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Grasshopper.Kernel.Types Namespace

Contains all default data types that ship with Grasshopper.
Public classGH_AngularDimension
Represents an implementation of a Rhino angular dimension.
Public classGH_AnnotationBase
Represents an implementation of a Rhino annotation base class.
Public classGH_Arc
Represents a 3D circular arc. GH_Arc re-implements the OpenNURBS OnArc class.
Public classGH_Boolean
Represents a boolean value. GH_Boolean re-implements the framework System.Boolean type.
Public classGH_Box
Represents a 3D oriented Box volume.
Public classGH_BoxGH_BoxProxy
Public classGH_Brep
Represents a 3D polysurface. GH_Brep wraps the functionality of the OpenNURBS OnBrep class.
Public classGH_BrepGH_BrepProxy
Public classGH_Centermark
Represents an implementation of a Rhino centermark.
Public classGH_Circle
Represents a 3D circle. GH_Circle re-implements the OpenNURBS OnCircle class.
Public classGH_CircleGH_CircleProxy
Proxy description of GH_Circle class. This class is used by the Generic Multivalue interfaces.
Public classGH_Colour
Represents an ARGB colour. GH_Colour re-implements the framework System.Drawing.Color type.
Public classGH_ComplexNumber
Wraps up the Complex data type for IGH_Goo adherence.
Public classGH_Culture
Represents a globally unique identifier. GH_Guid re-implements the framework System.Guid type.
Public classGH_Curve
Represents a 3D spline curve.
Public classGH_CurveGH_CurveProxy
Proxy description of GH_Curve class. This class is used by the Generic Multivalue interfaces.
Public classGH_DetailView
Represents a Rhino model detail view. Wraps the functionality of the DetailView type.
Public classGH_Dimension
Represents an implementation of a Rhino dimension base class.
Public classGH_Extrusion
Represents a 3D extrusion. GH_Extrusion wraps the functionality of the OpenNURBS OnExtrusion class.
Public classGH_Field
Represents a field of forces.
Public classGH_FieldElement
Abstract implementation of IGH_FieldElement, derive from this class rather than implementing IGH_FieldElement to save yourself time and effort.
Public classGH_GeometricGooT
Abstract base implementation of IGH_GeometricGoo. If you implement IGH_GeometricGoo, use this for a booster.
Public classGH_GeometricGooWrapper
Utility class for maintaining all kinds of IGH_GeometricGoo types.
Public classGH_GeometryGroup
Public classGH_GeometryGroupGH_GeometryGroupProxy
Public classGH_GooT
Base class for IGH_Goo implementation. Takes care of some default behaviour.
Public classGH_GooProxyT
Abstract base implementation of IGH_GooProxy
Public classGH_Guid
Represents a globally unique identifier. GH_Guid re-implements the framework System.Guid type.
Public classGH_Hatch
Represents an implementation of a Rhino hatch.
Public classGH_InstanceReference
Represents block instance reference. Wraps the functionality of the InstanceReferenceGeometry type.
Public classGH_Integer
Represents a 32-bit signed integer. GH_Integer re-implements the framework System.Int32 type.
Public classGH_Interval
Represents a one-dimensional numeric domain.
Public classGH_Interval2D
Represents a two-dimensional numeric domain.
Public classGH_Interval2DGH_Interval2DProxy
Proxy description of GH_Interval class. This class is used by the Generic Multivalue interfaces.
Public classGH_Leader
Represents an implementation of a Rhino leader.
Public classGH_Light
Represents an implementation of a Rhino Light class.
Public classGH_Line
Represents a 3D line segment. GH_Line re-implements the OpenNURBS OnLine class.
Public classGH_LineGH_LineProxy
Proxy description of GH_Line class. This class is used by the Generic Multivalue interfaces.
Public classGH_LinearDimension
Represents an implementation of a Rhino linear dimension.
Public classGH_LineCharge
Line charge implementation for IGH_Fields.
