function in order to improve SubD display without breaking SDK. More...
virtual void DrawSubDComponents (const class ON_SubD &subd, const class ON_SubDComponentPtr *components, size_t componentCount, const class CRhSubDDisplayAttributes *attrs, CRhinoCacheHandle *cacheHandle)
 Do not call - placeholder virtual function in order to improve SubD display without breaking SDK. More...
void DrawSubDWires (const CRhinoSubDDisplay &subd_display, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *boundaryPen, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *smoothInteriorPen, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *creaseInteriorPen, const class CRhinoDisplayPen *nonmanifoldPen)
void DrawTechnicalWires (const CRhinoObject &rhinoObject, const ON_Color &color, float borderThickness, float silhouetteThickness, float creaseThickness)
virtual void DrawTextRun (const ON_TextRun &run, const ON_Font *font, const ON_Xform &xform, ON_Color color, CRhinoCacheHandle *cache)
virtual void DrawWorldAxes (const ON_Color &xaxis_color, const ON_Color &yaxis_color, const ON_Color &zaxis_color, int axes_length, int label_offset, int letter_size)
virtual bool EnableClipPlanes (bool bEnable, int plane=-1)
virtual void EnableColorWriting (bool bEnable=true)
virtual void EnableDepthTesting (bool bEnable=true)
virtual void EnableDepthWriting (bool bEnable=true)
void EnableMaterials (bool on)
virtual void EnableMeshBuffering (bool on)
 "State" operations & attributes... More...
virtual void EnableMultiSample (bool bEnable=true)
 Enables / disables multisampling. More...
void EnableShadows (bool)
 New for V8 [end]. More...
virtual void FlushAll ()
virtual int FrameBufferBitDepth ()
virtual void FrameBufferChannelDepth (int &red_bits, int &green_bits, int &blue_bits, int &alpha_bits)
ON_3dPoint FrustumCenter () const
const CRhinoDocGeometrySource () const
 Return the document that the pipeline uses to get geometry information from when drawing. More...
virtual const class CRhFrameCapture * GetCapturedFrame () const
void GetCurveAttributes (CRhCurveAttributes &attributes) const
virtual bool GetDepthBuffer (float *buffer, int left, int top, int width, int height)
ON_SimpleArray< ON_PlaneEquationGetEnabledClipPlanes (const ON_Xform *xf) const
void GetFarPlane (ON_Plane &) const
virtual const ON_LightGetLight (int index) const
ON_Xform GetModelViewMatrix () const
virtual int GetMultiSampleMode () const
virtual void GetMultiSampleModes (ON_SimpleArray< int > &modes) const
void GetNearFarPlane (ON_Plane &N, ON_Plane &F) const
void GetNearPlane (ON_Plane &) const
virtual bool GetOffscreenBufferInfo (HDC hDC, int &nColorDepth, int &nZDepth)
virtual class CRhGLSceneManager * GetSceneManager ()
class CRhGLSceneManager * GetSceneManager (const CRhinoDoc *doc)
virtual class CRhGLSceneManager * GetSceneManager (unsigned int docSerialNumber)
virtual double GetStereoParallax () const
virtual double GetStereoSeparation () const
virtual bool HasDepthBuffer ()
const ON_XformInstanceDefinitionTransform () const
virtual bool InStereoMode () const
virtual void InvalidateCapturedFrame ()
 Caching operations... More...
virtual bool IsAccelerated () const
bool IsEntireBoxVisible (const ON_BoundingBox &bbox) const
bool IsPreview (void) const
virtual int LightCount () const
const CDisplayPipelineAttributes::LinearWorkflowLinearWorkflow () const
virtual int MaxDecalsSupported () const
virtual int MaxLightsSupported () const
virtual int MaxObjectMappingsSupported () const
int MaxProceduralCommandsSupported () const
int MaxProceduralsSupported () const
int MaxProceduralTransformsSupported () const
virtual bool MeshBufferingEnabled () const
const ON_XformModelTransform () const
 Model transform operations... More...
bool ModelTransformIsIdentity () const
virtual void NotifyClippingPlanesChanged ()
virtual bool NotifyProjectionChanged ()
 Notifier routines called by the pipeline framework... More...
virtual bool PopColorWriting ()
virtual void PopDepthTesting ()
virtual void PopDepthWriting ()
void PopModelTransform ()
void PopModelViewMatrix ()
void PopProjection ()
ON_UUID PreviewEnvironmentId (void) const
virtual void PushColorWriting (bool bEnable)
virtual void PushDepthTesting (bool bEnable)
virtual void PushDepthWriting (bool bEnable)
void PushModelTransform (const ON_Xform &mt)
void PushModelViewMatrix ()
void PushModelViewMatrix (const ON_Xform &xf)
void PushProjection (const ON_Viewport &viewport)
virtual bool RestoreDepthBuffer ()
virtual bool SaveDepthBuffer ()
