Replaces one object with new curve object.
Replaces one object with new brep object.
Replaces one object with new curve object.
Replaces one object with new curve object.
Replaces one object with new extrusion object.
Replaces the geometry in one object.
- objref
- Type: ObjRef
- reference to old object to be replaced. The objref.Object() will be deleted.
- geometry
- Type: GeometryBase
- ignoreModes
- Type: bool
Replaces one object with new hatch object.
Replaces one object with new text object.
Replaces one object with new line curve object.
Replaces one object with new mesh object.
Replaces one object with new point object.
Replaces one object with new point object.
Replaces one object with new point cloud object.
- objref
- Type: ObjRef
- reference to old object to be replaced. The objref.Object() will be deleted.
- pointcloud
- Type: PointCloud
- new point cloud to be added A duplicate of the point cloud is added to the Rhino model.
Replaces one object with new curve object.
Replaces one object with another. Conceptually, this function is the same as calling Setting new_object attributes = old_object attributes DeleteObject(old_object); AddObject(old_object);
- objref
- Type: ObjRef
- reference to old object to be replaced. The objref.Object() will be deleted.
- newObject
- Type: RhinoObject
- new replacement object - must not be in document.
Replaces one object with a new SubD object.
Replaces one object with new surface object.
Replaces one object with new text dot object.
Replaces one object with new text object.
- objref
- Type: ObjRef
- Reference to old object to be replaced. The object objref.Object() will be deleted.
- text
- Type: TextEntity
- new text to be added. The text is copied.
Replaces one object with new curve object.
Replaces one object with new brep object.
Replaces one object with new curve object.
Replaces one object with new curve object.
Replaces one object with new extrusion object.
Replaces the geometry in one object.
- objectId
- Type: System.Guid
- Id of object to be replaced.
- geometry
- Type: GeometryBase
- ignoreModes
- Type: bool
Replaces one object with new hatch object.
Replaces one object with new text object.
Replaces one object with new line curve object.
Replaces one object with new mesh object.
Replaces one object with new point object.
Replaces one object with new point object.
Replaces one object with new point cloud object.
- objectId
- Type: System.Guid
- Id of object to be replaced.
- pointcloud
- Type: PointCloud
- new point cloud to be added A duplicate of the point cloud is added to the Rhino model.
Replaces one object with new curve object.
Replaces one object with new subd object.
Replaces one object with new surface object.
Replaces one object with new text dot object.
Replaces one object with new text object.
- objectId
- Type: System.Guid
- Id of object to be replaced.
- text
- Type: TextEntity
- new text to be added. The text is copied.