Public classGH_LonLatCoordinate
Public classGH_Material
Represents a implementation of the Rhino material
Public classGH_MaterialGH_Material_Proxy
Public classGH_Matrix
Represents a rectangular numeric matrix. GH_Integer re-implements Rhino.Geometry.Matrix.
Public classGH_Mesh
Represents a 3D polygonal mesh composed of quads and tris. GH_MEsh wraps the functionality of the OpenNURBS OnMesh class.
Public classGH_MeshGH_MeshProxy
Public classGH_MeshFace
Represents a tri or quad mesh face. GH_MeshFace works similar to the OpenNURBS OnMeshFace class.
Public classGH_MeshFaceGH_MeshFaceProxy
Proxy description of GH_MeshFace class. This class is used by the Generic Multivalue interfaces.
Public classGH_MeshingParameters
Public classGH_MeshingParametersRhMesherSettings_Proxy
Public classGH_Number
Represents a double-precision floating point number. GH_Number re-implements the framework System.Double type.
Public classGH_ObjectWrapper
Public classGH_OrdinateDimension
Represents an implementation of a Rhino ordinate dimension.
Public classGH_Plane
Represents a 3D plane. GH_Plane re-implements the OpenNURBS OnPlane class.
Public classGH_PlaneGH_PlaneProxy
Proxy description of GH_Plane class. This class is used by the Generic Multivalue interfaces.
Public classGH_Point
Public classGH_PointGH_PointProxy
Public classGH_PointCharge
Point charge implementation for IGH_Fields.
Public classGH_PointCloud
Represents a point cloud.
Public classGH_PointRefData
Public classGH_PointUtil
Public classGH_Predicate
Public classGH_RadialDimension
Represents an implementation of a Rhino radial dimension.
Public classGH_Rectangle
Represents a 3D rectangle. GH_Rectangle re-implements the RhinoCommon Rectangle3d.
Public classGH_RectangleGH_RectangleProxy
Proxy description of GH_Rectangle class. This class is used by the Generic Multivalue interfaces.
Public classGH_SpinForce
Rotational spin force for IGH_Fields.
Public classGH_String
Represents a literal string. GH_String re-implements the framework System.String type.
Public classGH_StructurePath
Public classGH_SubD
Represents a 3D subdivision surface.
Public classGH_Surface
Represents a 3D (trimmed) surface. GH_Surface wraps the functionality of the OpenNURBS OnBrepFace class.
Public classGH_SurfaceGH_SurfaceProxy
Public classGH_TextDot
Represents an implementation of a Rhino text dot.
Public classGH_TextEntity
Represents an implementation of a Rhino text entity.
Public classGH_Time
Represents a date and time. GH_Time re-implements the framework System.DateTime type.
Public classGH_Transform
Represents a collection of transformations.
Public classGH_Vector
Represents a 3D vector. GH_Vector re-implements the RhinoCommon Vector3d struct.
Public classGH_VectorGH_VectorProxy
Proxy description of GH_Vector class. This class is used by the Generic Multivalue interfaces.
Public classGH_VectorForce
Linear vector force implementation for IGH_Fields.
Public structureComplex
Complex number type in Grasshopper. Do not confuse with GH_Complex which is the IGH_Goo implementation of ComplexNumber.
Public structureUVInterval
UVInterval data type. Do not confuse this with GH_Interval2D.
Public interfaceIGH_FieldElement
Represents the basic interface for field elements.
Public interfaceIGH_GeometricGoo
Base interface for all Data inside Grasshoper that could pass for Geometry
Public interfaceIGH_Goo
Base interface for all Data inside Grasshopper. Every parameter must implement a type of Goo.
Public interfaceIGH_GooProxy
Base interface for all type proxies.
Public interfaceIGH_ReferencedData
Public enumerationGH_DifferentialSolver
Enumerates all implemented differential samplers.
Public enumerationGH_MaterialMaterialType
Enumerates the possible material types.
Public enumerationGH_PointRefType