double ScreenLength (double world_length) const
const ON_XformScreenToClip () const
const ON_XformScreenToClipInverse () const
void SetCamera (const ON_Viewport &)
virtual int SetClippingPlanes (const ON_SimpleArray< ON_ClippingPlaneInfo > &clipplanes)
virtual int SetClipRegion (int region_id)
virtual ECullFaceMode SetCullFaceMode (ECullFaceMode mode)
void SetCurveAttributes (const CRhCurveAttributes &attributes)
virtual int SetDepthMode (int nDepth)
void SetDpiScale (float scale)
void SetInstanceDefinitionTransform (const ON_Xform &idt)
void SetIsPreview (bool)
void SetLinearWorkflow (const CDisplayPipelineAttributes::LinearWorkflow &lw)
void SetModelTransform (const ON_Xform &mt)
void SetModelViewMatrix (const ON_Xform &xf)
virtual bool SetMultiSampleMode (int mode)
void SetPreviewEnvironmentId (ON_UUID id)
virtual bool SetStereoMode (bool bStereo)
virtual void SetStereoParallax (float)
virtual void SetStereoSeparation (float fSep)
virtual int SetZBiasLevel (int zbias)
bool ShadowsEnabled (void) const
virtual bool ShowBackBuffer (HDC hDC)
virtual bool StopEngine ()
virtual bool SupportsMultiSampling () const
virtual bool SupportsShading () const
bool UseClipPlanes () const
bool UseMaterials ()
const ON_ViewportVP () const
 Generic engine attributes... More...
float WireDpiScale () const
const ON_XformWorldToCamera (bool includeModelXform=true) const
const ON_XformWorldToCameraInverse (bool includeModelXform=true) const
const ON_XformWorldToClip (bool includeModelXform=true) const
 world to screen transform = Viewport(world to clip)*m_ModelTransform More...
const ON_XformWorldToClipInverse (bool includeModelXform=true) const
ON_4dPoint WorldToClippingPoint (const ON_3dPoint &point) const
const ON_XformWorldToScreen (bool includeModelXform=true) const
 world to screen transform = Viewport(world to screen)*m_ModelTransform More...
const ON_XformWorldToScreenInverse (bool includeModelXform=true) const
ON_2dPoint WorldToScreenPoint (const ON_3dPoint &point) const
virtual int ZBiasLevel () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Object
 ON_Object (const ON_Object &)
virtual ~ON_Object ()
virtual ON_AggregateComponentStatus AggregateComponentStatus () const
bool AttachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
unsigned int ClearAllComponentStates () const
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
void CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object)
unsigned int CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution)
virtual ON__UINT32 DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const
virtual bool DeleteComponents (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count)
virtual void DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true)
bool DetachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
virtual void Dump (ON_TextLog &) const
void EmergencyDestroy ()
class ON_UserDataFirstUserData () const
virtual unsigned int GetComponentsWithSetStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const
class ON_UserDataGetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const
bool GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const
int GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const
int GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const
bool IsCorrupt (bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const
bool IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const
virtual bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const
virtual void MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent () const
virtual void MemoryRelocate ()
virtual ON_UUID ModelObjectId () const
void MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object)
unsigned int MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems)
virtual ON::object_type ObjectType () const
ON_Objectoperator= (const ON_Object &)
void PurgeUserData ()
virtual bool Read (ON_BinaryArchive &binary_archive)
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStatus (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const
bool SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value)
int SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace)
virtual unsigned int SizeOf () const
bool ThisIsNullptr (bool bSilentError) const
void TransformUserData (const class ON_Xform &xform)
virtual bool UpdateReferencedComponents (const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map)
int UserStringCount () const
virtual bool Write (ON_BinaryArchive &binary_archive) const

