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Param_ModelUnitSystem Methods

The Param_ModelUnitSystem type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddedToDocument
This method will be called when an object is added to a document. Override this method if you want to handle such events.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodAddRuntimeMessage
Add a new message to this object. Valid message type flags are Warning and Error. If the Message string is empty or zero-length no message is added.
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public methodAddSource(IGH_Param)
Append a new Source parameter to the end of the Sources list. Sources provide this parameter with data at runtime.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodAddSource(IGH_Param, Int32)
Insert a new Source parameter into the Sources list. Sources provide this parameter with data at runtime.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodAddVolatileData(GH_Path, Int32, T) (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodAddVolatileData(GH_Path, Int32, Object)
Inserts an item of volatile data into the data structure.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodAddVolatileDataList(GH_Path, List<T>) (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodAddVolatileDataList(GH_Path, IEnumerable) (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodAddVolatileDataTree(GH_Structure<T>) (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodAddVolatileDataTree(IGH_Structure) (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodAppendAdditionalMenuItems (Inherited from GH_PersistentParam<T>.)
Public methodAppendMenuItems
This function is called when a context menu is about to be displayed. Override it to set custom items. GH_ActiveObject will already populate the menu with default items, if you merely wish to insert object-specific menu item, consider overriding AppendAdditionalMenuItems instead.
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public methodClearData (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodClearProxySources
Remove all proxy sources without attempting to relink them.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodClearRuntimeMessages
Destroy all warning and error lists
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public methodCollectData (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodComputeData (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodCopyFrom
Copy all fields (except the instance ID) from another instance description.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public methodCreateAttributes (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodCreateProxySources
Convert all proper source parameters into proxy sources.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodDependsOn (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodDocumentContextChanged
This method will be called when the document that owns this object moves into a different context.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodExpirePreview
Call this function when you suspect that the preview has expired for this object. This will cause the display cache to be eradicated.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodExpireSolution
Informs the document that owns this object that the solution has expired. The current object will be set to BLANK as a result. This method is recursive, it will also expire any and all objects which depend on this object. If you want a less destructive expiration, consider using ClearData(). If this object is already Blank, you should consider not expiring it.
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public methodExpireSolutionTopLevel
Invoke the Expiresolution(bool) method on the toplevel object.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodIsolateObject (Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodMovedBetweenDocuments
This method will be called when an object is moved from one document to another. Override this method if you want to handle such events.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodNewInstanceGuid()
Generate a new random instance GUID
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public methodNewInstanceGuid(Guid)
Set the instance ID to be a specific GUID. This is very dangerous, only use this function if you're 6"4' and your first name is David.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public methodOnAttributesChanged
Raises the AttributesChanged event on the toplevel object.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnDisplayExpired
Raises the DisplayExpired event on the toplevel object.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnObjectChanged(GH_ObjectChangedEventArgs) (Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnObjectChanged(GH_ObjectEventType) (Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnObjectChanged(String) (Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnObjectChanged(GH_ObjectEventType, Object) (Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnObjectChanged(String, Object) (Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnPingDocument
Raise the PingDocument Event on the toplevel object and try to find the document which owns this object.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnPreviewExpired
Raises the PreviewExpired event on the toplevel object.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodOnSolutionExpired
Raises the SolutionExpired event on the toplevel object. You probably want to call ExpireSolution() instead of this method directly.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodRead (Inherited from GH_PersistentParam<T>.)
Public methodReadFull
GH_InstanceDescription does not by default serialize all fields. Use this function to read all fields from the archive. This method is compatible with the default Write()/Read() operations.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
Public methodRecordUndoEvent(GH_UndoRecord)
Record an entire undo record.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodRecordUndoEvent(String)
Record a generic object change undo event.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodRecordUndoEvent(String, IGH_UndoAction)
Record a specific object change undo event.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodRegisterRemoteIDs
Override this function if you want object changes in the Rhino document to trigger a new solution.
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public methodRelinkProxySources
Attempt to replace all proxy sources with real sources. Proxy sources are used during file IO, when actual sources might not be available yet. Once an IO operation has been completed there should be no more proxy sources.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodRemoveAllSources
Remove all sources from this parameter.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodRemovedFromDocument
This method will be called when an object is removed from a document. Override this method if you want to handle such events.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodRemoveEffects
Remove all post-process effects. Note to implementors, you must call the base method if you override this function.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodRemoveSource(Guid)
Remove the specified source from this parameter.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodRemoveSource(IGH_Param)
Remove the specified source from this parameter.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodReplaceSource(Guid, IGH_Param)
Replace an existing source with a new one. If the old_source does not exist in this parameter, nothing happens.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodReplaceSource(IGH_Param, IGH_Param)
Replace an existing source with a new one. If the old_source does not exist in this parameter, nothing happens.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodRuntimeMessages
Gets the list of cached runtime messages that were recorded during solver-time processes.
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public methodSDKCompliancy
Test whether this object is compliant with a given Rhino version.
(Inherited from GH_ActiveObject.)
Public methodSetIconOverride
Set a new custom icon override for this object.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodSetPersistentData(T)
Add a single item to the persistent data. This method will record an undo event, raise the OnObjectChanged event for PersistentData flags and place a call to ExpireSolution(False). If you want to add more than one piece of data, you should use the appropriate overload for this method.
(Inherited from GH_PersistentParam<T>.)
Public methodSetPersistentData(GH_Structure<T>)
Assign a tree of items to the persistent data. This method will erase any existing data, record an undo event, raise the OnObjectChanged event for PersistentData flags and place a call to ExpireSolution(False). If you want to add a tree of data, you should use the appropriate overload for this method.
(Inherited from GH_PersistentParam<T>.)
Public methodSetPersistentData(IEnumerable<T>)
Assign a list of items to the persistent data. This method will erase any existing data, record an undo event, raise the OnObjectChanged event for PersistentData flags and place a call to ExpireSolution(False). If you want to add a tree of data, you should use the appropriate overload for this method.
(Inherited from GH_PersistentParam<T>.)
Public methodSetPersistentData(Object[])
Add a collection of values to the persistent data.
(Inherited from GH_PersistentParam<T>.)
Public methodSetPrincipal
Set the principal parameter state.
(Inherited from GH_Param<T>.)
Public methodTriggerAutoSave()
Triggers the AutoSave function on the owner document with the object_changed flag.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodTriggerAutoSave(GH_AutoSaveTrigger)
Triggers the AutoSave function on the owner document with a custom flag.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodTriggerAutoSave(Guid)
Triggers the AutoSave function on the owner document with the object_changed flag.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodTriggerAutoSave(GH_AutoSaveTrigger, Guid)
Triggers the AutoSave function on the owner document with a custom flag.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public methodWrite (Inherited from GH_PersistentParam<T>.)
Public methodWriteFull
GH_InstanceDescription does not by default serialize all fields. Use this function to write all fields to the archive. This method is compatible with the default Write()/Read() operations.
(Inherited from GH_InstanceDescription.)
See Also