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GH_Parser Class

Provides parsing methods for the Grasshopper Markdown flavour.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Grasshopper.Documentation
Assembly:  Grasshopper (in Grasshopper.dll)
public class GH_Parser

The GH_Parser type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberWhitespace
Gets an array of characters that are considered to be whitespace. At the moment, this array contains the space char and the tab char, it does not contain feeds or breaks.
Public methodStatic memberIsChapterHeaderLine
Test whether a line represents a chapter header underline. Chapter header underlines contain at least 4 consecutive equals symbols preceded or followed by any amount of white space.
Public methodStatic memberIsCommentLine
Test whether a line is a comment. Commented lines begin with double slashes (//) and are ignored during parsing.
Public methodStatic memberIsLinkLine(String)
Test whether a line represents a referenced link target. Note; this is a quick check. The link might still be invalid, use the IsLinkLine overload to include validity checks.
Public methodStatic memberIsLinkLine(String, String, String, String)
Test whether a line represents a referenced link target.
Public methodStatic memberIsListLine
Test whether a line contains a list item.
Public methodStatic memberIsParagraphHeaderLine
Test whether a line represents a paragraph header underline. Paragraph header underlines contain at least 4 consecutive dashes preceded or followed by any amount of white space.
Public methodStatic memberIsQuoteLine
Test whether a line is a block quote line. Block quotes start with a larger than symbol.
Public methodStatic memberStringToFragment
Parse a block of text and return it as an interpreted IGH_Fragment.
See Also