Protected Member Functions

bool NotifyFrameSizeChanged (int width, int height) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CRhinoDisplayEngine
void BufferMeshWires (CRhinoCacheHandle &cache, const CDisplayPipelineAttributes &da, const ON_Xform *xform, bool isSubD, const CRhinoSubDDisplayAttributes *subdAttrs)
void BufferShadedMesh (CRhinoCacheHandle &cache, const ON_Xform *xform)
void BufferShadedMesh (CRhinoCacheHandle &cache, ECullFaceMode cfm, const ON_Color &frontAmbient, const ON_Color &frontDiffuse, const std::shared_ptr< CDisplayPipelineMaterial > &material, const ON_SHA1_Hash &materialHash, const ON_Xform *xform)
void BufferShadedMeshes (class CRhVboMeshCache *buffer)
void ComputeZBiasValues (int bias, double &a, double &b, double &c, double &d, bool &use_d) const
void DrawBezier (int, const ON_4fPoint *, const CRhCurveAttributes &, int=1, int=0)
void DrawConstructionPlaneFarLines (ON_SimpleArray< ON_Line > &far_lines)
void DrawConstructionPlaneLine (const ON_Plane &near_plane, const ON_3dPoint &p, const ON_3dPoint &q, ON_SimpleArray< ON_Line > &far_lines)
virtual void FlushCurveBuffer ()
virtual void FlushMeshBuffer ()
virtual void FlushPointBuffer ()
HDC GetRenderTargetDC () const
void iShutdownEngine ()
void Line (const ON_4fPoint &start, const ON_4fPoint &end)
void LineTo (const ON_4fPoint &)
 clipping coordinate point More...
void MoveTo (const ON_4fPoint &)
 clipping coordinate point More...
void MoveToLineTo (const ON_4fPoint &start, const ON_4fPoint &end)
virtual void SetRenderTarget (HDC pDC, bool bShutDown)
virtual void SetRenderTarget (HWND hWnd)
void SetScreenDrawTolerance (double, double, double)
bool SupportsVboBuffers () const
 New for V8 [begin]. More...
double ZBiasDistance (double z, double w) const


class CRhinoDisplayPipeline_GDI

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ON_Object
enum  UserDataConflictResolution : unsigned char {
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_object = 0, UserDataConflictResolution::source_object = 1, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_gt = 2, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_ge = 3,
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_gt = 4, UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_ge = 5, UserDataConflictResolution::delete_item = 6
- Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoDisplayEngine
double m__zbias_a = 0
 (near+far) More...
double m__zbias_b = 0
 (far-near) More...
double m__zbias_c = 0
 m__zbias_d*‍/(4*near*far) More...
double m__zbias_d = 0
 parallel proj bias or 0 for no zbias More...
bool m__zbias_use_d = true
 true to return constance bias More...
bool m_bInfiniteDepth = false
bool m_bInStereoMode = false
 Stereo viewing operations... More...
bool m_bUseMaterials = true
ON_Viewport m_Camera
ON_ClassArray< ON_Viewportm_CameraStack
float m_cliptol_x = 0.01f
float m_cliptol_y = 0.01f
float m_cliptol_z = 0.01f
 tolerance in clipping coordinates More...
CRhCurveAttributes m_curve_attrs
ON_SimpleArray< bool > m_depth_testing_stack
ON_SimpleArray< bool > m_depth_writing_stack
CRhinoDisplayPipelinem_dp = nullptr
float m_dpi_scale = 1.0f
 scaling for high resolution displays More...
int m_draw_speed = 0
 0 = accurate, 1 = fast, 2 = really More...
float m_fStereoParallax = 1.0f
float m_fStereoSeparation = 1.0f
HDC m_hDC = nullptr
 Device Context handle render target. More...
HWND m_hWnd = nullptr
 Engine display and drawing attributes... More...
ON_SimpleArray< ON_Xformm_modelview_matrix_stack
ON_SimpleArray< ON_Xformm_ModelXformStack
int m_nDisplayHeight = 0
int m_nDisplayWidth = 0
 Viewport size attributes... More...
class CRhDisplayEnginePrivatem_private = nullptr
float m_stol_x = 0.75f
float m_stol_y = 0.75f
float m_stol_z = 1.00f
 screen buffer drawing tolerances More...
int m_wire_depth = 0

Detailed Description

Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates.


For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI() [1/2]

CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI ( )

◆ CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI() [2/2]

CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI ( class CRhVectorEngine *  )

◆ ~CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI()

virtual CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::~CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ClearFrameBuffer() [1/2]

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::ClearFrameBuffer ( const CRhinoDib dib)

Description: File the frame buffer with a bitmap image This function also clears the depth buffer for engines that support depth buffered drawing. Parameters: dib: [in] the image to draw into the frame buffer

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ ClearFrameBuffer() [2/2]

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::ClearFrameBuffer ( const ON_Color colorTopLeft,
const ON_Color colorBottomLeft,
const ON_Color colorTopRight,
const ON_Color colorBottomRight 

Description: Fill the frame buffer with a gradient between four corner colors This function also clears the depth buffer for engines that support depth buffered drawing. Parameters: colorTopLeft: [in] the color in the top-left corner of the frame buffer colorBottomLeft: [in] the color in the bottom-left corner of the frame buffer colorTopRight: [in] the color in the top-right corner of the frame buffer colorBottomRight: [in] the color in the bottom-right corner of the frame buffer

Implements CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ CopyBackBufferFrom()

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::CopyBackBufferFrom ( const CRhinoDib dib)

Description: Copy color information from a bitmap into the back buffer Parameters: dib: [in] bitmap that contains the color information Returns: true if successful

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ CopyBackBufferTo() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::CopyBackBufferTo ( CRhinoDib dib)

Description: Copy color information in back buffer to a bitmap Parameters: dib: [out] bitmap that is created with color information from back buffer Returns: true if successful

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ CopyBackBufferTo() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::CopyBackBufferTo ( HDC  hDC)

Description: Copy color information in back buffer to a device context Parameters: pDC: [in] device context that will get color information blitted into it Returns: true if successful

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ Draw2dLines()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::Draw2dLines ( const ON_2fPoint points,
int  count,
bool  asPolyline,
ON_Color  strokeColor,
float  strokeWidth,
RhinoDashStyle  style,
bool  xormode 

Description: Draw polyline defined in screen coordinates This is the low level 2d drawing routine used for drawing lines, rectangles,...

asPolylineif false, each point pair is treated as independent lines

Implements CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawBezier()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawBezier ( int  dim,
BOOL32  bIsRational,
int  order,
int  cv_stride,
const double *  cv4d,
const CRhCurveAttributes attrs 

Description: Draw a bezier curve Parameters: dim: [in] bIsRational: [in] order: [in] cv_stride: [in] number of doubles between CVs (>=4) cv4d: [in] 4d homogeneous world coordinate CVs attrs: [in] attributes for the curve

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawBitmap()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawBitmap ( const CRhinoDib dib,
int  nX,
int  nY 

Description: Draw a bitmap Parameters: dib: [in] the bitmap to draw nX: [in] screen coordinate left location to draw top-left corner of dib nY: [in] screen coordinate top location to draw top-left corner of dib mask: [in] if set to a color, the dib is drawn using a color mask for transparency

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawCurve()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawCurve ( const ON_Curve curve,
const class CRhinoDisplayPen &  pen,
CRhinoCacheHandle cacheHandle 

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawDot()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawDot ( const ON_TextDot dot,
bool  locationInWorld,
ON_Color  fillColor,
ON_Color  textColor,
ON_Color  borderColor,
class CRhinoCacheHandle cache 

Implements CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawHatch() [1/2]

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawHatch ( const ON_Hatch hatch,
const class CRhinoDisplayBrush *  fillBrush,
const class CRhinoDisplayPen *  boundaryPen,
CRhinoCacheHandle cacheHandle 

Do not call - placeholder virtual function in order to improve hatch display without breaking SDK.

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawHatch() [2/2]

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawHatch ( const ON_Hatch hatch,
const ON_HatchPattern pattern,
float  strokeWidth,
ON_Color  hatchColor,
ON_Color  boundaryColor,
CRhinoCacheHandle cacheHandle 

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawMeshes()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawMeshes ( const ON_Mesh **  pMeshes,
int  count,
bool  wires,
bool  shaded,
const CDisplayPipelineAttributes ,
CRhinoCacheHandle cacheHandle 

◆ DrawPoints()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawPoints ( int  count,
const class CRhPointData *  points,
CRhinoCacheHandle cache 

Implements CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawPolygon()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawPolygon ( const ON_3dPoint points,
int  count,
ON_Color  color,
bool  bFilled 

Description: Draw a polygon using a set of points for the polygon border Parameters: points: [in] array of points in world coordinates to use for polygon border count: [in] number of elements in points array color: [in] draw color bFilled: [in] true = draw the polygon as a filled shape false = just draw the polygon border

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawPolylines()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawPolylines ( const CRhinoClippingVertexCollection *  lists,
int  count 

◆ DrawRoundedRectangle()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawRoundedRectangle ( ON_2fPoint  screenCenter,
float  pixelWidth,
float  pixelHeight,
float  cornerRadius,
ON_Color  strokeColor,
float  strokeWidth,
ON_Color  fillColor 

Implements CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawString() [1/3]

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawString ( const ON_TextContent text,
const ON_Xform textXform,
ON_Color  color,
CRhinoCacheHandle cache 

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawString() [2/3]

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawString ( const wchar_t *  text,
const ON_Color textColor,
const ON_2dPoint point,
bool  middle,
float  fontHeightPixels,
const ON_Font font 

Description: Draws text with specified color, font and height

Implements CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawString() [3/3]

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawString ( const wchar_t *  text,
const ON_Xform xf,
const ON_Font font,
const ON_Color color,
ON::TextHorizontalAlignment  horizontalAlignment,
ON::TextVerticalAlignment  verticalAlignment,
CRhinoCacheHandle cache 

Implements CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawTexturedPlane() [1/2]

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawTexturedPlane ( const CRhinoDib image,
const ON_2dPoint screenLowerLeft,
const ON_2dPoint screenLowerRight,
const ON_2dPoint screenUpperRight,
const ON_2dPoint screenUpperLeft 
) const

◆ DrawTexturedPlane() [2/2]

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawTexturedPlane ( const CRhinoDib image,
const ON_Plane plane,
ON_Interval  domain_horz,
ON_Interval  domain_vert 
) const

◆ DrawTraceImage()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawTraceImage ( const class CRhTraceImage &  traceimage)

Description: Draws background bitmap image onto the construction plane.

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ DrawWallpaper()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::DrawWallpaper ( const class CRhWallpaper &  wallpaper)

Description: Draws wallpaper image into the back buffer.

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ GetBackBuffer()

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::GetBackBuffer ( CRhinoDib )

Engine buffers support...

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ MaxClipPlanesSupported()

int CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::MaxClipPlanesSupported ( ) const

Returns: The maximum number of user defined clipping planes supported. This does not include the standard view frustum clipping planes. OpenGL and Direct3D will support different numbers of clipping planes based on the installed graphics card.

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ NotifyFrameSizeChanged()

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::NotifyFrameSizeChanged ( int  nWidth,
int  nHeight 

Description: Tell the engine that the size of the rectangle that it draws to has changed.

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ ResetEngine()

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::ResetEngine ( )

Description: Should reset the engine back to some initial state...but at the same time try to maintain current state (ie. opened or closed). Typically this means saving the current state, shutting down the engine and then restarting the engine with the saved state

This is typically only used for things like changing the multisampling modes for an engine Returns: true if the reset operation was successful

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ RestoreBackBuffer()

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::RestoreBackBuffer ( )

Returns: true if a saved back buffer was successfully restored to the back buffer

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ RestoreGraphicsState()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::RestoreGraphicsState ( )

Mac only; does nothing on MS Windows.

◆ SaveBackBuffer()

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::SaveBackBuffer ( )

Returns: true if this engine successfully saved back buffer color information to a location that can be retrieved at a later time

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ SaveGraphicsState()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::SaveGraphicsState ( )

Mac only; does nothing on MS Windows.

◆ SetClipRect()

const ON_4iRect CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::SetClipRect ( const ON_4iRect clipRect)

Used in printing code to set up clip regions.

◆ ShutdownEngine()

void CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::ShutdownEngine ( )

Description: Should completely shutdown and destroy everything associated with this engine... This includes any runtime buffers, dibs, or rendering contexts

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ StartEngine()

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::StartEngine ( )

Engine initialization and cleanup operations...

Description: At the very beginning of drawing each frame the pipeline will call StartEngine to allow the engine to perform any required initializaion or context enabling

All subclasses that override this function should call this base class version of the function. Returns: True if the engine was successfully "started". False if something went wrong. If the function returns false, the pipeline will not be able to draw a frame.

Reimplemented from CRhinoDisplayEngine.

◆ VectorEngineAttached()

bool CRhinoDisplayEngine_GDI::VectorEngineAttached ( ) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CRhinoDisplayPipeline_GDI

friend class CRhinoDisplayPipeline_GDI